• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,092 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Coming to a Head

Mundus's mind boiled with rage as he struggled to split his focus between opening a portal to the human world, while at the same time tracking the two beings he sought the death of more then anything. As the next ruin began to take form he thought, "Well, if it's any consolation by the time I am done the two shall be together to meet their end."

Sunset slowly walked out, fully transformed and gun firmly in hand as the woman looked her up and down and a slight smirk as she said, "My my, you know most people exaggerate when they say a child looks like a perfect combination of their parents, but with you it's uncanny."

Sunset twitched slightly before raising the gun saying, "I don't know who you are, but if you're claiming to know my parents you better not be lying, because I've already had to deal with that a bit ago and I can't say for sure what I'd do if it happened again."

"Easy child," said the woman as she lowered the large staff she was holding to the ground saying, "There's no need for weapons here, I'm only here to talk."

Sunset let out a sarcastic chuckle as she said, "Yeah, your buddy in there seemed very much in the mood to talk about how much he wanted to kidnap or kill me and bring me to some Emperor guy."

The woman sighed at that as she said, "Yes well Steve is very... excitable."

"I could guess... if you really just want to talk I'll listen, but I'm not putting Jade down," said Sunset as she gripped the pistol tighter.

The woman sighed as she said, "So you named your weapons too, you really take after them."

Sunset glared at the woman saying, "Take after who? Either stop being vague and give me something to believe or get ready to dodge a bullet."

This made the woman slightly flinched as she said, "Very well... your mother is named Edalyn Clawthorne and your father is Dante Sparda."

Sunset blinked for a moment at hearing the familiar name but calmed herself saying, "What do they look like?"

The woman stood for a moment as she asked, "Why do you need to know that?"

"Just humor me... please," said Sunset.

The woman blinked as she said, "Um... well Eda has grey and white hair now, though when she was younger it was orange, yours actually reminds of hers a little bit. She has a number of outfits she stole from this world, but she mainly wears a red dress. Dante I know less about but he has white hair and usually wears some kind of red coat."

Sunset took in the words the woman said, as they not only seemed to fit the foggy image she had of them, but hearing the details seemed to make the image less foggy as she smiled slightly saying, "Alright... that checks out." She then looked up at the woman saying, "So how exactly do you know them?"

At this the woman smiled as she said, "Well as I said, I mainly know about your mother and that is because I am Lilith Clawthorne, her older sister and your aunt."

Fluttershy sat in worry as she stared at the exchange out the window, she was taken out of that worry though when she suddenly heard a mumbling noise behind her. She turned to see Steve waking up as he said, "Meh... what happened? Where's Lady Lilith?"

"Um... hi," said Fluttershy as she awkwardly waved to him.

He turned to her saying, "Hi... listen do you think you could untie me?"

"I'm not sure if that's the best idea, I don't want you to hurt Sunset," said Fluttershy simply as she sat down in front of him.

Steve grew somewhat panicked as he struggled against the ropes saying, "No please... look I'll do my best not to hurt her, I just can't disappoint Lady Lilith."

Fluttershy's face went from stern, to concerned as she said, "You seem kind of scared of her, do you maybe want to talk about it?"

Sunset blinked at what she was told as she said, "You... how do... you?"

Lilith sighed as she said, "I know it's a lot to take in," as she walked towards Sunset and placed her hand on her shoulder.

Sunset flinched slightly thinking, "Her story... seems to line up so far, way more then the Dazzlings did... but even if it does." She then looked at the hand and took a moment to memorize the feeling of this warmth of her own flesh and blood touching her for the first time she could remember, before pulling away as she asked, "Let's get to the big question then, why did my parents send me away and who is this Emperor?"

Lilith lurched back as she said, "That is rather complicated as... Emperor Bellos is the ruler of the Boiling Isles, your homeland and... technically speaking your existence violates his laws."

"What?" asked Sunset.

"By order of Emperor Bellos it is forbidden for a child to be born of a witch like your mother and a demon, or half demon, like your father as it is believed that the two conflicting energies woulds tear each other apart," said Lilith before turning to Sunset as she said, "But you have proven him wrong, I'm sure if you come back with me and join the Emperor's Coven you will be allowed to live in peace."

"And what about my parents?" asked Sunset.

Lilith put her hands on Sunset's shoulders again as she smiled and said, "I'm sure once they find you've joined our coven they will stop fighting the inevitable and join as well, your mother is a rather powerful witch and we can always use more guard demons, and then finally Edalyn will be saved."

At this Sunset's mood began to darken as she pushed Lilith away saying, "What do you mean saved?"

Lilith stepped back at that as she said, "Oh... I suppose I forgot to mention, your mother is under a curse that is slowly eating away at her magic and mind, so far she has been able to combat it using potions purchased on the black market, and as much as I don't like to admit it Dante has been able to help somewhat slow it down as well... but that won't last forever, only the emperor's power can break the curse for good."

"And he won't help unless she helps him first!? What kind of leader blackmails their subjects!?" asked Sunset.

"It's not like that... it's just he," said Lilith as she trailed off.

Thankfully for Lilith she didn't have to think of an answer as they heard a honking noise before turning to the side and seeing a van approaching them at full speed.

"Get back!" yelled out Lilith as she pushed Sunset to the ground as the van skidded to a stop past them.

Sunset looked at her for a moment before breaking out of her grip as she looked away from her mumbling, "Thanks."

As they did that though, they looked towards the van as its door slid open, a man soon stepped out in a large black and red cloak, white hair and a sword strapped to his back, but Sunset barely noticed that as she saw that his right arm was glowing and looked just like hers. The man looked behind him saying, "What the hell Trish, I thought you said it was some kind of demon but it's just these clowns who showed up last time we visited Dante's place."

"Well damn... at least Lilith is here, that should at least make the fight kind of fun," said a blonde woman in a tight leather top with a lighting bolt cut down the middle, and equally tight leather pants with a sword bigger then her strapped to her back.

"Um guys... I think your missing someone," said a lady with with black hair, a white colored shirt, and black shorts."

The two looked to see Sunset as they noticed her arm and wings as she awkwardly waved saying, "Um... hi."

Trish briefly closed her eyes before blinking them open in surprise as she said, "This demonic energy it's... it's just like-"

Nero looked at her with a slight smirk as he caught onto her train of thought and said, "Devil Bringer arm, owl like wings... well damn, I didn't think Dante actually had it in him."

Trish then snapped out of her stammer as she chuckled and said, "Still surprised he actually got a wife with how terrible his luck is with woman, speaking of which I still owe you on that bet don't I Lady."

"With interest, but either way looks like we got here just in time, don't want auntie dearest taking her away," said Lady as she unclipped the rocket launcher from her back.

Lilith growled as she said, "Not you people again, why must you insist on interfering!?"

"I could ask you the same thing," said Trish as she stepped forward and looked at Sunset saying, "Look sweetie, I know this is a little confusing, but we're friends of your parents and I don't know what she told you but this lady is just someone trying to get your parents to join her dumb boy band or whatever it's called."

Sunset chuckled at that as she approached Trish saying, "Yeah... she was pretty honest about that." She then walked up to her saying, "And even though you guys almost ran me over... you honestly seem more trustworthy then her, and friends of my parents seem like a better chance at helping me meet them."

"Meet them?" asked Lady.

"Yeah... it's a bit of a long story, speaking of which," said Sunset as she turned to Nero and said, "About that arm, you wouldn't happen to be?"

Nero briefly looked at his arm saying, "The Devil Bringer, yeah it's weird that we both have them, but I'm not your brother or anything...." Nero then blinked as he groaned saying, "Shit, Dante's not my dad is he?"

Lady laughed at that saying, "Please, he was lucky to get with one girl, two is way beyond his reach."

Trish simply smiled at that as she said, "Don't worry, he's not your father." as she mentally added, "But he better tell who your father is soon."

Trish then looked towards Sunset as she said, "So if you've never met them, I'm guessing these guys are somehow involved," she said as she gestured her sword towards Lilith and her guards.

"More then likely," said Sunset as she pointed her gun towards them with a smirk.

Lady chuckled as she said, "Like father like daughter."

Nero then stood next to her as he said, "What do you say we kick their asses then?"

"Sound like a plan to me," said Sunset.

Lilith groaned as she reached to pick up her staff, only to have it rumble away from her as the ground began to shake. "Oh no," said Lilith as she could feel what this was.

Sunset looked as her arm began to blow brighter, briefly noticing that Nero's did the same. Trish gasped as she said, "No, not now."

"What's happening?" asked Sunset as she briefly looked towards her apartment worried for Fluttershy.

Lady simply sighed as she said, "Well it looks like we just went from a therapeutic ass kicking to a real fight."

Sunset sighed as she said, "Of course this is getting more complicated."

A large gap formed in the air as they all turned to see a giant clawed hand reach through it before another followed. Soon a large figure with a three eyed face became visible as he poked his head through saying, "Look upon me pathetic ones, for I am your end, I am the oblivion of this world, I am-"

"AN ASSHOLE!" said said Sunset as she felt slightly agitated at seeing this new interloper.

The three eyed creature turned down towards her as he slightly smirked saying, "I see you truly are Dante's daughter, and for that you shall die!"

Author's Note:

Well the gang is all together, what will happen next? Find out next chapter around this time next week.

Sorry the most recent chapters have been cliff hangers, but I promise the next one will wrap this up and get the ball rolling for what comes next

Anyway, I hope you like it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day