• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,092 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Catching Up Part 1

No one knew how long it had been, but eventually the group hug had split up as Sunset sat on the couch. Eda soon sat a plate of tea cookies in front of her saying, "Sorry it's not much, wasn't exactly expecting this today," as she sat on a couch opposite them.

"No we where not," said Dante as he sat down next to her before blinking, as he said, "Damn, I completely to forgot to ask who you are Miss," as he turned to the girl sitting next to Sunset.

"Oh, my name's Fluttershy and Sunset and I are dating," said Flutterhy as she awkwardly waved at them.

Eda gasped slightly before smiling as she moved closer saying, "Oh tell me everything, how did you two meet, how long have you been together?"

Dante then suddenly slammed his hand on the table and leaned forward looking somewhat threatening as he said, "What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Fluttershy flinched as she began seeing, "Well um-"

But was quickly interrupted by Dante smiling and chuckling as he said, "I'm just messing with ya," before reaching out his hand as he said, "It's good to meet you."

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief as she said, "Likewise," before shaking Dante's hand. She turned to Eda as she said, "We actually met in school, and have been dating for just a few weeks," she then looked towards Sunset with a smile as she smiled back and the two gripped hands as Fluttershy said, "Though we'd been friends for a while so it feels like longer."

Eda smirked at that letting out an, "Aww," while Dante simply smiled proudly.

Luz, who was leaning against the couch to their left, slightly blinked thinking, "I've never quite seen them act like this before... then again, I can't imagine how they must feel seeing her after so long." Luz smiled before saying, "Hate to but in, but how exactly do you know my mom?"

"Oh I was treated by her not to long ago," said Sunset simply.

This caused Eda to jerk slightly as she said, "Wait, Luz's mom... in the human realm!?"

Dante sighed as he said, "Well I guess that explains how you got the sword... how are Trish and the other doing?"

"Pretty good, they helped me fight this guy named Mundus and... Aunt Lilith," said Sunset as she scratched her head nervously.

"LILY TRIED TO FIGHT YOU!" said Eda as she stood saying, "OH! I swear to Titan I'll-"

Sunset then stood up as she placed her hand on Eda's saying, "She didn't actually fight me... or even try to, she just wanted me to join her in serving the emperor."

Eda looked down at the hand on hers before a slight smile overtook her face as she sat down saying, "Let me guess, you turned her down instantly and then you tried to fight her?"

"Pretty much," said Sunset as she smiled back.

Eda let out a chuckle as she sat back down and said, "That's my girl."

Dante then leaned forward saying, "How did the fight with Mundus go?"

Sunset glanced at him and got a somewhat cocky smirk as she said, "Better then with you apparently since I managed to put him down for good."

"Seriously," said Dante as he blinked for a second thinking, "I didn't even think that was possible... also she definitely spent some time with Lady if she's showing that attitude."

King then stood up in his place on the of the couch saying, "YES! With that pretender the throne out of the way the true demon king is ready to rise!"

Luz chuckled at that as she picked him up saying, "Now's not the time for that buddy."

She then sat him down as he awkwardly rested on all four paws for a moment before getting back upright as he said, "Yeah... sorry."

Sunset slightly chuckled at that before Eda leaned forward saying, "More importantly though... how did you end up in the human word?"

Dante then blinked for a moment before saying, "Yeah... we kind of avoided sending you there since we knew guys like that would be able to find you there."

Sunset awkwardly scratched her head as she said, "That's kind of a long story and... some parts of it I'm not exactly proud of."

Fluttershy, sensing how uncomfortable Sunset was, then interrupted saying, "How about we start with something else, like how you two met or why you had to send Sunset away."

Eda once again lurched as she said, "That um..."

"Yeah, having to send you away Sunset... you deserve to know why we had to do it, but we aren't exactly eager to relive that," said Dante as he placed a comforting hand on Eda's.

Sunset looked back and forth between them as she let out a chuckle saying, "I guess problems run in the family."

"Looks like," said Eda as she chuckled somewhat awkwardly.

Sunset then let out a sigh as she said, "I guess I'll go first.... no you didn't send me to the human world. The world you sent me to was called Equestria and believe it or not I was a unicorn there."

Luz instantly gasped as she leaned next to Sunset and with a huge smile said, "OH DIOS MIO! THAT'S AWESOME! Did your horn glow with the dazzling brilliance of a thousand suns!?"

Sunset blinked for a moment before letting out a chuckle as she said, "Well it wasn't quite like in the Azura books."

Luz somehow became even more giddy as hopped up and down saying, "You read them too! Oh man, I can't wait to tell Amity we have a new member in the club."

Sunset smirked as she said, "Well not to toot my own literal horn, but I could make it glow as well as bunch of other stuff, but that's mainly thanks to help of my mentor and friend, Princess Celestia... she was the mare who raised me... as best she could."

"Woah, a princess," said Dante as he let out a whistle and then continued saying, "We where hoping you'd have a good life where we sent you but being raised by freaking royalty is way beyond what we could have hoped for."

Eda smiled, somewhat sadly, as she said, "I bet this place is nothing compared to where you grew up then."

Instantly Sunset placed her hand on Eda's again saying, "Oh mom no, this is great... honestly even though I've only been here for a while, it already feels like more of a home then the castle ever did."

"What do you mean?" asked Luz as she calmed back down.

Sunset sighed as she leaned back down saying, "Well like I said, Celestia did her best but... she had never even thought about having a kid of her own so she didn't exactly know what she was doing, and lord knows I didn't exactly make it easy on her... looking back I can see she was trying even when it felt like she wasn't." Sunset smiled as she thought back to that time, her newfound friendship with Celestia allowing her to see things she had missed before and causing her to think about their time together a little more fondly. That didn't last too long though as she let out a sigh saying, "That doesn't change the fact though that in the moment, our relationship wasn't great, combine that with the fact that I had a big talent with magic and lacked the maturity not to let it go to my head and well...."

She then sat for a moment trying to think of how to put it as Fluttershy gripped her hand tighter to urge her on. Sunset smirked at her before thinking, "Well there isn't exactly a good way to say power mad so... might as well just come out with it." Sunset sighed as she said, "Celestia isn't just a princess, she's an Alicorn. An immortal pony with incredible power and... I thought I deserved to be one too and when she disagreed I ran away to the human world."

Sunset prepared for a scolding, or at the very least a disappointed sigh, instead she was greeted by Eda groaning and saying, "Who is this Celestia so say my little girl isn't worthy!?"

Sunset blinked as Dante said, "Seriously... well if it helps you already have most of that anyway."

Sunset blinked as she said, "What do you mean?"

"Well you've probably already gotten a taste of some of your power if you've had to fight, add near instant healing from wounds and slowed down aging from me and you've got something going there," said Dante as he smugly crossed his arms.

Eda let out a chuckle as she said, "Don't let Dante make you think you only got power from him and while not quite immortal." Eda then reached up as she grabbed her head with both hands and gave a strong yank, pulling it clean off her neck as she continued saying, "Witches can't exactly be put down in the conventional ways."

Fluttershy lurched at the sight as Luz shivered saying, "It's always freaky when she does that."

Sunset blinked as she looked at the sight saying, "I can... I mean I can't-"

Eda's head still in her hands spoke up saying, "Now I don't want you messing around with this, like I said it's not exactly immortality. My head getting yanked off or cut with a normal sword no big deal, but if it got cut by a demon sword like the one you got strapped to your back or hit by magic, completely different story. Plus it's going to take some time to fully get a beat on your powers and figure out what you can and can't do," she then placed her head back on as she smiled saying, "Pretty cool though right?"

Sunset blinked for a moment before letting out a chuckle as she said, "Yeah.. it is," She smiled at that for a moment before letting out a sigh as she said, "That part wasn't what I didn't want to tell you though... after I came to the human world I was sorta kinda... was a total bitch to everyone."

Fluttershy then turned to her saying, "You weren't that bad."

Sunset didn't turn to look at her as she stared at her parents saying, "I was though... I manipulated and blackmailed everyone at school just so I could rule the place, I even threatened to hurt people when that didn't work out... but that's not the worst part. I did eventually go back to Equestria, only to steal the crown of someone who was worthy to be a princess and used it to try and enslave the school to be an army to conquer Equestria." She then looked towards her parents with tears in her eyes as she said, "I was an awful person... and while I'm trying my damnedest to be better that still doesn't change all I did."

"NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE!" said Fluttershy as she stood up firmly and said, "Firstly you've saved our world not once, but twice already so you've more then made up for trying to take it over when you where corrupted by power, let alone for being a bully."

Sunset then turned to Fluttershy as she said, "But I"

Flutteshy blushed as she said, "Besides... even back then I could tell there was some good in you, there where lines you were never wiling to cross even if it meant things would be easier for you, after all you only ever threatened to hurt people, never actually did it."

"I guess," said Sunset smiling back at her slightly.

Before she could continue though she suddenly found Dante in front of her as he said, "Hey, you thought Nero, Trish, and Lady where pretty cool right?"

"Yeah," said Sunset.

"Well they all tried to kill me at one time or another," said Dante, almost laughing at that fact.

"Wait what?" said Sunset as she blinked at that.

Eda sighed as said, "Look sweetie everyone makes mistakes, and... I'm gonna be honest with you, our lives are pretty messed up so the mistakes we make are kinda bigger then most."

"But it sounds like in spite of it all, you still had a good heart deep down, and whatever you did doesn't matter compared to what you're doing now," said Dante as he gave her a small smile.

"Exactly my point," said Fluttershy as she crossed her arms triumphantly.

"Your girlfriends got a good head on her shoulders," said Eda, resulting in an embarrassed blush from Fluttershy.

Sunset had a smile of her own as the tears in her eyes turned from those of shame and sadness, to joy at getting all this off her chest and having it be accepted. "Thanks mom and dad," she then leaped over and hugged them both saying, "You're both better then I could have ever imagined."

The two hugged her back as Dante said, "Same with you Sunset."

"We couldn't have asked for a better daughter," said Eda.

This went on for a time before Dante let out a sigh breaking the three of them up as he said, "Well... I guess it's out turn then."

"You don't have to tell me today if you don't want to," said Sunset.

"No... you told us something that was difficult for you, we should do the same," said Eda as she looked down in thought.

Fluttershy spoke up saying, "Like I said before though, if it helps you could start by saying how you two met and build up to Sunset."

Sunset smirked at that as she said, "I would kind of like to hear that."

Luz once again jumped up and down excitedly as she said, "OH! I want to hear that too!"

King shrugged as he said, "That was a pretty interesting day."

Dante let out a chuckle as he said, "Well I'd say it was interesting... well it all started with a motorcycle going through an ocean of demon blood."

"Wait what?" asked Sunset in instant confusion.

Eda scoffed as she said, "Oh honey please don't exaggerate," before turning to Sunset as she said, "The demon blood only covered up the beach."

Author's Note:

Well, now Dante and Eda know about Sunset's past, but what about theres? Find out next chapter which should be around this time next week (this one is slightly up in the air due to a consultation about getting lasik surgery... wish me luck on that)

I felt I'd simply have Sunset say her history since we already know it, but the next chapter is going to be a full on flash back from Dante and Eda's perspectives so I hope you enjoy that (and it's worth the wait if need be)

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a great day

Comments ( 60 )

Sunset glanced at him and got a somewhat cocky smirk as she said, "Better then with you apparently since I managed to put him down for good."

you could at least mention than Lilith was one of the reasons why you could Sunny :ajbemused:

Eda's head still in her hands spoke up saying, "Now I don't want you messing around with this, like I said it's not exactly immortality. My head getting yanked off or cut with a normal sword no big deal, but if it got cut by a demon sword like the one you got strapped to your back or hit by magic, completely different story. Plus it's going to take some time to fully get a beat on your powers and figure out what you can and can't do," she then placed her head back on as she smiled saying, "Pretty cool though right?"

i had read somewhere than it's more of a things of older witches, so not something like for a teenager like Sunset

Sunset doesn't know Lilith helped during the fight (she was too focused to notice the glow on his neck, and given that all Mundus said was "damn that witch" it wasn't obvious)

As for the head thing, there are a number of theories about that, from it being a thing older witches can do, to just a side effect of her curse, either way I felt it would be fun to bring it up this way

Sunset prepared for a scolding, or at the very least a disappointed sigh, instead she was greeted by Eda groaning and saying, "Who is this Celestia so say my little girl isn't worthy!?"

Really looking forward for the (sort-of) foster-biological parents meeting.

Looks like an epic tale. Can't wait to read that.

Also good luck on the surgery.

Glad to see you're excited for it :twilightsmile:

Also thanks for saying that because even though the surgery itself isn't even scheduled yet (and might not be until next year depending on what the doctor says) already I'm pretty nervous, so I'm gonna need all the positivity I can get :heart:

It's fine, glad to see you checking out my current work (got the impulse to write this and now it's my main focus) :twilightsmile:

Did you see my other comment actually? :0

Still loving this\Waiting for someone to show up and say shes accidentally picked a fight with multiple realites

Yeah, don't exaggerate when the truth is ridiculous enough (although that's really just Tuesday for Dante).

Then don’t ever let him go to the ponyville in TDR,s twilight gets a puppy series as chaos on a Tuesday is a regular thing for them adding Dante would be a world ending grade event

Hopefully Spike didn't get left behind or anything.

I felt like there could be something for Luna given how she's linked to darkness and how demon stuff will be involved.

Think any of the Lesser Demons from the games will show up too?

Glad you still liked

As for why no Spike I just didn't think he'd be coming along given the context

Spike would have still come anyway since Twilight is marching to the human world alone.
In Rainbow Rocks, Spike offered to go too since Twilight shouldn't be going alone like that especially for something that important.
It doesn't make sense regardless of context for Twilight to come there and not let Spike come with her. Especially since its a major deal due to the Sirens being there.

Really it just hurts he got ommited like that.
EQG did him dirty by reducing him to a dog but ommiting him and what stuff he did do at least when doing a take on the events of the movies such as Rainbow Rocks makes it hurts worse.

I managed to fully catch up on whats posted so far.

I am liking the story due to loving Devil May Cry a bunch and having an eye on Owl House there.

Though still hurting Equestrian Spike was ommited in your take on Rainbow Rocks there..

so, how will you do for after the revelations of the latest episode ? It was revealed than King was adopted by Eda only 8 years ago, he can't know Sunset directky, he can know her only by having heard of her.

Will you edit the parts which made seemed like he knew her when she was a baby ?

Unknown for sure, if you haven't seen I am currently taking a hiatus from writing

so I'll have plenty of time to think about it, and whatever else happens in the series I will say that a theory I had about King was alluded to being canon in that episode so I might just call this a slight AU and adapt the episode differently

So, what are some of the changes who are going to be made now than there is more informations comparate to the time of the Last update ?

For example, what about Phillip, and also there is Belos and Hunter, with Belos appearance being known as well as his relation with Hunter ?

Also, question to the others readers, at which point of The Owl House are you ?

Well the changes I am making aren't too much. Really all that is happening is my head canon origins for Belos and King have been disproven and I adjusted their motivations accordingly, originally I was going to have that they where both born of the Titan with Belos being the titans rage and pain at his death while King is his original good nature, sort of a yin yang thing. As for Hunter I actually had planned for him before the hiatus, he will be assigned to be Lilith's new right hand now that Steve is retired, them trying to work together will be fun. So yeah look forward to that

I have adjusted Belos to the descendant of Philip as that what it seems like the series is building to but we'll have to see, next week is the mid season finale after all so either the theory is disproved and I change it, or not

Well, about King knowing about Sunset, it would be him having found a picture of her.

Because changing too much King backstory is weird in my opinion.

What do you plan to do with Raine ?

Seeing a picture is honestly a really good idea, I'll think on that

As for Raine, let's just say the way I'm going to do the season 1 finale will lead to ALOT of season 2 things being different and leave it that, there's a few things I have planned that I want to keep a surprise

honestly, i like too much The Owl house, especially the season 2, to not dislike any ideas who would too much change details.

although, there is something interesting, Raine was with Eda years before Luz birth, since when he saw a picture of her, he assumed she was her daughter.

Maybe than in your story, Eda had establish such a strong relation with Dante because after the mess with Raine, she was grateful of having someone she could truly talk too without fearing to hurt them, simply because unlike everyone before, Dante was so strong and had enough healing ability to deal with Eda at her worst either in her normal or cursed form than him knowing was far less of a big deal in terms of danger.

After all, Sunset is merely three years older than Luz, so if Raine had leave Eda 20 years prior...

So, what do you think ?

I thinks those are some rather interesting ideas, and I'll be sure to keep them in mind, It does make sense that Dante wouldn't need to pushed away for his own safety like Raine, and I'll keep that in mind

More precisely, it was Raine who didn't wanted to continue due to Eda keeping them away from her on some topics mentally/emotionally speaking.

Also, how does the demon arm work ? In The Silver Raven, Nero, who in this fanfiction was Lilith son, had his arm who was like a second Valknut (the author of the Silver Raven had used the name "Valknut" as the official name of the witches magic sacs) but in far more powerful, like in naruto, it would be akin to the power of a biju compared to normal Chakra circuits.

I like this idea because it gave a new dimension of powers to the descendants of Sparda, and so far more possibilities than the types of magic of Vergil and Dante.

Also, had you taken the time read "the Silver Raven" with the hiatus of your story ?

In here the Devil Bringer arm functions simply as it does in the games as I am keeping magical and demonic energies as entirely different

And I have read a few chapters of it and really enjoyed it, although they got Alador's personality rather wrong, lol

oh, this is normal since it was a chapter before the blight parents appear, but this had been edited and the author had replaced Alador by Odalia since he didn't liked the incoherence.

Please, give me a full opinion of what you had thought of it, every details (either here or in pm).

Also, the 9th chapter had been posted Wednesday of this week

Ah, lol I'll be sure to do that once I'm caught up with the new chapter then, thank you

So, i had check out some things of DMC, and i must say, Sunset need to have her own provocation dance https://youtu.be/gPW4RPo7y9s

So, what do you think of the idea ? The taunting dance are just too funny.

I hope than her demon form isn't going to be the EQG one and instead will be of the style of Dante, Nero and Vergil, because otherwise it would be more ugly than badass.

The dances are fun so I might do something with that

Not gonna spoil demon form, but I think you'll like it

Just to know, in your story, what is the power scaling ? For example, while Mundus was defeated easily, he is still strong enough to give a good fight (as in let him bloody and exhausted at the end) to Dante i think, but how strong would be Celestia compared to Mundus or Dante ?

Haven't really thought about power scaling like that, sorry

I mean, it is pretty easy to decide how strong Celestia is compared to either of them, no ?

Also, for Nero, it is his DMC 4 or 5 appearance ? I hope it's the former, i love his haircut.

Seriously i am always disappointed where characters with relatively long hair on the down chance it for short ones.

I suppose... if I had to say Celestia would not be strong enough to beat Mundus by herself but could do some damage to him

As for Nero DMC 4 appearance

Well, Thank you.

Although i wonder if Celestia sunfire would work like some holy magic, if so she could probably won (although it would be really hard)

And thanks for the DMC 4 appearance.

I just don't like the short hair version of the 5, it was especially weird for me when i was thinking about the Nero of The Silver raven before the author had confirm he had his DMC 4 appearance.

"Oh, my name's Fluttershy and Sunset and Sunset and I are dating," said Flutterhy as she awkwardly waved at them.

These Sunsets have been brought to you by The Ministry of Redundancy Ministry. Also, Fluttershy is missing the 's'. :twilightsheepish:

My alternative joke needs a Luna emoji, "Huzzah! The Sun(set) has been doubled!"

On the demon side, Vergil/Urizen can fit as a antagonist , but Belos still have too bigs shoes to fill.

Is there a idea for the next chapters ? And you remember the idea for Boscha crushing on Sunset ?

Is there a idea of when the next chapter will be posted ?

Not gonna give to many details about the antogonists coming after Bellos but I think you will enjoy it, yes I do remember the idea of Boscha crushing on Sunset and plan on doing a bit with it (thanks again by the way really like it)

As for when the story will return sad to say still no concrete date. I know eventually I will get into another writing hyper focus where I'll be able to bang out the rough outlines for chapters in no time flat like I had before but for now I'm content to relax and enjoy my daily life, trying to type out a paragraph or two in my free time

What do you mean "antagonists coming after Belos"?

I really hope the sirens will find herself as Vergil's apprentices or something akin with demonic powers.

Sunset dealing with them three to one is something i really want to see.

Also, Belos only have one L, not two.

I just mean that... he's not gonna be the main villian for ever. I'm not saying he'll be killed or turn good or anything definet just that other villains will take center stage for one reason or another

As for the two LL thing, I read it with two Ls somewhere when I was writing the chapter and have used two Ls in everything I wrote so let's just call this a slight change for this AU

Can’t you just edit it ?

Why should I? I'm happy with it this way

Remind me, how strong are Twilight, Cadence, Celestia and Luna in comparison of DMC characters ?

It’s kinda important considering the whole thing of how the universe is.

Furthermore, can the princesses, even in human form, use their power again to their maximum on the boiling isles ?

Huge spoilers, do not read unless you watched all the episode of the season 2 of The Owl House, including Hollow mind so, how will you deal with the current reveals ? Hunter is a grimmwalker, Belos is a Witch Hunter who's desire is the genocide of all the witches of the boiling isles, furthermore it's possible he is the uncle of the Clawthorne since his brother had a relation with a witch, this alongside others clues could lead to that being effectively true.

Honestly, i could see Belos allying himself with Urizen, considering the later desired power so much, the drain of magic could benefit him, especially since such a thing could allow him to get rid of his brother.

Furthermore, a alliance with Urizen would actually be necessary to get the Raw Power to stay relevant.

And considering DMC 5 shenanigans done by Urizen, the genocide of the witches wouldn't be something he would be opposate to]

Are you gonna finish the story?

No inspiration for a new chapter or something?

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