• Published 13th Jun 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - extremeenigma02

The Cutie Mark Crusaders feel like they aren't being taken seriously by anypony because they are children. To prove themselves, they join the Mane Six on a new adventure to the town of Bikini Bottom where they meet a very energetic talking sponge

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Goofy Goobers

Later that evening, the good citizens of Bikini Bottom slept in their beds ready to greet the new day. All… Except two figures out in the night. That night, Plankton and Cozy Glow launched their evil plan. Using a helicopter jet pack, Plankton flew through the night while Cozy swam close behind. It didn’t take long before he saw his final destination just before him.

“Heh, heh, heh, heh!” Plankton chuckled. “It’s time to put Plan Z into effect.”

“How exactly are we doing this?” Cozy Glow asked.

“Simple: We steal the most prized possession of the sea and blame it all on Krabs. Once that’s done, everything falls into place.”

“Okay… Where do we start?”

Plankton lands upon a dark hill, shutting off his jet pack. He stares out towards a magnificent structure: A beautiful castle, composed of seashells and pearls, standing right before him.

“Our evil plan starts right here,” Plankton informs Cozy Glow. “At the undersea castle of King Neptune!”

Cozy Glow gazes upon the giant underwater sandcastle, with a rather unamused look.

“Eh… I’ve seen better.”

Chuckling with glee, Plankton floats toward the castle’s biggest window, taking a quick peek inside. He gestures to Cozy Glow, motioning her to be quiet. The two stares into the window, noticing that court is in session. Upon his giant throne sat the great merman himself, King Neptune, ruler of the entire sea. He had a long red beard and giant fish tail. His mighty trident is held in one hand and upon his head sat his golden crown. To Plankton, the king seemed enormous.

Next to the huge king is his little daughter, Mindy, a very pretty mermaid with big eyes behind a pair of glasses matched only by a bright smile.

The squire enters the court, blowing his horn. He unrolls a scroll, reading from it.

“Royal court is now in session,” The squire announced. “Bring the prisoner forward.”

Two tough-looking guards enter carrying a defeated-looking fish, bound in fin-cuffs.

“Soo…” Neptune began. “You have confessed to the crime of touching the king’s crown?”

“Yes, but…” The fish squeaked.

“But what?!” King Neptune yelled.

“But it’s my job, your highness. I’m the royal crown polisher.”

“Well… I guess that means I can’t execute you. Twenty years in the dungeon it is!”

“Daddy!” Mindy cried, horrified.

She quickly swam over to the fish, unlocking his fin-cuffs. The fish bowed politely.

“You’re free to go.”

“Bless you, Princess Mindy,” The royal polisher thanked.

The little fish swam away, as fast as he could. But in his mind, the royal polisher was definitely looking for a new job after tonight.

“Mindy!” King Neptune roared. “How dare you defy me?!”

“Why do you have to be so mean?” Mindy questioned.

“I am the king!” Neptune said, pounding his trident on the floor. “I must enforce the laws of the sea.”

“Father, I wish you’d try a little love and compassion instead of these harsh punishments.”

“That would be nice,” The squire added.

The king bonks the squire on the head with his trident.

“Squire, clear the room!” Neptune demanded. “I wish to speak to my daughter alone.”

Everyone leaves the court, as Neptune and his daughter remains. King Neptune reached up and pulled off the heavy crown, revealing his shiny bald head, the crown he shows toward his daughter.”

“What is this, Mindy?” The King asked.

“Your crown?” Mindy answered, uncertainly.

“And what does this crown do, Mindy?”

Mindy thought about it, for a moment or two.

“It covers your bald spot?” Mindy guessed.

“It’s not bad!” The King bellowed, defensively. “It’s… Thinning!”

After Neptune calms down, he sets his crown upon the royal pillow and leans forward. Plankton took notice, turning towards Cozy Glow.

“Alright kid, teleport me behind that crown!” Plankton requests.

Cozy Glow turns toward the one-eyed creature, with an ‘Are You Serious?’ expression.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a unicorn!” She snipped. “I ‘can’t’ do magic even if I wanted to!”

“Well excuuuuse me, princess!” Plankton mocked. “What can you do to get me in there?”

Cozy Glow turns toward the room, paying special attention towards Mindy. A small, evil smile forms upon her face as her eyes narrowed.

“I know just what to do,” She smirked.

“Yeah?” Plankton asked. “What’s that?”

“Just get ready to sneak in on my signal.”

Plankton nods, while Cozy Glow casually floats through the window and into the castle. Preparing herself, she dives straight toward the castle grounds, crashing onto the floor with a hard ‘THUD!’, which caught the attention of both the sea king and his daughter.

“OW!!!” Cozy Glow cried out. “OW-OWIE-OWIE! Some pony help me, please!”

Mindy quickly swam towards the tiny sea filly, scooping her up in her arms like a worried mother.

“Oh my, you poor little creature,” Mindy spoke, concerned. “Are you alright?”

“I-I-I don’t know! I think I broke my fin… It hurts so bad!”

“Mindy! Put that filthy creature down right this instant!” Neptune demanded.

“Father, how could you possibly say that?!” Mindy spoke, glaring at her father. “This little creature needs our help!”

Oh please…” Cozy Glow whined. “Won’t help me?”

“This is what I mean by love and compassion,” Mindy spoke. “We don’t need to be harsh and demanding!”

“Oh, just have the guards escort it to a hospital,” Neptune brushed off. “She’ll be fine!”

As the two argue back and forth, Plankton spies on the group and noticed Cozy Glow flapping her wings rapidly. Realizing that was the signal, he sneaks into the room and climbs onto the crown’s pedestal. He chuckles sinisterly as he watched Cozy Glow at work, the little filly in question looks over with an evil smile and a wink. Plankton grabs onto the crown, using his jetpack to fly out of the room. Once she noticed he was gone, Cozy decided it was time to leave.

“You know what?” Cozy said quickly. “I feel better already!”

“Are you sure little one?” Mindy asked, concerned. “That was quite a fall.”

“Oh yes, I’m quite certain! Thank you for your concern, your majesty.”

Cozy Glow quickly swam out of Mindy’s hold, toward the window after Plankton. Once the little filly was gone, Neptune decides to get back to what he tried to explain to his daughter.

“Anyway Mindy… This crown does much more than cover a slightly receding hairline. No, this crown entitles the one who wears it to be in charge of the sea. One day, you will wear this crown.”

Mindy, looking horrified, grabs her head.

“I’m gonna be bald?!”

“Thinning!” Neptune cried. “Anyway, the point is, you won’t wear it until you learn how to rule with an iron fist. Like your father.”

King Neptune reached for his crown, his hand grabbing the royal pillow instead. He placed the pillow onto his head. Mindy just stared.

“Dad, your ‘crown’,” She points out.

With the pillow drooping over his ears, Neptune picked up a gilded hand mirror and gazes into it.

“What the…?!” Neptune yelled.

The King frantically looked around the throne room, but it was all true… The crown was gone.

“MY CROWN!!!!”

Neptune jumped from his throne, roaring with anger, howling like a kid who’s favorite toy was taken from him.

“Someone has stolen the royal crown! GUARDS! MINDY! HEEEEELLLLLP MEEEEEEE!!!”

Meanwhile, Plankton and Cozy Glow flew from the castle, carrying Neptune’s crown, laughing to themselves.

“I got it!” Plankton cheers. “I GOT IT!”

“’WE’ got it!” Cozy Glow corrected.


As they flew back to Bikini Bottom, they pass over Goofy Goober’s Party Boat! Making their way through the entrance, unaware of what just happened, the Mane Six and their friends enter the facility and are overwhelmed by the sight before their eyes. The joint itself was rocking; the music was blasting. A crowd of young fish chow down on delicious Goofy Goober’s Ice-Cream Treats, as the staff rushed from table-to-table, delivering towers of ice cream.

While all the ponies and Spike tried to make this out, Pinkie Pie’s eyes widen, and her jaw hung so low it threatened to fall off. She had never seen so many delicious treats, especially from under the sea. There was ice cream covered with globs of chocolate, piles of whipped cream up top. There was ice cream covered in sprinkles, nuts, cherries, strawberries, even seaweed toppings. At one table, there was the biggest banana split she had ever seen, five flavors of ice cream with two big bananas.

“Girls… I’ve died and gone to heaven!” Pinkie Pie spoke, tearfully.

In the midst of all the fun and eating, an announcement was made off the Goofy Goober Clock on a wall.

“Hey, all you Goobers, it’s time to say howdy to your favorite undersea peanut, Goofy Goober!”

The curtains part way and before the screaming kids is Goofy Goober – a large mechanical peanut – dancing in all his peanut glory.

“Howdy, Goofy Goober!” The Kids cried out.

“Hey, fellow Goofy Goobers!” Goofy Goober tips his hat, tapping his toes. “Time to sing!”

And as he sang, the audience cheered.

Before the eyes of the ponies and little dragon, everyone sang while scarfing down ice cream, all having a good time.

“Oh Celestia…” Rainbow Dash moaned. “It is a kiddie restaurant!”

“Tell me about it,” Spike agreed. “It’s like an endless kid’s birthday party here!”

“I know, isn’t this great!” Pinkie smiled.

“Focus girls,” Twilight informed. “Keep your eyes open; SpongeBob’s supposed to be here tonight.”

“Can I help you folks?”

The group turns as an employee, with a deadpan expression, stares upon the group carrying menus in his fins.

“Uh beg yer pardon, sir,” Applejack spoke. “We’re here to meet a friend of ours! You ain’t happen to see a little yellow sponge come in?”

“You mean the sad little man in a tie and buck teeth, crying about how sad his life is?” The employee described, bluntly.

“That’s… Oddly specific,” Rarity replied.

“Yeah, that’s SpongeBob!” Sweetie Belle cut in. “Do you know where we can find him?”

“… Yeah, in the back,” The employee pointed, before walking away.

“Thanks, mister,” Apple Bloom thanked.

The group quickly swam their way through the row of singing kids toward the ice-cream bar at the back of the facility. They didn’t have to look far as they found the sad little sponge, sitting alone, crying on the counter. As if this wasn’t miserable enough, the little sponge sang.

SpongeBob (Sings):
Why can’t they see?
I wore my good shoes and I’ve got my tie on.
Maybe it’s me,
Am I just a simple sponge you can’t rely on?

I’ve been waiting patiently
To be the sponge I’m meant to be!
Won’t anyone believe… In… Me???

The SpongeBob then planted his head on the wooden counter, as the group silently floats toward their depressed little friend.

“Hiya SpongeBob,” Rainbow spoke.

The sad little sponge turns toward the motley group, his eyes red from crying as tears flowed on his cheeks.

“Hi… Girls,” SpongeBob whined.

“Aw… Don’t be sad, sugar cube,” Applejack said.

“I’m not sad…” SpongeBob assured, wiping his eyes. “This old boy just needs to get it together, that’s all…”

“Perhaps darling, don’t you think it would be better if you didn’t think about it?” Rarity suggests.

“… I can try,” SpongeBob spoke.

SpongeBob stares into nothing for a moment, his arms on his sides. Then eventually, a smile forms on his face.

“Hey, you know, I actually feel a little better,” SpongeBob said.

“Atta boy, SpongeBob!” Pinkie smiled. “See, everything’s going to be super-duper!”

“Yeah! I don’t even remember why I was sad!”

“HEEY!” Patrick shouted, sitting at the bar. “It’s the new Krusty Krab 2 manager!”

“PATRICK!!!!” The group shouted.

But it was too late. SpongeBob bursts into tears again, plopping his head onto the bar table. The CMC, the Mane Six, and Spike swam beside SpongeBob trying to comfort the poor sponge.

“Aww, don’t cry,” Apple Bloom assured. “It’s gonna be alright.”

“Things will get better,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Totally!” Scootaloo agreed. “Besides, who wants to be a crummy manager anyway?”

“… ME!!!!!!” SpongeBob cried, slamming his head on the counter.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle glare toward Scootaloo, who just shrank down sheepishly.

“Wow, the pressure’s already setting in,” Patrick said.

“No, Pat, you don’t understand,” SpongeBob said. “I didn’t get the promotion.”

“WHAT?!” Patrick shouted, in shock. “Why?”

“Apparently, that money grubbin’ boss, Mr. Krabs, thinks poor SpongeBob ain’t manager material,” Applejack fumed.

“Manager material? You mean like polyester?”

“Wut? Noooo…”

“Mr. Krabs thinks SpongeBob is just a kid,” Twilight said. “That he’ll never be more than a fry cook.”

“I ‘can’ hear you,” SpongeBob cried.

“What?” Patrick cried, slapping his head. “That’s insane.”

“I know!”

“Well, saying you’re a kid, it’s like saying I’m a kid!”

“Here’s your Goober Meal, sir,” A waiter said, placing a tray in front of him.

“I’m supposed to get a toy with this,” Patrick said, suspiciously.

The waiter tossed Patrick a stuffed peanut, which he cuddles.


“Oh yeah no,” Spike said, sarcastically. “There’s nothing about you that screams kid that’s for sure.”

“Exactly!” Patrick nodded. “And I’ll tell you what, SpongeBob. I don’t think the problem is you not being the manager.”

“It’s not?” SpongeBob asked.

“No… You just want some respect, I get that. I got a lot of great ideas, but no one ever pays attention—”

“We’re getting off topic,” SpongeBob sighed. “I’m gonna head home, Pat. The celebration’s off.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m not in a Goober mood.”

“You want us to walk you back home?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, it’s okay,” SpongeBob shook his head. “You guys have your fun; I’m just gonna go to bed and lie in the dark.”

“Okay, see you later buddy,” Spike said.

Just as SpongeBob rose from his bar stool, starting to turn and walk away, the waiter returns with a towering ice-cream sundae.

“And here’s your Triple Gooberberry Sunrise, sir,” The waiter told Patrick.

“Yum!” Patrick said, rubbing his tummy and licking his lips.

“Wow!” The ponies and Spike say, in unison.

As the group looks in awe, the wonderful scent of sundae reels SpongeBob back in.

“A Triple Gooberberry Sunrise, huh?” SpongeBob asked, sitting back on the stool. “I guess I could use one of those.”

“Now you’re talking!” Patrick cheered, slapping his friend’s back. “Hey, waiter! We need another one over here!”

The waiter places a giant sundae in front of SpongeBob.

“There you go.”

SpongeBob and Patrick cheer, as they began to eat. Spoons were flying; ice cream splattered everywhere. Unfortunately, any ice cream that wasn’t eaten got splattered all over the waiter. When all was done, SpongeBob and Patrick sat back on their chairs, two humongous burps escape from their mouths.

“Boy, Pat, that hit the spot!” SpongeBob said, rubbing his tummy. “I’m feeling better already.”

“Yeah…” Patrick sighed.

“Yah see SpongeBob?” Apple Bloom smiled. “Y’all can have fun with us right here and just forget about today.”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle said, happily. “We’re all here to cheer you up!”

“After all, what are best friends for?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ooh… I think I feel a SONG coming on!” Pinkie cheered.

“Oh great… We’re in another musical,” Rainbow Dash sighed.


“Hey guys, I have an idea!” Pinkie spike.

She stretches the bar stools, forming a circle around SpongeBob and Patrick, making it look like a bathtub.

“I love me some bubbles in my bath,” SpongeBob sighed.

“I love me some bubbles ‘anywhere’,” Patrick nodded.

SpongeBob then starts taking the stools and forms a dome of sorts.

“Okay! Since you’re so into bubbles, I’m gonna make the biggest, baddest bubble ever!”

Sure enough, a giant bubble emerges as SpongeBob continues to sing from inside. All the others are either dancing or singing in harmony in their own bubbles, while Patrick just floats around with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Reality returns as it turns out parts of the song was a dream sequence. Still, the group got a huge laugh out of it as they hugged each other. True, SpongeBob was ‘still’ upset for not getting the promotion he really wanted. But he knew that so long as he had his best friends by his side, he could always be smiling.

“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you,” Twilight spoke. “But I think it’s about time we head back to the pineapple.”

“Oh yes, we do need our beauty sleep,” Rarity agreed. “What with Cozy Glow still out and about, we’ll need to expand the search.”

“Aww come on, big sis,” Sweetie Belle begged. “Can’t we stay a little longer?”

“Please…” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo joined.

“Now y’all know what we just said?” Applejack reminded. “We said y’all would stick close to us, right?”

“You know, they can hang out with us for a while,” SpongeBob offered. “We’ll bring them back before it gets too late.”

“I guess that doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Fluttershy said.

“Are you kidding? That’s a GREAT idea!” Pinkie cried. “How often do you get to have a party in a big boat?! With tons of ice cream, parties, music, all sorts of fun and…”

Twilight quickly covers Pinkie’s mouth with her hoof, ceasing her constant rambling.

“Well, I don’t see a problem with them staying with SpongeBob and Patrick,” Rainbow Dash said. “We can trust them.”

Applejack and Rarity both turn toward each other, deciding what to do. With a shrug, they turn back with a smile.

“Well, alright,” Applejack spoke. “But don’t y’all stay out too late now.”

“And you better not return with a sugar rush,” Rarity warned.

The CMC, along with SpongeBob and Patrick salute, as if silently saying ‘We understand’. Nodding with approval, the girls and Spike swam out of the party boat back to SpongeBob’s. Once they made sure they were gone, they turn to each other with sly grins.

“We’re getting’ hopped up on sugar, ain’t we?” Apple Bloom asked mischievously.

“Oh… Yeah!” Patrick nodded.

“Waiter!” SpongeBob called. “Let’s get another round over here.”

Two more Triple Gooberberry Sunrises appear, as the friends gobble them up in a flash. It didn’t take long before the sugar got into effect, as the group felt a little jazzed.

“Oh, Mr. Waiter!” SpongeBob called. “Two more, please.”

As the ice cream kept coming, the group just kept eating while the deadpanned waiter was covered in ice cream. All the bowls piled up, till they were stacked sideways. Soon enough, the sugar was driving them utterly bonkers as they got rowdier by the minute.

“WHOO!!!” The CMC cheered.

“Waiter!” SpongeBob cried, splattering ice cream everywhere.

“Oh, waiter!” Patrick called.

“Waiter!” Apple Bloom called, sing-song.

“Wait-toor!” Sweetie Belle slurred.

“Waiter!” Scootaloo yelled angrily, pounding the table.

“Wai-ter! Wait-ter! Wai-ter!” They chanted in unison.

“Why do I always get the nuts?” The Waiter groaned, rolling his eyes.

Totally crazed from a sugar high, SpongeBob, Patrick, and the girls were goofier than Goofy Goober himself. SpongeBob leapt onto the stage, grabbing the microphone, while draping an arm over the big mechanical peanut.

“All right, folks!” SpongeBob shouted out. “This one goes out to my five bestest friends in the whole world! The CMC... Patrick… And this big peanut guy!”

“I love this peanut guy!” The sugared-up Apple Bloom shouted.

“It’s a little ditty called…”

“WAIIII-TERRRRRRRR!!!!” They all shouted.

SpongeBob and Patrick sang loudly and out of tune, driving all the customers away. The CMC kept eating ice cream until they turned purple and fainted onto the floor.


The very next morning, SpongeBob Squarepants woke up at the bar. Someone was shaking him, making the Party Boat spin before his eyes.

“Hey… Hey, get up…”

When SpongeBob’s eyes adjust, it turns out to be that disgruntled waiter trying to wake him up.

“Hey, come on, buddy,” The waiter said. “I want to go home.”

SpongeBob opened his eyes and blinked shut, the light hurt. Slowly, he sat up and looked around. From what he can make out, it looked like Goofy Goober’s… Except it was deserted, except for a guy sweeping peanut shells off the floor. A head pops out from a pile of peanut shells, a little yellow sea pony who’s red mane got loose, and her bow was disorganized.

“Where am I?” Apple Bloom wondered, dizzily.

“Come on, kids,” The waiter said, as he helps SpongeBob to his feet.

“Urgh… My head…” SpongeBob groaned.

SpongeBob resembled someone who looked so drunk, with the facial hair and red eyes, he nearly passed out. But the waiter barely caught him when he felt something bump his legs. He turns as Scootaloo wobbles around dizzily.

“Kid, I’m trying to get out of here,” The waiter complained.

“I’ll take a Double Fudge Spinny—”

But the waiter cut Scootaloo off with a foot onto his lips.

“Listen to me,” He said. “It’s eight in the morning. Go scrape up your friends and get going.”

“Our… Uh… Friends?” SpongeBob mumbled.

The waiter points toward Patrick and Sweetie Belle, lying on the floor snoring. Pat’s starfish arms and legs were spread out, while Sweetie Belle laid upon his stomach like a cat. They were all covered in ice cream, from head-to-toe.

“Patrick! Sweetie!” SpongeBob cried. “Hey, what’s up, guys?

We got hearts, as strong as horses,” Sweetie sung, sleepily. “We got hearts, as strong as horses…

Then, SpongeBob fell on his face while the waiter rolled his eyes in annoyance. Suddenly, SpongeBob jumped to his feet again.

“Wait! You said eight o clock!” He cried, panicking. “I’m late for work! Mr. Krabs is gonna be…”

But then, in an instance, an angry look spread upon SpongeBob’s face. Even the CMC, recovered from their own stupor, just enough to share the same feeling that is running in his mind.

“Mr. Krabs…” They hissed, disgustedly.