• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,130 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

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The Overlord and the King Reunite

It has been nearly two weeks since Gar’s face with the Former Queen of the Dark Changelings. Things had somewhat gone back to normal for the townsfolk but now they had come to the King with a request. To teach them to properly fight.

Gar referred to the princesses for this and while three out of four weren’t in total favor of it they couldn’t deny their ponies’ right to get stronger so they allowed it. Twilight had already made it clear that she fully intended to incorporate a training regiment in Ponyville’s citizenry. She had it spearheaded by Tempest and Grubber, who as it turns out has been taking lessons from a certain party pony. With the former storm captain and co-captain teaching with the help of the local guard and or former adventurers, they had things running in under a day.

The ponies had also come to great terms with the fairies, channeling some and dark changelings of the Everfree. With Gerheade and Applejack’s help, every creature came to have a much greater respect and understanding of each other and the lives in which they respectfully live. No one held animosity towards the Dark Changelings after a bit of an explanation from Twilight detailing they were under the control of the former Queen.

The young six soon met with Gar and his attendants. They all, except Silver Stream who hung on him like a tree ornament, were very wary of the king due to his appearance and with what they’d seen him do in the issuing battle. Over a few days of being with him and seeing him perform his duties, they came to see that he wasn’t the monster they’d made himself out to be at all. He was in fact very kind and friendly to nearly every creature when he first met them, as long as they didn’t piss him off somehow.

It took Gar some days to recover from his battle. During the fight, he’d used up all of his magic and ki leaving him a little more than a withered skinnier version of himself. He ate nearly five times his original weight in hydra meat alone on the third day and slept the whole first two days in a pool of nectar atop the Tree he ruled. By day four he was moving around on his own legs instead of floating on Basquias in plow form.

Now he was currently thinking in his thrown room. Gloxinia had taken a liking to the young six and had volunteered to teach them how to use a sword should Gar ever wanted a break. This was one of those days.

He had the very guard captain take charge while he went over details of the battles with Adreana, Yuki, Luna, and Celestia.

“You’re certain you can’t trace who saved her?” Gar asked.

‘’It was too faint,” Celestia gave a frustrated sigh. “Your attack wiped out most traces of whoever took her and I think they took her long before she hit the bottom cloud layer. We have no leads outside the demon portal spell she had used.”

“It appears we are out of leads unless you can summon a demon,” Luna grunted.

“Hmm…” Gar rubs his chin. “I can do one better. I can go see an old friend. I think it is high time we had a meeting anyway. Yuki, Adreana, come.”

“Yes lord Gar,” The twins said and followed closely.

“I’ll be back in a few days at the latest,” Gar told them. “I am going to see Zeldris on the other side of the fog.”

“Isn’t that the demon from before?” Luna asked. “From when Black was here?”

“Yes, he is also our father,” Yuki added.

“Take care Gar,” Celestia wished him luck. “We will tell the others and twilight of your departure.”

“Thank you both,” Gar nods before walking over to the edge of the tree and jumping down into the fog with Yuki and Adreana.

Meanwhile on the other side of the fog...

It didn’t take long for the enormous smiling monster of the Everfree to lumber out of the mists. Though he was accompanied by two others. They soon came to see Zeldris waiting for them. Zeldris in turn looked up to see his old friend, having grown even more since Zeldris last saw him. He also recognized his two creations by their master's side.

“Zeldris,” Gar nodded.

Zeldris was a bit put off. Gar was expressive and he looked a little different this time. The right side of his face sported a then waning crescent moon scar and where his right arm and shoulder met there was another scar. Gar’s power was much greater than the last time the Demon had met his old friend. It was cleared he had been through some form of hell.

“Father,” the angels bowed, showing their creator the proper respect. Zeldris noted that their power too had vastly improved since their creation.

“Rise my angels, there is no need to bow,” Zeldris said as he lent a hand to his creations. They were shocked that he was showing such kindness to them.

“I see that everyone’s power has improved greatly,” Zeldris said, eyeing all of them. “Especially you, my old friend. I see that you have picked up a few scars.” Zeldris motioned to the fresh scars on Gars body.

“Courtesy of a demon fairy goddess hybrid,” Gar said, getting Zeldris’s attention. “Former Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. She tried to make a mess of things a little while ago but she was stopped thanks to everyone’s efforts. She still got away, with the help of the goddess clan I want to add.” Gar crossed his arms.

“She also opened a portal to the demon realm to bring out a small army of lesser to mid-tier demons one high tier. A member of the six Knights of Black. Yuki destroyed him,” He motioned to the angel.

“A demon fairy goddess hybrid… that is unheard of.” Zeldris said as he rubbed his chin in thought. “I’ll have to look out for this Chrysalis character In my world. But the goddess clan seems to be a bigger problem in your world than it is mine. Being able to open a portal to the demon realm is quite a problem.” Zeldris looked to his creation. “Yuki, I am proud of you for managing to kill a member of the six knights of black. They are second only to the commandments.” Zeldris gave a nod to his daughter.

“Thank you father,” Yuki smiles. “Though it was to repay my sister for saving me. It handled Adreana’s weapon,” She said with disgust, “Such an act could not go unpunished.”

“You truly are my daughter. And I am also proud of you Adreana, you are also worthy to be called my daughter.” Zeldris said, causing Adreana to smile.

“Thank you father but if I had been more aware and not lost in the sense of my fighting it wouldn’t have been necessary to begin with,” Adreana looked down.

Zeldris then remembered what happened earlier. “I also had a run-in with the goddess clan earlier. A goddess by the name of Zuriel, he was a nuisance.” Zeldris said as he remembered how Zuriel took off his hand. “Oh and Gar do you not have anything to say about me.” Zeldris motioned to his hair and new horns.

“Nice look,” Gar noted. “If the goddesses are able to manifest here then why not in my world,” he looked at his old friend. “I will need to dig deeper into the history of my world. In the meantime, your face has that look that says you need a hand with a few things.”

Zeldris nodded. “Yeah well one of the Sins killed a bunch of ponies when he made his first appearance, so I had to fake kill him in order to Appease the public. That caused the dragons to through a fit so now I’m in a little trouble.” He sighed. “I think that if I bring Kon, that’s the dragon's name, to the conference about my crime then it will all be sorted. Or it could make it worse.” Zeldris said as he crossed his arms in frustration.

“It will definitely make it worse father,” Yuki explains. “Dragons are prideful and stubborn in their ways. I have enough experience from dealing with one of Lord Gar’s students in the past few days. The younger ones are not as thick-headed but they only listen to strength above all else. If you are big then you are strong, logic as the little whelp explained, or that’s how it used to be until the current lord took over in our world.”

“So impress them with my strength or magic. Then I win their friendship, then I tell them the truth.” Zeldris said with a satisfied look on his face.

“Physical strength is better,” Gar corrected. “Dragons do have magic but rarely use it outside of their growth stages as to when they try and grow as much as possible while young. It often coincides with greed growth but is much more controlled and the dragon doesn’t go crazy for shinies.”

“Why can’t I just kill them all, it would make it so much easier.” The demon let out a long sigh.

“The drakes are stubborn but strong,” Gar added. “They would be a better asset in the times to come than a pile of ash that you’d wished you’d have never made.”

“I like the way you think,” Zeldris smirked. “Oh, and speaking of dragons do you know any displaced dragon slayers? I want Kon to learn it, it seems like a good fit for him.” Zeldris asked.

“Only one,” Gar held up a finger. “But you won’t like him.”

“Don’t you fucking say it.” Zeldris facepalmed.

“Fine, I won’t say his name,” Gar shrugs. “But he is my oldest brother. He helped save me from myself Zeldris. I would've been in a coma if it wasn’t for him. If you could get on his good side he is a great Displaced to have in your back pocket. The fact that he is a Void Dweller chrysalis doesn’t hurt either.”

“Yeah I know, it’s just that he makes the Lion sin of pride part of me come out. His strength is overpowering and it really pisses me off.” Zeldris scratched the back of his head. “Wait your brother… will be pissed off if I don’t give you... your grimoire! Aha, I remembered!” Zeldris said excitedly as he pulled out an old book from his inventory. He then tossed it to Gar. “I completely forgot what type of magic it is. Maybe tree magic, yeah that sounds right.” He said with a nod.

“This is just a notebook,” Gar held up the book. “I can sense some kind of magic in it but it seems incomplete somehow. Am I supposed to do something with it?”

“Oh shit. I was supposed to publish it or something. Uhh, wait let me remember.” Zeldris couldn’t remember for the life of him what type of spell Asta told him to use. That’s when he thought of the idea to silently cast Control Amnesia on himself to remember. “I got it. Just write your name on the cover of the book, oh wait we need something to write with. Greater Create Item!” With that, a quill and ink popped into existence. Grabbing Gar’s hand Zeldris cut Gars finger over the ink container causing the blood and ink to mix. Gar’s finger healed almost immediately. “Ok write your name with this.” Zeldris handed Gar the quill and ink.

“Alright then,” Gar said, taking the quill and dipping it in the ink. He opened the book and wrote his name on the cover page. “Now what?” Suddenly black lightning shot from the book onto Gar, “RAAAAAA! MOTHER FUCKER TIS HURST WORSE THAN GETTING HIT WITH THAT DAMN PARTY TANK!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there may be some slight pain.” Zeldris laughed, along with his two daughters.

The book slowly morphed into a golden yellow tome with an intricate cover adorned with a four-leaf clover on the back of it. Gar got up and waited for his eyes to realine and once he saw Zeldris bonked him over the head. He then turned to the angels who shut up.

“Let me see,” Gar said as his Grimoire floated up in front of him. “World Tree magic. What the heck kind of magic is world tree magic?” Gar shrugs, grabbing the book and placing it inside a hollow spot on his body. “I’ll figure it out later.”

Zeldris nudged Adreana’s arm to get her attention. “What I told ya. Tree magic.” Zeldris said with a smirk. “Not as cool as my gold magic though.” He patted Yuki on the back.

“You met my older and didn’t tell me,” Gar scowled at the demon and then noticed Zeldris’s glum experience. “How’d that go?”

“Oh, Asta. You know me…” Zeldris started but was cut off.

“He kicked your butt didn’t he…” Gar said flatly.

“Yea- No. I won that fight. He didn’t even stand a chance.” Zeldris said as he crossed his arms with frustration looking off to the side as his cheeks flushed slightly. “He was alright, he was still an asshole like Ed. But he cared for his subjects which I thought was nice.”

“You clearly haven't spoken to Ed about what he does,” Gar blinked. “He runs all of his Equestrian while also teaching at his wife’s school and his own school all at the same time I might add. But I agree, he is an ass. What about him pisses you off so much though?”

“Power. And older siblings exude that older sibling vibe which I hate. I didn’t have the best relationship with my older brother, that demon.” Zeldris shivered at the thought. “He was an abusive maniac who had absolute power over me, and I’m glad he’s dead,” Zeldris said, souring the mood of the conversation.

“I’m sorry to hear that Zeldris but if it helps calm you a bit Ed, or I should say Allen, was never like that,” Gar explained. “Sure we would fight and get on each other’s nerves but I genuinely got along well with my oldest brother. We did grow apart after our parents disowned him,” Zeldris was a little more than taken back by that comment. “But we still spoke every now and then. He came to my world and even pulled me out of myself. I can feel again because he wanted to help me. He told me he wouldn’t always be here be he would be when I most needed him. In my fight with Chrysalis, I heard his voice supporting me. I know he has power beyond what we know but he doesn’t flaunt it around like some arrogant bastard even though he acts like one a good bit of the time. You have to realize, there is a reason that drives his actions.”

“Yeah, yeah I understand. I know I shouldn’t judge him based on my past, it’s just…. I don’t like being seen as weak.” Zeldris realizing what he said immediately stopped talking. “I'll be nicer to him the next time I see him, he just riles me up. Makes me feel vulnerable.”

“The man could wipe out an entire reality if he really wanted to more than likely,” Gar nodded. “Scares the hell out of me and I fought him in my mindscape. I fought him cause I need to even though I knew I couldn’t win, I still can’t win,” Gar shrugs. “But he fought me honestly. If you really want to move past yourself then maybe you should face him too.”

“How about we move away from the topic,” Zeldris said, feeling defeated. “How are you and your little lady friend doing? She must love that you reawakened your emotions.”

“We admitted we loved each other and I built her a school,” Gar nodded. “And we’re doing great. Though I seem to have a few other females watching me rather closely too. Mares are crazy,” He huffed. “But what about you? Found a lady yet?”

“I’m not one for love. I really don’t see a need for it. But who knows one day I might meet a certain vampire.” He shrugged. “But besides that, I don’t think about it.” Zeldris looked over to Yuki and Adreana. “I can always make you guys a significant other if you so desire. Just summon me if you ever want me to.”

“Serving Lord Gar is the only thing I have time for,” Yuki smiled.

“No thanks, I just like to pound stuff and a guy would get in the way of that too much,” Adreana played it off.

“You see Gar, they get it,” Zeldris said as he motioned to the two.

“I’ve already had this talk with both of them several times,” Gar muttered to Zeldris. “They won’t budge on it. Adreana threw a guy from atop my throne clearing one time. Luckily he was a fairy,” Gar straightened up. “Moving on now. Shall I send these two get your dragon while we see the princesses? I may be a stand-in but I am still a member of the sins and I would like to meet the others.”

“Sure.” Zeldris nodded. “Kon should be at the badlands or on his way to it. Oh and Simon is with him, that’s your older brother.” He said, looking at the two angels. “You want to fly there or take a gate, Gar?”

“I think we should take a gate,” Adreana said. “Conserve energy so we can bust some heads,” she cracked her knuckles.

“Manners,” Yuki scolded her sister. “Does our brother have the Gate skill to father?”

“No, he just has a normal teleportation spell. And I don’t think there will be any action their Adreana. So don’t get your hopes up.” Zeldris said, causing Adreana to deflate.

“I agree with Adreana in that we should take a gate,” Yuki said. “Your timeline is newer than our own so I must inform you that the Badlands is the current home to the changeling race. It is where you will find the queen we spoke of earlier. We will do our best to not draw attention and not cause a fight and fly back as fast as possible.”

“Let’s get things started shall we old friend,” Gar smirked evilly. “Can’t wait for them to see me.”

“Celestia is going to freak out.” Zeldris laughed. “Ok now for the gates, Twin Magic: Gate!” Two gates opened up in front of us, one to the throne room and one to the badlands. “Make sure to play nice with your brother, girls,” Zeldris said as he waved by to his daughters. With that, both groups walked into their respective Gates.

Canterlot Castle

Celestia and Luna were both sitting on their thrones, listening to a noble rant about how they should destroy an orphanage so that he could expand his mansion and make a pool. However they were not focused on the conversation, but instead were worrying about what to do with the dragon situation.

“—and that is why, you should support my efforts to destroy an orphanage.” Fat Cheeks concluded his speech with a huff of pride.

Luna’s eye began to twitch. “What is it with you nobles and destroying orphanages?” She said rubbing her temples. “What did those children ever do to you?” Luna questioned genuinely.

Fat Cheeks scoffed. “They exist.”

Before Luna or Celestia could respond they noticed that a gate opened and out of it walked Zeldris and Gar. Both of the sisters' jaws dropped as they saw the thing standing next to Zeldris.

“Allow me,” Gar whispers to Zeldris and he nods with a smirk. Gar stealthily walked up behind the yammering noble idiot.

“And furthermore-” Fat Cheeks yammered until he felt someone breathing on him. “I MUST POINT OUT THAT IS MY TURN!” He yelled out and found himself looking directly at Gar’s stomach. He then was forced to look up.

Gar looked down,” You leave now…” he hissed slowly.

“Ahhh…” Fat Cheeks shorted then his eyes rolled in the back of his head as he fainted.

Zeldris was on the ground laughing. Gar looked back to the demon and couldn’t help but left out a few muffled laughs. Celestia and Luna also started to laugh but quieted down once they realized that Gar was still in the room.

“Guards! Could you remove this noble?” Luna called out while motioning to the fainted Fat Cheeks. “And once you do, you may all take your leave for the evening,” Luna commented at the end. The guards rushed in and quickly fell with the noble on the floor before promptly leaving.

Celestia looked down at between Zeldris and Gar, her royal mask cracking slightly. “Now Zeldris, why have you brought this thing to my throne room?” The sun princess said letting a little bit of venom seep into her tone.

“I will answer that,” Gar interrupted. “I do have a name and you will address me with it. I am Gar, the Smiling Monster of the Everfree Forest and King of the Fairies. I am also Zeldris’s friend,” which caught her attention. “And a stand-in for one of his Sins,” Gar reveals the mar on his neck. “I am the Boar Sin of Gluttony.”

“And with that, you will show him respect,” Zeldris demanded letting his magic run loose in the room. “Celestia learned that if I bring anyone before you to not belittle them. Even if they are demons.” Zeldris said letting up the pressure he put on the room.

“I'm sorry for my sister's rudeness, King Gar.” Luna apologized with a small bow. “I am the Sin of Envy. It is a pleasure to meet another Sin.” Luna said genuinely. Unlike Celestia, Luna is not as hostile to demons

“Just Gar will be fine Princess Luna,” Gar held up a hand. “I am here for Zeldris and to see the look of you two when we came through the Gate. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I did not get the chance last time I was here but this was still early in my life and was probably for the best,” he gave a slight bow. “Now to business,” He looked to Zeldris who in turn nods.

“Yes, about the dragon incident.” Zeldris started off. Catching the two princesses’ attention. “I have come up with a plan thanks to the help of my friend and daughters. He has told me that Dragons listen to strength above all else. So I believe that with a demonstration of my overwhelming strength I’ll gain their trust, then I’ll tell them that Kon isn’t dead. Making everything ok again.” Zeldris explained to them as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Celestia and Luna both looked at each other confused. “That doesn’t sound like it would work at all.” Both said at the same time. “You can try what you are suggesting, you just need to prepare more thoroughly.” Celestia said using a more formal tone.

“They are right my friend,” Gar agreed. “Going in three and giving them a pounding won’t do much but just make them very pissy and then have them coming around for you at random times for challenges.” He explains. “We need a strategy of some sort. I suggest going straight for the Dragon’s throat like any natural predator would,” He chuckled, “DragonLord Torch Himself.”

“That sounds like something I can do,” Zeldris said as he cracked his knuckles.

Celestia immediately shot up. “NO WAY!” She used the royal canterlot voice. “DragonLord Torch is some creature you can never touch. His Magic is unlike anything that I have ever felt. And his fire breath incinerates anything that gets in his way. If you try to go up against him that is suicide.” Celestia warned Zeldris genuinely. She didn’t like the demon but that doesn’t mean she wants him to die.

“I have to agree with my sister,” Luna interjected. “He has a very unique type of magic that makes him a very formidable force. Even a being such as yourself, Zeldris would have a hard time against him.” Luna adds on to her sister's warning.

“I can take him. And I have my Hellblaze, the fire that even burns immortals.” Zeldris said, nodding. He looked over to his friend Gar who just stared at him coldly. “Even with your regained emotions, you still like to just stare.” He said to his friend with a smirk.

Gar turned to the sister, “It’s called Incinerate,” their eyes went wide. “I know many things that not even you two are aware of. One of my friends back home is the current dragonlord, though his mare rules in his stead. He has this ability,” he turned to Zeldris. “It is a unique magic similar in nature to my Disaster that is passed down to the reigning Dragonlord like Disaster is to the current fairy king,” He points at Zeldris and says in a concerned stern tone. “I warn you cause you are my friend and don’t want to see you go into this half-cocked or let your Pride habits run wildly. If you are hit with this flame whatever you lose won’t come back. Not even my super life droplets will help.” Zeldris was a little taken aback for a minute but regained his composure quickly.

“I can handle whatever threat comes my way,” Zeldris said in full seriousness.

“Whatever you say, Captain- '' Celestia said worried before covering her mouth. Luna gave Zeldris a smirk which he returned. “What I meant to say is, that I hope you know what you're doing, Zeldris.” The sun princess said, actually showing concern for Zeldris.

“I have no doubt you can but it never hurts to be prepared my friend,” Gar noted. “Something that will still give you an edge.”

“I take it that you have that something in mind then?” Zeldris smirked while the sisters looked at each other confused.

“Ki,” Gar said bluntly. “I know you have it but haven’t actually done anything with it yet. I have mastered it well enough to teach you all you need to know to get your own style going.”

“I completely let that slip my mind,” Zeldirs held his chin.

“By the time of the conference will both be stronger,” Gar placed a hand on Zeldris’s shoulder and the demon looks at his friend and nods.