• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 1: Episode 15 - Ray & Smolder

Author's Note:

Unlike most chapters here, this one does not have a tie-in episode and is completely original. Though it does sort of lead into what would be "A Dog and Pony Show" which I can't really think of many changes to outside of removing the Spike being attracted to Rarity bits. But when I'm keeping the majority of the basic plot in tact otherwise, there's really no reason to cover it.

Sunset was doing her usual shopping one day, when she noticed how distracted Ray has been. "Hey Ray, is something the matter?" Sunset asked.

"You know that orange dragoness that's been around lately? I'm still trying the best way to approach her without her thinking I'm not worth her time." Ray said.

Sunset went wide eyed. "You mean you've developed a crush when I wasn't looking?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"I couldn't help it. Not only is she all sorts of beautiful in dragon eyes, but she's also really cool. That's like, everything I could ever ask for." Ray said.

"Gee, you must really want to make a good approach to her. Why don't you just try and be yourself?" Sunset asked.

"But what if being myself won't be good enough for her?" Ray asked.

"You should never have to change who you are at your core for someone you like. That's something mom always told me when I was younger. Although I doubt she meant that in a romance sense, but I think it can still apply? Maybe? I'm not sure. I've never really asked mom what she meant by that." Sunset said.

"Do you think you'll ever come across some pony for yourself, sis?" Ray asked.

"One day I'm sure. I'm not really in a rush right now though." Sunset said.

"Yeah...yeah good point." Ray said. "But if I don't act soon, who knows who would snatch Smolder up? I gotta make a good first impression." He said.

"Well don't try to go super over the top worrying about. Just go talk with her. I doubt she's really going to try and diss you for just wanting to talk with her." Sunset said.

"Yeah. Yeah your right. Thanks sis. If this works out, I owe you one." Ray said, heading his way towards Smolder.

"...I just hope he can keep his emotions in check so he doesn't ruin his chances." Sunset said.

Meanwhile, Ray went up towards Smolder. "Hmm? Oh hey. I noticed you. One of Scootaloo's friends, right?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah. That's me." Ray said. "In case you forgot I'm--"

"Wait. Don't tell me. Ray, right?" Smolder asked.

"...How'd you guess that?" Ray asked.

"Well that other dragon I actually a few weeks back on a date with that Unicorn foal. Sweetie Belle, if I recall her name correctly. Overheard her call the Purple Dragon 'Spike'. And considering Apple Bloom is totally a pony name and not a dragon name, that leaves Ray." Smolder said.

"What sort of date were you there to see?" Ray asked.

"Some fancy restruant in town. I actually work there part time. It was the only place that was really willing to hire me. I mostly just wash dishes though." Smolder said.

"...Wait, you wash dishes? But you...you were so cool when I saw you with Scootaloo." Ray said.

"Well hey, it's something to keep me from going broke. Besides, it pays well. And who knows? Maybe I'll get promoted. Thinking about taking cooking lessons from someone in town so I can learn to cook. That's be something: Going from a dish washer to a cook in that restaurant." Smolder said.

"But cooking is so...I don't know...house wife-ish if you ask me. You deserve better than to fall into some feminine sterotype." Ray said.

"...That's a sterotype? Wait, what's a sterotype?" Smolder asked.

"Sterotype means something that tends to be a trend amongst certain circles. And females cooking is a huge sterotype. But your a dragon, you shouldn't fall into that sort of sterotype." Ray said.

"And what if I actually want to learn how to cook? Sure it may be this sterotype thing, but I want to do what I want to do. I don't care if it's this sterotype thing." Smolder said.

...Keep it together Ray. Ray thought to himself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to say that you seem too cool for that sort of stigma. That's all." Ray said.

"...Heh. You know something? Your alright Ray. It's nice to see that you actually care. That's why you were getting all hot and bothered over me learning to cook, right? You care about me keeping my cool image up. It's actually cute that you care about the way I come off." Smolder said.

Wait what? Did I just...score big? Ray thought to himself.

"We should hang out sometime. As actual Dragons. You can even bring that other dragon with you if you want. Or don't. It can just be the two of us. But not right now. I got to prepare for an emergancy shift in a couple of hours." Smolder said as she walked away. "See you around, Ray." Smolder said before she fully went away.

Ray went back to Sunset. "Heh. Sounds like it went well. I think you've really got a good chance." Sunset said.

"...She just asked me to do something with her. I think I scored really big today." Ray said.

"Chill Ray, try not to think too much into it." Sunset said.

"Oh before I forget, here, you can have a little something I've been holding onto." Smolder said, giving over a sapphire and then leaving properly.

"...Okay, now you can think much into it..." Sunset said.

Ray just took the Sapphire. So...cool... Ray said.

"Wow, way to go Ray. You really impressed her, it sounds like." Spike said later that day.

"Yeah. It's just a shame that this is one sort of thing I wish the Princess could here about." Ray said. "But we should totally document this somewhere." Ray said.

"Well, I'll keep it written on a scroll for later recording to write down in case I ever come across a blank book. Would make for an interesting journal." Spike said.

"A journal huh? Not a bad idea to have around. But don't rush finding a blank book, okay?" Ray asked.

"Of course. Besides, I'll ask Twilight for one at some point." Spike said. "But tomorrow, Rarity asked me to go help her find gems up in the mountains. If I'm going to date Sweetie Belle, I am going to have to help her mother out." He said.

"Good luck with that. Here's hoping nothing major happens tomorrow." Ray said.

Boy was Ray wrong about what would happen tomorrow though. was written down in a blank book that the entire story had been written in so far by a mysterious bipedal figure

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