• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,130 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

  • ...

The first day of School

Author's Note:

Here is the much-anticipated continuation of Gar

It was the morning of School of Friendship's grand opening. Gar was awoken from his slumber by Gerhearde as per the usual as any other day. Gloxinia had grown rather vigilant over his sister as of late as she'd taken an interest in the school herself and had been helping Twilight with what would make the incoming fairies the most comfortable and there wasn't really a whole lot as the school was grown from a splinter of the Sacred Tree so the fairies would felt right at home as if the were still in Everfree.

The Fairy Captain didn't understand know why he has such animosity towards most creatures other than fairies and acted on it, all he knew was that it was justified. Still, he kept himself in check for his sister's sake and for the sake of what his king was trying to do for the future, but there was always a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that 'he' should be the one on he'd thrown. Every fairy knew that it was the Sacred Tree that chose the king and not the fairies so he pushed these thoughts aside as he knew he'd never try and take the thrown or even be able to.

Gar had asked Gerheade to wake him as usual but had he'd had Yuki and Adreana prepare his meal. After hastily downing his breakfast Gar paid his thanks to the chefs as per usual and then headed to pick up Zecroa, Tempest, and Grubber. Tempest had been granted the role of Royal Guard Captain by Twilight at Gar's suggestion, They both knew Tempest was a good pony at heart and Gar knew she would everything in her power to protect Twilight while he wasn't around. Zecora was a teacher tasked with the potion and alchemy classes at Twilight's school and Grubber was... mainly Tempest's assistant slash squire.

Gar flew down to the school with his party in tow along with some of the fairies that were attending the school but had decided to stay in the Everfree. He landed and set the zebra, unicorn, and hedgehog-man down. Gar then morphed into his own zebra form and instructed the fairies to find their names on the lists inside then go to the assigned rooms. He then went inside to find his marefriend and their other friends.

It didn't take the monster long as she was standing in the middle of the entrance hall with a clipboard. He quietly snuck behind her and placed his hands over her eyes.

"Pinkie," Twilight groaned. "We don't have time for 'Guess Who?"

"Ah... Keke... that's not me Twilight," Pinkie pointed out on the far side of the room.

When Gar had found out that the fireworks that went of yesterday went fireworks but in fact, the pink mare had somehow blasted herself off like a rocket he sort of went dead for a bit before turning to Twilight who shook her head and mouthed 'Don't question it, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.' He then shrugged and went on his way as he's seen her do weird stuff before.

Pinkie was currently talking with a large hairy bovine man with tangelo fur and large horns adorned with gold crowns on either side of his head and he was leather armor. Gar disdained he was Prince Rutherford of the Yak with his group. Behind him was a smaller yak female with braids that dragged the floor. 'That's not going to be a tripping hazard right off,' He thought. But his mind was back on Twilight.

"Guess again Twi," Gar whispered into her ear in a dark predatory tone he made her fur stand on end as she got goosebumps. Twilight whirled around and bopped her boyfriend on the head with her clipboard. "Don't do that!" She scolded him. "You know I hate having to brush my fur down after. And why are you in zebra form?"

"Sorry Twi," Gar chuckled. "I thought it would be an easier walk around in this form until it was time for opening ceremonies when you need me as a guard," he smirked. "All other creatures that don't know of me would panic other why's if I was in my true form."

"Good point," Twilight nodded as she crossed her arms. "Well, opening assembly isn't for a while now so do you think you can help some of the young find where they need to go after it."

"Sure," He nodded, " But first..."

"Wha-" Twilight started to say when Gar planted one on her in front of everypony. Some went Yuck, eww, and gross. Other, mainly the changelings and females awww, so sweet, LUCKY, and delicious!

Gar broke the kiss and then shot off while laughing, "Later Twilight!"

"Ah..." she stood there red as a rose for a bit and then, "That ass, in front of everypony," She grumbled but with a soft smirk on her face.

"At least he's showing us the true Gar instead of that stone-faced façade," Rarity came up slightly startling her friend. "Sorry about that Darling I came to let you know that everypony is gathering in the foray for your speech and the opening ceremony. Will you be ready to speak soon?"

"I'm readied to go whenever every creature is in place," Twilight happily nodded. "Though I do need my knight by my side if I'm going to make a public speech."

"You know he's the kind of guy that won't slack off on his duties Twi," Rainbow came over. "The griffins are all set by the way, it was great to see Grampa Grough. He looks good must be using that moisturizer you sent him Rarity."

"I noticed dear," Rarity waved at the air. "He looks nearly ten years younger. Now if we could get him to part with the dreadful fizz."

"FEZS ARE COOL!" Said a brown pony in a suit with a red bowtie as he passed by.

"Your highness," Tempest came to the group and saluted Twilight. "The castle is secured and so is the school. Sir Gar said he would meet you in the waiting area after he dawns his armor and he also said that the hippogriffs, fairies, and changeling that wish to stay at the school of the forest are all settled in the dorms and awaiting your speech with the rest of the congregation."

"Thank you, Captain, you may resume your other duties," Twilight smiles.

"Yes ma'am," Tempest nodded and did an about-face. "Onward then. Come Grubber, we have recruits to look at."

"Hold up Tempy!" Grubber heavily sighed as he trailed after his friend then paused to catch his breath. "Wooh! I gotta lay off those Pinkie cakes!" He caught his breath and resumed running.

"It true," Pinkie popped up. "He really should. Not every pony can handle my Pinkie cakes though too!" She said shoving a pink cupcake with pink icing and pink sprinkles on top into her mouth then proceeded to pop into confetti.

"Okay," Applejack said as she came up and wiggled her leg, knocking off some of the pink paper bits. "Well, if Pinkie is done being Pinkie fer this part Ah say we get should head over to the stage and take up our spots."

"I'm with Aapplejack on that," Fluttershy said from behind Rainbow.

"Okay." Twilight agreed. "You girls go ahead, I have to meet up with Gar and then we'll be up there with you."

"Just don't make out and get lost in front of everypony again okay princess," Dash jabbed as Twilight's face lit up red again. "HAHAHAHA!" Rainbow laughed as she zoomed off.

"Damn it Rainbow Dash! I just calmed back down!" Twilight scowled as the others giggled.

"Ya get yourself ready sugar," Applejack patted her friend's back. "He'll be up there with ya so no need to be nervous. Not to mention we got yer back Twi." the others all agreed with a nod and then left.


No pony noticed another black-furred green-haired news pony sneaking about taking pictures of clusters of random creatures. Her camera had no film in it but it works and produced a highly effective bright white flash that stunned any creature for a brief amount of time, about five seconds. Just long enough for a dark changeling to feed off the stunning creature without them realizing they'd had a bit of their emotions taken away.

Back with Twilight...

"Are you really gonna wear that?!" Twilight scowled at her monster boyfriend.

"What?" He looked back now in his true form at full size in his full suit of Yggdra Armor.

Twilight said holding the bridge of her nose, "Look Gar, I truly love but we are in a school surrounded by guards and my not to mention some of the best fighters in royalty. I know you have your emotions back and are fulling enjoying them, but please for my sake no j-"

Gar stopped her talking by placing a clawed finger on her lip as he smiled for real, "I wasn't joking by wearing this Twi and I can understand why you would think I was trying to joke around but I truly was wearing this to try and protect you. for you I will dumb it down a little as I do agree with it being over the top as for as looks go," He shrank down to a much more manageable size and crossed the look of his zebra from wish his true form while streamlining his armor. Though he was still a good head taller than your average pony. "Better?"

"Much," Twilight smiles, and Gar gave a quick pick on the cheek. "What was that for?"

"Cause I love," He smirked as he created more of himself and surround Twilight. "And cause I'll be too busy being your knight and guarding you for us to be lovers for a bit. You ready?"

Twilight face went slightly flush and then shook it off stealing her resolve, "Yes. lets do this," they walked out into the assembly and to the stage. All the while every creature was staring at the Gars in awe. Twilight stepped on stage in front of the podium cleared her throat and spoke out, "Thank you for coming on the most memorable of day. The day of the open of the Scholl of Friendship. We are all gathered here today because of one thing and that thing is friendship. Though it may not be a friendship with me personally, I know many of you have come because you consider one of the ponies behind me a very dear friend. The reason they have asked you and presented you with this idea of this school is because they believe in that friendship and that you and the future generations you have allowed to come can also create the bonds of friendship. I look forward to the day that we can all speak, laugh, and dance or just about do anything with one another and call each other true friends and that is the reason you are here today. I Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship hereby open the Scholl of Friendship," she spread her wings and opened her arms. Son everyone was cheering. "Please if you will find your names on the list and proceed to the classroom it is listed under then head to hat direction. Do not be afraid to ask any creature for help, Thank you all and I look forward to seeing you are learn and grow.

With all said and done the adults gathered to speak with one another after the speech. As they did a reporter pony came out of the blue for some photos.

"Everypony say chasse," The reporter said with an evil hiss.




Everyone was blasted with a large blast of green magic knocking them all out...

Gar's eyes all fluttered open at different intervals. It took some time but eventually, he was able to align his vision. It took longer still as his other four bodies were no responding totally. Usually, with his mind-controlling four separate bodies at once it took time for his thought processes to connect, With only one body awake out of four, he was operating at peak mental efficiency but only at a max of twenty-five percent physically. At the current moment, he was only about five percent awake as he worked and stirring his other bodies awake but found he couldn't connect with them. His eyes looked around and he found himself in Twilight's bedroom and in Twilight's bed no less.

"What the hell happened to me? to us?" He gurgled as he sat up and placed a clawed hand on his forehead and then there was movement next to him. "Twi?" Gar pulled the blanket back hoping to find the mare he loves but was met with a tall shinny black chitin carapace of a rather large dark female changeling. He quickly jumped out of bed and back away. "Who the hell are you?!" he roared.

The changeling groggily stir and looked over at Gar. "What do you me who am I Gar? It's me Twilight silly?" she giggled. "You sure put me through the wringer last night," She gave him bedroom eyes, "Want to go another round?" She said seductively

Gar couldn't help be twitch then, "BRWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What so funny?" The changeling cutely puffed her cheeks.

Gar stopped laughing and then looked at the changeling female with disgust as bloodlust filled the room. "You can drop the act," He said coldly. "Twilight and I haven't gone that far yet," he remarked as tried again to locate his other bodies mentally and started to feel a weak signal and sent a twinge through it. 'got ya,' he mentally high-fived himself.

The changeling scowled at the fairy king. "How the hell are you not affected by my charm spell?"

Gar tapped his head. "Passive skill: Mental Indomitability," he hissed. "Now who the fuck are you and where is my marefriend?!" Bloodlust filled the room. Gar then felt his other bodies wake up and caught a few glimpses of some creatures in some sort of daze, their eyes had a greenish hue to them. 'Stay still till I say other whys' he commands his bodies.

The blurry figures of Yuki and Adreana soon walked up. Yuki activated her case and it opened to reveal a large over-sized butcher's knife. She grasped it tightly with both hands as she held it at a right slant. Her face showed a smile with closed eyes but behind it was one of rage.

(The weapon and stance Yuki is in)

Using the large knife she cut Gar's other forms free while Adreana healed them of any stasis tags and ailment with some quickly prepped food.

"That makes things most difficult," The changeling clicked her tongue as she got out of bed. Dropping the blanket she revealed all of her voluptuous body to Gar though he was unaffected. "As for who I am, I am Queen of the Changelings Queen Chrysalis," she held up a hand and a ball of green magic came into existence and then snake around Chrysalis and spread over her form into gown w and a slit on the side reveal a leg with a set of green fingerless gloves. "As for Twilight Sparkle... hmhm... Think of what I can give you over her. Fairy King..." She whispered seductively into Gar's ear as she had blinked behind him and threw her arms around the monster next. "Such bloodlust from one such as yourself. I have never come across a male such as yourself that could even come close to satisfying my appetite and match my power as you have. Even Shining Armor pale compared to you."

Gar quickly whirled around and gabbed the queen by the neck as several bladed tendrils sprang from his body all pointed at the Queen, "Where. Is. She?" he pushed Chrysalis into the wall cracking it. The queen was merely smiling as she was taken in the emotions Gar was emitting.

She snickered. "And why would I tell you?" she smirked. "I know you split yourself in four to act all cool for the opening ceremony," she giggled. "You are extremely powerful but even I know your power decreases as you split your form. As it stands I have your other three pieces and your princess along with her friends and students. You have nothing as I hold all the cards little king. Now be a good boy and put me down." She turned stern.

Gar put the queen down as he was told.

"Good boy, now come. We have things to do," She commanded. "I have followers that need to be gathered."

"he..hehehhehehehahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Gar belted and then settled down Chrysalis looked confused. "I have to remind you." the wall explodes to reveal Yuki and Adreana. "I have my cooks to help me!"

"You put our master through an ordeal," Yuki pointed the knife at the Queen. Her face showed a smile with closed eyes but behind it was one of rage, "And that will not stand..."

"Did you two bring them?" Gar looked at Adreana.

"Yessir," Adreana nodded as the other three Gars ran up and merged with the first allowing Gar to return to his full height. "They were all in the map room at the castle inside those gross snot-filled sacks."

"Cocoon Adreana," Yuki corrected her sister. "Now are we gonna argue or are we gonna cut this one up for what she's done to Lord Gar?"

"I don't care what you call them, they were gross," Adreana retorted then cracked her knuckles. "I'm down with that sis."

"You fools can't take me on," Chrysalis snickered. "I've been here for weeks gathering the power I would need to face that monster," she stated as she became covered in greenish-black armor and heled an insectoid halberd.

"So you're the reason my forest has felt off," Gar stepped forward. "You two go save the others and see if you can break the mind control," He said holding his hand up as his thorn necklace reached out and became his Spear Basquias. "She is mine."

"As you wish," Yuki bowed and left.

"Man we always miss the fun!" Adreana complained as he followed her sister.

Gar twirled his spear as he looked Chrysalis and ready his stance, "Martial Art: ," his spear's head glowed a bright red gathering power, "DYNAMIC THRUST!" He thrust his spear and rushed forward blasting out of the castle into the skies. Chrysalis barely managing to block the blow from Gar's spear with her halberd. She was still sent rocketing across the sky to an opened field skipping along as she was forced to land.

Chrysalis shakily stood up using her halberd to steady herself. Gar shot over landing in front of her, forming a small crater to be formed in the ground. The smiling monster was not happy. He seethed with anger at the insect in front of so much the very grass around him turned a dark green as it grew into a wild feral series of fly traps that hissed with green acid the spilled from the mouth to sizzle on the ground.

"Oh, are you mad..." Chrysalis cackled with and an evil smile while Gar only let out out a low gurgling growl.

The king and queen rocketed at each other. Chrysalis let out a war cry. Gar let out a roar with a very deafening echo that split the winds. The very sound was so horrifying that any creature area that heard it would've been totally driven off in fear for their very lives. Gar swung his spear and Chrysalis swung her halberd and the two clashed in a bright flash...

:pinkiecrazy: wait to see what happens