• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 877 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

13 Offers

“Are you okay, Twilight?” Spike asked as he poked his head into the library door.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” Twilight casually said, not lifting her face from the books on the desk in front of her.

“It's really late. . . again.” Spike continued, more insistent.

“I know, I just want to finish this up first.”

“And you aren't tired?”

Twilight sighed as she finally looked to her friend. “I don't think any of us have a regular sleep schedule anymore.” She admitted with a half smile. “Turns out having a friend who's effectively nocturnal is pretty tricky.”

“Will you be alright?”

“Yeah, I'll just use the Enertron and be ready in the morning.”

“I prefer sleep myself.”

“I try to make time to actually sleep a few times a week. But I can get so much done now.”

“Whatever you say. Goodnight, Twilight.” Spike said as he closed the door.

“Goodnight, Spike.” Twilight moved her face back down, looking into the report she had hidden among her books. Since she had found Bonbon in one of these files she needed to hunt down everything that didn't add up.

She could ask any of her friends for help, Rarity would revel in the intrigue, but this was something she needed to find out for herself. And Discord's prodding certainly didn't do anything to settle her mind on what the documents could mean.

All too soon, however, her eyelids began to feel heavy. She blinked a couple times as she considered her options, it wasn't so late that she couldn't just go to bed now, but she also really wanted to keep on this.

With a yawn she closed the report she had in front of her and loaded it into her saddle bag. She didn't want to leave something like this laying around for just anyone to find. If it was even anything to begin with.

She paused briefly at the door to James' castle, considering the portal between worlds.

It had started as a simple curiosity that quickly turned into a novelty. As they became better friends it became a convince, and an important link. But when his world had been closed off with no hint if it would return, she realized that it (and those beyond) had become indispensable.

James' castle itself had undergone a few changes during their friendship, and walking through the hallways she was now so familiar with, she could see a story in just what had changed over the years. While the low hallway lights were off as it was midday in New Guardia, they were a clear indication that the nighttime guests were now regularly expected. The Enertron had once been located in an out of the way storage room, but James had moved it closer to the doorway for the convenience of his friends. And that was before he Lucca and Tali completely redesigned it to a more compact version that was easily accessible for the pony visitors to use.

He and Lucca both claimed that the redesign was long overdue, and that it was useful in other areas, but it was clear that the ponies had inspired the change.

Twilight sat in the very same device as the door closed. This one could only take one occupant as opposed to the four that it's predecessor could, but it worked so quickly that it hardly mattered. “Begin,” Twilight calmly said once she was ready. Her eyelids had only started to feel heavy before, but in moments it was completely impossible to keep them open. Her body went totally limp, though the design of the device kept her from collapsing. And before her mind even registered the feeling she let out a yawn as she opened her eyes, feeling alert and ready. However, there was one problem that hadn't been resolved (and not for lack of trying,) and it made itself apparent as Twilight's stomach growled.

The hunger was sudden and while not debilitating, it was a real nuisance. But Twilight was not unprepared as she began to run over a list of restaurants local to Truce that she particularly liked she got a feeling for what sounded good to her at the moment. Continuing her trek through the halls she poked her head into various rooms, knowing who should be were about now. The real surprise being that she found nobody until the last door.

James sat hunched over his desk, a translucent screen before him. Not that Twilight could see what it read from her side.

“You're up late again, Twilight.” James commented as he glanced at her through his screen, though clearly his mind was elsewhere.

“Yeah, just some late night research.”

“I hope it's a fun subject.” James said as his eyes moved to another part of the screen.

“I don't know if it's fun, but it certainly has me obsessing.”

“Interesting.” James said, focusing on some part of the screen and typing something out on his desk and half mumbling to himself.

“I was about to go get something to eat,” Twilight gently said, stepping closer to James, “if you want to take a break and join me.”

James' face changed to a disappointed grimace, “Trust me: I would absolutely take you up on that offer if I could right now.” His voice was sincere, and he sighed as he typed out several more things. “But I've got a trade conference going on at the moment and I have to take care of this and get right back there to keep these delegates from tearing each other apart. And possibly keep them from ruining a few more trade agreements while they're at it.”

James suddenly grimaced as he gripped his left forearm and flexed it along with the hand, taking deep, controlled, breaths. “And goody, that's acting up again.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Thanks, but no. My brain just has to accept that I do indeed still have an arm.”

“Maybe I could do something about the trade deals?”

“I wish. Had you been here the other day this may have gone much better, but we're here now and I just have to work with it.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Don't be. It's not your fault, and some of these people wouldn't be happy even if I gave them literally everything they wanted. Now you should probably go and get yourself something good.”

“I'll bring you some coffee, okay?”

“Thank you.” James said, a slight smile breaking his own tired expression.

Twilight closed the door and walked towards the front of the castle, while she did feel a bit left out she didn't want a repeat of Saillune where she just sat around smiling and barely understanding any of the political landscape.

She had a long way to go to really be a leader.

Not that she was going to be a leader.

She shook her head, recognizing that she was working up to feeling sorry for herself again. Pointedly, she began to focus once more on the report she carried with her, but that didn't help as she began wondering if she was simply doing the same by obsessing over it.

She reassured herself that this was different, that is was more like a puzzle. She wasn't trying to pretend that L hadn't taken over her body, she was trying to solve a mystery. And one had nothing to do with the other.

The diner she had chosen was quiet, and thankfully so as she wanted to continue reading the report as she ate. A friendly Lamia smiled, leaving with Twilight's order and she wasted little time in bringing out the report.

She'd been able to piece together that Sweetie Drop was an alias for some kind of work she used to do as she captured monsters, but that was about it. Twilight still needed to establish what she was capturing monsters for, however.

Scootaloo's parents, after all, captured and studied animals, monsters, and all sorts of creatures. Had Bonbon studied them herself, or captured them for someone else to study. In any event, she seemed to have been good at it.

It did seem strange to her that the report was so light on details, at least specific details.

That could just mean that the monsters were captured for someone else to study.

A voice suddenly drew Twilight from her reading “Pleasure to see you here, Miss Twilight.” As Twilight looked up she saw the familiar face of Lady Seto Kamiki Jurai looking down at her. “I believe King Philionelle's coronation was the last time we spoke.”

“Oh, hello. Yes, it was. Are you here for the trade conference?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“I'm here with my husband, and he's here for the conference. Of course, it's as an official and not a negotiator so we've had some free time to enjoy ourselves.”

“Really … I think you may have lost him.”

Seto smiled and sat at the booth, “I haven't. Right now he's doing what he can to salvage an incident that occurred the other day. It would seem some cultural differences sprang up between two negotiators.”

“Oh my gosh. What was it over?”

“They felt that Jurai was disrespecting them when we presented James with a special bottle of saki, and had none to offer the other officials.”


“Yes, they are arguing that in presenting James with that gift but not bringing gifts for the other delegations that we were intentionally disrespecting them and attempting to buy favor with James.”

“Oh no. Do you think they'll pull out.”

“Honestly, no. They're notorious for behaving like spoiled children and will relent to get what they want. We simply must hold our ground.”

“Oh, I saw James working on a compromise when I came through.”

“That, unfortunately, was for another incident. James made the Tellarite delegation too comfortable, so with nothing to complain about they stared using personal insults to start fights, which has made a difficult situation for him.”

“So it's not just one incident.” Twilight said as she closed the report.

“There are constantly issues; that's one of the challenges of bringing such disparate beings together. I'd say that things are unusually calm at the moment.” Seto looked around a moment before turning back to Twilight. “This is a charming little place. To be honest I'm not used to establishments such as this.”

“Oh, then you should really try their meatless burger. It is so good.” Twilight said happily, her stomach rumbling almost to accentuate her point.

Seto chuckled briefly as Twilight blushed. “I believe I may have to with that endorsement. Did I interrupt anything interesting? It looked like you were reading a dossier.”

Twilight blushed as a golden flecked violet luminescence surrounded the report and moved it back to her saddlebag. “It's nothing, just a little mystery I'm trying to figure out.”

“That sounds interesting. Would you care for any help?”

Twilight hummed over it briefly before refusing, “I could always ask my friends.”

“But you haven't. Besides, I recognize the seal of Equestria, and government documents aren't something people tend to share with their friends.”

“You knew that from just a look at the cover?”

“I've been in politics longer than Princess Celestia has been alive.” Seto said with a laugh, “I've seen and made more of those files than even I can remember.”

Even with what little she knew of Jurai's life extension technology, Twilight couldn't exactly pass off Seto's comment as exaggeration. “Well, I don't actually need to solve anything. I'm just curious and have a lot of time on my hooves.”

“Even with your school and duties?”

Twilight sighed once more and shook her head. “I've noticed that my royal duties have been less and less since the battle. So time is something I have a lot more of recently.”

“Well, if that's the case, perhaps you would like to attend some of the conference as my guest.”

“I'd just be lost.” Twilight argued.

“I believe it would be beneficial to introduce you to other cultures.”

“Would it, though? I'm hardly ready to put my best hoof forward.”

“The benefit wouldn't necessarily be yours.”

“Are there any friendship problems for me to solve?” Twilight asked, trying not to sound sarcastic.

“We could always use a neutral party when a contentious situation comes up.”

Twilight hesitated briefly, “Sounds like the Traders Exchange … Another duty I haven't seen again. … Well I guess I could come and look around,” she said before using her magic to pick up her saddle bag.

Seto was quick to interrupt the mare with a smile, and gesturing for her to sit back down. “Oh, we're not going right now. After all, our food hasn't even arrived yet.”


Twilight looked around in wonder as she found herself in a section of New Guardia she had never seen before. She couldn't help but be simultaneously reminded of the corridors of the Einheriar, and the promenade of Deep Space Nine. Creatures of all kinds nearly filled the two tiered passageway that Twilight found herself in as she followed the Jurian monarch.

As the two walked, several woman Twilight recognized as her attendants ran up to the two. “Lady Seto,” one sighed, “I'm so relieved we found you.”

“I was never lost. I simply left to sample some of the local flavors.” Seto calmly replied with a sly grin.

The attendant gave a forced smile as her eye twitched. “Oh.”

“Do you know if Utsusumi has resolved the issue yet?”

Another attendant stepped forward and bowed slightly before she collected a clipboard. “Yes he has Ma'am, and he's currently sharing a drink with the Krogan delegate and Lady Tali.”

“I didn't expect it to be resolved so soon.” Seto commented.

“Mr. Urdnot brought a quick resolution to the situation.”

“Oh my.” Seto chuckled as Twilight looked around confused.

Unfortunately nobody informed Twilight and she remained confused as she was escorted by the group into the event center.

“Keep an eye open Twilight.” Seto calmly said. “Connections made at events like this are often more important then political alliances.”

“Alright.” Twilight awkwardly said. “But it's not like I have any real role in Equestrian politics anymore.”

“A connection need not be political.”

Twilight looked up at the calm face of the aloof woman escorting her into a convention she had not intended to attend and couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind. With Lucca's reaction to her in Saillune, clearly Seto did little without planning.

It wasn't long until they were led into a quiet side room with a large table. Twilight readily recognized Tali among those at the table, but she was the only one.

Tali looked to the group as they approached, “Twilight, I wasn't expecting to see you today.”

“I wasn't expecting to be here, honestly.” Twilight responded.

“You one of those ponies that James went and got all mixed up with?” A large dragon-like creature asked. Twilight had to assume that this was the Krogan that Seto's attendant had mentioned earlier as he was the only one other than Tali she recognized as not being human.

“Oh, yes. I'm Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight calmly answered as she gave a polite smile and nod, now realizing how easily she had shifted to a political stance.

The Krogan raised his glass as if in toast. “Urdnot Wrex, Head of Clan Urdnot.”

As Wrex brought his glass down the man at the table got up from his chair and stooped to shake Twilight's hoof. “And I'm Utsustumi Kamiki Jurai, the husband of Lady Seto.”

“And head of the Kamiki family.” Seto added.

Utsusumi laughed as he stood up. “Right, I can't just claim the good things.” As he finished speaking he gave Seto a warm hug, his smile easy to see under his large, bushy mustache.

“Twilight here just reminded me: How are the girls, Tali?” Wrex asked with what Twilight assumed to be a smile.

“Sara and Amber are doing well. Stick around after the conference and you can finally meet them.” Tali happily said before her voice got mischievous, “How's your family?”

Wrex groaned as he dropped his head, shaking the table as his head-plate left a small dent in the metal.. “Ugh, don't remind me. Far too numerous.” With a resigned sigh, Wrex lifted his head back up from the table.

“Wrex.” Seto calmly said, getting his attention. “How is that aid we've been sending to Tuchanka?”

“What can I say? It's been better than anything good the Salarians did for us. Bakara's already managed to get some of the other clans to start using your stuff to clean up the rest of the radiation. We'll have a green planet again in no time.” Wrex chuckled a moment as he looked over the monarch. “Hell, even the Ryncol tastes better. … Though it doesn't quite have the kick it used to.”

“I'm glad we could help.”

“Hope you're not looking for soldiers. We're done with that bargain.”

“You don't need to worry about that.”

“Jurai isn't officially involved with this aide.” Utsusumi added, looking directly to Twilight.

Wrex huffed and shook his head. “Politics are more Bakara's thing, I have my own methods.”

“Nuance is a valuable tool.” Seto countered.

“Hey, I can be nuanced.”

“Oh, why isn't Jurai involved?” Twilight asked.

“I believe James has told you about this before, but the Salarians attempted to raise the Krogan to equal footing …” Tali began to answer before being cut off.

“To be soldiers for them,” Wrex interrupted. “But they didn't count on us out-breeding everyone else, so to correct their mistake,” he added with air quotations, “they and the turians engineered a virus that killed most of our children as they were born.”

Twilight gasped as she heard how bluntly Wrex summarized his history. James had explained that the virus made the Krogan nearly infertile but hadn't described it quite like that.

Wrex shrugged, “Well, once they were in trouble and needed us to come to the rescue again they mostly fixed it.”


“Yeah, we only small clutches, but most of our kids survive now. It's not perfect, but it's enough. We're not dying anymore.” Wrex took a swig from his drink as he returned to the original topic. “Anyway, the reason they don't officially help is because then they'd be responsible for us. Or worse the Salarians might see them as a threat and attack. By keeping that aide a secret we get help cleaning up our world without mucking up any alliances.”

“And as far as any official position on our end, I'm just cleaning up another garden world. What I do with it then is my own concern.”

“So you just keep what you're doing a secret?”

“Every government has secrets.” Tali casually commented. “Usually it's to hide away something embarrassing or illegal, but those secrets can also be put to good purposes.”

“Or in some cases it's to keep the populace from realizing something that would send them into a panic.” Utsusume added.

“Like the Masaki family on their Earth.” Tali continued. “It's kind of a flagrant violation of the non interference laws, and Earth's population would definitely panic if they knew that aliens both existed, and lived among them.”

“Are you sure that people would panic about the Masaki family? I mean, James was worried about ponies panicking that he was an alien.” Twilight suggested.

“Why don't you ask the Turians.” Wrex said, clearly amused.

“Earthlings are the only advanced life on their planet, and because of that they have a conceit that they are the only intelligent life.” Seto explained, “Ponies seem used to sharing their world with several other species, and so adapted to the notion readily.”

“We also don't keep secrets like that. If it's important everypony should know about it.” Twilight said with a smile.

Wrex chuckled briefly as he heard the statement.

“Are you so certain?” Seto calmly asked. “The fact that you are trying to puzzle out what was in those files doesn't lend to that idea.”

“I just haven't found out what it all means yet.” Twilight answered defensively.

“We could have Liara take a look at your files,” Tali offered, “though there is a good chance she already knows what's in them.” She finished with a chuckle.

“Her talent for information gathering and networking have been greatly appreciated.” Seto said with a smile.

“Yeah, Liara's always been good at knowing things she shouldn't.” Wrex said with a chuckle. “You know if she's busy right now? It would be nice to check in on her.”

“I'll be available shortly, Wrex.” The group heard Liara say from effectively nowhere.

Twilight shook the surprise quickly and nodded. “Always watching, huh, Liara.”

“I'm just checking in on a friend.” Liara answered, “It's been a couple years, Wrex.”

Wrex sighed and rubbed the plate on his head. “Time gets away from you when you're as old as I am.”

“We'll have plenty of time to catch up later. Enjoy the conference.”

Wrex grunted halfheartedly and took another drink.

“I am sorry to leave again so soon, but I did offer to introduce Twilight to some more delegates.” Seto said as she stood from her chair.

Utsusume chuckled and nodded. “You two go have fun. I have a few appointments myself to be getting to.

Wrex smiled as the man stood up. “Good thing Tuchanka's not here to negotiate.”

“You're not?” Twilight asked.

“Never underestimate a good connection.” Wrex said with an air of wisdom. “They may just have something you don't even know you need.”

“I don't think friendship should be transactional.”

“I count my friends separate from connections. And I don't come here to make friends.”


While Twilight wouldn't describe it exactly as a tour, Seto did take her around the event center. And despite all of her experience with New Guardia, she was surprised at just how many different creatures there were.

She could only recall a few delegates as they went, one humanoid lion-like species that Seto called the Wau who greeted her by rubbing their cheek on hers. As well as several intelligent dolphins, floating jellyfish-like creatures known as Hanar, and she would have met the Ferengi and Volus, but they were focused entirely on … something. Twilight initially thought they were negotiating, but they were treating it like a game.

It wasn't long before Twilight noticed what they were inevitably moving towards: a particularly long stretch of stalls with masses of creatures mingling, talking, and purchasing. While there were other similar stretches, the specific section they were moving towards appeared to be especially popular.

As they waded into the crowd Twilight garnered a great deal of attention, and soon she and Seto found themselves being handed all kinds of trinkets and samples of goods.

“I didn't know I'd be getting this much use out of my saddlebag today.” Twilight quietly said to herself as her saddlebag quickly grew heavier and heavier. Although she could have spoken normally and still not have been heard over the din of the crowd.

Bottles of various sizes, exotic fruits and vegetables, swatches of cloth, pamphlets, brochures and business cards of all kinds found their way into her saddle bag before she and Seto had escaped the corridor of shops and creatures and found a place to sit.

Seto laughed quietly as Twilight marveled at all she had without paying a single bit or credit.

“Everyone has to walk the gauntlet at least once.” Seto said with a grin. “It's a good experience for newcomers.”

“I had no idea all of this was going on!” Twilight said, astonished, “Or how much food came through here.”

Seto nodded, satisfied with the amazement in Twilight's voice. “Food is one of the most valuable commodities James ships. There are outposts everywhere throughout various universes that have trouble getting most kinds of food and have to make do with what can be frozen, canned, and dehydrated. And that's when they're lucky. Fresh food is particularly desired and James often has the ability to get it to them.”

“I thought he traded mostly in things like gems and computers and the like.”

“He does that too. He'll ship most anything and has a payment scale that varies on the importance of what's being shipped. The food staple is simultaneously the product that earns him the most, but he charges the least for. Specialty food is second in demand but at a distinctly higher cost, particularly in items such as wine and exotic spices.”

Twilight couldn't deny the importance of the service James offered, and could understand just why so many would gravitate towards someone who could reliably provide for their needs. As she thought, she couldn't help but recall the various people James would speak of as though they did him a favor instead of providing a service to.

“What does Jurai get from him?”

“We have a few trade agreements, but we mostly provide security for the highest value items along with the Galaxy Police. Emergency convoys need the most defense after all.” Seto explained.

Twilight once again considered her bag as she looked back to the stalls they had passed a minute earlier. “I'm guessing these are just free samples?” Twilight asked, picking a bottle from her bag and examining the green liquid inside.

Seto picked off the tag attached to the bottle and examined it as she spoke. “The gauntlet that we just passed through is filled with merchants trying to get attention to their worlds and goods, hoping for a big sale. And while samples can whet someone's interest, they want you to remember them, and have enough product to share so you can get others interested in them too.” Seto explained before she smirked, throwing the tag away in a nearby disposal. “But it's those who don't advertise themselves who always have the big ticket items. “

“The Vulcans for example have impressive and highly detailed scientific data, medicines, technology, and (of course) star charts. A surprising amount of which are quite useful for many civilizations outside their own universe.” Seto continued. “But you have to talk to them, they won't come to you with an offer unless you have something truly interesting that they want.”

“Oh I would love to get one of those star charts.” Twilight wistfully said with a faint smile. While she would be happy to just hold on to them personally, she did get a fleeting hint of satisfaction in knowing that if she should get one, it would be a map that Velvet would be truly jealous of.

“If they'll make a deal with you.” Seto reiterated, throwing cold water on Twilight's enthusiasm. “You may be a princess, and you may be friends with James, but I believe your resources are limited, and you seemed to imply that you have no real political power to leverage.”

“You're right.” Twilight said with a heavy sigh. “I don't have anything to offer.”

“I wouldn't go quite that far, but you are new to all this still.” Seto said before standing and adding, “Come on, I believe you may be able to get something interesting from the Vulcans.”

Seto expertly weaved through the crowd with Twilight in tow, seeming to already know her destination.

Sure enough, before long the crowd had thinned and Twilight could see the stoic robed figures sitting at a table with what she assumed to be a game sitting between them.

“Now Twilight,” Seto calmly said as they began to approach the table. “I'll introduce you, but you'll have to work with what you have to make any deals.”

“Didn't you just tell me I had nothing to offer?”

“I said that your resources are limited.” Seto reiterated, not slowing at all.

Before Twilight could ask what Seto thought she had to offer, Seto had closed much of the distance to the table and Twilight had to pick up the pace or be left behind.

“Gentlemen.” Seto calmly said with a slight bow to the Vulcans. “It's a pleasure.”

“I thank you,” One of the Vulcans said in the typical measured cadence of their kind. “Have you come to discuss business?”

“Not myself.” Seto answered with a smile. “I would like to introduce you to Princess Twilight Sparkle, who has expressed an interest in your star charts.”

Twilight had only caught up to Seto as she finished speaking. “You can just call me Twilight.” She said hurriedly.

Both Vulcans raised an eyebrow each at the pony princess before one took a moment to stand and address her. As this happened his companion pressed a couple buttons on the base of the game they had been playing, disabling the projection and making the stack of metal pegs vanish.

“It is good to meet you … Twilight.” He calmly said. “I would inquire as to what it is you wish to exchange for one of our star charts.”

“Oh, uhm.” Twilight stumbled briefly, wishing that Seto had given her a chance to think before dropping her into this situation. “Is … there anything you want that would be worth the maps to you?”

The Vulcan talking to her was completely unreadable, he could be mulling over some ideas as to cost, or contemplating some creative insults for all Twilight could tell. She couldn't help but give an awkward smile as the seconds ticked by.

“Most currencies are acceptable, I believe locally that would be credits, clearly the cost depends on the charts you desire. However we could come to an agreement if you have something of equal value to exchange.” The Vulcan answered.

“I don't know if I have enough credits.” Twilight uncomfortably said.

“If you are uncertain you have enough currency, a trade would then seem the logical choice. Assuming you have anything to offer in trade.”

“I … I didn't bring anything.”

“I see. Then it would seem that our business is complete.” Without any kind of farewell the vulcan sat back down, ready to resume his game.

As Seto and Twilight began to walk away Seto spoke up. “I'm surprised you gave up so easily, Twilight.”

“Well I don't have anything to trade for and I only brought enough credits for a meal or two.”

“Twilight,” Seto calmly said, thought Twilight could feel a hint of admonishment in her tone. “If you give up because you don't think you have the tools you need, you will never learn what tools you do have.”

“I know what I have.” Twilight insisted.



“I believed you to be more resourceful than that.”

Twilight looked up at the woman, not sure if this was supposed to be some kind of test, or if she was just trying to get a reaction.

“I'd have to pay them directly, or give them something of equivalent value.” Twilight explained. “I only have fifteen credits, a hoofful of bits, the file I'm definitely not giving up, and the free stuff I got from the “gauntlet” (which effectively has a value of zero.) Even if I gave them everything I have, it wouldn't be enough to reasonably buy a map.”

“So that's the only resource you have to offer? Nothing else is available to you?” Seto asked, clearly skeptical.

Clearly she was trying to point Twilight to some conclusion, but Twilight just wasn't seeing what it could be.

“I remember the Vulcans I met on Deep Space Nine, they weren't exactly interested in friendship. And that's when I could even talk to them. Mud Brier is more personable than they are. They don't seem to enjoy anything.”

“Well, I suppose the star chart would do you no good if you don't have any tools that could read the data anyway.” Seto calmly said, turning away from Twilight.

“I actually do.” Twilight said as she brought out the gold bracelet James had given her. She used her magic and quickly slipped it over her hoof onto her foreleg and she easily activated the custom designed omnitool. “I've even got my whole library backed up on here in case I'm on the road and can't bring my books with me.”

Twilight took a moment to think as she commented on her omnitool, realizing what it was Seto was trying to lead her to. Or at least she thought that's what Seto was doing. “Hold on, let me try again.”

Ready to make an offer, Twilight turned back for the table where the Vulcans were once again playing their game.

“Sorry to bother you again.” She cautiously said. “I actually may have something to trade for a star chart or two.”

The Vulcans once again turned to her, this time leaving their game operating. “Very well, what do you propose.” Said the one that spoke to her earlier.

“Yes. You see, I have digital copies of all sorts of books with me... mostly textbooks and research journals. I can trade some of those, if you're interested.”

Both Vulcans appeared interested and looked to each other. “On what subjects are the research journals?” The other finally spoke up.

“All sorts of things, minerals, botany, magic, friendship, history …” Twilight happily explained.

“These could possibly hold value to us. Depending on quality of the research and their methodology, of course. Could we see the abstracts of a selection of these?”

“Of, of course. Let me just … figure out how to do that quickly … I could send you an email, I guess.”

Despite their faces remaining neutral the Vulcan's suddenly appeared incredulous. “That would be acceptable. Once we have your message we will have to discuss your offer to determine if it's agreeable.” The vulcan took a moment to give Twilight a note with an address written on it. “We will contact you with our offer after reviewing your offer, and the quality of the research.”

“Oh, uhm … Okay. Thank you.” Twilight awkwardly said as she turned to walk away.

“Not a bad choice.” Seto said once Twilight got back to her. “It pays to keep in mind what resources you have available to you.”


Twilight smiled as she walked through the markets of Ponyville. While it was busy, in comparison to the trade conference she had just attended this was quite relaxed. Though by no means was she going to complain about any of the free stuff she had received just by walking the gauntlet.

While she was enjoying the walk, she had actually come to see about getting some indoor gardening supplies, having saved the seeds of one of the fruits (or at least she thought it was a fruit) that had been given to her that she particularly enjoyed. An abundance of caution fueled her choice given how cautious James and Lucca were about allowing Applejack to grow anything from them on her farm.

James was always worried about invasive species devastating their ecosystem, though had been alright with Applejack growing foreign plants in an isolated planter box.

A few bits exchanged and Twilight had a cart with a bag of potting soil, trough planter box, garden spade, and small watering can. Twilight already knew where she was going to place the planter box and envisioned the cute set up with the alien plants growing. The mental image making her smile as she eagerly planned what all she could do if her indoor garden was successful.

In the distance, a voice caught her attention, bringing with it the memory of what had brought her to New Guardia earlier. While the voice wasn't one of her close friends, but she did enjoy talking to Lyra from time to time. However it was Bonbon that really commanded her attention.

Twilight's mind flew back to the file she had been obsessing over for the last few days. It was something she wanted to solve, kind of like a game. But this involved real ponies, real creatures, and the talk of government secrets with Tali had her mind running in conspiratorial directions.

Taking a moment to think. it would be a simple matter for Bonbon to clear up. All she needed to hear was that this was a research expedition or something like that.

All she needed to do was go over and talk to her.

Did she really want to know?

Twilight shook her head. Of course she wanted to know, the unanswered question would drive her crazy eventually. But she couldn't shake this deep down feeling that she was somehow betraying Celestia's trust.

By investigating the files Celestia had intentionally given her?

Twilight didn't have long to question herself as she soon heard Lyra excitedly calling out to her.

“Twilight!” Lyra happily said as she pranced up to the princess. “How have you been?”

“I've been doing well.” Twilight said, conversationally. “How are you and Bonbon?

“We're good, Twilight.” Bonbon said, more calmly than her girlfriend though still happily.

They spent the next few minutes catching up, Twilight telling them about the trade conference she had just visited. Lyra and Bonbon listened eagerly, with Lyra excitedly asked her girlfriend if they could take a vacation to New Guardia. After several minutes of laughs and conversation, it was time for them to split ways again.

Twilight couldn't let the opportunity slip past, or she could never have the nerve to ask.

“Oh, Bonbon, I would like to talk to you about something later.”

“Oh, what?” Bonbon asked with a smile.

Twilight was a bit uncomfortable as she looked to Lyra and back. “It's about some … work that you used to do.”

Lyra eagerly looked to Bonbon, “Is this about your “Sweetie Drop” stuff?”

“It's okay Princess, she knows all about it.”

“Oh … well, I do still have a few questions I want to ask.” Twilight said, clearly uncomfortable.

Bonbon was quiet as she thought about it. “Lyra may know, but I do still need to keep it as secret as I can. Not that she makes it easy …”

“Bon.” Lyra said, playfully sounding hurt.

“Maybe it would be best if you came by our place for dinner tomorrow. That way we don't need to talk around the subject.”

“Thanks.” Twilight said, slightly relieved. “I didn't really know how to bring it up.”

“Don't worry.” Bonbon said dismissively, “Besides, it'll be fun. Lyra and I haven't really had anypony over since we became official.”

“Sounds nice.” Twilight said, “I guess I'll see you then.”

Author's Note:

I'm pretty sure someone has taken an interest in the potential of the princess.