• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Ocean Travel in a Nutshell

On the beach of the northwestern atoll, Rainbow Dash, Senax, Breakwater, Gilbert and Daylight Gleam sat and watched the locals surf the waves.

“I mean-” Rainbow Dash began. “It’s not the end of the world, is it? We’ve even still got another lead to go on right now.”

“No, you’re right, it’s just unfortunate. I was hoping we could raise that trident or necklace in glory,” Gilbert sighed.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Senax. “You doing alright? If you wanna like—get out of here right away we can. We don’t need to stay for surfing or anything like that you know.”

Senax only gave her a small, sad, smile. “It’s okay. I don’t think another day is going to hurt anything. And it’s probably for the best anyways. Daylight still needs to rest her horn, we need to gather up fruit and fresh water again for the next voyage, and it would be best not to rush any of that. You and Gilbert should go out and surf if you want to.”

“Well, I have no intention of surfing but I also don’t want to just sit around. Resting my horn doesn’t mean I need to sleep and put ice on it all day. I’m going to look around and ask the locals about picking some of their fruit. I’ll get us started on that,” Daylight said.

“And I should really get back to the Heart of Azure. I trust Kai but… I don’t like being away from my boat for too long. I just want to check up on her,” Breakwater said. “Obviously I’m not going to leave without any of you, but for however long the rest of you plan on staying here, I think I’m going to be back with my boat. So just want to make sure all of you know to meet up there instead of looking for me or each other. Simple enough?”

“Yeah, I’ll make it back to the ship on my own,” Daylight said.

“I’ll come back soon enough too,” Senax said. She returned her gaze to the surfers. “The locals here are very nice… I wont do any surfing of my own but I think I’d like to just stay here and watch for now.”

“Alright then,” Breakwater said with a grunt as he stood up. “I’ll be on my way back to the Heart of Azure. I’m sure I can ask Kai for some food too.”

“I’m leaving too, for now,” Daylight also got up.

“See ya,” Rainbow Dash waved. “We won’t keep you guys or anything. Not for too long.”

“Indeed, we’re just looking for a little recreation,” Gilbert smiled.

The two groups waved goodbye to each other and both Daylight and Breakwater walked off in the direction of the first atoll they had visited. They’d have to find another canoe to take them back but by the look of things here that wouldn’t take too long. That left Senax, Rainbow Dash, and Gilbert on this beach with this tribe of exuberant locals. Lots were still milling about and sharing drinks or hooting happily as they watched friends and family tackle the big waves coming in.

Rainbow Dash turned to Gilbert and grinned. “Surfing?”

Gilbert nodded. “Surfing.”

As it turned out, despite Rainbow Dash’s natural ability when it came to pretty much any physical activity, she didn’t exactly have a knack for surfing. Maybe because she had to stand still on the board with her hooves planted there instead of just using her wings, but she couldn’t get the balance right. Even when she tried to use her wings to balance herself or flap them slightly to give her a little air or push against the wave she found herself falling off and wiping out way more than she expected.

It was not awesome.

Especially since she was surrounded by other ponies at all times who glided across the waves and rode them like it was second nature. Even Gilbert hadn’t wiped out as much as she had.

“You’re forcing it too much! Stay loose!” A pony said as he paddled past her while Rainbow Dash floated in the shallows close to the beach.

She was forcing it. She knew that. It annoyed her that she couldn’t immediately get the hang of it so she might’ve been trying too hard.

The laughter of a certain griffon caught her attention and Rainbow Dash looked up to see Gilbert shooting down a wave, his wings wide open, barreling through the wave as it started to come down.

A vein throbbed in her forehead. “Okay, so he already got it. And if Gilbert can do it there’s no way I can’t.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and hopped up onto the board she had been lent by Makoa. Lying down on it she started paddling out to the waves all over again. Quitting was not in her vocabulary. Never had been, never will be.

Senax on the shore kept a steady eye on her. She had to admit that the pegasus was always a source of such energetic entertainment. She never sat still or stayed in the same spot, and it was invigorating to see her go right back out there for the largest waves after repeatedly being crushed by them. It was only surfing, but Rainbow Dash was putting as much of her willpower into it as she did anything else. Senax was envious of how she could do that. Envious but awed as well. She was trying to focus on those more positive feelings as she nursed a tasty beverage given to her by one of the locals. Something with many different fruit flavors all mixed together into a hollowed out coconut. A slice of pineapple had even been placed on the rim of the coconut.

She raised an eyebrow as she took a longer sip and stared down at the beverage. “Is there alcohol in here? I should let Rainbow Dash know when she’s back from surfing...”

“You’re pushing down too hard on the board, Rainbow Dash! Let yourself glide along!” Gilbert told her as they both rose to the top of a wave right before it started to crash down. He much more stable and her much more wobbly.

“I-I’ve got it!” She shouted.

She didn’t have it.

The board shot out from under her hooves and before she could open her wings to catch herself she was already falling into the water, the wave carried her down and down and she tumbled around like old laundry. Water fizzed about her, turning white as the wave crashed down and started spreading out towards the beach. She was carried along with it and ended up washing up on shore, her surfboard coming to a rest right next to her.

“Maybe I’m not cut out for surfing...” the pegasus groaned.

“First time, keep trying!”

“We’re all having fun watching! You don’t quit!”

“You’re making us all want to go out and surf even more!”

A group of other ponies said as they ran into the water with their own boards and went to go paddle out to the waves.

That just made Rainbow Dash roll her eyes. “Thanks.”

“Maybe a break?”

Rainbow Dash looked up at the voice to see Senax standing over her, two coconut drinks balanced on her back. She couldn’t stop the grin spreading on her face. “Yeah… yeah that sounds a little better.”

Further back on the beach now, on two long chairs with shade from some leaf umbrellas, the pair of mares relaxed together. Rainbow had to admit that it felt a lot better than repeatedly falling in the drink. Now she could just lay back and watch overs surf the waves and occasionally wipe out as well. She wasn’t quitting for good, but she was letting herself chillax a little bit to cool her head. Gilbert in the meanwhile could be spotted shredding over all sorts of waves out there. It was pretty amazing to see.

Rainbow Dash took a sip from her coconut. Then another one.

“Does this have alcohol in it?” She asked.

“I thought you would like it just because of that,” Senax laughed.

“You were right,” Rainbow nodded.

The two of them then watched as Gilbert caught a bad wave and ended up spilling off his surfboard, crashing to the water much like Rainbow Dash.

“Oof… he’s gonna feel that,” Rainbow said.

“Do you plan on getting back out there before we go?” Senax asked.

“Oh yeah. Just want to finish this drink first now,” Rainbow grinned.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and laid back, putting her hooves behind her head and fully relaxing on the island beach. From here she could hear the crashing waves and the excited yells of the local Reef ponies. Everything was crystal clear to her. As crystal clear as the water. Without even bothering to look she reached over and grabbed her coconut again, bringing it to her lips and sipping the tasty beverage. Almost done.

The drink was cool, but there was a warmth inside it as well as it poured down her throat, betraying the alcohol inside. An easy smile was kept on her face as she relaxed more thanks to it. With the rum gone she thought she wasn’t going to be able to have a drink again for a long time. A trip to Rum Haven was still something she wanted to ask Breakwater about…

Another sip and she finished the tasty beverage Senax had brought her. With a big stretch and yawn, Rainbow Dash sat up and opened her eyes. It was still a bright and beautiful day—and she had some waves to catch.

“Alright, Senax, it’s been good but I’ve got to get back out there. I’m not stopping till I’ve at least surfed one good wave,” Rainbow said as she picked up the board she had laid down next to her chair.

“Good luck!” Senax smiled and waved after her as Rainbow flapped her wings and sped off to the water again.

“Don’t need it!” Rainbow shouted back.

She flew over the rest of the beach, flew over the breaking waves at the shoreline, and went right out to the big waves. Gilbert was already back up and ready to surf some more, joined by the locals. Rainbow Dash grinned and tossed her board down onto the water, planting her hooves on it and letting the wave carry her up and up as it crested to its highest point. This was it… this was it…

“And thus as you can see, we have full stores of food that will last us weeks now,” Daylight Gleam said as Rainbow Dash, Senax, and Gilbert made it back onboard. The sun in the sky behind them going down and down further to the horizon. Nets of fresh fruit and more were bunched up on the deck, ready for everyone to take them into the hold so they could cast off and get back out to the open ocean. “The locals were just as generous as expected. The last of our cheese was all Kai asked for in return, since they usually don’t get to eat stuff like that out here. Also, Gilbert, we’ve already refilled a barrel down below with dried fish strips. Those are for you.”

“Joy!” The griffon pumped his fist.

“Yeah,” Daylight rolled her eyes. “How was surfing by the way? You were at that other atoll for a while.”

“I had a magnificent time!” Gilbert said.

“It was nice to be there and relax a little after coming up empty again,” Senax said.

“And I… heh,” Rainbow Dash laughed. “I had a good time in the end.”

Daylight raised an eyebrow at her but then just shrugged. “Alright, whatever you say. Come and help me with this stuff, we’re going to be leaving before dawn tomorrow morning.”

“Did you do anything besides gather up fruit?” Rainbow asked her. “I mean come on, you must’ve relaxed or had a little fun.”

“… I ate some pineapple skewers Kai was cooking and some of the mares gave me a massage.”

Rainbow grinned. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Next time though I’m definitely dragging you surfing too—or whatever other fun thing we can do.”

“Next time even I’ll join you!” Breakwater called out from where he was standing at the helm, a smirk on his face. “The Heart of Azure is looking great, Kai kept his word about nobody messing with it. Everything’s good and ready.”

Gilbert looked from the boat to the shore of the atoll, and the palm trees beyond it. “Are the… slaves we rescued from that Bosche ship doing alright as well? I don’t see them anymore.”

“They’re doing better than alright. Kai’s ponies have either taken them elsewhere in the Reefs where they can relax and wait for a passing ship, or have brought some of their long-range canoers to take them to the nearest other islands. And as you already learned for yourself, the locals take very good care of any visitors. They’re being treated as well as they deserve. Some might even decide on staying for a long time,” Breakwater said.

“I’m glad we could do that for them… really glad,” Rainbow said. She turned her eyes to Senax. “And you bet I’m going to do something good for you too.”

Senax just smiled back at her. “I already know. I… I don’t regret coming here just to find an empty treasure chest, because on the way we managed to do something special.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow nodded.

“Good way to look at it,” Daylight smiled.

“Let us hope then with every failure of our main quest we can at least succeed at something else!” Gilbert shouted.

Or, how about just hoping we don’t have anymore failures?” Daylight snorted.

“Er… I suppose that would probably be the better thing to hope for...”

A sudden whistle from Breakwater interrupted them and the four all looked up at him. “Hey! Weren’t you all going to get that fruit stored away? You want plenty of time to rest tonight, don’t you?”

“Yeah, yeah, we’re on it,” Rainbow said and immediately fluttered over to a net of coconuts. “I’ve got these.”

The others grabbed nets of pineapples, papayas, bananas, kiwis, and a few things Rainbow didn’t actually recognize but was eager to try out. When they were finished taking everything below, the hold was actually much more crowded than it had been even when they first left from Malkonrik. The nets of fruit took up a lot of space. Rainbow also only realized how tired she actually was once the last net was stored away, her exhaustion from surfing, and repeatedly wiping out, having finally taken its toll on her.

“Whew… now I could go for a nap,” she said as she wiped some sweat from her brow. “In fact, might as well just sleep until morning, right? If you need me I’ll be curled up in the crow’s nest.” She started to fly up to it. “We going right to the Smoking Island now?”

“Yep,” Daylight said. “It’ll be a decently long trip from here—over a week, closer to two.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “And it’s mostly going to be sailing over the water and not having anything to do again or anything to see but water, water, everywhere? Just like the four days on the way here?”

Daylight Gleam simply shrugged. “That’s just ocean travel in a nutshell.”

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