• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Sarrarocco Stories VI

Daylight Gleam stood on one of the many white beaches of Orange Horizon Island, watching the calm ocean water, clearer than near anywhere else she had seen on the ocean, wash up and then recede back down. Palm trees gently swayed in the warm breeze that carried itself across the beach and the sun shined down on her with not a single cloud to block its warmth and light. She understood why this was the pleasure island of the Archipelago, it looked like paradise.

Behind her the sand eventually turned into green grass that was such a healthy and verdant color that she almost couldn’t believe it was natural. There were no large buildings like the Saffron Inn, or any temples or anything more modern, just bungalows, tiki huts, and other expensive looking villas on the island. And of course public pools for relaxation, spas, magically powered jacuzzis, and plenty of quiet out of the way places to catch some shade.

She wasn’t the only one at this beach either. There were others laying down on lounge chairs closer to the water, resting and tanning, they had drinks on small tables next to them. Probably alcoholic, definitely fruity.

It didn’t look so bad to Daylight.

There was even a tiki hut pretty much right next to her where she could get a drink if she really wanted to right now. And what was extra nice about that was that it was free. Technically. Daylight had learned when she stepped off the ferry that what you did at Orange Horizon Island was pay for the whole resort upfront and then you wouldn’t have to pay for drinks or food anywhere. For the most part, there were still some private places and exclusive services that cost extra. Daylight though had no need for anything that extravagant. What came with the regular resort package was more than enough for her.

Even if she was treating herself and learning to live a little she wasn’t obsessed with glamour or needed to go that far. That kind of ultra-luxurious lifestyle and treatment was just absurd. She’d rather relax out here on this beach like a normal pony.

A normal pony who for once could really just lay back without anyone or anything to bother her.

How long had it been since she actually had the opportunity to do that? Had there even really been a moment in her entire life? Things were always so busy and chaotic even well before she had gotten wrapped up in the lives of Senax, Gilbert, and Rainbow Dash. She had never been the type of pony who had the time or desire to just sit back and relax on the beach.

Now here she was, finally able to do that. It took some forgetting about the real reason they were here, some forgetting about what they still needed to accomplish, some forgetting about the trouble out there. And normally she’d never be able to do that. Normally she’d be dwelling far too much on all of that stuff and be far too worried and impatient. Too stressed. Too unwilling to let go. Acting as the one who had to keep her head on straight and keep the others focused. Cause let’s face it, she kind of had to be that pony.

But not right now.

She was here on this resort island for two reasons. One was to relax her mind and body. The other was to prove without a shadow of a doubt that she most definitely did not hate fun.

So Daylight smiled—genuinely smiled even though it was a little difficult at first to get her muscles to work like that—and walked over to the tiki hut.

There was a stallion wearing a plan white shirt standing behind the bar inside it. A huge assortment of glasses, fruits, and cups sat on the wall behind him. As soon as he saw her walking to him he smiled. “What can I get for you, Miss?”

“Nothing alcoholic if that’s alright. I just want something cool and refreshing right now,” she told him.

He nodded. “Of course. Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri?”

“Sounds great,” Daylight smiled.

The “bartender” reached down and opened something up behind the bar, Daylight heard him scoop out some ice and he quickly brought up the necessary ingredients to make her cocktail. Frozen strawberries, lemon and lime juice, ice, a little bit of salt, syrup, and instead of the alcohol that would normally go in he put a little extra juice from the lemons and limes. All of it poured into a nice frosty glass complete with a straw for her.

“There you go, enjoy.”

“Depending on how good it is I might come back to get the alcohol put in,” Daylight smirked and levitated the glass up, carrying it with her out of the tiki hut.

She could get a massage or go for a swim later, right now she was going to join those other ponies out on the beach and do some lounging. Some real relaxing where it was just her, her drink, and the ocean.

There were plenty of free chairs so Daylight naturally took one that was far away from anyone else on the beach. She didn’t want to be interrupted or even have to hear the breathing of another pony right now. Before setting her drink down she took a sip from the glass and delighted in the tasty sweetness that filled her mouth. The icy cool cocktail was absolutely perfect for a warm day like this out on the beach. Daylight really couldn’t have asked for anything better.

“I think I will get something with alcohol in it next time. If I’m living things up, then why not?” Daylight finally set the glass down for the moment and closed her eyes. She reclined in the lounge chair and basked in the light of the warm sun. Eyes closed, the only things she was sensing now were the melodic waves washing up and down the beach and the strawberry smell of her drink.

She reached her hooves up and put them behind her head, feeling like she could fall asleep like this. It was early in the day too—she could stay here for hours until she got tired and wanted to either sleep or do something more intensive. She had no plans to go into the ocean but a warm and bubbly jacuzzi sounded like a great idea later. Or she really could just spend all day doing nothing. It’s not like she was only going to be here for one day. Sure she didn’t think she’d stay on the island for an entire week or something like that, but she wasn’t going to rush either. Not until she got to enjoy everything this place had to offer.

Whenever she made her way back to Blue Coral Island she’d have to thank her masseuse for the recommendation.

For a good ten minutes she just lied back on her chair like that before she actually decided to take another sip of her drink. At least she could levitate it and bring the straw to her mouth without getting up.

“Should probably finish you off before you melt,” Daylight said to her glass as condensation dripped down the side.

“That would be a waste of a great looking drink, wouldn’t it?” A voice said from next to Daylight.

She looked to her right to see a middle-aged mare getting ready to lie down on the lounge chair right next to her.

“Sorry, this seat isn’t taken, is it?” The mare asked.

“No, go right ahead,” Daylight answered.

It was slightly annoying though if she was being honest. There were plenty of other empty chairs around, why did this mare have to take one right next to her? Daylight took another quick glance at her, she was probably in her late 30’s or early 40’s, with a curly orange mane, thick-rimmed glasses, and a pearl necklace. Everything about her screamed “mom”. Daylight had to admit she was a little surprised to see a mare like this at the resort.

“Thank you,” the mare smiled at her and lied down. “What’s your name? I’m Pollina.”

Daylight fought back a grimace, seemed the mare wanted to talk too. “Daylight Gleam.”

“It’s a real pleasure to meet you, you must be a tourist like me too, right? I heard about Orange Horizon Island and just had to come here,” Pollina said. “Aint it just great?”

“Yes, it sure is,” Daylight kept her answers short and didn’t ask any questions of her own.

That didn’t help.

“I came to the Archipelago with my family-” Pollina went on. “We’re from Letoel and this is really our first big vacation in ages.” She sighed and wiped a hoof across her forehead. “I love my family but, five rambunctious foals in a lot to look after, I ended up needing a vacation away from my vacation you know? So my husband is taking care of our foals for the next few days and I’m relaxing here. What about you?”

Daylight was hoping she wouldn’t ask. She really just wanted to relax. She just wanted some peace and quiet. A thought went through her head to just tell the mare she wanted her privacy. But then… that was something the grumpy Daylight would normally do anyways. She didn’t know why this mare felt the need to bother her in the first place, but she clearly didn’t mean anything bad about it. Maybe she wanted to make a friend while she was here and saw Daylight also all alone?

Wasn’t this a time and place to be positive for once? Be a little friendlier and more sociable?

“I’m sort of here on business but things have kind of gotten delayed. I was at Blue Coral Island before coming here and got a massage there, the masseuse said I was one of the tensest ponies she had worked on and recommended I come here if I had the time,” Daylight explained, even trying out a friendly smile on her face.

“Oh I know what that’s like. Had a massage just earlier and let me tell you that after wrangling five foals for the past ten years, I really needed it!” Pollina laughed. “Made me feel like I died and went to heaven!”

Daylight almost chuckled too. “I can’t even imagine what it must be like to take care of five kids...”

“I love em all, that’s the truth, but sometimes it sure is tiring,” Pollina shook her head.

Daylight nodded and took a big sip from her daiquiri. “So you said you already had a massage? Where’d you get it? Maybe I’ll go to the same place.”

“Well I’d be happy to show you after getting a few rays out here,” Pollina grinned.

“Heh, alright,” Daylight said. Looks like I’m going to be spending even more time with her than I thought.

“Before I get too settled in though I think I might want a drink too. That’s a strawberry daiquiri isn’t it? Is it good?”

“Yeah, it’s really good. Mine doesn’t have alcohol in it though.”

“Well I’ll have to change that when I order mine!” Pollina laughed and winked at her.

Surprisingly, Daylight laughed with her. “I was thinking of getting something alcoholic next time too.”

“Let me just get something for you right now then so you don’t have to get up,” Pollina said and stood up. “Do you want another daiquiri or something else?”

Daylight looked at her half-finished drink and thought for a moment. “Maybe something more pineappley?”

“Pina Colada it is. I’ll be right back with both our drinks,” Pollina winked again and walked up the beach towards the tiki hut.

“Heh,” Daylight smiled and laid back again on her lounge chair. “I guess this is alright. Making a new friend isn’t so bad and it’s not a big deal, I’ll have plenty of time to enjoy myself, no reason to be unfriendly and let me bring myself down. Nope, not this time.”

If anything, talking to a mare who had five foals sounded interesting. She must have a lot of stories of her own that were completely different from the kinds of stories Daylight could tell. Daylight could never imagine having so many kids, Pollina probably did need this resort and massage even more than Daylight. And that cocktail they were both about to have.

Either way Daylight was determined to enjoy herself and stay positive out here. Regardless of how her day went or what it threw at her.

A minute later she heard the hooves of Pollina walking back through the sand over to her, and with the drinks she was carrying it was about time for the both of them to really relax.

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