• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Moving South

“I. Love. The heat!” Rainbow Dash hollered as she flew through the sky. “I love the sun, I love warm weather, and I love not having to look at snow everywhere I go!”

It was funny in a way. What started as a simple journey going north—where she knew she would mostly be faced with snow and cold weather—had now evolved into something so much more and she was glad to see something different. She had spent so much time in the northern parts of the world, experienced so many things, and now it was all behind her. That kind of thing was probably over and done with for good all the way until she made it to the south pole.

Which of course she intended to.

Now as Rainbow Dash looked down she saw green grass, real green grass, unenchanted or affected by any sort of magic to keep it looking like that, growing across the ground along with flowers and trees. A winding river snaked across the ground heading downhill from east to west and Rainbow Dash bet that if she went in closer to it she’d see fish swimming through it.

Alive. This whole place was alive in a way that even the more hospitable parts of the True North could never claim to be. And colorful.

It probably wasn’t even actually that hot out either, Rainbow Dash was just used to being near freezing for so long that even “cool” would feel warm to her. Which was aided by the bright sun shining down on her. She missed this all so much. Nogt was an oasis in the north but even it only existed because of strange magic. This was all the real deal.

Rainbow Dash loved it. With a smile on her face she went lower to the ground to get a better view of things that were practically foreign to the north. The larger mountains were still quite a ways away, she could afford to relax and sight see a little. Right now she wanted to take in the smells of flowers and the scent of a green forest full of animals. It was something she might be a little embarrassed to admit to her friends she had done, but she didn’t care right now. Girly it may be but it’s what she needed after so many months through snow and ice. All of her other friends would be able to appreciate it so she could totally indulge every now and then too.

She saw a small forest of trees bordering the river on both sides and descended enough where she was just over the tops of the pine trees that made it up. The trees weren’t especially dense and Rainbow Dash could see down to the forest floor and make out the overgrowing grass and undisturbed flowers and bushes. Not a trail or anything in sight was going through the forest, it was pure, untouched nature. She saw bird nests, squirrels darting between branches, bees moving from flower to flower, and it was all so peaceful.

She reached the snaking river and instead of just passing over it, Rainbow Dash dropped down and started following the stream, heading west for a bit just so she could enjoy the sound of rushing water some more. Licking her lips she dipped her head down while flying right over the surface and dunked her head in the water. Swallowing a few big gulps of it and getting her mane all wet she pulled her head back out and tossed her mane back, sending droplets of water everywhere.

“Ah!” Rainbow Dash sighed in relief. Real fresh water tasted good right now.

With a flap of her wings she popped back up away from the river and resumed her flight over the trees, going back south. After the forest she hit a few small grassy hills that led to a rocky area before the landscape started to turn into mountains. While she flew over them she flipped over and started flying upside down, putting her hooves behind her head and basking in the sunlight. The weather was so nice and things were so quiet here, it was the perfect time and place to be casual like this and get some relaxation in while flying. Not many pegasi could pull something like that off but Rainbow Dash was a master.

Of course though to ruin the pleasant day she was now having, her stomach growled. Rainbow Dash groaned and turned over, rubbing her belly. It had been a while now since she had anything to eat. And snow technically didn’t count.

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “There’s gotta be a ton of fruit growing in a place like this, just gotta find it first.” She glanced down at the ground. “And there’s plenty of grass and flowers even if there aint.”

Honestly despite the rumbling from her stomach she didn’t want to interrupt her flight just yet to go search for food. It was just too nice getting to fly like this out here in perfect weather. She missed it way too much. Besides, she had pushed herself plenty of times before, she knew how long she could go before she had to go chow down. The drink she had just a minute ago was good enough for now.

Rainbow Dash heard the cawing of a bird and watched as a small flock took off from some trees below, heading east. She smiled after them, she didn’t envy their carefree life but she admired the freedom any other flying creatures like that had. A carefree life wasn’t quite fun, daring, and awesome enough for her. Carefree days where she was just lounging in the clouds were fine though. But on this adventure of hers though she wasn’t really looking for those either. Which is why she shortly found herself musing about what she might first find over here on this side of the world. What did it contain? What villains and monsters were there for her to fight? What purely awesome things were there for her to do?

And how long would it take before she found them?

She passed the green hills and made it to that rocky area she had seen earlier, below her were innumerable boulders of granite and dusty paths between the rock formations that led up towards the mountains. She saw a green lizard basking in the sunlight on top of one of the rocks. The moment her shadow passed over it it skittered away in fright.

Rainbow Dash pushed a little more power into her wings and rose up higher into the sky. She still had hours of daylight ahead of her and she was going to fully savor it all.

“Twilight’s going to love to hear about everything I see over here. And I’m going to love to brag about it,” Rainbow grinned.

Especially if whatever she got up to on this half of the world was even more epic and amazing than what she had already done and accomplished in the True North. Rainbow Dash could barely fathom herself just how much she had changed things and how many creatures she had saved back there. Now she was hoping to do the same, as she headed south instead.

Her flight over the rocks continued as the foothills of the mountains rose up just a short ways away. The impatience she had when it came to wanting to find a new adventure was starting to burn inside her chest once more.

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