• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 0: Episode 1 - One Month Later

One month passed by. During this time, Sunset would be spending as much time as she possibly could with Twilight Sparkle. It was during this time that Twilight had been introduced to Ray; a yellow dragon with blue spines.

"Didn't know you had a dragon brother." Twilight had said when Sunset introduced Ray to Twilight.

"Ray's more of my adopted brother. My mother takes care of him most of the time, but Ray well...he's quite crafty. Often times, he would sneak into my room and get into my bed. Guess that's just his way of telling me he cares for me." Sunset had responded.

"Do you have any biological siblings Sunset?" Twilight had asked.

"Just one: A little brother. I don't know where he is right now is the thing. Though he's more of my half-brother." Sunset had answered

"What do you mean half-brother?" Twilight asked.

"Well Twilight, what do you know about DNA?" Sunset asked.

"Oh I've read a lot about DNA. DNA is the basis of our genes, which determines what our defining traits are." Twilight said.

"Something like that. See, the thing about DNA is that it can also tell scientists across Equestria who's related to whom." Sunset said.

"So like, if scientists tested my DNA against Shining Armor's, they'd find that our mother and father were Twilight Velvet and Night Light, right?" Twilight asked.

"That's correct Twilight. However, with me and my biological brother, they'd find that while he and I share the same birth mother, we do not share the same birth father." Sunset said.

"What happened to your birth father that caused your mom to get with your brother's father?" Twilight asked.

"Same thing that happened with my own father: They fell into a bad crowd and ended up committing a felony. So my mother was forced to devorce both of them so that she wouldn't be associated with them." Sunset said. "There are lots of good ponies in this world Twilight. You just got to find the right ones to become friends with." She added.

"But I'm fine with reading from books and having you and Shining Armor as my friends." Twilight said.

"...Heh. I remember when I used to think that way. But then once I actually started hanging out with ponies, I realized no amount of reading could prepare me for socializing. It's the very building blocks of Equestria as we know it today." Sunset said. "Think about it." She added and went off with Ray.

That conversation had happened last week. And now, it was time for the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot which Twilight was granted front row seats to courtesy of Sunset Shimmer. It was then that Twilight had witnessed Princess Celestia raising the sun. After that, Twilight got the greatest idea ever: She wanted to attend Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

However, the moment she blurted that out, some fillies and foals her own age started to hangle her, trying to make Twilight doubt herself. Sunset was about to get involved when suddenly, another filly about Twilight's age got in the way.

"Hey, leave her alone! You should be ashamed of yourselves really." The filly said. "Honestly, she could very well get in with all of us." She added.

"Oh look, it's the local book nerd. Guess it's only fair that nerds like you would stick together." One of the bullies said.

"Okay, that's enough!" Sunset said as she also got involved.

"Crap! It's Sunset Shimmer!" Another bully said.

"Leave them both alone, or I'll report this little incident to Princess Celestia herself." Sunset warned.

"You...you wouldn't." The first bully said.

"Try me." Sunset said, almost asking them to do it.

"...On second thought, I just realized, I need to go help my folks do laundry." The second bully said before running off.

"Yeah. Me too." The first bully said before also running off.

"Um...thank you." Twilight said more so to the filly.

"It was nothing. Those two always tend to bully me." The filly said. "My name's Moondancer. What's yours?" She asked.

"Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said.

"Then I hope we both get into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. See you later." Moondancer said before running off.

"...What just happened?" Twilight asked.

"It's like I told you last week: There are good ponies out there that can be good friends if you just search for them. And I think you've found one of those types of friends already." Sunset said.

"...Wow. I guess your right Sunset. Thanks for also coming to my rescue, BSBFF." Twilight said before she started to leave. "I'm going to go talk with my parents now." She added and then fully left.

"...Heh. BSBFF huh? Short for Big Sister Best Friend Forever I take it." Sunset said. "That Moondancer will be a good first friend for Twilight outside of Shining Armor and me." Sunset said.

"I see your already thinking of some things aren't you, Sunset?" Princess Celestia asked, and she was right behind Sunset.

"Princess, you saw all that?" Sunset asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately for me, those two have very influential families in Canterlot. Sometimes being a princess can be just as much of a curse as it is a blessing." Celestia said.

"You know, I've always seen you as my second Mother, Princess. However, I think there's a way you can make your position a blessing in the best way possible." Sunset said.

"Oh? And how would that be?" Celestia asked.

"You can speed up the approval process for Twilight's application. Get her in on the early tests." Sunset said.

"Are you sure Sunset? Those early tests are meant to test ponies' reaction to failure." Celestia warned.

"...Don't ask me why Princess, but I have a funny feeling that Twilight might just do what I did." Sunset said. "Also, nice try Ray. Come on, I'll take you home." She added, as Ray had climbed on top of Sunset and started nibbling on her mane. So the orange unicorn started to take the yellow dragon back home.

"...Funny thing is Sunset, you may not be wrong." Celestia said once Sunset was out of earshot.

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