• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,074 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Sister Sunset

As Sunset stood by her locker she looked at her journal thinking, "Should I tell Twilight or Celestia about this? I mean... I guess this is kind of big, and like they said I do have a lot of other stuff to worry about... but still though" as her thoughts dwelled on this she glanced to the side where she saw a familiar orange haired girl smirk at her before gesturing for hand for her to follow. She felt her arm twitch and start to shimmer as she said, "Well it looks like I might just have to deal with this now," as she followed after the girl.

Soon she found herself being led into a dark side hall as she caught sight of the other Sirens standing at the end of it looking at her. Adagio came to a stop just in front of them as she turned back to Sunset, that confident smirk never leaving her face.

Sunset glared back at her as she allowed her arm to fully transform and brought it to bear in front of her saying, "Alright I may not know why you're here but I know what you are and I'm not letting you hurt my friends!"

Adagio seemed undaunted by this display of power as she gave a look back to Sonata and Aria who gave quick nods in response as they began to slowly and silently inhale. Adagio then chuckled as she stared at Sunset saying, "You may know what we are but... do you know what you are?"

"I..." stammered Sunset slightly, not noticing the fine red mist now flowing out of her arm and to the girls before her.

Adagio's smirk only grew wider as she raised her own arm saying, "Then allow me to tell you." She then had a transformation of her own, as her fingers grew into talons, her skin to scales, a dark orange fin suddenly ran down the length of her arm like a blade, and finally a red glow seemed to persist along it, not unlike the blue glow over Sunset's own hand.

"Wha... what?!" stammered Sunset at seeing the sight.

Aria having gotten her fill of power stepped forward transforming in the same way as she said, "Oh come on, you think it's just coincidence that we also are from another world and have red stones given to us by our parents?"

Sonata let out a slight laugh as she too stepped forward and transformed saying, "Yeah, that would be like, really lazy writing."

Sunset stared in disbelief as her arm suddenly began to flicker to normal, she glanced at it saying, "What the... what is?"

"Looks like your power finally remembers we're not a threat... little sister," said Adagio as she walked towards Sunset.

Sunset began to hyper ventilate expecting the voices to come any minute, but to her horror the only voice that seemed to fill her head was the one of the girl standing before her, the words so palpable and mind shattering that Sunset failed to notice the sing songy quality to them, or how Ara and Sonata began to hum behind her.

Adagio soon placed her hand on Sunset's shoulder as she turned her smirk from menacing to gentle saying, "So then, ready to join your family?"

Sunset stared into her eyes as a her own blinked green for a moment before she shoved her hand away saying, "NO! My parents where good people... they had to have been if they wanted to protect me like this!"

"Oh really... and what makes you think we're so bad?" said Adagio as feigned being hurt by the words.

"You tear people apart and feed on their anger," said Sunset.

"And humans tear animals apart on feed on their flesh... so tell me which is more gruesome?" said Adagio.

Sunset looked at the girls before as her mind struggled to compute what was going on, she turned her head downward catching sight of her necklace, the object that had just an hour ago made her feel calm and special, now began to disgust her as the thought of it being just like theirs entered her mind. "You... what do you want from this school?"

"Well besides bringing you in little sister-" began Adagio.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" yelled back Sunset.

Adagio slightly rolled her eyes as she said, "Besides that, we sensed some powerful Equestrian magic here, enough for us to finally stop relying on anger and bring this world to order."

"ORDER UNDER YOUR RULE!" said Sunset as she found herself looking back at the girl in anger as her arm began to flicker and glow once more.

The two girls behind Adagio motioned to breath in, but Adagio simply raised a finger to stop them as she said, "Now what would be so bad about that, after all you tried to do the same thing not to long ago." Sunset jolted at that statement as she stared at the girl before her in a mix of rage and sadness as the green glow once again over took her eyes as Aria and Sonata returned to humming. Adagio simply chuckled at that as she said, "And why wouldn't you, after all it's our place in the natural order to rule over creatures like this."

"I... I'm nothing like you," said Sunset as she soon found herself falling to her knees in panic as she looked up a the three before her. Though as much she told herself that mentally, she couldn't help but feel the possibility as she said, "Even... even if I am a Siren, I'll never be anything like you!"

Adagio bent down to look her in the eye as she said, "Well then if that's how you feel little sister then so be it," she then began to walk away as she gestured for the others to follow. She then stopped for a moment with her back turned to Sunset as she said, "Regardless of how you feel though, the Requiem of the human race shall soon be sung, the only question is... will it be sung by a trio or a quartet?" Without even waiting for a response Adagio and the others simply walked away as she Sunset curled up into a sobbing mess on the floor.

Once the girls where far enough away they did undid their transformation as they all let out a strained puff. Aria grimaced at Adagio saying, "Do you seriously know how much of a pain it was to use magic and that new stuff at the same time?!"

"I admit it was more of a strain then I though... but it worked didn't it?" said Adagio as she looked back with a growl

"I don't know... she didn't seem that eager to join us," said Sonata as she thought on the situation.

"She doesn't actually need to join us idiot, we just need her power," said Aria as she glanced back at her sister.

"Who are you calling idiot, idiot!" said Sonata as she glared back at Aria.

"Enough, you're both idiots!" yelled out Adagio, bringing the two to attention as she sighed saying, "You seriously need to get a beat on the temper this new power is giving you or else the plan won't work."

"And what exactly is the plan?" asked Sonata, still somewhat confused

"Well, as you saw we just tricked her into thinking she might be our sister with both our my clever words and a little bit of sweet music to limit her thinking," said Adagio as she smirked.

"About that... putting her under spell meant using up most of what we got in the cafeteria and even then it barely worked. Sure she might think of it as a possibility now, but the second she talks to someone else about it or even just has time to really think it over she'll see it's all a big lie," said Aria.

Adagio shrugged at that as she said, "Perhaps, but right now she's filled with so much sadness and confusion that if she does learn the truth her rage will be beyond compare." Aria and Sonata soon began to smirk as they started to get Adagio's train of thought as she continued saying, "Either she believes it and willingly becomes our little battery, or she explodes in the most delectable anger possible and we use it to drain her dry...

"I thought you said not to do that," said Aria.

"Getting alot of power now is better then none later, besides now matter how get it we win," her smirk then grew dark as red flickered into her eyes as she continued saying, "And this world loses."

Author's Note:

So the Dazzlings are being affected by their new power, and have decided to pull a VERY rude trick on Sunset. What will happen as a result, find out next chapter around this time next week