• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

18 An Answer Given

A crash sounded the arrival of the mail, and it was easy enough to guess who the mail pony was. Hearing the crash, Lyra excitedly rushed out to find Derpy once again wedged in their mailbox.

“Oh, hi Lyra.” Derpy said as she watched the unicorn approach.

With a smile, Lyra's horn lit up and a golden luminescence appeared and undid a latch at the top of the mailbox, opening up the sides and freeing the unfortunate pegasus. “Hi.” Lyra said happily, helping Derpy down from the impromptu pedestal.

“It would be nice if more ponies got mailboxes like yours.” Derpy said, watching as Lyra reassembled the box and closing the latch that held it all together.

“I'm sure more ponies will buy them eventually. They just need to see how convenient they are.”

Derpy smacked her forehead as she recalled why she was here in the first place. “Oh, I almost forgot, I have a letter here for Bonbon.” She said, reaching into her saddlebag and pulling out the envelope.

“Right, thanks. I'll get this to her right away.” Lyra said, as she collected the letter from Derpy.

With a quick goodbye Derpy began to fly off, backing into the mailbox before leaving.

Left alone, Lyra examined the letter.

Bonbon's candy drop cutie mark was prominently displayed in the center. But that was only to be expected, the knapsack cutie mark in the upper left corner was what caught Lyra's interest immediately.

She stood looking at the letter, eager to know what it had inside it. Thinking of just how she could pester the information from Bonbon. This was just too interesting to simply leave alone.

In her head, she could practically feel the struggle between her respect for her girlfriend, and her desire to read the letter.

Temptation beckoned her with all of the information that was so tantalizingly close. But between the two was a gulf of trust. She could easily take a peek. Just give it a quick look and she'd know what was going on.

Lyra continued to stare, knowing that she shouldn't open Bonbon's letter. This wasn't a problem she normally had with mail, but the excitement of forbidden knowledge was great.

But she knew what she should do, and what it would mean if she did what she wanted. Still, she wanted to know what was in it so badly.

Her breathing quietly quickened as she contemplated her position.

It was the ring of a bell that brought her out of her internal struggle.

“Oh, hi Lyra.” Bonbon said as she looked to the door her girlfriend just walked through.

Lyra looked up, suddenly finding herself in Bonbon's candy store and realizing she had been walking the whole time without realizing it. “Brought your mail.” Lyra said as she smiled, raising the letter and waving it slightly.

“Oh, must be important if you brought it here.”

“I think it is.” Lyra quietly said.

“Who's it from?”

“An old friend of yours.”

Bonbon looked around, the only other pony there was a foal who was still trying to pick between several candies. She nodded and walked over to the counter where the foal was looking at the treats, transfixed.

“Do you know what candies you want yet?”

The colt looked up and shook his head. “They all look so good.” He said, smiling sadly. “But I've only got one bit.”

Bonbon smiled back and nodded. “It can be really hard to decide … Tell you what: just this once, I'll give you a sample box. That way you get to try a few of them, and you can keep your bit for candy later, or whatever else you may want.”

The colt's face lit up as he heard the offer. “Really?”

“Just this once.” Bonbon reiterated, holding her hoof up to emphasize her point.

The colt pranced in place as Bonbon collected six of the candies he had been looking at and put them in a small box. With an excited “thank you” the colt bolted from the shop, eager to enjoy his prize.

With the store now empty, Bonbon took the opportunity to lock the door for some privacy.

“Thanks for bringing the letter, Lyra,” Bonbon said as turned around and looked to the letter Lyra held. “Now let's see who answered me.”

Lyra shifted from hoof to hoof as she struggled to contain her excitement to know more about just what was going on.

Bonbon examined the letter: the cutie mark telling her exactly who had responded, that alone told her it was serious. Though to understand just how she still needed to see what he had said.

Carefully taking the corner of the envelope in her mouth she tore open the side, the letter unfolding on her hoof as it slid out.


I appreciate your position, and current situation, but unfortunately I cannot confirm anything that you asked about.

It would be nice to take some time to catch up, however. The girls would love to know more about what's going on in Ponyville, they especially want to hear about what Princess Twilight's been up to lately.

They're really inspired by her dedication to study, and that she's remaining as headmare in her school.

I think that talking would be good for them, they seem to be on edge lately. It seems that they're worried about something, but of course they never tell me anything.

I think they could be worried about more nightmares.


“Wow, I thought it was important.” Lyra said as she read over Bonbon's shoulder.

Bonbon continued to examine the letter, reading it over once more. “No, it is important. And maybe even worse than I thought.”

“But the letter doesn't say anything.”

“Lyra,” Bonbon gently said, shaking her head. “We're discussing sensitive topics, this is in code. I'm going to have to puzzle out the rest, but he already told me that I was right about something I asked about.”

“Was your letter in code too?” Lyra asked excitedly.

“Obviously.” Bonbon calmly answered.

“Can you teach me the code?” Lyra excitedly asked.

“Oh, I don't know. It's something we kind of developed without actually working on it. We just knew each other enough to work this out.”

“Super Special Friend code?!” Lyra's excitement grew the more she heard.

“I guess. It was important for us in case any of our communications were intercepted: If there's no cipher to solve it, it's secure.” Bonbon explained.

“What do you know about it right now.” Lyra insisted.

With a sigh Bonbon placed the letter on the counter, pointing to the first line. “Well, calling me “Sweetie” tells me that this is code. Otherwise he'd have called me “Sweetie Drops.””

Bonbon then moved her hoof to the first sentence. “Knowing now that it's a code, I can look at this and know what I'm seeing isn't the real message. There's two things in here he touched on, first is that he cannot confirm anything I asked about. That tells me that he knew I was writing in code. And second: since he didn't say he couldn't deny anything that does confirm what I was asking him.”

Lyra “ooh”-ed as she looked the letter over. ”Wait, so does that mean the second line means he doesn't want to talk?”

“No, that one is straight forward. But saying you want to talk is innocuous enough that it doesn't need to be coded. Really, he does want to talk, probably because it's easier to do that than write in code.”

“Oh, so it was just a yes or no answer?”

Bonbon chuckled as she shook her head. “I don't think so. I'm going to have to take some time on this to get everything he tried to say.”

“So …”

Bonbon shrugged and folded the letter once more. “So I don't know anything else yet.”

“Are you going to tell Twilight?”

“Obviously.” Bonbon sighed. “But not just yet. I need to have something more to give her, and clearly there's something he wants passed to her with just how central she is in this letter.”

“But didn't you ask him about what happened at her castle?”

“No, I asked if there had been a cleaner operation in Ponyville. He brought up Twilight on his own.”

“That's not good, I'm guessing.”

Bonbon shook her head as she walked to the door of the candy shop. “I think I'm just going to close early today.”


The smell of hot lemon tea brought a smile to Bonbon's face as Lyra set a fresh cup down on the writing desk next to her.

“Thanks.” Bonbon said as she looked up.

“You're working a lot harder than usual, Bon.”

“I know, but that's because of how important this is.”

Lyra rubbed Bonbon's back lightly as she looked over the notes Bonbon had on the letter. “Maybe you should take a break.”

Bonbon mulled the idea over for a moment before dismissing it. “No, I just need to get back to work.”

“I don't know. You've been at this for hours now and … how many ways can you read one letter?”

Bonbon sighed and rubbed her eyes before shaking her head. “If one of us is missing something, at best we can have an idea. I have no idea what he means by “the girls,” clearly he's talking about somepony important, but who.”

“Maybe he means Princesses Celestia and Luna.”

Bonbon shook her head. “No, no matter what we did we couldn't elude to Princess Celestia even in code: She needed complete deniability. Obviously that would extend to Princess Luna as well.”

“Are you sure? What if the message was about them? Does it make sense if you look at it that way?”

Bonbon sighed and looked at the message once more, to humor Lyra if nothing else. “So … The Princesses want to know what Twilight's up to …” Bonbon looked back to her notes. “Why would they be concerned about the information that they gave her?”

“Did I get it right?” Lyra happily asked.

Bonbon continued to look over her notes, and slowly nodded. “That does make more sense, so … maybe.” She turned off the light attached to the desk and stood up. “Looking at it like that: it seems that for some reason Twilight isn't trusted by the other princesses anymore.”

“That's not good.”

“Yeah, and if they don't trust her, obviously they'd want to keep her out of things.”

“I guess that makes sense, but why don't they trust Twilight?”

“I don't know, I could be completely wrong thinking that. But she would be the one most likely to know if that were the case.” Bonbon said as she collected her notes from the writing desk and walked for the door.

“You're going right now?” Lyra asked, using her magic to bring the teacup with her.

“I have to tell Princess Twilight right away. If you're right, this is very serious.”

“Right, Cozy Glow bad.”


“How long has she been like that?” Starlight asked Spike as they looked into the library. On a couch Twilight had curled into a tight ball and blankly stared out into nothing.

“I'd say just after Bonbon left.” Spike answered.

“That was last night!” Starlight chastised, “Has nopony even tried talking to her?”

Spike stared at Starlight a moment before walking into the library. “Observe.” He said as he approached Twilight.

Spike dramatically raised a claw before prodding Twilight several times with no response.

“Also.” He continued before putting his claw up to his mouth and calling out. “Twilight, A.K. Yearling is in Ponyville to sign the newest Daring Do book.”

“Wow.” Starlight murmured as she approached the unresponsive pony.

“Yeah, this is a pretty extreme freak-out, even for Twilight.”

“Spike, I don't think this is a “freak-out,” it looks more like traumatic shock. But what did Bonbon have to say that would do this to her?”

“Maybe we should ask her,” Spike suggested.

“But should we leave Twilight alone like this?” Starlight asked as she waved her hoof in front of Twilight's eyes.

“Who can handle this?”

“Fluttershy may know what to do.” Starlight offered.

“We can get to Bonbon's and back before we would even get to Fluttershy's.”

“Right … Uhm, Rainbow Dash could get here quick.”

“I don't think this is really in her range to handle.” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow as he did.

“Well what options do we have?”

“Well … It's kind of an emergency … and he does know about trauma.”

Starlight sighed and looked to the dragon. “I mean, I guess it's not like we'll be gone all that long. It should give him plenty of time to get home and get some sleep. … Alright, I'll be back in a minute.”

Starlight couldn't help but feel guilty as she walked to James' home. He'd been having issues with his own trauma recently, and now she hoped that he could help someone through theirs. She knew he had some strategies, but would this just be piling problems onto his own?

“Are you still in here?” Starlight asked as she knocked on the door to James' study.

“Yeah, I was just finishing up for the day.” Starlight heard James answer from the other side of the door.

“I'm sorry, but we need some help.”

The door opened and James smiled down at her. “Don't apologize, I have no problem coming to help. So, what's up?”

Starlight sighed as she gestured for him to follow. “So I guess Twilight heard something that really upset her.”

“Oh no. What did she hear?”

“That's the problem, we don't know. Spike and I are going to try to find out but we need someone to keep an eye on Twilight while we're gone.”

Confused, James looked down to Starlight, “Keep an eye on her?” James asked, “What's she doing.”

“Well … Nothing. She's completely motionless and doesn't respond to anypony.”

“Just from hearing something?”

“As far as we know.”

“I can't say I know what's going on, but I'll do what I can to help her.”


They walked in relative silence the rest of the way to Twilight's library, Starlight opening the door as they approached.

“Anything Spike?” Starlight asked.

“No. Not that you've been gone long.” Spike answered as he shook his head.

James slowly walked over to the couch where Twilight remained curled up. As he got close he shrugged off his haori, catching it as it fell.

“It's okay to fall apart sometimes.” James quietly said as he draped his haori over Twilight like a blanket, gently tucking the edges underneath her before sitting next to her. He chewed his lip slightly as he considered what (if anything) he could say or do.

Twilight didn't seem to respond at all.

“We'll try to hurry.” Starlight said, gesturing for Spike to follow her.

“Not like anything is going to happen while we're gone.” Spike added as he walked off.

“I think there's enough going on here for now.” James added, keeping his voice low and gentle as he placed his hand on Twilight's back.

With Twilight more or less taken care of, Starlight and Spike left in search of answers.

“I know Twilight's prone to panicking, but I've never seen her clam up quite like that before.” Starlight said as she and Spike walked out the front of the castle.

“This is a bit more than I've seen. But the last time she freaked out anywhere near this bad, she was afraid she'd failed a test in her magic class. Celestia had asked to talk to her and she just sat in stunned fear for over an hour until she had to go and talk with the Princess.”

“What happened?”

“Celestia congratulated for having the highest score in the class. Turns out she only missed one question.”

Starlight forced a laugh, “Let's hope that this is just as overblown.”

“I'm sure it is. If this were a real emergency, she wouldn't freeze up like this.”

Before long the two stood in Bonbon's confectionery shop, hoping for the other ponies to leave quickly.

“Hi Spike, Starlight.” Bonbon cheerfully said. “Here to get some treats?”

“Not really, we want to talk to you when you're free.” Starlight said, mindful of her tone.

“Oh, that could be a while. I had to close early yesterday, so I'm really far behind today.”

“Maybe we could help you.” Spike offered quickly.

“That would be great!” Bonbon answered with a smile. “Starlight, could you help the ponies at the register, and Spike: I need you to help the ponies at the counter. I have to finish up a few more candies in back before I run out up here.” Bonbon happily said as she made a beeline for the back of the store.

“But Bonbon,” Starlight started, “ … aaaand she's gone.”

“So that's six orange truffles, two dark chocolate mint patties, two cherry waves, and two surprise. Let's see … I think a couple Barra cream would compliment those nicely.” Spike, now wearing an apron and holding a pair of tongs, said as he collected the candies and placed them in a bag for the pony he was helping.

With a resigned sigh, Starlight went to the register and figured out how much to charge for the candy to be sold.

As things slowed down Starlight turned to Spike, “I thought we were trying to find out quickly so we could get back as soon as possible.”

“This is why we got somepony to help, in case it took a while.” Spike said with a shrug as he handed a box of candy to another pony.

“Spike …” Starlight began.

“Starlight, Bonbon was busy and couldn't talk to us in private. This is the fastest way to get what we need.” Spike assured her.

Starlight nodded with a sigh. “I guess you're right.”

“Trust me. She's going to be fine, and we'll be done before you know it.”

After nearly an hour Bonbon came back out from the backroom where she had been working. “Thanks so much you two.” She said with a smile.

“Glad I could help.” Spike said as he took off the apron he had been wearing as he worked the counter.

“It's calmed down a bit, so we can talk now if you two want.” Bonbon offered.

“Well, it's about some help you've been giving us.” Starlight hesitantly said.

“Right!” Bonbon quickly said, sounding upbeat. “Can't let these recipes get out. Okay, give me a minute up here and we can talk in private.” She winked to a customer and nodded. “Special chocolates for the princess to try. I'm keeping them secret until they're ready for the counter.”

Spike and Starlight watched as Bonbon worked with surprising efficiency to clear out the store, waving the last pony out in minutes and closing and locking the door. She walked back to the counter and collected a sign sign that read “Fresh Candy Soon” and once that was placed in the window she ushered her two guests to the back.

The smell of melted chocolate hung heavily in the air as fans circulated it in an attempt to cool off the freshly made confections.

The sweet scent was nearly intoxicating and Starlight shook her head to focus on the objective at hand.

“Did you find anything else out that might change the context of the letter I got?” Bonbon asked, moving one of the racks of cooling chocolates to the side.

“Actually, we're wondering what you told Twilight.” Starlight said as Bonbon turned back to the two.

“Yeah, she hasn't said anything or even moved since you talked to her.” Spike added.

Bonbon grimaced at Spike's words, knowing that she had given Twilight the news that had bothered her so. “Well … from the context that I have, it seems that Princesses Celestia and Luna are keeping an eye on Twilight, and they're on edge about something.”

“We could go ask them, they've come to us with problems before.” Spike offered.

“But it seems like they're on edge about Twilight. And if it were just a regular problem don't you think they'd talk to her?”

“Which would mean that Twilight was right about her worries concerning their change of mind about her.” Starlight surmised.

“Ah, yeah. That would merit a whole new freak-out.” Spike somberly said with a nod.

“You sound pretty calm about this!” Starlight hissed at Spike, her eyes wide.

“I'm surprised, but it's not world ending,” Spike answered. “It's not like Tirek's back, or Cozy Glow's plan to rid Equestria of magic, or the return of Grogar. I mean … it's a problem we can work out, I'm sure of it.”

“I guess. But problems with the Princesses are usually big problems.” Starlight explained.

If I'm right about this …” Bonbon emphasized, hoping to make it clear that she felt she could be wrong, “it means that they were worried enough to have a cleaning operation done. I wasn't part of any before, but there are missions I had that were preceded by them. I think that it's possible they're worried Twilight could destabilize Equestria.”

“What?!” Spike asked suddenly turning to Bonbon.

“I don't know,” Bonbon was quick to say, “it's just the impression I get from from what's going on. I barely know anything, and the letter wasn't clear by design. It's possible my contact doesn't know anymore than I do.”

“You don't think …” Starlight began as she turned to Spike.

“Maybe …” Spike partially answered.

The two rushed out of the room towards the front, Starlight quickly teleporting them both outside as they approached the locked door. Before long they were rushing into Twilight's library to find James and Twilight were still there.

Unexpected, however, was that Twilight was no longer non-responsive. In fact she was leaning against James and talking (albeit quietly.) She still looked distressed, however, and barely lifted her head at the entrance of the two.

“Twilight! You're okay!” Spike said as he flew over and hugged Twilight.

“Okay?” Twilight quietly said, “No … but I'm better than I was.”

“How did you get her to respond?” Starlight asked James as she approached.

“Just stayed with her and told her that whatever it was, it's fine to freak out.”

“And that we can work on it.” Twilight added. “Though I don't know if we really can.”

“She just needed some time to panic, and someone to bring her back from that edge,” James explained.

“Twilight,” Starlight cautiously said, taking a step closer, “we talked to Bonbon.”

Twilight nodded, “I know, I didn't say anything but I did hear you.” She sighed as she shook her head “And I just told James everything.”

“Oh …” Starlight said.

“Isn't that a good thing?” Spike asked.

“I'd say more neutral.” James answered, “Obviously I can't directly do anything, these are your politics, but I'm here for you all the same.”

“I'm going to have to talk to Princess Celestia.” Twilight said, sounding more dejected than ever.

“It'll be okay. We always make things out to be worse than they usually are.” James calmly said.

“Do you want some company?” Starlight asked, hesitantly.

“Of course, we can get everypony here if you want.” Spike added.

“Thank you, but no. This really needs to be just my responsibility.” Twilight added with a genuine smile before adding. “Besides, it's Princess Celestia. What's the worst she would do?”

Spike and Starlight both bit their lips to not remind Twilight that Luna, Celestia's own sister, had been banished to the moon for a millennium. However, it was obvious from Twilight's face that she knew the option was certainly there.

“Well if you'd rather go alone we'll at least be here when you get back.” James calmly said.

“Thank you … all of you.” Twilight said with a weak smile as she walked towards the door of the library.

Spike groaned as he watched the door close behind Twilight. “That's the same look she had when she went to see Celestia about her test.”

“I'll take your word for it.” James commented as he turned to the two. “I think she needs time away from everything. With this and all the stress of the end of the school year … she's not in a good place.”

“You're telling me.” Starlight said as she came to sit by James.

“I think after her talk, no matter how things go, she should come back to New Guardia with me. I doubt rest and relaxation is exactly in her repertoire, but she needs a distraction at least.”

“Definately,” Starlight agreed, “ …though I'm thinking for a different reason.”


“Bonbon told us that Princess Celestia reclaiming everything could be a prelude to some kind of specialist operation.” Spike emphatically explained.

“Black ops?”

Spike only nodded in answer.

“I'll ask Liara to listen to the chatter and keep some guards on standby in case she hears anything about that.” James explained before nudging Starlight, “Of course that means you stepping up as headmare for the last month of school.”

Starlight moaned again as James spoke. “Ugh, you're right. And I don't know if I can find somepony to fill in as councilor while I'm busy as headmare. And it's this time that the students usually need a lot of help.”

“I'd offer to help, but I just got a lot more put on me in addition to getting things ready for our trip to the Galaxy Academy.”

“The Galaxy Academy?”

“Yeah, that's where you'll get the body mods, and where we'll be living while you get used to your augmentations.”

“We'll be living at the academy?”

“Twilight will love it.” Spike commented with a chuckle.

“It's easier that way: Practically and politically. I may be on good terms with most of the Jurai royal family, the emperor hates me.”

“Wait, why does the emperor hate you?” Spike asked, astonished, as Starlight gave James a confused look.

James laughed and rubbed his beard. “You see, I kind of did the impossible …”


Twilight's stomach was in knots as she appeared in Canterlot castle. She couldn't help but imagine that she'd rather face Grogar again than speak with Princess Celestia now. At least then she had some hope that things would be alright.

She took a steadying breath as she walked forward, stopping briefly as she noticed her hair in the reflection of a window. As her horn lit up she could plainly see the golden flecks dancing about in the reflection of the familiar violet luminescence of her magic. And this inevitably brought her attention to her eyes, the symbol of her failure.

Her hair fixed, she continued to the throne room.

Princess Celestia sat at her throne, her kind smile gracing her features as she saw her former student and protege approaching.

“I'm happy to see you again Twilight. I'm sorry we didn't get the chance to get together the last time you came to Canterlot … or the Grand Galloping Gala … But I understand just how busy the role of princess and headmare can be.”

Twilight wanted to speak, but her words seized in her throat. Bonbon had confirmed that it was Princess Celestia who had ultimately had her home invaded and the documents she had been trusted with removed in secret.

Princess Celestia who no longer trusted her, but still greeted her warmly as a friend.

The greeting felt hollow with that knowledge behind it.

Twilight couldn't paint on a smile for this, she had been hurt and Celestia was going to know it. “Why did you have those ponies take back everything you sent me when I was going to be your successor?”

Celestia's expression darkened as she heard the accusation, and the change alone confirmed to Twilight everything Bonbon had told her.

“I'm sorry Twilight. With Luna and myself staying as we are there was no need for you to have to worry with all of that. And with everything you do already, for everycreature, I felt that you didn't need the burden of it all. … I had hoped you would be at your castle so the transfer could be a simple matter.”

“Is it because you don't trust me anymore?” Twilight bluntly asked.

Now it was Celestia's turn for the words to seize in her throat. She looked at Twilight, her mouth moving as she tried, and failed, to speak. She closed her mouth and just looked to the pony looking up at her, hurt and betrayed.

“I see.” Was all Twilight said before turning around, vanishing in a burst of violet and gold as she did.


Princess Luna watched the confrontation from the hallway, her face turning to a sleight grimace as she listened.

Once Twilight had vanished, leaving Celestia alone in the empty throne room, Luna shook her head and scoffed before leaving herself.

Author's Note:

At least there are some answers here. Few as they may be.
It's taking me a lot longer to write than I had been expecting, so some chapters may take longer as I try to work through them.