• Published 23rd Nov 2022
  • 3,286 Views, 313 Comments

My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 5: Episode 17 - The Realm of Subnotica Part 3

Our heroes were still in the Realm of Subnotica, the realm of dreams, and Princess Luna had become shocked awake due to the talent of one Cinderace known as Score who was able to dream walk via Lucid Dreaming since she was ten years old as easily as breathing. The Guardian was in the process of re-summoning Luna to Subnotica.

"So, if your able to Lucid Dream as easily as breathing, then why are we here?" Sunset asked.

"We've got six missing pillars of the realm. Even with my ease of access, it'd take me days to find all six by myself. Do you even realize what could happen in that time frame?" Score asked.

"You mean, something more then no more dreams?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. That little creation of Princess Luna is going to grow in strength. If it grows too strong, it's going to book it from Subnotica, and escape into the real world. And it'll be like having a rogue being of fate on the loose. I'm talking a threat level on the same page as The Omega." Score said.

"Thanks to Deca, we know all about The Omega. So if your saying that if Luna's Tantabus isn't stopped as soon as possible..." Twilight was piecing together.

"Yeah. You don't need to say anymore." Score said. "Think you already can see why your help is nessasary. To save all the pillars in time, a group is necessary. I would've gotten here earlier, but...I had evolved overnight."

"So you were a Raboot before last night then?" Raiden asked.

"Yep." Score simply answered.

"I have no further questions..." Raiden said.

Luna was finally brought back and then briefed on what was about to happen. Twilight suggested that every creature go in pairs. With Twilight suggesting they go in more unusual pairs this time.

Machines & Magic Area

"Of all the pairings I get ended up with, I of course get paired up with the one princess I haven't really gotten to know well." Raiden said.

"If it'll ease this situation, I personally don't consider myself much of a princess. Between when I became Nightmare Moon and this incident...there's a lot of things I've done wrong." Luna said. "I might start letting ponies adress me as just Luna after this."

"...Whoa. That's a little extreme. Don't think I've ever seen royalty want to stop being addressed as royalty before. Even if it's only a consideration." Raiden said. "Though, I heard about the Nightmare Moon thing a little bit. But they say there's two sides to every store."

"It wasn't just jealousy towards my sister that drove me to become Nightmare Moon; it was also the fact that ponies only ever respected my sister." Luna said.

"Okay, being jealousy of your sister can be normal when it comes to siblings. Even if we're not related by blood, Lightning still feels jealous of the time I tanked a lightning strike meant for the mayor's house back when I was just a Pikachu." Raiden said. "Yeah, Lightning's become more and more like a brother to me in recent years ever since we patched things up from his undercover mission."

"And we both know Sunset felt a little jealousy towards Twilight for similar reasons in regards to Flash Sentry." Luna said.

"Oi, that's one day I'll never forget. Speaking of, did you know that Twilight and Flash are thinking of doing a more legit wedding soon and not that speedy version they did to stop all those suitor requests?" Raiden asked.

"This is news to me..." Luna said.

"Yeah well, keep it to yourself will you? Twilight wants to really make her brother realize how much waiting until the last minute to inform his sister of a wedding really had the girl reeling." Raiden said.

"I'm honestly not surprised." Luna said. "...also, is it just me, or do some of these machines look like giant toys?"

Raiden took a look around. "...Okay yeah, that is a little weird." Raiden said. "But back on topic while we look for the pillar that's in this realm: Jealousy towards your sibling is one thing, but that jealousy combined with being outright ignored is something else entirely."

"All that anger and jealousy is what turned me into Nightmare Moon to begin with. It made me lose control of myself." Luna said. "Even still, I felt responsible for it."

"You've got to let that go. Things are different now." Raiden said.

"Except I can't. It was the guilt over becoming Nightmare Moon that lead to our current situation." Luna said. "Figured I'd punish myself for going down that road by giving myself nightmares. That's what lead to the creation of the Tantabus in the first place."

"Then you need to face that guilt head on. Only way your going to get over it, is if you confront it." Raiden said.

"Hey, is something there?" a male voice said. The duo soon discovered what looked like a magician in a steel cage. "You've gotta get me out of here."

"...Well, considering this is the land of dreams, why am I not surprised a human is here?" Raiden asked.

Suddenly a bunch of parts around the duo suddenly configred into a giant toy dragon. And unlike a real toy, this one could breath legit fire. "Suddenly I have a strong desire to want to know who in the Meta-verse dreamed up a dragon toy with real fire breathing action." Luna said.

"Do you even need to ask? It's children. Children sometimes dream about things that are as far from reality as possible." Raiden said.

"You would know about the mind of a child." Luna said. She quickly called up her dream magic, and in one blast, just destroyed the toy dragon.

Raiden blinked. "...Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"Oh that? That was nothing." Luna said. Lucky, the defeat of the toy undid the cage.

"Ugh. Thanks for that. Now, I must get back to the castle of magicians." The magician said.

"...Castle of magicians?" Luna asked.

"Kids and their imaginations, I swear." Raiden said.

"...I'm starting to see the theme of this area..." Luna said.

Swamp Area

"Yuck. Why'd we have to get the swamp area?" Rarity asked.

"You do realize that everything here isn't going to tranfer over to the real world, right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's the principle of the matter, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said.

"Still, if this place works the way I understand it to work, even if you get your mane all messy, it's not going to matter in the end." Rainbow said.

"Let's just...try to find the realm's pillar and get out of this place as soon as--" Rarity was interuptted by the loudest frog croak she ever heard. "...What...was that?" Rarity said.

It happened again. "...Dude. Those are pipes." Rainbow Dash said. But when the duo discovered a giant frog being dangled by his feet from a tree by a metal wire, she quickly backtracked that statement.

"...Of course it had to be a frog..." Rarity said.

"Finally someone hears me. Could you come cut me down please? I don't like this position; it's very uncomfortable and I would very much like my feet on the ground now if you would be so kind." The frog said.

"...Why am I not surprised this thing can talk?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Suddenly a giant monster tree rose out of the swamp, covered in moss and drooling swamp water. "...I...I must remian calm I--"

One kick from Rainbow Dash was enough to destroy the monster tree. "Wow. That was surprisingly easy." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Never mind..." Rarity said.

"That thing will regernate, so if you would be so kind as to GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" The frog said.

"And they call me impatient." Rainbow Dash said.

Animals Area

Fluttershy was currently petting a kitten as she and Lightning were going through the animal area.

"...I don't think I've seen dogs and cats in such close proximity with each other and not doing the standard cliche thing." Lightning said. "And this is coming from a Pokemon that's a lynx-lion hybrid."

"Lions and lynx are very different from traditional cats though." Fluttershy said.

"True. But I'm just saying, you'd expect felines and canines to have some beef with each other. I mean, it's such a common cliche, that I'm surprised this realm isn't following said cliche." Lightning said.

"You do realize this a dream realm, right?" Fluttershy asked. "Maybe some people dream of a way for canines and felines to have great relationships."

"Or a certain guardian could prevent them from fighting." A male voice said.

"Yeah, or the realm's guardian could stop them from fighting." Lightning said. "...Wait, who said--"

Fluttershy squeed again as she looked a the giant squirrel trapped in a cage. "...What's with this one?" The Squirrel said.

"She really likes animals." Lightning said.

"Well, she might want to rethink that in a hurry..." The Squirrel said.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a giant three headed beast showed up. But while Cerberus was a three headed dog, what was before them had a wolf head, a lion head, and an eagle head. "What...am I looking at?" Fluttershy asked. Suddenly, a snake head slithered out from behind the creature.

"It's...it's a...a...a..." Lightning was finding the word hard to say.

"What? What is this?!" Fluttershy was worried now.

The three main heads suddenly roared at the duo. "Chimera!" Lightning finally got the word out.

Fluttershy punched the thing. "Now you listen here you. Roaring at folks like that is not nice. And you should really be ashamed of yourself for even doing so unprovoked."

The chimera whimpered. ...What in the Distortion World am I looking at? Lightning thought to himself.

"You should be very, very sorry indeed. I want you to go and do nice things for all the others you've roared at." Fluttershy sternly said.

The chimera limped off, despite only getting punched in one of it's faces. It was like it just got told off by it's own mother. "...It's always the quiet ones..." Lightning said.

Water Area

"Well, I'm surprised we can breath underwater." Spike said.

"Of course we should be able to. This is Subnotica after all. It's not called the Realm of dreams for nothing." Score said. "Plus, being a fire type Pokemon, this is my second favorite area to come to on a regular basis."

"I can understand that." Spike said. "...Wait, what's your favorite area if not this one? Is there even a sports area?"

"There is, but that's like my second least favorite area." Score said.

"...Okay, then which area is your favorite?" Spike asked.

"It's the Night Life Area. The werewolf pillar is super duper hot~" Score said.

Note to self: Leave this out of any biography I make in the future. Spike thought to himself.

...Yeah I didn't uphold that note to self. Mostly because I wanted nothing to be left out in the end. Would seem weird if I left out the fact that Score thought the pillar for the Night Life Area was hot. Future Spike would write in the story he was making.

"So, you must know each and every pillar then." Spike said.

"Most of them. I know of the mage, the squirrel, the frog, and of course, the Werewolf. No surprise which one is my favorite." Score said.

"...What about the water area?" Spike asked.

"Never really met them before. I have a few guesses, but I never could get a conformation." Score said. The duo found a trapped dolphin. "...Really? I guess in hindsight, a dolphin would make the most sense."

However, suddenly an evil looking orca appeared, having a trapped shark in a net. "Should've censored known my decoy would get found out sooner or later..." The Shark said.

"...Okay, I did NOT expect that." Score said.

"Let's toast this fish!" Spike used his fire breath, roasting the evil orca. which quickly swam away, releasing the shark which then released the dolphin decoy.

"Looks like that Orca didn't want to become Fish Sticks~" Score said.

"...That was terrible, and you should be ashamed of it." Spike said..

Night Life Area

"Seriously makes you wonder what kind of people would dream up vampires and zombies on a regular basis." Starlight said.

"Yeah. I can't wait to tell Sunset about this." Ray said. "Wonder if there's any werewolves around here."

"Probably. I mean, they are another night based creature after all." Starlight said.

"Hey, get me down from here!" The duo found a werewolf in a metal cage.

"...Shouldn't you be able to escape from that cage on your own?" Starlight asked.

"Normally yes; except this cage is made of silver metal. And werewolves are weak to silver. Little known fact: It's not just silver bullets that can depower a werewolf; it's silver metal in general." The werewolf said.

"...Huh." Ray said.

Suddenly an evil vampire appeared. "...seriously?!" Starlight said.

"Eat garlic breath!" Ray said, before he roared at the vampire, and his breath was surpisingly garlic smelly instead of how it normally was.

"...You just used the fact that we're in the realm of dreams to do that, didn't you?" Starlight said as the Vampire suddenly ran off.

"Yep." Ray said.

"Little known fact: Garlic is actually not a real vampire repellent, but because it's become so ingrained into society as an acceptable vampire weakness, it still works in Subnotica." The Werewolf said.

"Wow thanks, I hate that. I'll have to figure out how to remove that fact from my mind now." Starlight said.

Fair Area

"...When I heard the name of the area..." Sunset said as she looked around. She was in the middle of a giant fairground. "...I was expecting either a princess themed area, or some kind of area where every thing is giving fair treatment. Not what is essentially, a carnival."

"Not a carnival Sunset: A Fair! Big difference!" Pinkie Pie suddenly popped out of nowhere, to squish Sunset's face.

"...Your doing my face again, Pinkie." Sunset said.

"C'mon, we should have some fun here!" Pinkie said.

"...Pinkie, you do realize that if we don't find the pillar that was kidnapped here, you can never dream up all your various fun activities ever again." Sunset said.

Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped. "That...that would be worse then a clown being the pillar we have to find."

"...Luckily, I have a feeling it's not a clown." Sunset said, as she noticed that a living balloon nearby trapped in a cage.

"Ah, good day there to you dear ladies. How ironic is it that two females are my savoir? Talk about a complete role reversal. I would welcome you one and all to the greatest fair ever created; but alas, I have come captured and imprisoned beyond my will." The balloon said.

"...Wow. It's a gentlestallion balloon. That's surprising." Sunset said.

"I prefer the term, gentleballoon; yet I understand your statement, dear lady. Let's just hope that you don't have a fear of clowns, for I'm afraid, one has captured me." The Balloon said.

"...Even gentlestallion enough to tell us that we're about to face an evil clown." Sunset said. But when she looked at Pinkie, the mare had already tied up an evil clown with some rope.

"...What? He was trying to sneak up on us. That wasn't very nice of him." Pinkie Pie said.

Sunset facehooved. "...Never change Pinkie..." She said.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I honestly didn't think this chapter could get so long. But I didn't want to space this out over yet more parts. So this was the best solution. Also, did you really expect me to write out six boss fights in one chapter? Yeah that's not happening in a million years.

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