• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,116 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

  • ...

Say Hi with a smile Traveling buddy

The Next Morning

I woke up on the shores of the river we’d fallen into before everyone else. It took everything I had in order to keep the girls together, as uninjured as possible, and to keep them from drowning. I managed to drag everyone to the shore and then fell asleep. Yesterday’s little show and rapid shape-shifting wore me down rather quickly and then the river trip completely used up the rest of my energy.

I noticed that the girls were starting to wake up but I didn’t really care, glad they were okay, but the only person on my mind was Zecora.

‘I hope she’s okay.’

I then heard a rumbling in my stomach so I went off into the nearby woods to find some sustenance.

3rd POV

Twilight and her friends started to stir. She was the first to rise from the ground soon followed by Spike, then Applejack followed Rainbow Dash. Next, you had Fluttershy who held her head slightly as she shook off the drowsiness, Rarity and Pinkie we up next.

“Is everyone alright?” Twilight asked as she groggily looked around as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming through the trees.

“I’m alright,” Spike got to his feet. “Rarity, you okay?”

“A few bruises here and their Spiky Wikey,” Rarity was helped to her hooves by Spike.

“Has anyone seen mah hat?” Applejack felt her head and looked around.

“Nope,” Pinkie said as she checked the bushes. “Not here.”

“It probably fell off during the way down the river,” Rainbow checked herself. “Let me help you up.” She helped Fluttershy to her hooves.

“I hope not,” Fluttershy dust herself off. “Um… Where exactly are and how did get out of the water?”

“More importantly, how did we all stay together?” Twilight looked around and it looked like they were on the outskirts of the Everfree. “I thought we would’ve all been swiped away in the currents.” She looked up the river and they’d obviously floated quite a ways down the river.

“Ah think there was something keepin us all together, and floatin,” Applejack kept looking around the shoreline for her hat.

“Now that you mention it, I think I saw something wrap around us when we fell into the water,” Spike pondered. “It looked like a really big snake.” He looked at Fluttershy. “Was it one of your animal friends?”

"It couldn't have been," Fluttershy looked puzzled. "I didn't bring any snakes with me and the only ones I talk to in Canterlot are the little grass snakes in the Royal Palace Gardens. But I do hope the poor thing is alright, I mean it must be exhausted and very hurt from that ride down the falls it took with us."

"Well, if it wasn't one of your animals then why'd it help us by keeping all of us together?" Rainbow hovered next to Fluttery.

"It probably got scared and latched onto the nearest thing it could when it fell in the water that it thought would keep it safe," Fluttershy thought.

Suddenly there was a rough rustling in the bushes next to Fluttershy causing the timid pegasus to run and hide behind Applejack. Applejack merely shook her head and rolled her eyes before returning to look for her hat. Rainbow Dash rushed to the bush to see what was in it causing it to rustle.

"So what do we do know?" Rainbow asked Twilight as she found nothing in the bush.

"Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the Hippos before she was..." Twilight trailed off for a bit as she hadn't given any thought as to whether or not the Princesses were actually still alive or in some form of stasis. "Turned to stone. Girls what if we can't reverse whatever was done to Celestia, Luna, and Cadance? What if they're ... They're ... they're..." Tears of sadness and worry started to swell in the Princess's eyes.

"Shh....ssh... It’s alright Twilight," Rarity came to her friend's side and wrapped her in a big hug. "I know for a fact that the other princesses are still alive and we'll find a way to turn them back to normal. If anypony can it's us." She pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed Twilight's eyes. "Keep it dear you may need it for awhile tell you came down."

“The unicorn said they need your magic so they have to be alive,” Rainbow pointed.

"So what ya'll suppose we do now?" Applejack looked at Twilight.

“Well,” Twilight dried her eyes, “We find the Queen of the Hippos like Celestia said too. I’m not sure how but we need to head south past the Badlands, That’s as she said before that unicorn stoned her. Then as that creature save me he asked if I heard what Celestia said and told me to do as she asked Luna too.”

“Woah, woah, woah! That giant monster talked to you “ Rainbow looked at Twilight confused as she nodded.

“It spoke very well for something that looks like it should be in the Everfree,” Twilight looked at everypony and drake.

“What exactly was it?” Rarity looked at Fluttershy as she had the most knowledge of animals.

“I have no idea what it was,” Fluttershy looked lost.

“Where did that thing come from anyways?” Rainbow crossed her arms.

“The sky duh. Silly Dashie,” Pinkie giggled.

“Can we trust it?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe, but if it’s intelligent enough to know how to properly speak it may be dangerous,” Fluttershy adds. “It could be like a chimera and use speech to lure in its victims.”

“I think we’re also forgetting another crucial detail.” Spike pointed out. “That unicorn is gonna be looking for us and we’ve been out for a whole night already”

“We still have that creature to Spike,” Twilight tacked on.

“Could it be one of their monsters?” Applejack added as she still looked for her hat,

“If it was then why’d it save me then start to attack the ones that were under Tempest’s command,” Twilight point out. “It went out of its way to protect me and distract the Storm Creature.”

“Ah know it definitely wasn’t on their side,” Applejack turned around. “Went it protected ya Twi it did so honestly,” She closes her eyes and puffed out her chest and said with a smirked as a large figure arose from the bushed behind her. The other girls and Spike froze with fear. “What? Can’t take the fact that I’m right,” Applejack said with confidence.

“Nn-nnn-n-n-nn-o-oo-o-oo-oo-o-,” Spike stuttered. “Tt-t-tt-turn ar-r-r-r-rr-ound,” he point.

“What? Is it mah hat?” Applejack happily turned around then looked up to see the monstrous fave of the creature from Canterlot. “HH-H-HHi th-there.” She waved slightly. “Mah n-n-nn-names A-p-pp-p-plej-jj-j-j-j-jack, w-w-w-w-what’s yours?”

The creature raised up its large hands from its sides slowly. No one dared move a muscle as they were paralyzed with fear.

Applejack closed her eyes tight and ready herself as she felt the monster’s hands lower around her. She felt it put something on the top of her head and wondered what it did. She felt the massive paws leave her head and she opened one eye to look. She saw the creature looking at her with his large sharp-toothed smile. It wasn’t just its face though, she looked into its eyes and it looked genuinely happy.

Applejack slowly reached up and pulled off her head what the smiling monster had put on her head. She looked and was shocked to see her stetson.

“Mah hat,” She happily exclaimed. She then looked at the monster, “Thank you.”

“Your welcome,” He said as his eyes showed joy. “I am sorry for frightening all off you but I needed food to restore my energy after the jont down the falls.”

“I knew it,” Pinkie jumped up. “You’re the one that saved us and you’re also the new guy in Ponyville!”

“What?!” Everyone yelled.

“But Pinkie, the only new pony in Ponyville is Gar, Zecora’s friend,” Twilight said.

“Pinkie is right Twi,” Applejack back up the party planner. “But if she’s right then that means,” She looked at the monster who huffed.

“No point in it,” He said as he reverted to Gar the Zebra. “I am Gar. Sorry, I lied to you but if ponies saw what I really looked like-”

“They’d head for the hills,” Pinkie cut him off.

“Yes but the monster you saw is the real Gar and not this sham of a disguise. But before any more questions are asked we need to move. Like Spike said earlier, we were asleep all night and there’s no telling how far the Storm King’s forces have caught up. For now, we need to head south.”

All agreed, not wanting to question the smiling monster out of fear and concern for their own safety. They followed Gar the Zebra through the forest southward.

A few days later approaching the edge of Equestria’s border in theSouth Badlands

“Come along,” Gar said as he moved through the desert with ease. “We must keep moving.”

“Hold your horses... partner,” Applejack puffed. “We’re not used to this heat and sand.”

“And we... can’t morph our bodies... to adapt to the environment... either,” Twilight wheezed.

“I have done no such thing,” Gar said as he turned to face the group.

“Hehe… This guy says you did,” Pinkie said as she picked up a bird’s skull from the ground, sand pouring from the empty sockets. “He says zebras are used to going for long times in hot and dry environments and go long periods without water due to being nomadic tribes.”

Everyone looked at Pinkie.

“What? He said it not me,” Pinkie pointed at the skull as she tossed it over her shoulder.

“Like I said, I did not adapt to this environment,” Gat said as he turned around again. “I can if I need to but I didn’t and I only look like a zebra on the outside but I am still the three-meter tall smiling monster on the inside,” He looked over his shoulder and gave a happy grin.

“Has anyone noticed that we’ve reached a road?” Spike said as he pointed down.

“He’s right and if there’s a road,” Rarity looked down.

“Boney says there’s a town not far from here,” Pinkie said as she tossed the skull over her shoulder.

“There is,” Rainbow said from the air after she flew up. “If we keep it up we’ll be there in no time flat.”

“Let’s go,” Gar said and the group took off in a gallop.


“Hm… Klugetown,” Twilight read a sign as the group entered the town. “Oh excuse me,” Twilight backed up from a turtle-man-thing who’d been loading barrels into a cart. The barrels then all fell over and he let out a humf. “I’m sorry, let me help,” She lit her horn and stacked the barrels back in the cart.

“Hey, no magic on my merchandise!” He yelled and raised a hand and brought it down.

Gar stepped in and grabbed the band before it could connect, “You will not hit her.”

“Or look at the little zebra with his herd,” The mares all blushed. “Ha, big talk for a little pony,” He chuckled as he tried to take back his fist but found it stuck.

Gar squeezed hard and the turtle man hit his knees. “If you dare raise a hand to any of these ponies I’ll eat you alive,” Gar said as he got in the turtle’s face causing the light to shadow the top half of his face. Gar smiled and showed his fangs. “Shell and all, do you understand.” the turtle man shook his head violently and Gar released the man and he scampered away.

What they didn’t see was a rather odd pair of green eyes watching the whole scene unfold. “Hmmm… Interesting.”

“Thank you, Gar, that's the third time you saved me,” Twilight looked at the mock zebra in awe.

“Think nothing of it, princess, I like the ponies. You’re all very kind when given the opportunities and you’re all Zecora’s friends. If I let anything happen to any of you she would be devastated.”

“Oh okay,” Twilight pushed her hair behind her ear then shook her head slightly remembering what they were supposed to do. “Now remember we need to keep a low profile. Where’d Pinkie go?”

“CAN ANYPONY TELL US WHERE TO FIND THE QUEEN OF THE HIPPOOOOOO?!!!!” Pinkie Pie called out and a Fishman stopped in front of her.

“Ya want something ya gotta give something,” the Fishman gurgled.

Pinkie immediately started to dart around and stop random creatures on the street offering whatever she had on hand.

“Pinkie stop, we need to lay low,” Applejack got on to the party planner.

“Relaaxx girls and guys I got this,” Pinkie waved off as a crowd started to gather and demand things. Suddenly a cat man appeared.

“Get back people get back,” he said, putting distance between the group and the crowd. “Ya’ll are in some serious danger here.” He rushed up to one of the crowd. “Now you didn’t touch any of them, did ya? Look at all those color, ya think it’s natural?” He zipped around.”They’re infected, coloritis.”

“Now wait a min--” Applejack started to say but was cut off by Gar zipping behind her and putting her hand over her mouth.

The cat looked slyly at the group as he zipped about and kept the attention. “Now stay calm and as long as you're not covered in purple splotches you’ll be fine,” he said as he used his tail to flick purple gunk from the street onto the earlier Fishman. He quickly shifted to the Fishman. “Uh oh.”

The Fishman started to freak out, “Wa-ur, What do I do?”

“Enjoy your last moment,” the cat held his finger up and waved it in the air. “And don’t touch anyone because parts will fall off.”

The crowd quickly disbursed in all directions leaving on the cat and ponies in the street.

“That was awesome,” Rainbow said, flying behind the cat.

“And quite charming,” Rarity giggled while Spike huffed

“Yes thank you for your help Mr.-” Twilight said.

“Capper, Capper Cat at your services my ladies and gentleman,” Capper said, giving an insinuated bow. “And charming is my game. So, to the hippo then..”

Everyone started to follow Capper but Gar pulled them back for a second. “I wouldn’t trust that sneak too much girls.”

“Why? he helped us out and now he’s taking us to the hippos?” Twilight stated.

“He’s after something,” Gar scowled at the cat behind his back. “My brother was an actor and taught me a few things to look out for when people are acting. He’s hiding the reason for now and he may help but I won’t trust him.”

“Ah m with Gar on this one Twi,” Applejack added as they walked along. “Lyin comes way too easy to him. The way he told that there lie in the street was spot on, even I would’ve believed him if I didn’t know you girls.”

“We could really use a friend out here,” Pinkie tacked on.

Capper quickly turned and put his arm around Gar's shoulder. “You know what, little cotton candy here is right aaaaand if I do say so myself..”

Capper started to sing as he led the group through the streets and allies of Klugetown until they reached his home. A windmill of some kind. Gar noticed him stay at his gate talking with someone who’d been sitting at his gate. He quickly returned and led the ponies and Gar into his home.Meanwhile, no one noticed that the Storm forces had arrived in town.

“Welcome my little ponies to my slice of lament,” Capper said as he showed a rather nice looking home adorned with a variety of items.

“Oooo… So many breakables,” Pinkie awed.

The ponies looked around Capper’s home. They all looked at many different items ranging from teapots to other items. Rarity looked at a portrait of a highly decorated fish man officer but the face was that of Capper tapped onto it.

“Hold still dear, almost don. I do apologize and wish I could do more to fix you up, but I limited on what I have,” Rarity said as she fixed Capper's clothes up.

“What’s the catch?” Capper narrowed his eyes.

“No catch at all dear just doing something because I want to,” Rarity giggled as she placed a couple of buttons on his coat. “Call it a thank you.”

Twilight noticed a bookshelf and decided to look over the books that Capper had collected. She came across an odd book. It was a brown leather cover with gold embellishments at the corners and a golden compass on the cover with a map on the upper center above the compass. She pulled the book out and started to read through and her eyes started to widen with enlightenment.

“Everyone, we've been looking for the wrong queen,” Twilight said as she slammed the book down on a table gathering everyone to her. "We don't need the queen of the hippos but the hippogriffs. Part pony part eagle."

“Oh the hippogriffs. Well that’s gonna be kind of a problem,” Capper cut in. “See no one knows where they are.”

“That book says they’re on Mount Aires, that island I can clearly see from your window,” Twilight snidely pointed out.

“Let me finish,” Capper shook his head as he darkened the room and made shadows off a nearby candle with his paws. “No one knows where they are now. That book was right at one point but now Mount Aries is nothing but a ghost town. The Storm King’s forces came in one day and the hippogriffs fought them off but swore he’d come back for their magic. Knowing they couldn’t win a second time they vanished in one night.” Capper let light back in the room. “Leaving their entire city empty, not even their magic stayed.”

“But, we need their help,” Twilight looked down trodden. "Surely if we go we can find out something?"

"Maybe, but the only way out there is by airship," Capper shrugged. There was a sudden knock at the door. “One moment please.” Capper said as he went to answer the knock. Capper opened the door to reveal some sort sleazy looking of naked mole rat thing in a suit.

“Here’s Virgo,” it cackled. “Now Capper that zebra better be worth this trouble in order to settle your debts.”

“You were going to sell us,” Rarity looked on in horror.

“Not sell you, just the zebra,” Capper chuckled nervously.

“Why not them all?” Virgo licked his lips. “They’d all fetch great prices and more than cover you plus some extra. Let’s load them up boys!” Virgo opened the door and was hit with a bolt of magic frying the shady salesman. “Ow!” He said and hit the ground.

Tempest walked in followed by Grubber and a pair of storm creatures. “Poor little ponies,” She hummed. “You should know better than to trust strangers. Now for you princess, that creature got in the way last and it took me a few days but now it’s time to go.” She walked in slowly.

“Out the window, NOW!” Gar commanded and jumped in front of Tempest.

“Oh a Zebra, are you a friend of the one in Canterlot,” Tempest said with a little surprise.

“What did you do to her?” Gar scowled trying to keep his blood lust in check.

“She's been a thorn in my flank since she escapes and free the ponies every now and then but other than seeing her from time to time I haven't done anything to her, yet," Tempest scowled back. She looked to the Storm Creatures flanking her, "Take him ad get the others," She motioned with her head but the storm creatures merely shrank back in fear. Tempest looked at Gar and to the Storm Creature and back to Gar. "It's just one zebra you idiots." But the Storm Creatures merely backed away in fear.

"That's a bad Zebra," Grubber shudder from behind Tempest's leg pointing shakily at Gar.

The was a thud on the roof followed by several footstep causing Gar to look up momentarily. Tempest took the opportunity to rush Gar, kicking him with enough force in the gut sending him flying hitting the wall of the windmill hard cracking it in the process. Several pieces of wood fell cover the mock zebra.

Tempest grabbed her leg in pain. "What the buck is that guy made of. It took everything I had to send him flying like that. Felt like I was kicking steel, and why is he so heavy?"

Gar growled as he rose to his hooves. He heard creaking coming from with the windmill, as if some was on it and then looked at Tempest. "As much as I like to stay I must depart," He knocked the wall with his elbow hard causing more debris to fall but this time on Tempest party. Gar jumped out the wind and saw the girls and Spike on the windmill trying to escape from more storm creatures.

Gar looked at the ground and then the direction of the spinning windmill blades. "Unorthodox, bu tit's all we have," He said to himself. He looked up and shout at the others, "HOLD ON TIGHT!"

Gar jumped down to the ground and reconfigured his to absorb the shock and redirect it back through his leg to give him a boost as he proceeded to jump back up. As he did Gar grabbed onto one of the windmill blades pulling it in the opposite direction and knocking it off the building whirling through the town.

"Someone stop this thing!" cried Rainbow Dash as the bladed cartwheel through town.

Gar had been flung into air and landed on a roof not for from the windmill. He changed his legs again focusing on speed and ran across the roof tops to catch up the ponies all while knocking Storm creatures out of the way. He looked ahead and saw the docks before reaching his group.

"Come on, we need to get there," he said pointing to the dock and everyone vigorously nodded.

They ran as fast as they could and reached a lone ship headed in the direction of Mount Aires.


Tempest forced her way out of the debris and looked around to see only a few troops, Grubber and finally Capper crawling out of the wreckage of what was his home. She quickly grabbed the cat and brought him up to her face as sparks flew from her horn stub.

"Where are they going?" She demand with a snarl.

"Uh- hu, well they're going to," he started to spill then a gleam of his buttons caught his eye. "Black Forests Rock," he lied giving a mock look of betrayal as his ears flattened against his head.

"Get me ship ready now!" Tempest cried to Grubber who saluted and ran off.

"Well guess you don't need me anymore so I'll just-" Capper started to say pulling away.

Tempest pulled him back to her face, "You're not going any where."

"I told you where there going," Capper whimpered. "Can't you just let me go?"

"Well if we catch them you won't have anything to worry about, will you," She tossed him to the Creatures. "Hold him until I say so," She stomped off. "I will not stop until I catch them and make the zebra pay as I make him watch as I cut out the heart of the one he loves back in Canterlot."

On the Ship with Gar's Group

"What we do now?" Rainbow asked.

"Can't we ask them to take us to Mount Aires?" Applejack added.

"You hear that?" came the voice of one of the crew.

"Braac..." the crew men answered.

"Yea, it's probably just the rats," the other chuckled as they went about their work.

"Rats..." Rarity said with disgust.

"So what we do Twi?" Spike looked to the princess.

"I... I... I just don't know anymore," Twilight said as she slid to the ground defeated. "If what Capper said was true then there's no reason for us to even go to Mount Aires."

"The guy was trying to sell Gar, then us, he had to be lying," Rainbow exclaimed softly.

"Sorry Rainbow but even Ah could tell he was beenin honesty about that,"Applejack lamented. "Has anypony seen Gar since we got on the boat?" she looked around only for them to shake their heads 'no'.

"Where the hay could a shape shifting stow get to in such a rush when boarding a ship?" Spike aske puzled.

"Were you speaking of me?" Came an eyeball from in between two broads starting the group. Gar quqickly pulled himself up and shifted to zebra form. "Sorry, I was scouting the ship for a map."

"Any look and where this tub his heading?" Rainbow asked.

"In the general direction of Mount Aires is all I could gleam from the map routes," Gar said flatly. "But if we want to reach it well have to jump ship and walk the rest of the way."

"Which would be rather difficult if I do say so myself as only three out of the eight of us don't have wings, or can't grew wings to fly," Rarity crossed her arms.

"What's the point anymore?" Twilight said out of despair/ "The hippogriffs can't help because they were smart and fled before the could be captured, and they were our only hope."

The last pony that anyone would think acted, Gar. He walked over and slapped Twilight right on the face, gently as he could manage but firm enough to make a point. Everyone else gasped in shock. The human part of his mind and emotions kicked into overdrive. overwriting his more logical paralyze thought processes.

"You wanna give up just because one race isn't there anymore?" Gar growled as he picked her up off the ground by her collar. "So what if they aren't there now? We go anyways and see if we can't find some clues as to where they went. I can't believe you want to give up just because some shifty cat told you one thing he knew," Rainbow and Spike started to step up but were held back by Applejack and Rarity. "You're the only princess left and your ponies are looking to you come and save them."

"But but Celestia ... " Twilight tried to comeback

"If we can't find the hippogriffs than we'll find some other way, if need be I'll be that way for you. The first pony to accept me for the monster I turned into when I arrived is fighting to free the others. I won't simply stand by and let her fight alone," Gar set Twilight on the ground. "One of the things a princess must do, is be there for her subjects if you can't find the first way try another way. If you give up after your hop is dashed the first time and give up then your no princess at all."

Suddenly light hit the group and they all turned to see a crew of three bird men. "Captain Celaeno, what's the Storm king's rules about stowaways?"

"You think they heard ya?" Applejack scowled at Gar who was back to his deadpan self.

They heard a claws foot followed by a tap, then another crewman, a bird woman, came out with a book in hand, some say she wouldn't be half bad looking even cute or sexy in her delivery uniform. "Book says, throw um overboard." When suddenly a whistle blew. "Alright, that's lunch! You eight come to."

Everypony looked at each other but dare not question their luck so the followed the ship's crew below deck into the mess hall. Once they all had their own plates of some kind of seed looking glop the sat and ate. The ponies stared at the food then each other followed by the crew.

"What heck is going on here?" Rainbow said in outright confusion. "First you're going to throw us off the ship than a whistle sounds and you feed us. You guys are really missed up."

"We're only allowed one meal a day under the Storm Kings rule," A high pitch wider member of the crew answered.

"So you still intend to throw us off the ship," Gar said flatly.

"Nothing personal but we still have a job to do." The bird answered.

"After break it back to hauling. We do as we're told or we're punished," Celaeno huffed.

"So what did you do before working for the Storm King?" Spike asked.

"We used to be a lot more adventurous," Celaeno pulled back a picked of the storm king to reveal a jolly roger of sorts.

"Hey it's boney," Pinkie giggled.

"Not every day you meet a true blue pirate, especially where I'm from," Gar finished his meal. "But we don't have time for stories and we need to get to Mount Aires to see if the hippogriffs left anything. While you eat I will be looking over your star maps."

"Knock yourself out," the red plumed crewman said. "We haven't used them in years so they're dated."

Gar shrugged and went over to a table with the star charts while Rainbow Dash started an inspirational speech to get the birds back in the groove of their former glory. While she did she got the girls, except for Moppy Sparkle, and Spike to join in and it led to another singalong. Eventually, the crew was won over and decided to join in the fun and help the ponies.

Gar noticed an old telescope on the table and he remembers his brothers for some reason. Pick up the spyglass he thought aloud, "Hmmm... well if they do it then so will I," Gar grasped the scope. "I am Gar, seek me if you require aid or counsel." He tossed the scope up and it vanished. "It's out there now." Gar sigh. "At least Zecora is safe," Gar looked out a window then there was a loud boom followed by Rainbow Dash spiraling around the ship with a rainbow trial."Idiot!" he rushed topside.

Mean while aboard Tempest ship

Grubber was busy steering and enjoying a slice of Friendship cake when he heard a thunderclap from the port side of the airship. He looked out to see a circular rainbow. "Woah look at that rainbow, you see that so cool,"

Tempest turned her head and smirked. "Yea nice of them to alert us, and funny how they're headed in the opposite direction of where you said," she turned and looked at Capper.

"Like haha funny or haha..." Capper crowd slightly

"Out of the way," Tempest shove Grubber of the wheel and floored it towards Celeano's ship.

Back on Celeano's ship Gar had Rainbow by the caller, "Damn it your multicolored breaking of the sound barrier has let eh enemy know our location."

"She was only trying to cheer up the crew Gar no need to get so flustered," Rarity scolded Gar.

"Fluster," Gar hissed as some of his blood lust escaped causing the ponies to back away. "I'm far from flustered Rarity I'm thoroughly pissed off." he released Dash. "I know you were trying to help but you need to know when to dial it in and know because of that Rainboom thing Tempest is on us again." he pointed to an oncoming ship. "Celaeno, keep heading for Mount Aires. Ponies and dragon below deck."

"What are you gonna do?" Celeano said with a bit angst.

"Be a monster," Gar grumbled as he shifted to his original smiling form scarring the shit out of the crew. Gar sprouted a set of wings and jumped off the airship's side heading for Tempest's ship.

Author's Note:

Gar made his token is now an official Displaced and up for crossover. The next chapter will most likely be the last of the Storm Arc for Gar, maybe two chapters depending on what I feel like the length should be. Enjoy guys

Alvasa out!