• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,130 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

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Morning Discussions!

Author's Note:

Okay this took a bit of time to write and I did the best I could. Hope you guys enjoy


Gar stood outside the Castle of Friendship soaking up the morning sunlight. Technically he didn't need to eat nearly as much for as he used to when he'd first arrived in this world as being a fairy meant that he could replenish a good portion of his magic from being in nature itself, mail absorbing the sunlight like a plant.

Spike soon came out picking his fangs with a claw. "Hey Gar," He said hesitantly. "Sorry about barbecuing your friend earlier this morning. I thought is was some random guy who snuck in here."

"It is alright young drake," Gar said in his emotionless tone. "If it makes you feel any less guilty, I did give him a very thorough warning before he went to take a shower. "

"I- Okay that does make me feel a lot better," Spike sighed in relief.

"It was a welcome sight to see," Gar turned his head to Spike slightly. "Especially after last night's events."

"Yea not gonna lie," Spike scratched the back of his head. "I hear heard what happened from those to pega-

"They're angels," Gar cut in flatly.

"Okay..." Spike raised an eyebrow. "Anyways... They told me what happened last night, or at least what happened after they were created, according to them. That one with the briefcase sure can cook."

"That is what she was and the other one were created for," Gar pointed out. "They were gifts from my friend Zeldris after I'd told him I don't have professional chefs."

"What about me?" Spike thumbed himself a little annoyed.

"You are an excellent cook Spike but you are not my cook," Gar pointed out turning his body to face his young friend. "I don't live here the castle with you and Twilight. I may be her knight but I am also the King of Fairies and as such, I have my own kingdom and subjects to look after like Twilight does."

"I get that," He blushed at Gar's compliment while kicking the ground. "So what else happened last night? The two in the kitchen mentioned something about Nightmare Moon."

"The Displaced you roasted this morning is known as Goku Black. He had his Nightmare Moon's soul inside his body. Through the combined efforts of Zeldris's magic, the other Displaced and good friend of mine, and my skills and spear, we were able to give Nightmare a new body," Gar explained and Spike's eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks. "You need not worry about her as she is with Goku in their world. Her powers are greatly diminished and she is no longer an alicorn at all though she was still appear in that form of one as that is what she wishes."

Spike heaved a sigh of relief, "So what else happened last night that I missed?"

"Celestia, Luna, and Twilight broke into my throne clearing and Luna tried to blast Nightmare with a lot of magic which Zeldris deflected but in his negligence, he shot it back at Twilight," Gar said in a slightly annoyed tone. "I managed to deflect it upwards with some help of my new powers, but Twilight was a little less than shaken for a bit. Luna and Celestia left after that and we discussed how to get Black Home as he got here by force instead of normal summoning."

"Then someone said they were hungry and the angels were made and you guys came back here for a very late supper," Spike picked up the story.

"Yes," Gar nodded then his thoughts went to Twilight and him last night causing something that hadn't happened to the parazyte in the entire time he'd been in this world or at least since last night, he blushed heavily.

"What's with the red face?" Spike squinted. "Something else happened to you last night, something big. What's happened?" he demanded.

"Twilight... kissed me," Gar slowly said as eh let it sink in. "Ou tof left field as most say

Spike stared for a moment then fill on his back laughing at the top of his lungs, "HAHAHAHAHA! THAT... RAHAHAHAHA! NO WAY HAHAHA! IN HELLHAHAHAHA! WOULD SHE HAHAHAHA! DO THAT!" Gar stood there and let the drake choke on his own gasps of laughter. "WOO!" He caught his breath. "I needed that Gar thanks. But seriously, there's no way in all of Tartarus the bookworm of a pony I grew-up with would just suddenly come out and kiss you." He smiled as he looked at Gar face still flushed. "Oh, my sweet Faust she really did it. She confessed to you," Spike said dumbstruck.

"I never said she confessed anything to me," Gar looked at the drake sit down and shifting to his zebra form. "So you knew she has feelings for me then. When did she tell you?"

"Well... She didn't necessarily tell me so much as I figured it out," Spike looked to out of the corner of his eyes and scratched his cheek with his pointer finger. "I have plenty of experience from my own feelings for Rarity and she acted really nervous when you two got really close. And after seeing her talking to herself in the mirror about telling someone about how she felt about him a few times it wasn't had to put two and two together." Spike turned to face him. "I mean it was bound to happen. You're always the one there to protect us and that goes triple for Twi. There's no way she wouldn't fall for you after all that. But I never thought she'd be so bold as to just up and kiss you. Even if she didn't say it she might as well have said it if she outright kissed you."

"It was indeed surprising to me to," Gar scratched his mane.

"What are your feelings towards her Gar?" Spike leaned over, crossing his legs.

"Honestly Spike, I don't know," Gar stood up.

"I mean I understand if you don't get with," Spike flopped on his back. "I mean you already have Zecora and Tempest. They're pretty hot and they're personalities are awesome. You three get along great. i MEAN Twi would be a good addition to your herd but I also get why you don't add her if you don't love her."

"What are you talking about Spike?" Gar tilted his head slightly. "What dos herding have to do with a relationship?"

"Sorry, I just assumed you knew," Spike quickly sat up. "Here in Equestria, it's not uncommon for ponies to form more than one relationship with others. It was originally set up to help with the lower birth rate of male ponies where stallions would get more than one mare forming herds. Over time it wasn't uncommon to see more than one of the same gender in the same herd as the male populace rose. Its still a pretty common practice but it's nowhere near as encouraged as it used to be. Like I said," Spike layed back down. "A lot of folks do it over the marriage route as they say it keeps your relations fresh. There is still a dynamic with a head mare and head stallion that have to approve anypony that wants to join in. So who's your? Zecora or Tempest?"

"Spike, they are my friends and it would be a lie to say I didn't find them physically attractive," Gar explained. "But at the same time, none of us are in any form of relations outside of normal friendship. And honestly I find having more than one partner very unsatisfying as a whole. Nothing against those that do either. Yes, sexually it would be fun from time to time but still, that is not me."

"Damn dude," Spike said in shock. "I can't say whether your stupid or honorable. Just do you then. But know if you hurt Twilight in any way I'll be there with everypony else to give you a hell of a life."

"Noted," Gar nodded shifting to his true form. "I must be off to Canterlot. I need to speak with the Princesses."

He started to walk away, "Gar," Spike said as he looked into the distance. "I don't want to see Twilight broken-hearted or in pain any more than she has to be. If you care about Twi in even the smallest bit of the same way she does about you then tell her and if not do the same and let her grieve and move on from this crush."

"I will think on it and get my head on straight first," Gar commented. "And I think the princesses can help, if they will see me." He said and then flew off.

Meanwhile, in the shadows not far away, a figure lurked out of sight. "So this is the place that's been calling me. So much magical power here," she evil snickered. "And o many of my changelings are here. I can hear that tree pulling. But I need to be warry being this close to that accursed Twilight Sparkle and her student, Starlight Glimmer, that stole my work empire from me." Her attention turned to Gar that had taken off heading towards Canterlot. "You are indeed interesting. A true changeling royal outside myself, and a king. Perhaps we can find an accord," She snickered. "And by accord, you'll listen to me as queen as all-male do listen to their queens. Queen Chrysalis shall have her Empire again and then the world!" Chrysalis snickered as eh walked into Everfree, changing her shape to that of a normal changeling.


Gar floated down and landed in the streets of Canterlot. Normally he'd go straight to the castle but he was still doing some thinking about Twilight's sudden kissing confession the night before. The more he thought it over the more he couldn't deny that he did like Twilight in some form, more than others.

He decided to walk through the city and calm his nerves. Most ponies knew his form from the assault on the city months ago. Many of them had grown accustomed to seeing him in the lower city while he had time off from his training with Blueblood. Many of the ponies there had even started to fly the flag with his face on it there.

In the upper city it was another story altogether. Most of the snooty noble ponies would often make faces of disgust behind his back as he passed them in the streets. They weren't brave enough to comment to his face and if he had any of his friends like Tempest along with him, somepony usually was left with a black and blue fur color scheme. Gar just chose to ignore, except when somepony decides to throw off on Twilight or his friends, then the insulter usually left with pants full and eyes crying.

As Gar walked through the city hr came across a pair of nobles. Fancy Pants and his good friend Fleur De Lis.

"I say, sir Gar," the stallion got the monster's attention. "Hello My name is Fancy Pants and this is a very good friend of mine Fleur De Lis." He motioned to the shapely mare next to him.

"Salut," She said in a French Ascent, or Prench in this world, and a curt bow. "It is very nice to vinally meet za stallion zat saved all of us from zat horrible Storm King."

"Sorry to interrupt your venture old boy, but I just wanted to say hello and thank you for what you've done for Equestria. We have so been looking forward to meeting you these past few months but every time we'd gotten word of that you were in the city you were always busy with training," Fancy smiled sincerely.

"Do you have time for a late breakfix or lunch?" Fleur looked up to the tall monster.

"I am currently on my to see the princesses on a few urgent matters that have recently come up so I am afraid that I must decline your invitation your lord and ladyship," Gar to nonchalant with a bow.

"No need to be formal with us," Fancy shook his head.

"Yes, we are not like ze rest of sese, how you say, stick up ze plot types of Canterlot," Fleur snickered. "Perhaps you can zion us after ze meeting, no?"

"I know," Fancy snapped his fingers and pulled out a business card and quickly wrote something on it before handing it over to the king. "Those are our personal private numbers and addresses. Should you ever need anything or just feel like chatting give us a ring or feel free to stop in for a visit when you're in town."

"Thank you," Gar gave a simple nod while the nobles smiled at him.

"Do have a good day Sir Gar and give the Princesses our regards," Fancy said as he and Fleur started to walk away.

"And do let us know when we can do a lunch zome time," Fleur waved.

Gar waved and then looked at the card. "Hmm... guess there are some nobles that don't have a stick up their plots," Gar said aloud as he went on his way to the castle.

The princesses were readying themselves for the day having just finished breakfast. Celestia looked ti her sister with a look of query on her face.

"You went back last night," Celestia pointed out. "Why?"

"I wanted to ask Goku Black how he knew of our nickname you gave us," Luna said bluntly. "He is very close with the Luna of his world and that's how he knew. I'd say that they're more in love than best friends from the way he looked at her in that photo he had last night."

"There's more to though isn't there," Celestia crossed her arms under her chest.

"Yes, we are more alike than I'd originally thought," Luna sighed. "He had his own nightmare and that he had to deal with."

"Is the fact that he was able to fight his overcome it and you were not able to bothering you that much sister?" Celestia brow arched in a deep concern. "Or is it the fact that Gar, somepony you felt a connection with, defended another irritation of her?"

"More like I let my anger get the better of me and almost did something I would've come to regret sister," Luna sighed. "You were all right. Even if I... she, is... was my darker thoughts she still deserves a chance at a life of her own. I just hope that the other me can make peace with her and forgive and that I can one day too." She stood up. "And I hope I am still friends with Gar, not many see the night as he does and I do truly enjoy his company in the observatory."

"Luna you've already been forgiven," Celestia wrapped her sister in a warm hug. "I can tell that you still have angry with what happened and part of you will be for a long time but the first step is trying to let go and you've made the already with letting Nightmare get, even if it was a Nightmare from another world," She nuzzled her little sister causing Luna to return her embraces. "And I'm sure Gar will still be our friend, but I must confess," Celestia gave a cheeky grin. "From the way you talk about him is almost as if you have a crush on our Smiling Fairy King."

Luna's face went red from embarrassment, "I do not! I do enjoy his company but I DO NOT have romantic feelings for the young king," Luna broke free from her sister allowing her to snicker. "Besides, he has the zebra Zecora and the former storm captain Tempest Shadow as well as a few of the Elements of Harmony swooning after him to. Forgive me but I never was one who cared for herd dynamics

"I know Lulu," Celestia wrapped her arms around Luna again. "I'm just picking is all." She let go. "But if you do ever pursue him you should know I asked the later and they both said Gar is a very good stallion and a great friend but they're not with them romantically in any form, but at the same time they wouldn't deny him a chance should her pursue them." Celestia walked to the door. "And I think Gar is more of your mindset of only having a single partner, food for thought!" She sang only to be hit in the face with a banana cream pie after Luna teleported away. "Hehehe... Been a while since she threw one at me, at least she's feeling better. " Celestia chuckled as she liked some cream of her lips then turned to her assistant. "Raven, clear my morning for the next hour I will be in the bath for a bit, have any nobles wait outside the throne room. If it's somepony important comes to send them to my chamber and have them wait outside..."


Gar walked up to the draw bridge and the guard ponies both saluted to the Fairy King. He'd become something of a regular sight to most of the guards. Gar had earned their unwavering respect from the mock battle with Blueblood and the training he'd undergone with many of them to get his skills and magic under control. Gar gave a slight nod and walked onto the castle grounds and up the steps Like most days there was already a line of nobles at the door to the throne room.

Many were there cause they thought they deserved something or rather something from somepony else. Some were there to complain that the princess was not there already and their time was precious and they needed to be seen then and there.

One noble in particular caught Gar's attention, her name was Red Velvet. A red pegasus mare in an equally red dress suit with a black mane in a bun and dark blue eyes. She was complaining to one of the guards that it was her right to see the princess and that no earth pony or unicorn would stoop her. Gar had heard of this mare during his time in Canterlot and knew that she was here about the same thing every time. She thought that pegasi were the top dogs and even had the balls to talk down to the princesses, all of them.

Gar remembered how Twilight had come to Canterlot in the early weeks of his training to study the Mirror Portal with Doom. How he came to check on her and he found her upset and on the verge of tears. She'd just tried to speak with this aforementioned mare about friendship and what she was doing there. Safe to say it didn't go will and this memory rattle the Parazyte King for many reasons. One Twilight was his princess that he was sworn to protect and uphold her principles, two Twilight was his friend and he didn't like it when his friends were respected and talked down to to the point of tears, three was he hated snobbery of this caliber. And now that he had currently come to the understanding that he did genuinely care for Twilight as more than a friend from the deductions he'd made on his flight over to the city, the memory really made his blood boil from the way that he saw the mare was acting now and how she'd treated his friend slash possible lover.

Gar walked over slightly radiating bloodlust and as the nobles turned to see what this force was that was coming for them separated and then shot out the door of the castle. Gar loomed over the mare while the guard took notice his pupils shrank as he saw the killing look in Gar's eyes. Gar pointed at the mare, who was so caught up in her rant and self-superiority hadn't noticed the king, the guard nodded and the mare noticed this.

She saw the shadow looming over her, "Finally," she turned quickly. "Do you hav-" She was caught off to be face to face with Gar looming over her looking down with a slight hissing sound coming from his throat. "Ah...."

"I have words for you," Gar raised his hand and flexed his claws. "You have disrespected every princess to see you, even the one who wanted to be your friend. As her knight, I will not stand for this," Gar's claws extended to around Red's throat. "If I ever hear that you have disrespected any of the princesses again, especially Princess Twilight, I will place a curse on you and your house so that you will never fly again. Understood?"

Red gulped hard and nodded slowly the guards looked down and saw a dark spot form on Red Velvet's inner pants leg that extended down to the floor as a puddle of yellow formed around her hooves. They couldn't help but place the hands over their mouths and snicker.

"Acceptable, now leave," Gar hissed as he withdraws his claws allow the mare to run squelching out of the castle.


"My apologies about the mess," Gar looked down and stepped back.

"No issue sir," One of the guards commented with a hardy chuckle. "It's a welcome over having to deal with that mare... again."

"Very well, is the princess in?" Gar pointed.

"We were informed by Ms. Inkwell that court would start late today," The other guard replied as he had just finished asking a made to cleaning up Re Velvet's mess. "She said if somepony important shows up to send them to her chambers and wait there."

"Thank you," Gar gave a slight bow and walked off with his claws clicking on the marble floors the whole way down the hallways.

"You did you tell him he's supposed to wait outside the doors right?" The opposite guard asked. "Or were you to busy laughing at the piss spot on the floor?"

"Pretty sure I told," Hr rubbed his chin. "If I didn't then Faust have mercy on his soul."

"Harmony's sake I hope he at least knocks," The other guard face palmed while shaking his head.

Gar made his way down the hall towards Celestia's room. Passing several guards who either nodded or stop to salute the knight king. Upon his approach to the room, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar and there were no guards around.

"She could've sent them away," Gar said to himself then he notices a familiar scent, the scent of blood. " CELESTIA!" He called out bursting through the door and found a sight that very much angered the demon fairy.

There standing over a bare Celestia passed unconscious was a demon. It was a very tall humanoid-like demon. If you were a normal pony or creature for that matter it would appear as if it was just someone wearing a full set of magenta armor. But if you're a demon you can tell right away from the aura the creature was emitting that this is the demon's actual body. It has very large hands which have sharp blade-like fingers. Over the upper right corner of his right eyes was a red right-outward facing crescent moon with a circle in the center of the moon.

"Oh my another one of us has come seeking the princesses," He chuckled. "I'll give you one warning, I am Pump of the Six Night's Of Black. N=Miss with me and lose your life whelp, now move on she is my prey."

"BASTARD!" Gar didn't hesitated and rocketed across the room and landed a solid punch right into Pump's face sending the older demon flying out the balcony window. Gar turned to Celestia and quickly extend his fingers t o her neck check her pulse and other vitals. "She seems to be alright just unconscious." Gar picked her up and set her on her bed and threw a blanket over her. A few sets of guards soon appeared. "Wake Princess Luna immediately! Celestia was attacked be a high-level Demon! Someone notify Captain Blueblood and raise alerts to maximum! No pony leaves her for a second!"

"Sir," one saluted then moved to Celestia's side. Another rushed to Princess Luna and another rushed to Blueblood and the rest of the guard. "What are you going to do?" another Guard asked.

Gar looked over his shoulder and everypony gulped hard, "Slaughter a demon."

That's when the ponies saw the armored demon flying on its wings of darkness. "Kekeke... that was a good punch! But I'm not going to let my prey go so easily" Pump flexed his claws. "You're not just a demon are you, no from the look of those wings you're the current Fairy King. This should be fun!"

Calling his Basquais to his hand in its first form he began to float. Angling Basquias behind him Gar shot forward and thrust the spear into the demon's torso but Pump took the blow and the two fighters rocketed across the sky.

"Is that all you got!" Pump laughed as he slapped Gar into the mountainside causing a crater. "Not even a scratch," he dusted off himself with a cackle.

Suddenly hundreds if not thousands of short swords flew at the older demon. Pump did his best to dodge but avoid so many weapons at once was hard even for a seasoned demon.

"Enough! Hell Sphere!" Pump yelled forming a ball of purplish-black flames around himself. "What will you do without you little t-"

Gar shot across the sky enveloped in golden aura with his hair spiky and golden with greenish cyan eyes. He reached the other demon and landing a solid punch into Pump's stomach sending the demon whirling across the sky this time.

The older demon balanced himself and coughed up black blood.


"How did he get so much stronger all of a sudden," Pump wiped the blood from his mouth. He looked up to see Gar flying at him at breakneck speed wind whistling as he did.

"PROMOTION! SUPER SAIYAN 2!" Gar activated his magic on himself to achieve the next level of power. His aura increased and now had lightning mixed in and purple flashes mixed in it. Not letting up Gar held up his hand and started to blast Pump with energy blast overwhelming the demon as gar zig-sagged. Before Pump could react Gar formed spikes on his and proceeded to pound the living hell out of Pump. Gar didn't let up and pummeled the older demon across the sky as he tried to escape from the Parasyte wrath but to no avail as Gar was too fast to outrun. Gar kept it up and pounded Pump straight out of the air right into the ground. Even when on the ground the king didn't let up.

Once he was sure the demon was down Gar jumped back out of the hole he'd dug. He started to walk away huffing reverting back to his base form having spent much of his magic and energy in the onslaught. "Have to... get back... to check on her..."

Suddenly Pump's eyes shot open and he jumped from the hole above Gar, "I won't let you have my prey! HYPNO STINGER!" Needles sprang from Pumps body as he came down to collide with Gar.

Gar didn't hesitate and shot bladed tendrils from his body spearing Pump in mid-air. "Gar turned around and faced the older demon with no pity in his gaze. He brought Pump in close and looked at him while the demon shook in fear and convulsed in pain.

"Die!" Gar said in pure hate as he extends his claws into Pump piercing his six hurt and shredding the entire inside of the armored demon's body. Gar watched his foe writhed in pain as dead from having his inner body thoroughly blend to mincemeat."Before you die I will take you soul and power!" Gar raised up his free hand and mercilessly ripped Pump's soul from his body. In the fairy king's hand was a glowing bluish-white sphere with a wispy tail and a red right-outward facing crescent moon with a circle in the center of the moon on it. Gar looked down at the soul in the grasp of his claws and gave it serious thought about devouring it but decided against it not wanting to resort to such a method for power. "I'll give you to Zeldris next time I see him." He remarked as he placed the soul in a cavity inside his body then summoned the Baquias to him and flew onto back to the castle.

"Landed outside on Celestia's balcony guards came to him along with Luna." Gar!" she rushed over and hugged the huge monster thoroughly shocking him "THANK YOU..."She cried. "Thank you for saving my sister!"

"It... was... my... duty.... as... her... friend..." He wheezed out and then fell backwards.

"Gar!" Luna cried out. "Somepony help!"