• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Thick Fog and Fierce Currents

The formerly good weather had changed quite a bit the closer they got to their destination. It wasn’t what anyone would call stormy just yet, but it wasn’t nice out here either. The sky was gray and overcast, the formerly placid ocean had become choppy with the water taking on a greenish hue, and a thick barrier of fog and storm clouds ran along the horizon.

“If this is how things always are out here I’m not surprised the island has gone undiscovered,” Breakwater said as he manned the wheel.

“I concur,” Daylight said from beside him before looking up at the crow’s nest. “You see anything from up there, Rainbow Dash?”

“Same as what it’s been like the last few hours!” Rainbow called back. “Also the wind is starting to pick up!”

“Not unexpected, I think this is what we have to look forward to for the rest of our trip,” Gilbert said.

“As long as we follow the map it should guide us through everything even if our vision is shot...” Senax said, currently holding the magical map in question. It had shrunken down even more lately, showing perhaps not even a tenth of the Grand Ocean anymore. According to the new details on the map as well, the fog acted was a constant barrier that encircled the middle portion of the map now, and there were swirls drawn in the water that the crew assumed signified the whirlpools they had heard about. The whirlpools existed both in and out of the fog, it would’ve been a deadly trap for any ship trying to reach the island past the fog, they’d get sucked up and destroyed by the maelstroms without even being able to see what was happening.

If the magical map given to them by the High Priestess was wrong it was the same thing that would happen to the Heart of Azure as well. That thought hung over all their heads, but there wasn’t really anything they could do about it. They had to follow the map. It was lucky their ship wasn’t any bigger or trying to dodge all those whirlpools would be next to impossible anyways.

“You know I am a pegasus, right?” Rainbow said down to them. “I can try to clear that stuff up as much as I can when we get there… although to be honest, if it’s magical I don’t know if that’ll work. I’ve run into plenty of magical weather before that resists pegasus weather manipulation.”

“We can at least try,” Daylight shrugged.

“Just don’t do anything dangerous,” Gilbert said.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at him. “You know I will.”

“Oh. Right,” Gilbert nodded.

“Hopefully it won’t even really be needed. If I really trust the High Priestess, I should trust this map she gave us,” Senax said. “And… I do believe it will lead us to safety, through the fog and whirlpools and to the island.”

“It’s still going to be a while before we hit any of that stuff, we can relax for now,” Breakwater said. “That fog that looks like it’s covering the entire horizon? It’s actually an optical illusion, similar to a mirage, it’s farther than it looks and most of it will clear up when we actually get close.”

“If only that was the case for the fog actually protecting the island too,” Daylight said.

Breakwater shrugged. “Can’t hope for everything to be easy.”

Rainbow Dash flew down to them from the crow’s nest now. “So what then? If we’ve still got a while before we actually need to do anything then how about killing some time with a boardgame or two?”

“Uh, well...” Daylight rubbed her head uncomfortably.

“Coward,” Rainbow glared at her.

“With the way the waves are going either me or Breakwater would have to stay up here at the helm anyways,” Senax said.

“And I suppose no one wants to race or do anything else?” Rainbow Dash asked to the assembled group.

Everyone averted their eyes in one way or another.

“Pff, fine!” Rainbow Dash snorted. “I’m gonna go lift some crates in the hold.”

“If you lost to us as much as we lost to you whenever we played games, would you want to keep playing?” Gilbert asked her.

Rainbow Dash folded her hooves and looked away. “Of course not.”

“Maybe you understand us a little now then,” Daylight rolled her eyes.

“You could try going fishing again,” Senax suggested.

Rainbow Dash frowned and looked over the side of the boat at the rolling green water. White tips washed across the hull and smashed against each other further out, there wasn’t a flat square foot of water for miles around. The water was impenetrable to her eyes, she couldn’t see into it at all, something that wasn’t helped by the lack of sunlight above either. It wasn’t as remotely as inviting as the blue ocean waters they normally traveled through.

“Yeah I don’t think so. Looks cold, looks strong, and I can’t see down there. Don’t want to become a shark’s snack, you know? Maybe if you wanted to race or something though?” Rainbow asked her.

Senax also walked over to the side of the boat and looked down at the water, a look of dismay crossing her face. “No—I don’t like the water here either. There’s something off about it, I think it might have to do with the Lost Isle itself.”

“So no swimming, no boardgames-” Rainbow looked over to Gilbert. “And I’m assuming no racing from you?”

“I’m a little tired...”

“Liar,” Rainbow clicked her tongue.

“So lifting crates in the hold then?” Daylight asked.

“Might as well do something productive with my time,” Rainbow shrugged.

The wind suddenly picked up then and blew across the Heart of Azure, making the ponies and griffon onboard shiver. They weren’t south enough for them to be sailing through arctic waters but wind like that could make the air temperature quite chilly. It was still whipping about and making a mess of their manes and tails, showing no signs of stopping.

“Maybe we should all join you down there for now...” Gilbert said as he lifted a talon to try and block the wind from hitting his face, his long and thin mustache being pulled to the side.

Before they could move, tiny droplets of water started coming down from the sky. Not even enough to make any noise just yet, the light drizzle only barely wettened them and the ship. The droplets went from only falling a little bit to becoming a more consistent rain over the course of just a minute. It wasn’t a downpour but they’d all be pretty soaked fairly quickly if they just stayed out here.

“This isn’t going to become a storm, is it?” Daylight asked as she looked up at the sky.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Nah, we’re just moving through a light rain. Not going to stop it from being annoying though.”

“I think Gilbert’s right that we should all get out of this weather for now...” Senax said. She looked over at Breakwater. “Er, all of us that can that is. I can take over at the helm you know? I don’t mind being wet.”

“Nope, go have fun with the others, this is still my job,” Breakwater said to her.

“Are you sure? I started learning how to sail the ship to help you out. You’ve been at the wheel ever since we left the Sarrarocco Archipelago,” Senax pressed.

“I’m telling you it’s totally fine,” he smiled. “I’ve sailed through worse weather than this, and I’ve sailed on longer journeys totally alone. Being up here by myself doesn’t bother me at all.”

Senax frowned but nodded. “Okay, just call in case the weather starts to get worse.”

“Will do. Although you’ll probably feel it if the boat starts to rock.”

The wind picked up once more and blew against all of them, enough to make Rainbow Dash actually drop down to the deck to avoid the worst of it. Of course it affected the waves and the rain as well, blowing the rain sideways and increasing the ferocity at which it fell, and strengthening the waves as they smacked alongside into the Heart of Azure’s hull. It was nothing serious yet, the size of the waves was nothing compared to what the ship had conquered before, but it clearly wasn’t going to be a pleasure cruise to the Lost Isle anymore. The unwelcoming appearance of the ocean and its behavior were now starting to match one another.

Senax took another look at the map before heading below and showed it to Breakwater. “When do you think we’ll actually get close to the fog and whirlpools directly around the island?”

He stared at it for less than a second, able to judge the distances on a map in a heartbeat. “Early tomorrow morning, before the break of dawn. We’ll take it a little slow at first to avoid the whirlpools as best we can.”

“Come on, Senax! The rest of us are going below before the rain gets worse!” Daylight called out to her as she, Gilbert, and Rainbow Dash shuffled down to the hold.

“I’m coming!” The merpony said, flashing a grateful smile towards Breakwater before following her friends.

Breakwater watched them go before looking straight up at the sky as the rain continued to fall, the strength and frequency of the drops kept getting worse and worse. “You better stop before we get to the island. It’ll be bad enough getting through fog as dense as that without rain beating down on us and wind trying to knock us from side to side.” He snorted and shook his head as the raindrops soaked through his cap. “Like we’ll ever get lucky with the weather.”

Down below the sound of creaking wood accompanied the steady listing back and forth of the ship while the pitter-patter of raindrops up on deck grew louder and louder. The other noise in the hold was the repetitive grunting of Rainbow Dash as she did exactly what she said she was going to do—lift crates. She lied down on her back and used her four legs to repeatedly push the crate up and down, working her newly gained muscles even more.

“I think you’d give most earth ponies a run for their money nowadays,” Gilbert said to her.

Rainbow Dash kept her focus on the crates, not even nodding or looking over at him, but she still answered. “I’m definitely stronger than before. When it comes to just stuff like this at least. But still, I’ve met way too many creatures that could outmuscle me no matter what. The little extra strength isn’t the only part of it, I need to combine it with my speed, and the fighting skills I’ve picked up recently. Then I’ll beat anybody.”

There was silence in the hold after that, nobody really sure what to say next.

Finally, Daylight coughed and looked at Gilbert and Senax. “Do you, uh, do you want to play cards? If Rainbow Dash is busy working out maybe someone else will have the chance to win.”

“Oh that’s really cool, play cards while I’m busy doing this,” Rainbow frowned as she kept lifting the crate.

“At least you’re doing something instead of just sitting around, isn’t that what you wanted?” Daylight smirked.

“I wanted to do something fun first,” Rainbow glared at her. “Fine, you guys can play cards on your own for now, but after a hundred more reps I’m joining in whether you like it or not.”

“Well I think we’ll all have won enough times by then that we’ll be ready to lose,” Daylight said as she started rummaging through the hold, looking for the deck of cards they had. She carelessly tossed Gilbert’s journal out of the way while she searched.

“That was unnecessary...” The griffon sadly drooped as his journal bounced off the wall.

“Your journal is unnecessary,” she said back.

“What do you want to play anyways? Poker?” Senax asked.

“That’s one of the few card games I actually know,” Gilbert said.

“Found it!” Daylight cheered and pulled out the deck of cards. “You must’ve just tossed it down here last time you were done playing, Rainbow.”

“Probably,” Rainbow agreed.

Daylight took the cards out of their pack with her magic and levitated the deck around, shuffling and riffling them all on her own. “Okay, I’ll deal?”

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