• Published 13th Jun 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - extremeenigma02

The Cutie Mark Crusaders feel like they aren't being taken seriously by anypony because they are children. To prove themselves, they join the Mane Six on a new adventure to the town of Bikini Bottom where they meet a very energetic talking sponge

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Bikini Bottom

Ahh… Bonjour, salut, and welcome to this quiet corner of the ocean floor, teeming with all the many kinds of undersea life. It is here we find the sub-marine habitat known as… Bikini Bottom. Let us observe now as the sun rises on a new nautical day. Here, we see an ordinary cluster of kelp. And here… A common clumping of coral. And here…

HEY BUDDY! Hold everything!

Uh… Who are you?

We’re the two narrators of this rendition!

Now see here monsieur. I’ve been narrating these parts for many years. That title goes to moi.

Why don’t you speak English pal…!

Now, now, now! Let’s not start another war! We are very sorry sir. We’re part of the Cinematic Adventures narrating team, perhaps a collaboration is in order?

Hmm… Well if you must insist.

*Motions the first narrator to the second*



Well, this ought to be good… Let’s proceed:

A mass amount of bubbles explode throughout the clear blue water, as the portal opened. Out from this portal swam a group of multi-colored sea ponies and a pufferfish. Twilight emerged first, followed by Spike, the rest of the Mane Six, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Having never gone through a portal through the water before, they hurdled out the other side like torpedoes fired from a submarine.


The group dive headfirst into the sand below, groaning in pain. They all sat up, some with large amounts of sand spilling out of their mouths.

“Is every pony okay?” Twilight groaned.

“When I can finally feel my face again, you’ll know,” Rainbow replied, feeling her face. “Nope… Nothing.”

“Is that what it’s like going through a portal all the time?” Scootaloo asked, shaking off the dizziness.

“Not usually darling,” Rarity replied. “Normally landings are much smoother and less painful.”

The group slowly pick themselves off the ground, as they continue to groan pain. As their eyes look ahead of them, they widen at the odd sight before them. There, nestled on a giant sand bed, laid what looked like a tiny town. There appeared to be some giant anchor in the middle, as well as a lighthouse and large propeller. The entire place looked as if it were made of junk thrown carelessly in the ocean, in a manner of speaking.

They all look toward each other in confusion, before floating toward the little sign attached to a stick, which appeared to look reminiscent of a life preserver. They read out the name of the town imprinted on it, and a rather odd name is was.

“’Bikini Bottom’?” Rainbow questioned.

“And some ponies think the names of our towns and cities sound weird,” Apple Bloom remarked.

“Now who in the world would name a town after a piece of swimwear?” Rarity asked.

“And why the bottom part?” Spike added.

Probably because if it were named for the top part, it wouldn’t really be a kid show.

… Okay, what is his problem?

Don’t ask…

Ignoring her friends for a moment, Twilight Sparkle took the time to scope out the entire landscape of the ocean floor. Aside from the town, there was hardly anything out of the ordinary. Nothing but sand, rocks, and coral stretching for miles in every direction.

Why would Cozy Glow come here of all places?” Twilight wondered.

“Um, excuse me, Twilight,” Fluttershy spoke up. “I apologize for bothering you, but I was wondering what the next step of our plan is.”

“Well, it looks as if this little town is the only place we can go for the time being,” Twilight answered.

“I reckon we oughtta head down there, see if any of the locals can help us,” Applejack suggested.

“I just hope they don’t mind that we’re sea ponies,” Sweetie Belle said.

With Twilight taking the lead, the group swam towards the cozy little town. As they drew nearer, they noticed the few buildings residing just along the outskirts of town. Well, perhaps not buildingsper say: A singular rock, a Tiki house, and for some reason one house resembled a pineapple. Just seeing this particular house left them with many questions.

“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” Twilight asked, curiously.

“Beats me,” Rainbow Dash said, scratching her neck. “How do you even live in a pineapple in the first place?”

“Ah know what ya mean, Rainbow,” Applejack agreed, shaking her head. “Our farm’s called Sweet Apple Acres and all, but even we don’t live in no giant apple.”

“Yah can say that again, sis,” Apple Bloom nodded.

“I guess we may as well see if anyone’s home,” Twilight smiled.

Twilight swam toward the pineapple house, as all her friends followed. When they arrived at the door, Twilight extended her hoof and gave a few knocks at the door.

And here, this fruit is home to one of the most fascinating sea creatures of all. Aplysina fistularis—


The yellow sponge!

“Oh hello!” He said, kindly.

The girls and Spike had to pick their jaws off the ground when they noticed who the inhabitant of this house was. Standing before them was a squishy, yellow sponge dressed in a nice white shirt and red tie. He wore brown square-shaped pant, complete with white songs and black shoes. He had a big happy grin on his face, which showcased his two buck teeth. After a moment of shock and confusion, Twilight finally said something.

“Oh—Well um—Hello there,” Twilight spoke, nervously.

“Wow, this is a fun surprise!” The sponge giggled. “Not every day I get sea horses knocking on my door; hmm, never met a talking sea horse though. Well, I used to have this one pet sea horse named Mystery… But that’s a long story.”

“Actually Mr. Talking Sponge, sir, we’re actually sea ‘ponies’,” Pinkie corrected, with a smile. “But it’s a common mistake. Anyway, I’m Pinkie Pie and we only just met but would you want to be friends with me?”

Pinkie Pie extends a hoof to shake his hand, the Sponge eagerly shook her hand so fast and they shook so hard the ocean began to swirl.

“Sure, I’d like to be your friend missy,” The sponge replied, happily. “I’m always glad to welcome new friends. And who are you guys?”

Once the two finally stopped, the group decided that this was indeed a good idea for introductions.

“Well sir, my name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight introduced, turning to Pinkie. “You already met Pinkie Pie.”

“The name’s Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow slid in, bragging. “Equestria’s fastest flier ever!”

“I’m Applejack, pleasure to meet ya,” Applejack tipped her hat.

“My name is Rarity, charmed to meet you,” Rarity bowed, gracefully.

“A-And I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy whispered, very quietly.

“I’m Spike,” The little dragon-turned-pufferfish introduced.

Soon it was the Cutie Mark Crusaders turn, as they swam up to greet the talking sponge with a wave.

“We’re Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo,” They introduced, in unison. “And we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

The sponge let out a very giddy, happy laugh after such an introduction.


“Well, it’s very nice to meet you all,” The sponge said. “My name is SpongeBob SquarePants; you can call me SpongeBob.”

“Wow, cool name!” Scootaloo complimented.

“Would you like to come in?” SpongeBob invited.

The group nodded and SpongeBob leads them inside his home. From the inside, no one could tell this place was actually some fruit on the outside. It actually resembled a house complete with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and just about everything a regular house needs. The group were amazed at it all.

“So, what brings you all to Bikini Bottom?” SpongeBob asked.

“Well, you see Mr. SquarePants…” Twilight began.

“Oh no, no, no, no. Please just ‘SpongeBob’ will do. Mr. SquarePants is my father, he’s a very nice guy.”

“Oh yes, of course,” Twilight chuckled. “Anyways… ‘SpongeBob’, we’re trying to find something very important for the underwater kingdom of our homeland’s Equestria. Seaquestria, to be specific.”

SpongeBob squinted as he rubbed his chin with his little yellow hand. Clearly he never heard of a place called Equestria before, certainly never met talking sea ponies either. Then again, with all the number of fish and odd creatures the sea has to offer, he really wasn’t all too surprised.

“Sorry, but I never heard of an Equestria before,” He remarked. “Not even a ‘Seaquestria’ before, but it sounds lovely. I should book a vacation there.”

“Well… That’s going to be tough,” Twilight replied, with a shrug. “It’s in an entirely different world… Or dimension.”

“Huh, that makes sense… No wonder I never heard of it. Any who, how did you gets even get here?”

“To make a long story short: An old enemy of ours stole a very important artifact from the underwater kingdom, the Queen entrusted us to get it back by opening a portal to this place.”

“Whoa…” SpongeBob gasped, surprised. “So… Since you’re here, do you guys have any place to stay?”

The group just shook their heads ‘no’. SpongeBob looked around his pineapple, before turning back toward the group with a big smile on his face.

“Well, I don’t know about any old enemies coming in these parts,” SpongeBob began. “But you’re more than welcome to stay here with me until we find that important artifact of yours. Then we’ll see about getting you guys back home.”

The CMC all got huge smiles on their faces, as they swam up toward SpongeBob.

“You really mean that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I sure do! It’s friends do for each other.”

“Ya’ll already see us as friends?” Apple Bloom smiled.

“Of course! As I said, I love making new friends in Bikini Bottom.”

The CMC all squealed in delight, as they hugged SpongeBob so tightly his head practically inflated from the pressure. But the little sea sponge giggled, as he hugged them back before they let go and SpongeBob resumes his normal shape.

“Say, how’s about I give you the grand tour of Bikini Bottom?!” SpongeBob offered.

“That would be wonderful, SpongeBob!” Fluttershy smiled.

“And super-duper helpful in our adventure too!” Pinkie added.

“Hmm… There’s only way to do this properly,” SpongeBob thought, scratching his head.

“In what way is that darling?” Rarity asked.

“… In song form!”

SpongeBob bounds up the stairs to his bedroom, as the rest of the group quickly follows him. Once he lands on his bed, he springs toward the ceiling bursting into a cheery song.


SpongeBob then lands on his feet just inches from the group. A little blue snail with a pinkie shell with a purple swirl slithers up toward the bed where a little food bowl rested. This was Gary the Snail, who gave a cute little ‘meow’ like a cat, as SpongeBob heads down the kitchen to grab some snail food. Fluttershy, meanwhile, fawns over Gary and his cuteness.

“Aww, such a cue little snail. Yes, you are. Yes, you are!”

Gary smirked and started to purr as Fluttershy hugged him. SpongeBob then grabs a can of Gary’s favorite food as the CMC watch him at work. SpongeBob gives a salute to the girls, who salutes back. Then he grabs the can opener and starts to open the can, swirling it while wiggling his hips.

After getting the can open, SpongeBob does a little dance with a laugh as he takes a scoop of the food onto a nearby spatula. SpongeBob flips the lump of Gary’s food, sending it high into the air and it lands directly into Gary’s bowl with a splat. The little snail happily eats vigorously as SpongeBob hands Apple Bloom the spatula, as she waves it like an orchestra conductor.

As he sings, SpongeBob stretches his hand all the way across his home toward the bathroom. He then pulls his arm back, clutching a toothbrush, which he uses to brush Gary’s eyes much to Twilight’s surprise. When he’s done, he hands the toothbrush over toward Apple Bloom as she danced by… More like ‘floated’ by.

The group follow SpongeBob out of his house, as he starts to walk down the road. But first, he comes to a stop in front of the big rock. The rock itself slowly rose up until it laid on its side, as a single pink starfish, wearing green trunks, with purple splotches lying lazily on the bottom. This was Patrick Star, SpongeBob’s best friend in the whole ocean.

“Good morning, Patrick!” SpongeBob greeted cheerily.

“Is it morning already?” Patrick yawned.

“It sure is buddy and I’d like to introduce you to some new friends!”

Patrick leapt off the bottom of his rock, tumbling in front of SpongeBob and the girls.

“Patrick, this is Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Ladies… And gentleman, this is my best buddy Patrick!”

The group wave at the pink starfish, who upon seeing them, grew a huge smile and ran forth to hug them all in a bone-crushing embrace.

“Oh, it’s so exciting to meet new friends!” Patrick said, happily.

The group, aside from Pinkie, groaned at the force the way Patrick hugged them. When he finally put them down, they all took heavy breaths as Twilight helped them mend their broken bones.

“Yep, and I’m singing an opening number!” SpongeBob smiled.

“Ooh, ooh! I want a verse!” Patrick said, excited. “I want a verse!”

Patrick sits on his couch, trying to dance while seated. Then he grabs the remote control from behind his back. Mid-verse, Patrick changes the channels with the remote control, which made funny audio effects.

“No, Patrick, it’s a beautiful day!” SpongeBob corrected.

“And a lot of things rhyme with rock, silly!” Pinkie giggled.

“I don’t think so,” Patrick shook his head.

“Oh absolutely,” Twilight nodded. “Clock, smock, electroshock…”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash, SpongeBob, and Scootaloo gasp.

“Pop n’lock!” They said in unison.

The ponies and Spike join SpongeBob in an impromptu dance break, with Patrick and Rainbow Dash beatboxing. Just then, from out of the tiki house emerged a tall blue squid with a huge nose and wearing a tan shirt. He had a blank, bored look on his face, as he emerged from his house looking over his two neighbors.

“Would you two please keep it down?” He spoke.

“Good morning, Squidward!” SpongeBob and Patrick waved.

“Another day, another migraine…”

“It’s a great day, Squidward,” SpongeBob ensures. “In fact, I’d say this could be the best day ever!”

“You say that every day,” Squidward grumbled.

“And it’s always true! Bye, Patrick!”

Patrick waves goodbye to SpongeBob, as the latter locks arms at Squidward and smiles. The ponies and Spike couldn’t help but giggling.

“I’ll see you at work, Squidward.”

“What have I done to deserve this?”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Squidward sir!” Fluttershy said, politely.


As the group follow SpongeBob down the road towards Bikini Bottom, they couldn’t help but think back to what Squidward sang of SpongeBob and Patrick. He didn’t seem to like them that much, even though they seem to be two of the sweetest creatures they’ve ever met.

“Hey SpongeBob!” Twilight called.

“Yeah, Twilight?” SpongeBob replied.

“Why does Squidward talk down to you guys like that? He doesn’t seem very nice at all.”

“Oh, that’s just Squidward being Squidward,” SpongeBob giggled. “Don’t worry, he’s not always this bad… Usually, he’s a lot worse.”

Twilight and the others turned to each other, as if that were crazy. Back in Equestria, that sort of rubbish would never fly at all. Nevertheless, they just let it go and continue to follow SpongeBob down the road.

We now follow SpongeBob past the treedome; home to a creature seldom seen here on the ocean floor: A squirrel.

*First narrator is hit with a image of a squirrel* Hey!

From Texas…

*A cowboy hat falls on the other narrator’s head* Hey, my favorite color!

Soon enough, they heard a loud explosion and they turn towards a giant tree dome, as a creature emerged from the entrance. Dressed in a suit that resembled an astronaut’s, but for the ocean, this was Sandy Cheeks, Bikini Bottom’s resident genius and yes, a squirrel. They arrived just as she was hard at work on her latest invention: A jet pack.

“Hiya, Sandy!” SpongeBob greeted.

“Howdy, SpongeBob!” Sandy waved.
Sandy adjusts the jetpack along her back. The ponies and Spike clap after hearing that impressive high note. The squirrel genius turns toward the group, taken aback by this strange presence.

“What in chicken-fried tarnation are you?” Sandy asked.

“Pleased to meet you, Sandy was it?” Twilight replied, nodding. “Anyways, I’m Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends: Spike, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applejack.”

“Howdy ma’am,” Applejack tipped her hat.

“Pleased to meet ya,” Apple Bloom added.

“Hey! I recognize that slang anywhere!” Sandy gasped, excited. “I reckon you girls from Texas too!”

“Well, not in those words exactly,” Applejack shrugged.

“It’s kinda a long story,” Apple Bloom replied.

“Well, I sure’d like to hear it while you’re in town,” Sandy replied, then realizing. “’Scuse me, folks. Gotta get back to work on this here jetpack. Bye, SpongeBob!”

“Bye Sandy!” SpongeBob waved. “I’m off to work too, at the greatest restaurant there is!”

While Sandy Cheeks heads back into her tree dome, SpongeBob leads his friends as they continue to Bikini Bottom.


Meanwhile, on one part of the road, there are two restaurants sitting practically across from another, the street in between. One was called the Krusty Krab, the sign on a burger, and the other had ‘Chum Bucket’ written on a ‘literal’ bucket shaped restaurant.

Ah yes, the Krusty Krab, Bikini Bottom’s most popular dining establishment, home to the Krabby Patty.

*The two narrators see a Krusty Krab appear* Ooh…

Owned and operated by Mr. Eugene Krabs.

Emerging from the restaurant is Eugene Krabs, or simply ‘Mr. Krabs’ himself. Short, red, and overweight with tall eyestalks, a crinkled red-brown nose, large claws, and short, pointy legs with spikes visible from the back of the neck. He wore a light blue shirt and purple pants with a black belt.

And across town, the least popular restaurant – the Chum Bucket, run by Sheldon J. Plankton.

Sheldon J. Plankton appears overlooking Krabs from the window through a telescope. As his name suggests, he’s a tiny planktonic copepod who can fit in the palm of one’s hand. He has stubby appendages and one yellow eye with a red pupil. He has two long, skinny antennae with four small green spikes sticking out and one thick black eyebrow. It should be noted he has no ears or nose, nor even fingers or toes.

Hmm… Pint size.

Shh… *French narrator continues* Two arch-nemeses locked in a fast food Cold War.

Suddenly, a mobile computer screen with a thin line strolls toward Plankton. It speaks a feminine voice, as the line rumbles. This was Karen, Plankton’s ‘literal’ computer wife.

“With you, there’s always another plan,” Karen snarked.

“Quite, computer wife!” Plankton groaned. “This time, it’ll work! I’ll make everyone love my Chum Burgers through the power of hypnosis. It’s almost too easy…

Plankton pulls out a ‘Beginner’s Guide to Hypnosis’, while Karen hovers a magnifying glass in front of her husband for all to see.

“Soon they’ll all see; I may be small, but my genius is immense!” Plankton declared.

“Come on, Sheldon,” Karen replied. “It’d take forever to hypnotize this whole town.”

“You used to enjoy my evil schemes…”

“What can I say? After twenty years of marriage, the magic’s gone.”

Karen forms a frown on her screen, while Plankton groans. Meanwhile, the two rivals, unbeknownst to each other, are finishing their song.


Unaware of what’s going on, SpongeBob leads his new friends across the street passing through Bikini Bottom. Along the way he greats a few familiar faces who happen to be crossing the street that day.

“Good morning, Ms. Mayor!” SpongeBob greets.

“Oh, pipe down, I’m governing here!” The Mayor brushes off, browsing through her phone.

“Good morning, Mrs. Puff!”

“SpongeBob, please!” Mrs. Puff screams. “I almost spilled my kel-accino.”

“Hiya, Larry the Lobster!”

The lobster in question, a muscular creature with the figure of a bodybuilder with blue swim trunks, walks by holding a barbell while groaning.

“Watch where you’re going, puny dude!” Larry calls out, in a surfer voice. “I’m getting these claws swole!”

“Ooh!” Pinkie gasped, as her eyes widen.

Pinkie flexes her bicep, which grew instantly huge making every pony turn wide eyed, but not as surprised as Larry.

“Hey, want to arm wrestle?” Pinkie offered, raising her eyebrow.

“Uh… Maybe later, little dudette,” Larry replied, before walking away.

As they continue down the street, SpongeBob passes another fish walking down the street with a cane.

“Hi, Old Man Jenkins!” SpongeBob called out. “Hellooo!”

“Get off my lawn!” The old fish yelled.

SpongeBob found himself on his lawn, jumping off and pointing happily at each thing he passes.

“Hello, lawn! Hello, street! Greetings, critics! Hello, narrators writing all my lines!”

The two narrators turn to each other and awkwardly wave with a smile.

“Hello, everyone reading at home! Hello, sky! Hello, flowers! Hello, Bikini Bottom!

Soon, all of Bikini Bottom’s residents emerge, dancing around the street as the Equestrians look around in awe.

SpongeBob hops along a beach ball, wearing shades and sunbathing.

BAM! By the time they reached the Krusty Krab, passing all the dancing fish along the way, SpongeBob had kicked the doors open. A smile is on his face as he casually walks in along with his new friends.

“SpongeBob reporting for duty!” SpongeBob salutes. “I can’t wait for another fine day at the finest eating establishment ever established… For eating!”

Seeing as it wasn’t open yet, not a customer in sight, the only other occupant the group could see was Squidward at the counter by the cashier station. As usual, he was less enthusiastic and especially not happy even as SpongeBob took a spatula and handed it to him.

“And here I thought it was a third-rate greasepot…” Squidward replied, deadpanned.

“The ‘finest’ third-rate greasepot,” SpongeBob corrects, taking the spatula. “Where I am proud to be the Fry Cook of the Month.”

“Fry Cook of the Month!” Pinkie Pie gaped. “Wow, you must be the bestest fry cook in the entire ocean!”

“He’s the only fry cook!” Squidward yells, sighing.

“Where’s Mr. Krabs?” SpongeBob looks around. “I need to talk to him.”

“It’s ‘Take Your Kid To Work’ Day,” Squidward answers, nonchalant.

The ponies and Spike look around determining not only which one was Mr. Krabs, but also which one was his daughter. Apart from a crab in a sailor outfit entering the restaurant, which they guessed was the owner, they couldn’t recognize anyone that resembled him. All they could see beside him was some whale who is tall compared to the occupants.

She has blonde hair in a ponytail with a pink scrunchie, a red heart shape on the bottom of her nose that turns to lips when she talks. Solid blue, oval-shaped eyes and six eyelashes each. Her outfit is a pink cheerleader dress with a purple skirt and the letter “P” stitched on front. She seemed unenthusiastic as she walked with him, as she was texting on her ‘shell-phone’.

“So, which one’s the kid?” Spike asked. “All I see by that crab is a whale.”

“Kid… That ‘is’ Mr. Krabs’ kid,” Squidward corrects. “That’ll be Pearl, Mr. Krab’s daughter.”

The group were surprised that the whale was none other than the Crab’s daughter. They had so many questions they wanted to ask, but something told them they’d only get a headache trying to figure it out. Not to mention, it was hard to think as Pearl walked, causing Krusty Krab to shake violently with each step.

“Soak it in, me darlin’ daughter,” Mr. Krabs replied happily. “One day, all this’ll be yours. As soon as you graduate high school, I’ll start you as manager.

“But Dad!” Pearl complains, with a deep voice. “I have my own dreams.”

“Like what? Listenin’ to that boy band fourteen hours a day?”

“They’re called the Electric Skates.”

Pearl twirls and steps aside, causing the Krusty Krab to shake violently again and the Equestrians could barely keep their balance even on fins.

“Uh, Mr. Krabs?” SpongeBob stepped forward. “If she doesn’t want to be manager, I know someone who would be great for the job.

“You?” Mr. Krabs asked, laughing. “My boy, a fry cook is all you’ll ever be. You’re just a simple sponge, and yet, you don’t seem to absorb very much.”

Mr. Krabs walked away laughing more heartily as SpongeBob looked on. Suffice to say, the ponies and Spike weren’t pleased.

“Well… How rude!” Rarity frowned.

“Yeah who does that guy think he is?” Rainbow asked. “Turning down an offer like that?”

“Yeah, that’s enough to make you sick, hey SpongeBob?” Scootaloo asked, turning to him. “Um… SpongeBob?”

But SpongeBob wasn’t really paying attention. He seemed to be in his own little world, while everything around him seemed frozen in place.

“SPONGEBOB!” Mr. Krabs calls out. “Get in the kitchen! It’s opening time!”

Before anyone had a chance to react, all of Bikini Bottom burst into the Krusty Krab as SpongeBob quickly ran to the side, grabbing his signature fry cook hat. All around them, the restaurant buzzed in activity as all of Bikini Bottom sang their hearts out.

“WOW!!!” Apple Bloom said. “Girls… I think we’re going to like this place!”

“You said it!” Sweetie Belle nodded.