• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 6: Episode 9 - Trouble in Manehatten (The Saddle Row Review AU)

The entire group was on their way to Manehattan, ready to help opening week at the Manehatten Branch of Rarity's business.

"This is rather stressful. Especially since we know we'll be helping to make sure Saddle Row doesn't give the shop a low score." Sunset said.

"Well, the shop location is up ahead." Twilight said. "We'll be meeting up with Coco Pummel there."

Upon entering, the group found Coco Pummel looking a little frantic. "Um...Coco? What's up with you?" Applejack asked.

"Oh! I'm very glad your here. This...this is just terrible. And during opening week too." Coco Pummel said.

"Wh-what's wrong? Did you do something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"I-I hope not. I've barely even started working, and already I've got issues." Coco then showed the group a letter she was holding onto.

Dear Coco Pummel,

You don't me, and that's going to change soon. For you see, you and I have some business later today. That is, me killing you in a fashion that's going to bring about utter despair. It's nothing personal, but some pony wants you bucking dead. And they are paying a fortune to see to that end. Seems you must have really pissed some pony off somehow, and now I get to come to you to make everything drown into a pit of despair. I'll be seeing you soon, hope you keep your body warm enough for me to keep my money. Ta ta until then.

-Slade Johnson

"Who in Tartarus is Slade Johnson?" Applejack asked.

"I have no clue, but when I opened my mail up this morning, this letter was inside." Coco Pummel said. "Who could I have possibly pissed off to such a degree that they would want me dead?"

"...I can think of one pony in particular, actually." Twilight said. "Girls, you stay with Coco, I'm going to be making a personal call to some pony I know would have a reason to want this shop shut down as much as possible."

While the rest of the elements were helping Coco get the shop advertised and ready to open up later in the day, Twilight walked into the apartment of one Suri Pulimare.

"Princess Twilight. For what purpose have you come to see me." Suri said.

"Honestly, you should already know why, seeing as how Coco Pummel received a threatening letter in her main this morning." Twilight said. "Based on it's contents, I'm guessing you want Rarity's shop shut down at any cost."

"Tch, that mare doesn't know how brutal opening a new shop is around here when your an out-of-towner. Part of me wonders why she would bother. Oh well, I suppose she'll have to learn the hard way that around here, you have to look after your own selfish interests, or you get swallowed up by the competition." Suri said.

"By that, you mean hire some pony to remove Coco Pummel from the picture." Twilight said.

"Now why would I want to have Coco Pummel killed? She was the whole reason I was able to stay in business. Not going to lie, ever since she decided to quit on me and work for Rarity, things haven't been well for me. I think I'll be declaring bankruptcy soon." Suri said.

"...I don't believe you on that front. In fact, I don't believe you at all with anything you just said." Twilight said.

"Oh really? Last I checked, you're not Applejack." Suri said.

"I don't need to be Applejack to know your lying." Twilight said.

"Oh really? And just how do you think that?" Suri asked.

"Because I specifically said to remove Coco not kill her." Twilight said.

"Well, isn't that what removing her would mean?" Suri countered.

"True, except I can think of many, many other ways a pony can be removed without killing them. Ways that you would have access to. So then, why did you specifically ask about your reasons for having Coco killed?" Twilight asked.

To say Suri Polomare was shocked, was an understatement. "You...you tricked me!" Suri Polomare said.

"Indeed. And I'm afraid to say, that makes you guilty of murder by proxy." Twilight said.

"Hmph. Well, I'm okay with being executed, thrown into Tartarus, or even turned to stone. Because at the end of the day, what really matters is shutting down Rarity's store. I barely even gave that strange creature more than a few bits before they agreed to take on the job. And from what I heard, he's good at what he does. I've even heard he'll tie up any pony who gets in his way of his target." Suri Polomare said.

"You mean you paid up front?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Why wouldn't I? It was only fifteen bits, and I would've found a way to make that up easily once Rarity's shop was closed down once it was heard that a murder took place there." Suri said. "Speaking of, I think the Contract Killer should be arriving there in a few minutes. Maybe if you hurry, princess, you'll be able to stop him with your 'friendship'." Suri said.

"...You won't get away with this." Twilight said before teleporting away.

"That's what you think, Princess." Suri said. There was a knock on her door. "Oh, who is it now?"

Upon opening the door, Suri was suddenly shocked a second time. "What...no, not you!" Suri said before she was promptly arrested.

Twilight Teleported to find a scene where her friends were having a tussle with a strange bipedal creature, one she recognized.

What's a human doing here? Twilight asked. And how is he on this side of the mirror without having gotten turned into a pony?!

"Oh great. That Princess is here." The human said. "As if things here weren't bad enough."

"Just what do you think your doing? You won't be harming any pony today." Twilight said.

"Oh please. You think you can stop me? I'm Slade Johnson." The human said. Applejack rushed him which was dodged. "...Though maybe you can. Gah, why of all the times did I have to get ganged up on."

"It's over Slade. I know who hired you. It was quite easy to figure out too. After all, there was only one pony who wanted this shop to fall." Twilight said.

"...What? You mean you actually found out my client's identity? But that's impossible! My clients are supposed to be anonymus." Slade said.

"Let's just say that Suri Polomare was an obvious answer. I was hoping it was wrong, but it was the correct choice." Twilight said.

"Well, no matter. She paid in full up front. So unfortunately for you, unless you can shell out more cash than she did, I've got a job to do." Slade said.

"Yeah no, not happening buster." Rainbow Dash said, before she grabbed Slade's left hand and twisted it until it started hurting like crazy.

"G-gah...you-you broke my arm!" Slade exclaimed. "And why did you go for my left? Most people go for the right you know."

"Saw the way you were swinging those swords of yours around. You always led lefty style." Rainbow Dash said. "That was a clear indication that you were a lefty."

"Grr...don't think your world is safe from me just yet. I'll be back, and I won't be so easy to defeat next time." Slade said before he suddenly used dark magic to vanish.

"...Well, let's hope that that's the only bad thing this week." Twilight said. "...Oh, wait, I forgot to call the Royal Guard on Suri!"

"So, she's most likely gotten away." Applejack said. "We can worry about her later, we should be making sure this store does well."

"Yeah. Your right Applejack." Twilight said.

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