• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Washed Up

A light rain had started to fall through the fog. The rain was not heavy, but it was consistent enough that they had already gotten completely wet and the wind kept blowing it into them. Rainbow Dash was hovering over the bow of the ship to fight the wind with Gilbert still right below her. They were a little tired after having been at this for so long.

“There’s just one more whirlpool left! We’re almost out of here!” Senax shouted over the rain and wind to them.

“Fantastic! I want to get out of this fog already,” Gilbert shouted back.

“Yeah I’m looking forward to seeing that island,” Rainbow Dash said.

She kept in place, waiting for the next breeze of wind to dampen and the next whirlpool to look out for, when the hair on the back of her neck bristled and a cold feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Rainbow Dash’s ears shot up and swiveled about while the rest of her body stiffened and a frown stretched across her face. Slowly she dropped back down to the deck of the Heart of Azure, right behind Gilbert.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s wrong?” Gilbert asked her, watching her in confusion.

She didn’t answer at first, walking back towards the mast while clenching her teeth. She looked up at the helm where the others were staring at her, then at the fog around them, watching the rain and listening to the wind. A slight breath came out from her lips while she closed her eyes and focused. The sounds of the world around her were even more pronounced.

After a second she opened up her eyes. “We’ve got company.”

“Company?” Gilbert blinked.

“Yep,” Rainbow Dash kept her body tensed.

“Is something wrong?” Daylight called from the helm, the three of them not able to hear the other two when they weren’t shouting.

Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder at them. “Just keep steering the ship like normal, I’m-”

The words died in her throat as a shadow shot out of the fog towards the three ponies at the helm. The last dregs of fog fell away from his body and she saw Godfrey with his sharp talons open and outstretched—aimed right at Breakwater’s head. Time slowed down for everyone aboard the Heart of Azure. Rainbow Dash heard Gilbert suck in a sharp breath from behind her, she saw the startled faces of Daylight, Senax, and Breakwater turning towards the griffon pirate. Turning and reacting far too slowly. She saw the grin on Godfrey’s face.

Rainbow Dash inhaled, felt the air entering her lungs, and moved.

Breakwater’s head was only halfway turned and a cry of fear was emerging from Senax’s throat when one of the sharp claws of Godfrey’s talon was less than an inch from stabbing into his eye. That razor sharp claw was taking up everything he saw. His mind was completely blank.

Until a rainbow blur smashed into Godfrey and carried him past the stern of the boat.

Breakwater let out a strangled breath and collapsed to the ground while Daylight and Senax screamed in surprise. The boat listed with Breakwater’s hooves no longer on the wheel, he quickly stood up with sweat pouring down his face and grabbed it once more to keep them steady in these treacherous waters. Meanwhile Gilbert flew up to join them and together they looked behind the ship to see what was going on.

In the light rain and fog two figures flew, facing off against each other.

“Rainbow Dash!” Daylight yelled. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Rainbow said, not taking her eyes off the smiling Godfrey.

Godfrey just stretched and rotated his arm as he smirked at her. “Well, well, that was a close one, wasn’t it? How have you all been by the way?”

“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see you again, brother!” Gilbert said from the stern.

“That’s rather unfriendly of you, aren’t we family?” Godfrey laughed at him.

“Everybody, just ignore him!” Rainbow Dash yelled over his laughter and the wind, still not taking her eyes off the dangerous pirate. “Keep steering the ship and watch out for the whirlpools, that’s more important right now! I won’t let him mess with you.”

Godfrey raised an amused eyebrow at her. “Now that’s an empty boast right there. You think you can stop me?”

“The fight isn’t going to go the same way as last time, Godfrey,” Rainbow Dash finally grinned back at him.

“Heh,” Godfrey chuckled and cracked his knuckles. “Really now? Well fine, I’d actually be disappointed if after all this time you don’t even put up a challenge. But you should remember that there aren’t any stray cannonballs to help you this time.”

“I won’t need them.”

The two silently hovered there while the light rain drizzled down on and around them. Daylight and Senax, despite Rainbow’s words, were still watching them until Senax remembered the importance of her duty. The map was still clutched in her hooves, and though her instincts were telling her it was foolish to turn her back on Godfrey, she did so anyways. Breakwater had managed to keep the ship straight so they hadn’t gone off course and Senax double-checked the map to make sure they weren’t about to shipwreck themselves.

“I-I think we’re okay if we keep going straight, we should end up going right out of the fog,” Senax said.

“Good,” Breakwater nodded, his voice still a little shaky. “Hey Gilbert, how’s Rainbow Dash?”

Gilbert and Daylight both were still watching the pegasus and griffon staring each other down just right off the stern. Godfrey and Rainbow Dash were moving just slightly to keep up with the trail the ship was leaving through the water. A breeze of wind came in from the south and blew between the two.

“She’s fine...” Gilbert answered before glancing at Daylight. “Do we help?”

“I don’t think we can. Rainbow Dash is the one helping us right now. I think it’d be better if we do our best to get out of here so she doesn’t have to worry about us,” Daylight said.

“But the last time she fought with Godfrey...”

Daylight frowned and nodded as she watched her pegasus friend. “I know. And I know it’s going to sound weird coming from me—but let’s be optimistic here. Let’s believe in Rainbow Dash.”

Rain had collected on Godfrey’s tricorne and was dropping in rivulets next to his face. Rainbow Dash stole a brief glance to his side and saw that he carried no sword with him this time. It was just going to be a contest of speed and strength. His big wings calmly beat up and down while his talons slowly opened and closed, Rainbow Dash’s own wings fluttering in tune with his in the breeze.

The two suddenly shot towards each other without any warning or hesitation, creating a small sonic boom that crashed into Daylight and Gilbert.

Godfrey’s fist and Rainbow Dash’s hoof collided together—and much to the griffon’s surprise he didn’t immediately overpower the pegasus. Sure, he was still obviously stronger, her leg was buckling, but she wasn’t just immediately thrown backwards or knocked away. She was actually holding up against him.

“Someone’s been working out,” Godfrey grinned.

“Worried that you’re losing your edge?” Rainbow taunted.

“Heh, it’d take a lot more than some barely put together muscle for that to happen,” Godfrey said and as if to prove his point he put more strength into his limb and punched Rainbow’s hoof away, making her almost spin downwards from the blow. His other fist came up at her face but Rainbow Dash moved her head out of the way to dodge it.

“It’s not just some new muscle,” Rainbow said to him. “Let me show you.”

Her hooves came at him in a blinding onslaught, but it wasn’t like the wild attacks she had made on him before, each punch was carefully measured and targeted to land and not waste any energy. Godfrey could tell that too, this wasn’t just a random barrage where she was trying to overwhelm him with sheer numbers of attacks. It was obvious to him that she had been training more than just the muscles in her legs.

That was fine to him.

With a predatory grin he matched every single one of her punches with his own, more often than not they weren’t even hitting each other. In fact they barely even grazed each other despite absolutely trying to. Both of them were simply able to dodge or knock away every punch that would land solidly. They were both just too good, with too sharp of reflexes. The punches that were going towards their faces they continued to turn their heads from at such speed it was like they were leaving after-images or appearing to the untrained eye that they actually were hitting each other.

Finally his fists collided with her hooves and they locked together—both pushing back against the other and ending the high-speed assault for the moment.

“I hope that isn’t all,” Godfrey sneered.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Nope, I still haven’t shown you a real fight yet.”

She pushed off his fists and brought up her back leg, swinging a kick towards his face. Godfrey ducked under it but immediately had to duck again as Rainbow Dash continued to spin with her kick and brought the other leg towards his head as well. He brought up a fist to punch her after her kicks but Rainbow Dash slammed an elbow into his wrist to drop it and brought a final punch to his face. The hoof slammed into his cheek and Godfrey flapped his wings back out of reflex to get a little space. He floated there for a while, bringing a talon up to his cheek.

“That actually hurt a little. I really felt that,” he said as he rubbed it, the smile gone from his face. “Okay then, Rainbow Dash.”

The rain falling around them had grown much stronger—becoming a true downpour now. And Godfrey shot towards Rainbow Dash with a ferocious twinkle in his eye. He didn’t fly in a straight path, shooting up and down and to the sides to keep her on edge. She hovered there with her hooves raised in a fighting stance. Ready for him.

The first punch was a vicious hook aimed towards her ribs the moment he got within range. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings to scoot herself backwards and avoid it but then had to duck under his wing as he brought it at her throat in a clothesline. His other fist came at her stomach and opened up wide to have his talons rake across her body and disembowel her in one swift motion. Rainbow Dash squeezed in her gut and exhaled, arching her body away and kicking the underside of his arm to try and deflect the blow at the same time. In the end the claws just barely raked against her stomach and left a few of the thinnest possible red lines in her blue fur.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings hard and shot away and to the left of Godfrey, rounding on him and trying to build some momentum. Her hoof shot out in another punch aimed towards his face but he blocked it with his arm and pushed her away. He flew at her again with his wing out straight, the strong limb fully capable of knocking her senseless just as badly as a punch if it connected like that. Before it could collide with her though she clamped her hooves down against it and let Godfrey carry her along for a brief second before wrenching the wing around in its socket. Godfrey winced in pain and shook her off, Rainbow didn’t have enough strength to actually break or dislocate his wing, but it was enough to hurt him.

That said, his next punch came blindingly fast at her chest and Rainbow Dash was forced to block it with nothing more than her hooves. His physical strength was still on a level above hers and the punch sorely rattled her bones. There was going to be a bruise on her legs there tomorrow. Another punch he tried to deliver was parried by her hoof—but then his talon quickly opened up and shot out, grabbing Rainbow’s hoof and holding her there.

Godfrey smirked at her as he had her in his grasp. “You’re doing better this time. The old you would’ve died by now.”

Rainbow Dash growled and swiftly kicked him in the chest to force him to release her. Another kick she sent right into his beak but before she could follow up on that he backhanded her as he rolled with the kick and knocked her into the fog. Rainbow momentarily lost sight of him only for Godfrey to immediately appear above her. His talons went right for her throat but Rainbow Dash punched him in the forearms to keep them away. But then he did something unexpected to her. Godfrey lowered his head and headbutted Rainbow Dash right between the eyes.

She squeezed her eyes shut and groaned in pain right before she felt a talon wrap around her throat and carry her down to the violent ocean. The sudden cold, the feeling and sound of water splashing around her, caused Rainbow Dash to open her eyes and reflexively grab at the limb that had pushed her under the water. The saltwater stung but she ignored it, right now it was far worse that Godfrey was both strangling and jabbing his sharp claws into her neck at the same time.

He hadn’t stopped moving either. Instead of just holding her underwater in one place, Godfrey was flying forward and carrying her through the water to make it tougher for her to move and see. Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be conscious for much longer like this and she couldn’t build enough speed or power while being dragged underwater to punch his arm and make him release her. Instead she grabbed his talon itself and tried to pry it away from her neck.

Stupid strong griffon… she thought through the blackness.

The past her wouldn’t have been strong enough to do it.

The Rainbow Dash of right now felt her muscles burn and her veins nearly pop, but she pulled Godfrey’s talon loose and immediately twisted it in an attempt to break his wrist. Godfrey angrily pulled it out of the water while wincing in pain—carrying Rainbow Dash right out too. She flapped her wings once and jumped onto his back, wrapping one hoof around his neck and putting him in a headlock while swiftly and repeatedly punching him in the face with the other. Godfrey grunted from each blow but still managed to reach up and grab Rainbow by her long mane, pulling her off his back and throwing her away.

Rainbow Dash flipped around a few times before recovering and turning to face him, breathing heavily while the rain fell and the wind howled. Little wounds pricked into her neck from his claws were dripping small trails of blood down to the rest of her body, not yet washed away by the rain. Godfrey on the other hoof was rubbing the wrist she had tried to break, rotating it around to make sure it wasn’t actually broken. He looked over at her and smirked.

“This is fun, Rainbow Dash. You screwed up a little bit though.”

“What are you talking-” she frowned and then stopped, freezing up as she saw something in the fog behind him. The Heart of Azure. He had put himself between her and the boat. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Godfrey. “Don’t you dare.”

“Heh,” Godfrey chuckled and turned around, flying at high speed towards her friends.

“Darn it!” Rainbow yelled and went after him.

“Okay, that last whirlpool was the only one left!” Senax said as she held the map and stared down at it. “The fog should be lifting for us in just a moment.”

“I certainly hope so, the wind’s gotten even worse! The current from that whirlpool too is messing up the rest of the water here, the waves are bad.” Breakwater said as he clung to the wheel.

“Once we’re in safer waters we can help Rainbow Dash. I hope she’s doing alright,” Senax said.

“Can you two see how she’s doing?” Breakwater asked Daylight and Gilbert.

Gilbert shook his head. “I’ve lost sight of them, the fog and rain has made it too difficult to see.”

“Hold on-” Daylight raised a hoof to his shoulder. “I think I see something coming.”

A second later Godfrey shot out of the fog.

“Oh,” Daylight grimaced.

The griffon pirate however didn’t go after any of them this time. He flew over their heads and went right for the Heart of Azure’s sail. His talons seemed to practically shine in the low light as he flew past it, tearing it to shreds. The wind did the rest, and in just a second the sail was pulling itself apart and falling to pieces. Godfrey gave a single amused laughed and then shot upwards higher into the fog while the Heart of Azure already started to struggle in the water.

“I-I can’t control it! The current is too strong, we’re just going to be pulled along with it!” Breakwater said.

“Are we at least out of the whirlpool’s grasp?” Daylight asked as she ran to the side of the boat to try and look in its direction.

“I think so but even then I have no idea where we’re going to end up on the island now…” Breakwater grit his teeth.

“Hey, hey you guys! Are you okay?!” The loud voice of Rainbow Dash came from behind them.

They turned to see her flying there in the rain while the Heart of Azure bobbed with the waves and started to spin.

“Rainbow Dash! Godfrey sliced our sail to pieces, we can’t control where we’re going anymore!” Daylight shouted to her.

“I’ll help you out-” she started to fly towards them when Godfrey almost collided with her from above, Rainbow Dash only barely moving out of the way in time and then having to avoid more punches and attacks from him. She turned her head to look at them on the Heart of Azure even as the ship now continued to drift further and further away into the fog, completely out of control. “Just stay safe for now, I’ll find you!”

“Rainbow!” Senax and Gilbert yelled together before the fog once again obscured her completely from view.

Daylight clicked her tongue and looked to Breakwater, who was still doing his best with the wheel. “What can we do?”

“Not much, the rudder isn’t enough for steering our way through here. We’re completely at the mercy of the wind and current now. We’ve just got to hope for the best.”

The pounding rain drowned out any further words that might’ve been said between them. Soon they were all holding on for dear life, praying for safety, and hoping that both they and Rainbow Dash would be alright. Around them the dense fog gave no indication that their tumultuous journey to the Lost Isle would end anytime soon.

Rainbow Dash and Godfrey fell in a spiral together towards the ocean, trading blows with each other all the way down. A strong punch to the face from the griffon nearly knocked Rainbow Dash out—her vision went black for a brief moment—but she recovered and punched him hard in the wing to make him wobble and stop from being able to press the advantage. The rain and the wind might as well not have even existed around them, far too caught up in their fight with each other to care.

A kick to Godfrey’s stomach made him wheeze and fall away from her but before Rainbow could pull out of the dive they were in his talons lashed out and clawed her right wing. Now she couldn’t adjust or escape the watery landing either.

Both of them landed with a loud plop in the drink, both diving lower to escape the tumultuous surface and try to see the other. It was difficult. The water was murky and the strong currents were already pulling them elsewhere. But neither wanted to give up on the fight or let the other escape at this point. They couldn’t.

At last the water cleared enough where they saw each other—silent expressions of anger etched on their faces as they swam through the water, using their wings for extra propulsion. Godfrey and Rainbow both knew that ordinary punches wouldn’t really work underwater anymore. It would be like trying to punch someone through pudding. But his claws would still work fine. He reached out towards Rainbow Dash in another effort to gut her, but at the last second she pushed hard with her wings one last time and hit him first, headbutting him in the throat. Godfrey coughed, breath escaping from his beak in a school of bubbles.

Rainbow Dash grinned at first but soon stopped as Godfrey’s fist punched into her diaphragm anyways. She had gotten too close and let down her guard. It wasn’t a strong punch thanks to the water but he still hit her in the perfect spot to get her to open her mouth and lose most of the air in her lungs. She then reached up and grabbed his beak to try and wrench it open while he put a talon on her face and another on her back to pull her away.

Thanks to her strength training it was almost close to an even match.

Holding onto each other they tumbled through the water while their lungs burned for air and they glared deeply into each other’s eyes. But just as suddenly they were ripped away from each other.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes shot open as she felt herself moving faster and faster through the water. Godfrey hadn’t done this, she could see him moving and struggling the same as she was. As much as she tried to fight against the current she couldn’t, they were moving too fast, the water pressure was too strong, it was pulling them down and down, spinning…

We’re caught in a whirlpool! Rainbow realized. She moved her hooves through the water and flapped her wings, trying to swim free from its grasp but not making any progress. She barely caught sight of Godfrey once more, in just as bad a position as she was. Even he wasn’t strong enough to get out of the maelstrom.

The rotations became even tighter and faster as the whirlpool dragged them down to its dark bottom. Maybe at her best Rainbow could escape it, but she was tired and beaten up from the fight with Godfrey.

She kept struggling and struggling against the current, even as darkness crept forward around her eyes…

The sun was shining down on a sandy beach and the two waterlogged figures lying upon it. Both Rainbow Dash and Godfrey unconscious and motionless aside from the steady rise and fall of their chests—the only sign they were even alive. Through the sand, the sound of approaching feet could be heard and soon six other figures were standing around and looking down at the two new arrivals.

Hissing and clicking noises started to fill the air while scaly green feet with white claws at the end flexed in the hot sand. Just as scaly green hands pointed at Rainbow and Godfrey while the noises grew louder, the sounds of an argument escalating. Thin reptilian tails swished and coiled about behind them

A dragonfly flew between the standing ones and the washed up rivals for a brief second before a long pink tongue quickly lashed out and caught it—feeding it back into the mouth of the lucky one.

A single long and low-pitched hiss dragged out of the one as he finished chewing and swallowing his crunchy snack. The rest all nodded and grabbed Rainbow and Godfrey to drag them through the sand and up the beach.

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