• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 877 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

8 Reluctant Racer

Applejack woke suddenly as a clatter of cowbells and howls rang out from a distant part of the orchard. The noise enough to make her wonder just what was happening. This was soon answered by the excited hooting and hollering of Grany Smith as she got closer to the farm house.

“The Timber Wolves are howlin'!” Granny Smith cried over and over as she ran around. Zap Apple season had arrived.

In the hallway Applejack found Apple Bloom as excited as Granny Smith, further down Sugar Belle groggily walked out.

“What's this about Timber Wolves?”

“Zap Apples!”Apple Bloom excitedly said, running down the hall at a near full sprint.

“Eyup.” Big Mac confirmed as he followed behind Sugar Belle.

“Oh, I don't know much about Zap Apples.”

“That's alright.” Apple Bloom spoke up. “You'll learn all about 'em and how to Make Zap Apple Jam this season.”

Applejack smiled as she turned to her brother down the hallway. “Big Mac, I'll get James an his family if you start getting everything ready for the next few days.”


“This is going to be the best year yet for Zap Apples!” Apple Bloom excitedly said.


James groaned as he heard the knock at his door. A diplomat he particularly disliked was scheduled to arrive in a couple hours, but this woman would all too often arrive as early as she could and complain before she even saw her arrangements. Most of the castle was open to anyone, but in his opinion she really abused the privilege.

He took a couple calming breaths before turning off his music. “Come in,” he said as casually as he could muster.

“Everything alright, Sugar cube?” Applejack asked as she walked in. “Need a break?”

James couldn't help but laugh out loud as relief washed over him. “Are you asking me out?” He chuckled as he tried to sound sly. “Because I'd happily say yes to such a sweet girl.”

Applejack blushed slightly as she walked in. “Ain't'cha with Rainbow Dash?”

James smirked. “Do you want me to stop?”

“Rainbow Dash might.”

“I hope not, I have a minimum of two other women to flirt with. But if you want me to stop, just say so.”

Applejack had to pause at the comment. “Nah. Yer harmless. It's just flirtin' after all.”

“Thanks. But I am wondering: isn't it still the middle of the night back in Ponyville.”

“Eyup. But the Timber Wolves are howlin', an' the Zap Apples are comin'. We'd appreciate some help if yer willin'.”

With a grin James realized that he could use this as an opportunity to be unavailable to the diplomat. But knowing her she would harass the rest of his family if it suited her, even Amber. “How about I bring everyone along. It would cut down on what you and Big Mac have to do and I think it would be good to have us all get out and work on something for a while.”

Applejack knew he was up to something. He'd always be nice about agreeing to help, but now he sounded excited to get out. “Yer avoidin' something aren't ya?”

James chuckled; he'd been caught. “Maybe. But you did ask for my help.”

As much as she knew him to face his responsibilities head on, his eagerness to get out of whatever it was he needed to do made her suspicious. “Well don't put off anything important.”

“I'm not.” James assured her before continuing to avoid the subject. “But I do need to get things together. We'll see you in the morning.” He gave Applejack a flirtatious smile as she turned to leave, making her blush and smile as she went.


Scattered rays of light shown through the leaves of the main orchard as day broke over Ponyville. Big Mac was at work with Applejack placing baskets beneath a large copse of barren trees. There was a constant smell of ozone with an occasional crackle and flash as electricity jumped between the branches.

Applejack was the first to hear their guests approaching, James' heavy steps and the much lighter steps of his family getting ever closer.

“Alright, looks like Big Mac's got the baskets in the wagon over there. Let's get them in place.” James commented to his family as he came into view.

“Thanks for the warning about Karen, but I've got other plans.” Lucca said, patting James' back before walking off.

“And I'm going to help Granny Smith. I really want to know how making Zap Apple Jam even works.” Sara announced before running off herself.

“ … Well, go on and have fun then, Amber.” James sighed, resigned as he collected baskets from the nearby cart.

“I'll help out, dad.” She offered with a smile.

“It's okay. I know this isn't exactly interesting work.”

“No, really. I'm going to help.”

“We'll take all the help we can get,” Applejack said as she approached. “Ain't that right Big Mac?”


“I thought Tali'd be with you.” Applejack mentioned as James walked back to the group carrying several baskets, handing a couple to Amber as they got close.

“Yeah, she's hiding away, working on a project instead of coming out to help here. She knows the nooks and crannies of the Einherriar as well as you know the orchard here.” James chuckled as he remembered a story that had been told to him. “Actually she's personally responsible for more than a couple ghost stories on that ship. She likes messing with the crew when she can get away with it.”

“You have to share some of those stories next Nightmare Night.” Applejack said, chuckling along with James.

A brisk wind blew through the the barren trees, bringing with it the distinct smell of ozone. Faint crackling could be heard as small bolts of electricity arced along the empty branches. “Watch, the zap leafs are comin'.” Applejack smiled as she looked up to see leafs appear at the ends of the branches with an electric pop.

Before long it was time to get back to work. She went to get James' attention, only to realize that he was already looking at her, smiling. “Uh, James …”

“Sorry, I was just enjoying the view. That look of awe and wonder you get, even after seeing it as often as you have.”

Applejack blushed as she heard the compliment and turned away. “Let's get back to work.”

Just as Applejack turned away Amber came rushing past. “Dad! Dad! That was amazing!” She exclaimed, running up to her father and excitedly tugging his arm. “The leafs just zapped in. I need some paper!”

James chuckled as he reached into the bag of holding tied to his side, moments later producing a stack of paper and a set of colored pencils. “Alright, I'll be here helping Applejack and Big Mac.” As soon as the art supplies were offered Amber grabbed them and ran off.

“Wasn't she here to help?” Applejack asked as Amber jumped into the cart and began drawing.

“Well, I kind of dragged her here. Besides, when she gets it in her head to draw or do anything artistic she's not going to be doing anything else.”

“Yer too easy on her.”

“I have been accused of doting on them. … But I do like seeing those I care about happy.”

The skies overhead weren't empty as more leafs popped into existence, and a pegasus looked down from the cloud she was napping on as she heard singing drifting upward. Two familiar, deep voices that had sang together several times. Rainbow Dash smiled as she watched the work going on below her, and more so as an idea crossed her mind.

She quietly zipped off, returning with a dark cloud and positioning herself above James. As they reached the chorus she kicked the cloud sending down a torrent of rain.

With a surprised shout James looked up to find Rainbow Dash hooting in laughter atop the rain cloud. “Nice to see you too.” James called up, guarding his eyes from the rainfall.

“Come on, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack called. “We're working. If you've got time enough to pull pranks, you could help out.”

Rainbow Dash sighed as she stopped laughing. “Sure, I'll help out. I can get this done in half the time.”

“We need this done right, not fast.” Applejack warned.

James cocked an eyebrow as he listened to Applejack. “Wasn't today's objective just getting the baskets under the trees? As long as we get every tree, the faster the better.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash eagerly said. “Bet I can get them out fastest.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes and looked to her friend. “Yer on.”

“I'll get in on this.” James said, now thoroughly soaked by the rain he had not stepped out from under. “Sounds like fun.”

“Come on, Big Mac, we gotta get ready.” Applejack said as she walked towards the barn where a second cart of baskets waited.

Big Mac gave Applejack a quizzical stare as she passed.

“What, don't think you can keep up with yer little sister and her friend?” Applejack taunted.

“Yeah, come on Big Mac. You plowed through everypony in the Sisterhooves Social, even me. I know you're faster than you let on.” Rainbow Dash encouraged.

Big Mac blushed as he recalled the race and his brute force run to get a win for Apple Bloom. His single track mind ultimately getting his sister and himself disqualified, handing the win to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

But this wasn't that race, and it had been a while since he had competed with anyone. Eventually he nodded and began to follow Applejack.

Within minutes they were set up and ready to race. Amber stood before them and held a flag Applejack provided her and counted down. As she called out “Go!” and waved the impromptu flag, Rainbow Dash burst off in a flash of rainbow light. The ground thundered beneath Applejack's and Big Mac's hooves. And the branches of the trees whipped around as James rushed past.

Rainbow Dash grinned as she rushed around the Zap Apple trees flinging baskets and returning for more every few moments.

Applejack would pause every so often to toss several baskets where they needed to go before returning to the cart for more.

Big Mac didn't even pause his run, tossing baskets as he went. He knew every tree in this orchard and, while he wouldn't mention it, likely knew it better than Applejack. He worked here every day, he didn't teach at the school, he didn't go on friendship missions like his sisters had. He smiled as he pushed himself harder. He could win this.

James was enjoying the race, even more as he wasn't the fastest racer. Turning to get another stack of baskets he found that there were only a couple left, but the orchard was far from done. He looked to the ponies, each focused on their planned distribution and smiling broadly.

With a half smile he closed his eyes and cast a spell on himself, flashing red briefly. It only took moments for him to cover the distance between the cart and the barn for more baskets, and before any pony had turned back for more he had restocked the cart.

He couldn't honestly keep racing with the spell in effect, but that was fine. He was spending time with friends, and that felt better than the competition.

As the race stretched on, Rainbow Dash began to lag behind. A normal race was no trouble for her, but she had to race back and forth, carrying sturdy wooden baskets as she did. She began to realize why Zap Apple season would occupy Applejack's time. There was so much that had to be done just getting the farm ready to harvest.

Applejack was going strong, charging back and forth with as many baskets as she could carry. She was making good time, and knew she was going to win this race. She also knew that Rainbow Dash wouldn't give up easily, but how many times had they raced like this? The two of them often neck and neck in their wins against each other. But over the years she had gotten a feel for what kinds of races were a sure thing, and this was one of those sure things.

Big Mac kept his head down and pushed on. He couldn't think about who else was out here, he could only focus on the work. He smiled as he went back for another stack of baskets, he could handle more and didn't need to make as many trips. He was making great time.

All three ponies were breathing hard as they finally ran out of baskets and stopped at the cart.

“Hoowee!” Applejack said as she let herself fall to the ground at the empty cart. “Let's take a break before getting the next batch of baskets.”

Rainbow Dash laughed as she landed and lay beside her friend. “I couldn't agree more.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said before hitting the ground with a thud.

“Next batch?” James asked as he sat down beside the three. “There aren't anymore in the barn.”

“Beg yer pardon?” Applejack quickly asked, looking directly to the man who seemed remarkably put together for supposedly having run the same race as the others.

“I was grabbing more as we went.” James said, as though it were plainly obvious.

Big Mac slowly got back on his hooves and looked around, only now realizing that the entire Zap Apple orchard had been done. “Sweet Celestia.” He breathed, only now realizing that they had gotten so much done.

“Wait wait wait.” Rainbow Dash said as she considered what she had just heard. “So you ran the race and went back to the barn for more baskets?”



“I didn't hold anything back.”

“But you were winded from the Running of the Leafs!” Applejack said, unbelieving.

“I was out of shape then, I've been working for years to get back to where I was. And in some ways I'm better now than I was before.”

“Does this have to do with the body mods you were talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes.” James calmly answered. “After the modifications I could run marathons without breaking a sweat, even my already enhanced strength had been multiplied. It was a bit intoxicating, to be honest. Just goes to show how bad I'd let myself get by the time the Running of the Leafs came around. My stamina's still not up to snuff.”

“We never stood a chance, did we?” Rainbow Dash asked, disbelieving.

“Actually, speed wise you were doing better. I am depressingly slow compared to the average.”

“I doubt that.” Applejack mumbled.

“No, I really am. I was just using a haste spell to get the baskets.” James explained calmly before adding, “I wish I could move that fast without it.”

“So who won?” Rainbow Dash asked.

James smirked a moment and looked over the group. “Big Mac.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack both turned to James and gawked. “What?” They asked in unison.

“He got more baskets out than either of you.” James said bluntly.

Applejack sat in silence as she thought. “Well, I guess you've always been good at marathons.” She conceded, turning to her brother.

“Yer darn right he is.” Granny Smith called as she walked through the orchard towards them. “I was wonderin' what kind of tom foolery y'all was gettin up to out here.”

“Wait, Big Mac ran Marathons?!” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly.


“That's awesome! Why don't we ever see you racing?”

“It wasn't fair anymore.”

Granny Smith shook her head as she recalled the memory. “Big Mac was the best there was. Nopony could match his pace for an entire race, and his lead just kept gettin' larger an' larger. Eventually ponies stopped tryin' 'cause they knew he was just gonna win anyway.”

“Woah.” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Why didn't you tell anypony?”

Big Mac's only response was to shrug as Applejack chuckled before answering for her brother. “Ah don't know if you've noticed, but Big Mac don't talk much.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Yeah, I know that. But this is big! Awesome! Something worth bragging about!”

“It was fun, but not that important.” Big Mac calmly said.

“Not that important?!” Rainbow Dash gasped. “You were the best in Ponyville and you think that's not important? That's it, you and me are going to have to have a race: A Marathon from here to Canterlot.”


“Come on.”

Big Mac only shook his head.

“Oh, this race is happening.” Rainbow Dash said before flying off.

Big Mac turned and gave Applejack and James a quizzical look.

“She'll find some way to get you to race,” Applejack said.

“She's pretty persistent … for better or worse,” James added.

“Oh, I thought Rainbow Dash would be joining us for dinner.” Sugar Belle said as she walked the same rout as Granny Smith had. “I'd just finished cooking too.”

“She's excited right now.” James calmly said. “I'll take some to her later.”

Sugar Belle chuckled and smiled. “You're so sweet to her.”

James met the comment with his own laugh. “I should hope I have something good to offer.” James stood up and looked back to the cart where Amber still worked on her drawing. “You hungry Sweetheart?”

“I should finish this.” Came an absent minded response.

“All the same, you need to eat something.”

A groan came from the wagon before Amber spoke again. “I'm not done yet.”

“Are you doing something new, or just detailing?”

“Details are important.”

“You're not going to lose the details just because you take a break to eat, trust me.”

“Da-a-a-ad.” Amber moaned.

“You might have another idea you like better if you just step back for a bit.”

There was a more irritated moan, but nothing else.

“I'm not going to tell you again!” James said, his voice calm yet firm as he walked to the cart and began to haul it back towards the barn house.

“Fine.” Amber huffed.


“Pleasure doing business with you as always, Granny.” Filthy Rich said as Big Mac and James loaded a nearby cart with crates of Zap Apple Jam. “And I'm looking forward to your return to racing Big Mac.”

“Beg 'yer pardon?”

“All of Ponyville is getting ready for it. Mayor Mare just finalized the course between here and Canterlot.”

“I never said …” Big Mac began to say before Filthy Rich interrupted him.

“Thank you again, I've got to get these to my store. Customers are waiting.” Without waiting for any other response Filthy Rich walked off with his order.

“Rainbow Dash already set it up, didn't she?” James asked, a measure of resignation in his voice.

“Like you even need to ask.” Applejack answered. “It's okay Big Mac, you don't need to do anything you don't want to.”

“Unless, of course you want to get out there and race again.” Granny Smith added.

“Granny, he quit for a reason. He can start again any time he wants and doesn't need to get forced into anything.”

“I'll have a talk with Rainbow Dash.” James offered.

“I should come too,” Applejack added. “Talking to her about this won't be easy.”

James knelt down, offering his arm for her.

Applejack's response was to give him a sidelong glance and ask, “What's yer reason this time?”

“It's faster to fly. Come on, it'll be fun.”

Applejack sighed and shook her head a moment before carefully sitting on his arm, wrapping her forelegs around his neck once he lifted her up. “We're just goin to find Rainbow Dash, so no need to do any fancy flyin'.”

James nodded a moment before flashing a wicked smile and shooting into the air towards Ponville with Applejack shouting in his ear.

James chuckled as he came to a stop. “Ow.”

“You deserved that.” Applejack snarled.

“Still worth it.”

“Don't y'all get sick flyin' like that?”

“Only going down. I get really bad vertigo.” Just under James's voice Applejack heard a familiar chortle and snort.

“Alright, come on out Rainbow Dash.” She said flatly.

A familiar rainbow maned blue head peaked out from behind a cloud, a wide smile spread across her face. “Hiya.”

“Rainbow Dash, why'd you set up this marathon when Big Mac already said no.”

“Oh come on, AJ. I've heard stories all week about how awesome Big Mac was. He needs to start racing again.”

“He doesn't need to be forced into it.”

“I know you always want to test yourself against the best,” James calmly said, “but he's just not interested.”

“But it would be awesome.” Rainbow Dash insisted. “All of Ponyville, and Canterlot are super stoked about this. All of Equestria's going to be watching!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack said an a scolding tone. “Big Mac ain't no show pony, he competed because he was having fun! And he stopped when it wasn't fun anymore.”

“I'm not the only one excited to race Big Mac. Mayor Mare is letting anypony register and we've already got a full race ready.”

“I'll race against ya, but Big Mac just ain't interested.”

Rainbow Dash dropped her head and groaned. “Come on!”

James slowly moved over to Rainbow Dash and used his free hand to gently lift her head up, looking her in the eye and smiling. “It's alright, you don't have anything to prove. Just have fun.”

Once he backed off Applejack cleared her throat. “Yer still holding me, you know.”

James smirked and Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You're right,” he said as his expression changed from amused to mischievous. “I could just turn my head and …”

“Nope.” Applejack cut him off suddenly, causing Rainbow Dash to burst into laughter.

“Alright, alright,” James said through a chuckle. “One day …” he added in a melodramatic, wistful manner.

Applejack blushed as she turned to Rainbow Dash. “And this ain't weird to you?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I don't mind.”

“Well, if it does bother you, just let me know.” James said seriously.

With a smile Rainbow Dash jumped off her cloud and onto James' side, James catching her with his free arm. “All good now.” She said before kissing his cheek.

As they approached Sweet Apple Acres they could easily see a group of ponies already gathered around the farm. Applejack gave Rainbow Dash a stern look as James flew over the ponies towards the house. He placed Applejack down once they touched ground and she lead them around to the backdoor where Granny Smith and Big Mac waited.

No sooner had they stepped inside than Big Mac approached James and Rainbow Dash. “You see what you've done Rainbow Dash? Now everypony out there's expecting me to run a race I never wanted to do.”

Almost reflexively Rainbow Dash clutched James tighter, as if for reassurance “Sorry, Big Mac. It's just …” Rainbow Dash sighed, she knew she had screwed up … again. “Everypony says you were an awesome racer, the best in Ponyville. I just wanted to …”

“To race me and prove you were better?” Big Mac finished.

Rainbow Dash blushed and opened her mouth to speak, but a different voice cut her off.

“I hope not, because that's my job.” Cheerilee said as she stood in the doorway, an uncommonly cocky smile on her face.

“Cheerilee?” Rainbow Dash asked, astonished.

“You'd better be coming back Big Mac, I've been waiting for this since our last race.” Cheerilee said as she got closer. “I haven't forgotten how close I was.”

“Over a minute.” Big Mac calmly said.

“But nearly minute ahead of the next runner up. That's when I was a filly, and I've kept running marathons.”

“Cheelilee.” Big Mac said seriously.

Cheerilee's demeanor changed quickly, as she playfully waved her hoof at him. “Oh come on, just a little friendly competitiveness.”

“I ain't racing.”

Cheerilee's face fell slightly before she nodded. “Well, the race isn't for another week, that's plenty of time to change your mind. And I would like to have some real competition this year.”

“Hey.” Rainbow Dash spoke up, still hanging off James. “I'm racing too.”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash.” Cheerilee said smugly. “I don't see you running many marathons.”

“Well, I'm usually flying with the Wonderbolts.”

“Flying and running aren't the same thing.”

“You'll just have to make due racing us.” Applejack cut in.

With a sigh Cheerilee nodded. “Yeah. I guess so.” She turned and started to walk back towards the door. “It would have been fun to race you again Big Mac.”

As Cheerliee went to leave she nearly collided with Sugar Belle who was walking in at that moment.

“Oh, hi Cheerilee. Are you here about Apple Bloom?” Sugar Belle asked.

“No, just hoping I could get Big Mac to race in the marathon.”

“Oh, I heard about that in town today, everypony is really excited about it. I know Big Mac can do it, he was delivering apples to my village all the time and that's further away than Canterlot.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash both turned to Big Mac at the statement. “You ran to Starlight's village?” Applejack asked, “I thought you took the train.”

Big Mac blushed and turned away from his sister, clearing his throat as he did. “Ey … eyup.”

Rainbow Dash flew from James' arms and hovered in front of Big Mac. “Come on, you would run all the way to Starlight's village and back but won't do a marathon to Canterlot?”

Big Mac shrugged.

“It's okay, you don't have to.” Sugar Belle said, walking up to and kissing her husband's cheek. “Although I would love to see you race. Just once.”

At Sugar Belle's comment, Big Mac looked to Rainbow Dash. “Alright. Count me in.”

Rainbow Dash made no secret of her excitement and she pumped her hoof in victory and hooted.

Author's Note:

Hopefully this chapter and the next make more sense later in the story.