• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,092 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Schools Out

As Sunset sat at a booth outside a cafe sipping her drink, she got a pen and began writing in her journal saying, "Dear Princess Celestia... or just Celestia, sorry force of habit. Anyway, sorry I haven't messaged you since our day in the castle, I've just been sort of," she then glanced at the other girl resting on her shoulder as she blushed saying, "Distracted. Anyway, things have been going well for me here, after the Battle of the Bands a few weeks ago. Ever since I absorbed energy from the Elements of Harmony, it just feels like something in me got jump started. I feel even better then before, I haven't had any hallucinations no matter now fast my heart goes, and I haven't gotten drained and needed to take an emergency pill." She stopped as she felt a slight glare up at her before she quickly said, "But I still take them in the morning to be safe, I've also been training with my wings a bit to make sure I can use them well... guess we were both right, I didn't deserve to be a princess but I did deserve wings."

She let out a slight chuckle before glancing at her reflection in the silver napkin holder on the table as she said, "All the yellow parts of my hair are still white which I actually kind of like but there is another change I noticed recently," she then moved her hair to side as she said, "While not as much as in my demon form my ears are a lot stronger and have retained a slight point to them, that while not bad or anything certainly took some getting used to."

Fluttershy spoke up at that as she gently touched the ear closest to her saying, "I think the're cute."

Sunset instantly blushed at that before writing as she said, "Fluttershy thinks the're cute," and then somewhat regretting that she couldn't erase stuff from this book. She then sighed before saying, "Overall my life is good, and while I'm still not having any luck finding out anything about my parents from the notes, I'm hoping that I'll be able too with all the time I have over the break. As always... your faithful-" she thankfully caught herself this time as she continued writing, "Friend, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset then crouched down slightly nuzzling into Fluttershy as she said, "I think that went well."

Fluttershy simply nodded at that as she said, "Thanks for agreeing to go with me to this cafe by the way, I know you're not usually a morning person especially with how you can sleep in as much as you want over the break."

Sunset smiled at that as she said, "Hey, if my girlfriend wants to have a brunch date we're going on a brunch date."

Fluttershy blushed at that as she snuggled into Sunset more. Sunset opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted as she felt her arm twitch in a familiar way. She closed her eyes for a moment and then moved out of the embrace saying, "Although I am kind of tired.. I think I'm gonna get a refill on my coffee."

Fluttershy looked slightly concerned as she got up saying, "Oh... well hurry back."

Sunset smiled and nodded at that in an effort to calm her, before making her way towards the cafe door, only to glance back and once she confirmed Fluttershy wasn't looking, quickly turn and head the other way as she let her arm fully glow thinking, "Alright what's up, this doesn't feel like the Dazzlings again."

She then turned down an alley as she looked down it and her heart started speeding up as she said, "No... no way." She then walked down the alley as she stared up in disbelief saying, "I... I must be seeing things." She rubbed her eyes as she saw something she had hallucinated thousands of times. Hanging on strings connected to nothing was a blood stained wooden puppet larger then her with bladed hands. As she got closer though, those strings appeared to be cut as it fell to the ground and began walking towards her. It raised its bladed hands up and prepared to swing down as Sunset jumped back, though not before it nicked her arm as she looked at the dripping cut before it began to heal as she said, "OK, so... you're real!"

The creature looked up at her as it pried its blades from the ground and looked at the small bit of blood on them. Even though it didn't have a mouth and its blank face did not move Sunset could still hear it say in a deep gravely voice, "The blood of Sparda."

"The blood of who?" asked Sunset as she stared in disbelief before the creature began approaching her. She then got into a ready stance as she said, "Look buddy, I don't know if you're alive, or some kind of golem or what, but if you have any interest in self preservation I suggest you walk away." The puppet seemed undaunted as it continued to march towards her, slamming its blades against each other in order to sharpen them. On instinct she reached for a bag that wasn't there as she grumbled and said, "Damn, didn't think I'd need Jade on my date. Looks like we're gonna have to do this another way." She then focused on her back causing her wings to sprout as she flew above the creature and spun her finger, shooting a fire ball at it.

The wood instantly caught fire, as Sunset floated down with a smirk, only for that smirk to leave as the creature continued to approach only now swinging flaming blades as she flatly said, "Hmm, I made it more dangerous." Thankfully her wings allowed her to keep a good distance as she said, "Well if I can make Jade fire different things by focusing then maybe." She then spun her finger again, this time though she shot ice at both the creature and ground below it, causing the fire to go out and it to slip and fall down. Sunset decided to capitalize on this by forming an ethereal fist as she bolted down and smashed into it, cracking its wooden chest open. "Woah," said Sunset thankful there was no sudden gore from it.

The creature on the other hand seemed entirely undisturbed by its body cracking apart as it looked off into the distance with its featureless mannequin like face saying, "My lord... I have found... the descendant of... Sparda, you must hurry... before the witches intervene," before it finally cracked to dust.

Sunset looked at this dust as she said, "Sparda... witches?" trying to make heads or tails of what was going on.

Her thoughts where soon interrupted though as she heard a gasp, as she turned to see Fluttershy standing just outside the alley, and judging by the look on her face she had been watching for some time.

Without thinking Sunset flew over and grabbed her in her arms as she said, "Come on, lets get back to my place before this guys buddies or the witches he talked about show up."

Fluttershy gulped as she nodded at that before they took off into the sky .

Meanwhile a woman who had been sitting at the cafe with them briefly lifted her large brimmed hat to look at her, revealing her blue hair and pointed ears as she said, "Not to concerned with hiding your powers, just what I would expect from Edalyn's daughter."

Suddenly a man exited the cafe and approached her wearing a large metal mask and white cape as she groaned saying, "Speaking of a lack of hiding, what is it Steve?"

"Well I was just wandering Lady Lilith, why aren't we following her exactly?" asked Steve as he sat his cup of hot chocolate down on table.

Lilith looked at the girls flying away as she said, "Because unlike Mundus and his lowly demons we are of the Emperor's Coven and that means we must do everything with tact and dignity, and it is for those reasons that we shall succeed where he fails."

As if to contradict that, Steve suddenly knocked their drinks to the floor as he jumped on the table excitedly saying, "YEAH! EMPEROR'S COVEN FOR THE WIN!"

Lilith simply groaned as she looked at her menu muttering, "I wonder if this place has hard apple blood."

Meanwhile 20 miles outside of Canterlot City

Nero laid atop the van allowing the sun to wash over his face as he chuckled and sarcastically said, "You know, this is great."

Lady grumbled as she grabbed a socket wrench saying, "I don't want to hear it Nero."

"No I mean it, I mean I could be at home watching TV, having some Kyrie's delicious cooking, spending time with the kids, but you two had to get me to help you fight some unknown demon," said Nero as he crossed his legs.

"As I recall, you where totally onboard for that part," said Trish as she leaned against the door and lit up a cigarette.

Nero groaned as he waved his glowing right arm at her to blow the smoke away as he said, "And I still think that part will be fun, what isn't fun is you two wrecking my damn van and leaving us stranded in ninety degree heat."

"Look, I said I'd fix it, besides this is your fault for sticking with a stock engine, seriously what kind of Devil Hunter's ride can't even get triple digit speeds?" asked Lady with a groan.

"The kind that also needs to shuttle three kids to soccer practice every weekend," said Nero as he simply shrugged his shoulders.

Lady groaned at that before saying, "Whatever you just stay there and work on your tan."

Trish shrugged her shoulders as she said, "You can leave it if you want you know, I haven't really sensed any big spikes in demonic energy after that one night so we should be fine."

Nero thought for a moment before smiling as he said, "Nah, I've come this far already, besides I get the feeling this might be interesting."

Author's Note:

And so the stage is set as these three groups make their way to Sunset, what will happen next? How will Sunset react learning about her parents from the mouthes of their enemies? Find out all this more next chapter around this time next week.

OK, so I know some of you might have questions so I'm gonna try and answer some now. I mentioned Nero having kids because it was established in a prequel manga to DMC 5 that he and Kyrie adopted three after Fortuna was destroyed (he briefly mentions them in the opening of DMC 5 when he says he has a couple of loud talkers upstairs, and Dante comments how Vergil's never gonna meet his grand kids)
Secondly for those who don't remember Steve, here is his one and only (so far, please give this innocent boy more screen time!) appearance in Owl House

Finally as always thanks for reading it, hoped you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.