• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,074 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Sunset awoke to a banging sound as she opened her eyes and took in her surrounding. She soon realized she was still on the couch with the Good Witch Azura book draped on her lap. As she took a moment to collect herself she heard the banging noise again and realized it was a knock on her door as she got up to answer, only to quickly turn back around and make sure she had a book mark in place as not to forget where she was, and then went back towards the door. As she opened it and was greeted to a familiar pink haired girl on the other side. "Hey Fluttershy," she said with a yawn before saying, "I didn't oversleep or anything did I?"

Fluttershy blushed as she said, "Um no, it's still kind of early, I just finished feeding all my animals sooner then usual and was a little worried about you... I'm sorry if I woke you up."

Sunset simply shrugged as she said, "It's fine, I ended up passing out on the couch reading anyway so it's not like it was the best sleep to begin with."

Fluttershy gasped slightly as she came in saying, "Oh my, you spent that long looking for information?"

Sunset now had a blush of her as she scratched her head nervously saying, "Actually I was checking out the novel Camila recommended... and yeah, I see why her daughter loves it so much."

Fluttershy calmed down as she began chuckling slightly as the two sat down and she said, "Oh, well I'm glad you like it."

Sunset perked up slightly as she said, "Oh my gosh it is so good! The setting, the story, the characters was just AHHH! YESS!"

Fluttershy smiled at seeing this enthusiasm as she said, "I'll have to check it out too then."

"You definitely should but... oh," said Sunset as she looked away in thought.

"What?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well... I do have a slight complaint but I'm debating if I should tell you or not," she sat for a moment before shrugging as she said, "Ah screw it, it's not really a spoiler anyway since... OK so it's painfully obvious that this one girl Hecate has a crush on Azura and Azura doesn't seem to notice AT ALL! And it's just like, how can someone be that dense you know!?"

Fluttershy seemed to blush a little more as she nervously laughed saying, "Yeah seriously."

"So anyway, have you had breakfast?" asked Sunset as she started walking towards the kitchen.

Fluttershy shook her head no as she said, "I always feed the animals before I eat."

Sunset chuckled at that saying, "I figured, well hope you're OK with cereal since I suck at cooking." As Sunset walked though she suddenly found herself stumbling as she had to stop and brace herself.

"Are you alright!?" asked Fluttershy as she bolted next to her.

Sunset panted slightly as she said, "I suddenly feel a little light headed."

Fluttershy thought for a moment before saying, "Did you take your pill?"

Sunset shook her head no saying, "It's on my nightstand."

Fluttershy nodded as she ran up the stairs while Sunset sat back down and did her best to stay calm. She noticed her hand begin to glow as she quickly grabbed it saying, "No... stay calm, doing that seems to take up some energy and if it happens you could burn through too much and pass out again."

Quickly Fluttershy made it back to her as she handed her a pill and the water bottle that was next to it as Sunset quickly popped it in her mouth and swallowed it with a swig. She shook herself as she instantly started to feel good again saying, "Well the good news is, we now know for sure the pills work and it's not just coincidence I got better."

Fluttershy seemed less flippant about this as she sternly said, "Yes but you need to make sure this doesn't happen then," She then grabbed the pill bottle as she said, "You should set a daily alarm to make sure you remember to take it, as well as a monthly alarm to make sure you always get the prescription refilled." She then popped the lid off the bottle as she poured two into her hand saying, "And you should always make sure to carry a few with you, that may if somehow you do forget or just feel otherwise weak again you can take it real quick."

"Um, thanks," said Sunset as Fluttershy popped the pills into her hand. "I'll be sure to get one of those small plastic containers for them but in the meantime I'll just keep them in a dice pouch of something."

Fluttershy nodded as she, "Good," she then walked over to the kitchen saying, "Now then, I'm gonna make us both breakfast."

"You don't have to do that-" began Sunset but she was quickly interrupted.

"Now now," began Fluttershy as she opened the cabinets and pulled out both several pans and a pink apron with hearts on it that Sunset didn't even know she owned as she continued saying, "You need to rest, besides after eating all that pizza and ice cream yesterday you need a properly cooked meal."

"Well OK, thanks again," said Sunset as she leaned back on the couch and watched as Fluttershy grabbed various things from her fridge as she said, "Just don't do this too often, you're gonna make me feel like your lazy girlfriend who sits around all day while you cook and clean."

A sudden bang was heard as Fluttershy had sat the frying pan on the stove a bit too hard as she blushed severely and nervously laughed at Sunset's joke saying, "Your girlfriend ha ha."

Sunset chuckled herself, simply chalking up Fluttershy's red cheeks to the heat of the stove as Fluttershy poured herself into working to try and clear her head. Sunset too wanted to busy herself as she began reaching for the Good Witch Azura book before thinking better of herself as she thought, "I should save that for later, use it for my reward for getting through some of this mountain of paperwork." She then reached over towards the pile and grabbed a random one, this time a journal of Clover the Clever as the thought, "Her writing is at least somewhat tolerable, I mean she sadly did pick up her mentors bad habits and big ego but at a somewhat lesser, probably because she actually had friends if the Hearthswarming play is to be believed."

Several minutes passed as Fluttershy cooked and Sunset read. Soon though the silence was broken as she said, "Hmm, this is kind of interesting. Apparently Clover the Clever banished an artifact called the Memory Stone to another world."

"Oh," said Fluttershy as she flipped an omelet saying, "What does the Memory Stone do?"

Sunset continued reading as she said, "Erases or alters memories mainly... though Clover did theorize it could be used to bring back long forgotten ones as well."

"Hmm," said Fluttershy as she moved the omelet to a plate and started pouring some milk saying, "And what kind of world did she send it to?"

Sunset became slightly deflated as she said, "It doesn't say so either that info is written somewhere in a round about way, like a lot of stuff in here, or she was ridiculously irresponsible and sent it to a totally unknown world."

Fluttershy walked over with two plates before turning back to the kitchen to grab two glasses as she said, "I'm hoping it was the former."

"Me too, though I wouldn't the put latter past her especially given her mentor seemed to do that tossing some magical creatures called Sirens in another world thinking it would be cool just because he couldn't sense any magic there," said Sunset somewhat chuckling as she thought, "Man I kind of want to talk to this Twilight about this, either to see her nerd crush on Starswirl absolutely shatter, or see what insane logic she uses to try and defend him." Before she could dwell on that though she looked down at the meal before her. The perfectly fluffy golden omelets that seemed to call to her as she stared at them, mouth beginning to water. "Wow! These look so good."

Fluttershy slightly blushed at the compliment as she placed the milks down saying, "Thank you... I just hope they taste as good as they look."

Sunset nodded as she grabbed a fork and took a bite, upon doing so she dropped the fork saying, "No... they don't taste that good."

"Oh..." said Fluttershy as she hung head down briefly.

She prepared to say more but was interrupted as Sunset had her right arm glow as she used it to pick the fork back up saying, "IT'S EVEN BETTER!" As she scarfed it down like a wolf.

Fluttershy stared at this scene before chuckling as she said, "I'm glad you think that," as she watched her though a question began to form in her mind as she said, "Um hey Sunset?"

"Hmm," said Sunset as she licked the plate clean before finally noticing her glowing arm as she said, "Oh," before grabbing it with her none glowing arm causing it to return to normal.

"No... not that," said Fluttershy as she simply thought for a bit saying, "If anything it's good that you're starting to casually use it like that, it is a part of you after all."

Sunset looked down at her hand as she said, "Yeah... I guess so," still a little uneasy about it.

"I was just wondering... why don't you eat everything like how you eat the apples?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset opened her mouth to respond, then paused as she said, "I'm... not sure exactly. I mean, I know I do it with the apples because it's so easy to cough a pellet back up with the core, but I can't really say how I figured that or remember off hand what other foods I do it with."

Fluttershy tilted her head at Sunset's choice of words as she repeated, "Pellet?"

Sunset simply nodded as she said, "Yeah, that's what they look like, I wouldn't mind showing you but I don't really have any apples on hand."

Fluttershy thought on that before pulling out her phone as she quickly scrolled through a few things before showing Sunset a picture as she asked, "Does it looks like this?"

Sunset blinked as she said, "Yeah... almost exactly, but how did you get this picture?"

Fluttershy then scrolled over to the next picture showing an owl as she said, "This is an owl pellet that Owlicious here coughed up."

"An, owl pellet," said Sunset as she thought about this for a moment before saying, "I highly doubt my parents where owls but that could at least be a lead." She then leaned over and gave her a hug saying, "Thanks for that, and everything you've been doing for me during all this. You're a really good friend."

Fluttershy blushed slightly as she awkwardly patted Sunset's back saying, "Yeah... friends," before Sunset could pick up on this though a new knock at the door gave Fluttershy an excuse to stand up as Sunset soon followed.

The two got to the door where they saw Applejack standing on the other side as she said, "Hey Fluttershy, Sunset you should probably get changed."

Sunset looked down as she was still wearing the cloak and necklace over the top her pajamas, reluctant to take those off as she said, "Why?"

"I remember you saying before how you learn more by doing then reading, so I set up a little something for you... you can keep the cloak and necklace if that's what you're worried about but you should probably put on some jeans and a t shirt too... and just to be safe you should probably took your necklace in your shirt, the first place we're going to isn't exactly in the nicest part of town... oh and grab that Jade gun."

Sunset blinked saying, "Um, how bad of a part of town is this?"

Applejack blushed slightly as she said, "NO! I didn't mean it like that just... you'll see when we get there."

Fluttershy and Sunset looked at each other for a moment, before the latter said, "Well... OK."

"AHHH! They call this a continental breakfast!" groaned Aria as she held up a stale waffle before reluctantly putting it on her plate. "We seriously couldn't have a better hotel?"

Adagio scowled as she said, "I didn't see you complaining when you parked yourself on that king sized silk sheet bed!"

"Yeah, only to get the stink eye from you all night just because you had to sleep on the queen size one," said Aria as they moved forward across the open food bar, Aria now wishing it was another kind of open bar.

"Well you should have asked before just taking the best bed in the suite!" said Adagio as she now glared at Aria.

Aria simply scoffed as she said, "Please, Sonata didn't complain and she just slept on a couch!"

It was at that point that Sonata finally spoke up saying, "WOULD YOU TWO JUST HURRY UP ALREADY!"

The two of them had their jaws drop as it wasn't often they saw the blue girl get angry, and it never lasted too long either as she went flush slightly and said, "Sorry, I've just been a little on edge today for some reason, plus I really want to get to the make your own fruit punch juice bar before they run out of grape, because you know how grape is the corner stone of any good fruit punch."

The two backed up, still unnerved by the girls outburst as Adagio said, "Um, sure Sonata... how about you go ahead of us so you can make your punch while we pick our food."

Aria nodded at that as she said, "Yeah, and if it will help you be less cranky tomorrow you can have the big bed tonight... we should probably trade off each night anyway."

Sonata smiled as she said, "Oh yeah! Thanks girls," as she happily skipped down to the juice section. Just as the girls breathed a sigh of relief sadly too soon as they soon heard Sonata yell, "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?"

They turned to see a large muscle bound man with a nose ring turn to Sonata as he said, "Iron Will is getting his daily dose of vitamins," as he held up a glass of grape juice.

"That's fine, but it's a make your own fruit punch bar! You're not supposed to just take the whole pitcher of grape juice for yourself!" said Sonata.

Iron Will simply chuckled as he said, "Oh yeah little lady," he then approached her as continued saying, "And what exactly are you going to do to stop Iron Will?"

Sonata's rage began to increase as her gem once again glowed brighter, and her eyes where soon to follow after. "THIS!" cried out Sonata as she raised her arm and too the shook of everyone involved it too briefly glowed red before totally shifting as suddenly it had claws on the end of each finger, her skin was replaced with blue scales, and finally there was a dark blue fin running along the length of it. They barely had time to take in its appearance though since without warming Sonata picked Iron Will off the ground with just that one arm as she suddenly threw him clear across the room.

The other Sirens jaws dropped as they took in the scene, they ran up towards Sonata, thankful that no one else had taken part of this in this sham of a continental breakfast, as Adagio asked, "What was that!?"

"How the hell did you turn your arm back into Siren form!?" asked Aria as she stared at the still out stretched appendage.

Before she could answer though Sonata suddenly stumbled as her arm quickly reverted to normal. She suddenly began rubbing her head as her eyes returned to normal as she said, "Wha-what happened?"

"That's what we want to know!?" asked Arai.

"Hold on," said Adagio as she got a closer look and saw Sonata's gem stone flickered for a bit before dimming back to normal. "Sonata, where did you absorb this energy?"

Sonata blinked as she said, "I.. I don't really remember... it was last night when we where walking to the hotel," before stumbling once again.

Adagio, in a rare moment of concern for her youngest sister grabbed her arm as she said, "Come on, let's go back to the room."

As the two walked Arai said, "What about breakfast?"

Adagio scowled as she said, "Oh please you know this isn't the real meal anyway, besides," she the glanced down at Sonata remembering the intense power the girl had just a moment ago as she said, "It looks like there might be something even more appetizing here then even Equestrain magic," as she had a sly smile cross her face.

Author's Note:

Well then, Applejack is taking Sunset somewhere, Adagio is forming a plan, and Sunset is being a bit of a dense anime protagonist regarding a certain someones feelings Kind of like Luz is with Amity, so I guess Eda's girls have something in common

What will happen next chapter? Find out around this time next week

Thank you for reading, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day