• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

12 A Minute to Relax

While she had technically just been on vacation, Starlight was only too happy to schedule a spa day for herself. Saillune had it's charms: it's fascinating sights, and it's local cuisine (what of it she could eat,) but there was nowhere a pony could really relax. And after the fiasco that was the succession, she deserved some pampering.

The spa itself was filled with calming sounds, quiet music, and fresh clean smells. Even with all the ponies already there it felt like a private oasis from a busy life.

Starlight relaxed in the lounge seat after her steam and putting her hair up. Aloe had just finished covering her face in their special mud blend and collected the file to tend to Starlight's horn when she stopped and pondered a moment.

“Starlight,” Aloe asked in her upbeat way. “We have somepony here for training, if you would be willing to let him work with you we'll upgrade you to the delux package for free. Of course either Lotus or myself will be here the whole time to make sure everything goes right.”

“Aloe, you just made my day.” Starlight said as the cucumbers covered her eyes and she let the world outside drift far, far away.

“I am so glad to hear that.” Aloe happily said, “Now you just relax while he and I take care of you.”

“Mm hm.” Starlight acknowledged lazily. She allowed her mind to drift as the world faded around her. She heard something as Aloe returned with the trainee and she acknowledged them, not even listening to what they said.

Aloe was talking quietly and calmly, clearly giving someone instructions, but Starlight wasn't concerned with that. The file gently moved across her horn, smoothing out any burrs and imperfections that using her magic had caused. She sighed happily as a tingle ran from the tip of her horn down her neck. This was always her favorite part of a spa treatment, and fortunately the trainee was doing a good job.

Time drifted much like Starlight's mind, unconcerned with anything happening. She felt as the mask was carefully pulled away, and a new one applied. She'd never treated herself to the delux package before so maybe later she'd ask the spa ponies or Rarity about what all was going on because she definitely wanted to do this again. Probably piece meal as she could make time and pay for it.

It wasn't long before she felt Aloe's hooves massaging her scalp, conditioning her mane as the trainee worked on her tail. Whoever it was didn't seem to be as certain as Aloe, she could definitely feel the difference as Aloe quickly brushed short sections of her mane and the trainee was doing long slow strokes. Before long she felt the conditioner going into her mane and tail, Aloe gently massaging it in as the trainee seemed to pull her tail slightly, not that she minded. Though she was curious about his occasional pause.

Once again, she began to drift off, allowing the sensations to seemingly wrap her in comfort.

Starlight almost missed Aloe telling the trainee that he'd be watching several hooficures before doing any himself. And understandably so, blindly trying something like that without knowing what to do could easily hurt somepony for quite a while. Though she would be a bit more willing to let him try as she had no complaints about how he had treated her horn earlier.

The hooficure itself didn't take long and as her hooves dried Aloe told the trainee to go help someone else while she finished up.

“Oh, I was enjoying the attention.” Starlight said with a giggle as she heard the trainee leave, lifting the cucumber briefly from her eye. “I should have sneaked a peak at him while he was here.”

“Don't worry, Starlight. He'll be here for a while, and if you want to come in another day we can see to it that he works with you again.”

“Well, I wouldn't say no.” Starlight said as she relaxed again. “He's sticking around, right?”

“For a little while, he's not actually taking a job with us.”


“Yes,” Aloe said pleasantly. “He's here to learn how to pamper his girlfriend.”

“Lucky mare.” Starlight said with a slightly disappointed smile. “Not many stallions would do that just to make somepony happy.”

“It was so sweet, we couldn't say no when he told us.”

Once again, Starlight allowed the world to slip away around her as she enjoyed the remainder of her spa time.


“Woah, rad hair Ms. Starlight.” Smolder said as she walked into Starlight's office.

Starlight chuckled as she flicked her mane, it had been blown out, loosely braided, and adorned with strings of crystals that threw off light whenever they caught the light in just the right way. “Oh, thanks. I wouldn't normally do this, but sometimes you just have to treat yourself. So is there something I can help you with today?”

“Well, honestly, I just don't get Professor James.”

Starlight gave an entertained chuckle as she thought about it. “I don't think anycreature “gets” James. Not even himself. Even so, he'd probably be the best one to ask if you want to know about him.”

“Yeah, but he's usually busy, and you know him and his family.”

“I do. I guess I can help out, but it's still better to ask anycreature themselves. Asking about them behind their back isn't the nicest thing to do.”

“I don't think I'm asking anything weird, I just don't get it. And maybe a pony could explain it better.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“Alright, thing is, I guess it's not odd for him but I've looked all around Ponyville and it's just couples.”


“But with him, it's a whole group.” Smolder tried to explain as she scratched her chin.

“I … uh … what?”

“Well, he's with Lucca, Tali, and now professor Rainbow Dash.” Smolder gestured as she finished her thought. “And, you know dragon's are usually solitary, so couples were weird enough for me already.”

“Oh, his relationships.” Starlight said with a nod before her face went blank. “I mean, I kind of know, but this really isn't the kind of thing to ask about somecreature.”

Smolder sighed. “Come on, you said you'd help. I just want to understand. The only way it's made any sense to me is dragon greed, but that's definitely not it. No way Professor Rainbow Dash would just let herself be collected. And it's not like he's tried to collect you or the other professors, so it's clearly not dragon greed. Come on, you've got to know something.”

Starlight sighed and shook her head. “James is an … interesting individual. His relationships are complex and he puts a lot of work into keeping everycreature in them happy.”

“And the work just … works?”

“It's not that easy, but basically.” Starlight used her magic to bring over a cup of hot tea for her and another for Smolder. “He once told me that he likes making the girls in his life happy.” Starlight took a sip of her tea, a comforting blend she had gotten from her recent visit to Saillune, and smiled as she recalled. “Honestly, I think the happiest I've ever seen him is when he's with everycreature important to him, all having fun together. I guess you could say it's kind of a greed thing, since it makes him so happy.”
As she finished speaking there was a knock at her door, before she could answer the door cracked open. “I'm not interrupting anything, am I?” James asked, just out of sight.

Starlight looked to Smolder briefly as she heard him. “You know what, this is actually a perfect time. Smolder would like to ask you something.”

“Oh, alright. But she's actually supposed to be out on the field right now. Rainbow Dash is holding cheer practice for the next Buckball game.”

“Wait, that's right now?” Smolder asked, surprised. “Yeah, I've got to get to practice, that's more important than a question.” Without another word she beat her wings and began to fly off, right through the door James had fully opened for her.

“Well then.” Starlight deadpanned.

“Eh, I came for you anyway.” James said with a shrug.

“You did, huh?” Starlight asked with a smirk.

“Of course.” James said, clearly making his voice smooth before returning to normal. “It would be hard for me to take you out for an after work drink if I don't get you.” James took a moment to look and see that she had a fresh tea and there was a second cup sitting on her desk. “Looks like you beat me to it.” He added as he took a seat, picking up the second cup and taking a sip as he got comfortable. “I guess we can have that drink here if you like. I'd hate to waste the tea.”

“Sure.” Starlight said with a shrug.

“By the way, great hair.”

Starlight blushed slightly at the compliment. “Oh, thanks. I took a trip to the spa today and they did this. It was completely by surprise, but I'm so glad I went.”

“That's good, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit.” As James spoke he put the teacup down and rubbed his arm just above the elbow.

“Everything okay?”

James grunted as he pat his arm and smiled to Starlight. “Yeah.” He said, decidedly resigned. “The new arm's just still bugging me.”

“Is there anything anypony can do?”

“Not that I know of.” James said as he took another sip of tea. “It's been suggested that I do some physical therapy with it. The idea being that the more I use it, the less I'll feel it until I forget the feeling all together.”

“So they think it's psychosomatic?”

“It's the only thing it can be.” James said with a shrug. “The nerves and everything are completely new, nothing's wrong with them.” His face screwed up suddenly as he scratched furiously at his arm. “Though this part is the worst.” He said through gritted teeth. “The itching is entirely real, a side effect of those completely new nerves getting adjusted.”

Starlight concentrated a moment as her horn lit up. James' arms were soon surrounded by an emerald luminescence. Gently, she pulled his hand away before she focused on his new arm.

James' eyes rolled back and he moaned happily and let his head loll to the side. “That's exactly what I needed.” He eventually breathed.

Starlight chuckled as she watched the man practically melt. “Is it as bad as an itch under a cast?”

“No.” James said, still thoroughly enjoying Starlight's magic. “Can't reach under a cast to scratch.”

“That's the reason I learned this spell to begin with. I broke my leg and desperately needed to scratch.”

“How'd you do that?” James asked as he adjusted himself to sit upright.

“Oh, I just got myself in some trouble. I, uh … I did that a lot.”

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash said more than a little irritated as she poked her head in the office. “Either you guys seen Smolder? She's late for practice.”

“Just sent her your way.” James called back.

“Crap, we must have just missed each other.” Rainbow Dash started to walk away before mumbling to herself a moment and flying over to the other two. “Actually, James, gimme your arm for a second.”

“Uhm. Okay.” James said, holding out the arm closest to Rainbow Dash.

“Dude …” Rainbow Dash deadpanned. “Come on, the other one.”

“Sure, why?” James asked as he held out his left arm for her to see.

“Lucca and Tali were nagging me this morning to check on your arm today.” She mumbled as she looked at the still pale appendage. “Like I have any idea what could go wrong.”

“You don't need to check on me.” James calmly said. “They just worry a bit too much.”

“I'm not saying I don't get it: You lost your arm, so I'm worried too. But it's not like there's anything I can do about it.”

“I don't think they want you to nurse his arm, but more keep an eye on him since he tends to not put his own well being that high.” Starlight offered.

“So … babysit?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sounds like it.” James agreed.

“I don't mean anything like that.” Starlight was quick to say.

“They might.” James cut in, causing Starlight to give him a sidelong glance.

“Anyway, you go coach your squad, if something's wrong with James, I'll let everycreature know.”

“Cool, later.” Rainbow Dash quickly said before giving James' cheek a peck and flying off.

Once Rainbow Dash was gone Starlight looked to James and took a sip of her tea. “So how are things going with you two?”

“I'd say alright.” James said cautiously. “She's trying hard, which leads to her second guessing herself.”

“What about you?”

“I just hope I don't mess this up. She should be happy, but I've managed to upset her, make her feel guilty, and all this makes her second guess herself.”

Starlight nodded as she listened. “Well, this is kind of old hat to you. I mean this is her first serious relationship, and she's going to make mistakes you're used to, but you don't have these same obstacles. It's possible she may just feel like she's left struggling through these issues alone.”

“Oh.” James quietly said.

“But she's also very different from Lucca and Tali, so maybe this is one of those problems you both have to address.”


“You said she's second guessing herself, but you also said that you upset her, and made her feel guilty. Maybe you two are doing the same thing, and just blaming yourselves instead of actually working on the problem together.”

“So I'm not communicating enough?” James asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I don't think that it's you're not talking enough, but not well enough. Trust me, she's not going to sit down and listen, or talk on and on about something that she's not excited about. So maybe you need to learn how to have these talks with her.”

James sighed, “I know she's not someone to just sit and talk, but I don't know any way to encourage her to talk. And whenever I start talking about us she's clearly uncomfortable and it feels like I'm talking down to her.”

Starlight bit her lip slightly as she thought. “Well, maybe it's because you're forcing the conversation.”

“Yeah, but if we don't talk, how can we address any problems? It's not like I can just leave things … I made that mistake at her Wonderbolts training and I don't know if I told you about that, but she felt she had to do some grand gesture to make it up to me. For my mistake!

Starlight quietly listened and nodded, only speaking after taking a sip of her tea. “Well, when she needed to talk she came to me, and talked to me on my terms. If you go to her, you should be ready to talk on her terms.”

James dropped his head and groaned, “I don't know if I know how to do that … Heh. Maybe I'm just too old.”

“I don't think so.” Starlight said with a warm smile. “Just think about how you talk to Lucca or Tali. Do you just sit down and talk to them?”

“Yeah. If we need to talk, we're going to talk.”

“I don't mean like that.” Starlight shook her head before clarifying. “Is it always sitting down, face to face and talking, focused just on each other. Like we're doing now?”

“Well, it's just wherever.” James said, not following.

“I've seen a you and Lucca have long talks while she's working on something, she's concentrating on her work, but hears and absorbs everything.” Starlight explained. “Or when you talk to Tali you're usually doing something with her. It's not just talking.”

“Really?” James asked, giving Starlight a quizzical look.

“From what I've seen.” Starlight said before moving on. “And even when Rainbow Dash would talk to me, she'd usually be pacing, or flying. She was almost always moving. Maybe find some activity to do with her while you two talk, that might just help.”

James chuckled slightly as he took a sip of tea. “You know Starlight, normally I don't get relationship advice until there's a big problem already. Like when Lady Seto sat Lucca and myself down for some serious conversations when she found out about some of our issues.”

“What happened?”

“Lucca and I fought for the next three days. … Well, I say we fought, she was rightfully furious and I just kept silent. But that certainly didn't help anything.”

“How did you patch things up?”

“I stopped being quiet and started to listen, and talk. I asked her to explain things to me and told her how I felt. I wish I could say I was calm the whole time, and I did look calm, but I certainly wasn't.”

“Well.” Starlight said calmly. “Let's hope you two address this before it gets to that point.”

“Well, hopefully it hasn't gotten that bad yet.”


Twilight sat, pouring over documents she once needed. It may remind her of what she lost, but she wanted to know what was in them anyway.

She stopped suddenly as she turned a page, clear as day was a picture of Bonbon and her cutie mark, followed by a brief list of skills. But the name it gave was Sweetie Drop. Was that some kind of code name?

Further down the page was another list that didn't seem to make much sense when she considered Bonbon.

Bugbear: Captured (There was a line quickly drawn through the word with ESCAPED written over it.)

Manticore: Captured

Cockatrice: Captured

And the list continued with monsters and status.

These were odd statistics to find to say the least. When she picked up the document it was about monster populations in Equestria, and for the first half it was just that. But this section was supposed to be about population control. Yet as she examined it, it looked like to be no more than listing monsters supposedly captured by Bon Bon and other ponies.

As she continued to look through the pages she couldn't help but notice that many of these monsters were the same monsters she had seen when they last were in Tartarus.

“This just has to be about capturing problematic monsters. But why would Celestia have Bonbon chase them down?” Twilight puzzled, sure that there was something important here that she was missing.

But in the back of her mind her own situation concerning her abandoned ascension scratched at her thoughts.

“I bet Fluttershy would do a great job rehabilitating those monsters if she got the chance.” She muttered as she put the report away. “… I'm sure Celestia had good reason for all of this. It's not like she just locked those creatures up for no reason.” She muttered, trying to convince herself. Once again she got an uncomfortable feeling at the back of her mind.

“Of course she did. After all, convenience is a reason.” Discord said suddenly, making Twilight yelp in surprise.

“Discord.” She panted, “What are you doing here?”

“Who me?” He asked innocently, before changing his tone to be more serious. “I came to get Spike for our game of O and O later. James is hosting a one shot game and “encouraging” us to play different characters. And I happen to know that Spike isn't planning on using a new character.”

As Discord spoke Spike appeared above his open claw dressed as his wizard, managing only a brief “huh?” before vanishing again.

“Poor Spike needs to shake things up from time to time.”

“I don't know, if he's comfortable with that character, why not just play that one.” Twilight asked.

“Situations change, and if he can't adapt he could bring the whole game down around him.” Discord explained as he walked towards the door. “… Also, his character is too high a level for this quest.” He added, appearing behind Twilight once again.

He was half way through fading out when Twilight spoke up again. “What did you mean by convenience anyway?”

“Paranoia can make ponies do the strangest things.” Was his only answer before vanishing completely.

Twilight glanced to the document she had just put away. It almost felt as though it were somehow staring back at her, challenging her.


“Oh, Starlight.” Lotus happily said as the unicorn walked in. “We don't usually see you so often.”

“Well, I did say I'd be back if the new guy was still here. Though only a week might be a bit soon for for another delux package I think I could go for a hooficure.”

“Of course, would you like a massage and facial as well?” Lotus happily offered.

Starlight bit her lip a moment at the offer. “… Okay, the massage, but just that. I can't do more.” She eventually said.

“Of course, Starlight. And we'll have our trainee helping you today. Right?”

Starlight did feel guilty about specifically requesting someone just trying to learn how to pamper their girlfriend, but something inside her insisted that what she was doing was fine. It's not like she was going to try to steal him, she was just going to the spa and treating herself.

Slowly, almost guiltily, she nodded.

“Alright.” Lotus said with a wink, “We'll get you back once he's available. He'll start with the massage and move on to the hooficure.”

With a quick word of thanks Starlight took a seat, feeling like every eye in the lobby was on her, despite not a single pony looking her direction. She took a nearby newspaper and buried her face inside, not really reading as much as hiding until she was collected by one of the attendants and lead to the massage parlor.

“He'll be just a moment, he's collecting hot towels for you to use if you would like.” The attendant said before leaving Starlight alone in the room.

Starlight took a breath as she laid on the table and put her face through the hole. “Don't be so nervous Starlight. You're just getting a massage, you've done this hundreds of times.” She reassured herself.

“But I requested this poor stallion who just wants to make his girlfriend happy.” She countered, making herself feel even more sleazy.

“What, am I gonna ask the guy out while he's massaging me? Come on, I'm not that kind of mare.”

“Then why did you come back specifically because he was here?”

“Maybe I should just ask for somepony else.”

“You need a minute?” Starlight heard an all too familiar voice ask her. Immediately she was on her hooves and turned to the doorway where she found James standing, dressed in a white outfit to match as best as he could with the spa ponies and his hair tied tightly back with the familiar headband Aloe and Lotus wore.

“You're the guy here learning to pamper his girlfriend?!” Starlight nearly shouted.

“Partially: Remember when I told you it was suggested I try using my arm more? This helps a lot with the fine control I need to get back.”

“And why didn't you tell me last week?”

“I guess you were more relaxed than I thought if you didn't hear me. Besides, other than an introduction Aloe wanted me to stay quiet and pay attention. I'm guessing you know how ponies can go on and on when they're nervous.”

Starlight blushed as she thought back to that day and her just letting the world fall away as she enjoyed the treatment. “I guess I was kind of thinking about other things.”

“That's alright, it happens. If you do want someone else, though, I can find a pony.”

“Oh, no.” Starlight was quick to say, “it's fine. I was just surprised.” Starlight let out a brief, partially forced chuckle, “It's actually a bit of a relief that it's you and … well, just that it's you.”

“As long as you're okay with this.” James quietly said, the friendly smile and patient eyes boring right into her.

Starlight once again felt the weight of what she was doing.

James, noticing her hesitation though completely missing the point, spoke up. “I've learned a lot about massaging unicorn and earth ponies this last week.”

“Going for the hard sell.” Starlight halfheartedly joked.

“Only if you're okay with it.” He sincerely reiterated.

Starlight was telling herself yes, again and again, but she was having trouble saying it out loud. What she did do was lay back on the table and close her eyes. “Okay.” She managed to say after a moment.

She didn't hear a reply, but soon felt a hot towel drape across her lower back and James' hands on her shoulders.

At Rainbow Dash's insistence, she had gotten massages from James before, and it did feel good, but this was something else. His hands gently adjusted her position before she felt a sudden hard press on the back of her neck, stretching a muscle she hadn't realized had been tense at all. She couldn't help but grunt as he worked loosening everything around the base of her neck.

“Are you alright?” He quietly asked, as he paused. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” Starlight moaned, “that's just what I needed.”

“I'm glad to hear that, you did seem a bit tense.” He said, sounding truly sincere. “Just let me know if I do anything wrong, or if there's anything special you want.”

Starlight had to say something, but could only settle on: “Why do you try so hard to make us happy?” She asked as he moved further down her back, placing a hot towel across her neck.

“I like making those I care about happy.” He answered as though it were obvious, pushing the heals of his palms into her back and moving them towards her shoulders.

Starlight had to hold her breath several times as the massage continued, James had gotten much better since he last massaged her and his hands did a much better job than the hooves of the spa ponies. “I think you'll ruin Rainbow Dash for the spa.” Starlight eventually said with a sigh.

“I already have.” James chuckled. “She hasn't come to the spa for a massage in years.”

“You may have just ruined it for me too.” Starlight admitted.

“You know you can ask me for one anytime.” He calmly said as he started working on her hind legs.

“Oh don't say that. I'll take you up on it.” Starlight said happily.

“Well, I won't be available all the time, but I will certainly make time for you.”

Once again Starlight felt guilty, knowing for a fact she would be taking him up on the offer. She couldn't deny she liked both the massage and the care and attention he freely gave her.

Once the massage was over Starlight didn't move. “I'm going to need a couple minutes before the hooficure.”

“Everything alright?” James asked, genuinely concerned he brought out his omnitool and began to scan Starlight.

“Yeah, I just don't think I've been this relaxed in … well … ever.”

“Glad to know I did a good job.” James said with a hearty laugh.

“Your hands give you an unfair advantage over the ponies, you know.” Starlight said as she chuckled along with James, adding after a pause, “You first learned to massage to take care of Lucca, right?”

“Yeah, that's about the only way I really get to pamper her. Tali particularly likes it when I take her nice places, and show off that I like being with her.” James paused a moment as he considered just why. “Most creatures in her universe don't treat Quarians particularly well.”

Slowly Starlight began to sit up, ready to move on to her hooficure. “I bet Rainbow Dash is going to be surprised to find out you've been coming here to learn all this.”

“She was.” James said with a smile before shaking his head. “Of course she happened to show up the first day, so not much of a surprise after all.”

“Have you been here every day this week?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“When have you been sleeping?”

“I've just been using the Enertron.” He answered dismissively.

“You need to actually get some sleep.”

“I get a few minutes here and there.”

Starlight sighed and shook her head as James led her to the seats for her hooficure.

Author's Note:

After what they just went through, they certainly deserve some time to relax.
Admittedly Twilight's choice didn't seem to help much.