• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 1: Episode 11 - Princess Control

Applejack was out bucking apples out on the farm, when she noticed a particular Leafeon coming up to her.

"Princess Lola, it's nice to see you again." Applejack said.

"I told you, you can just call me Lola. We're friends after all." The Leafeon said.

"Heh. Sorry. Ah guess it has been a few months since any of us have seen you. Last we saw you was during the Running of the Leaves." Applejack said.

"Heh. That was something else." Lola said.


After Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a little fun at Twilight's expense, suddenly a female voice called out.

"And what's wrong with choosing the number 42?" The female voice belonged to a Leafeon who had a "V" and a sticky note on her. This was Lola.

"Wait, aren't you Princess Lola from the Eeveelution Kingdom?" Twilight asked.

"That's me. But if you want, you can just call me Lola." Lola said.

"So, you've decided to come and race too?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm not the only one here." Lola said.

"Go Lola!" Throsten shouted from the audience.

"King Throsten actually came to support you? Wow." Twilight said.

"So, what's with the letter V?" Applejack asked. "Last I checked, V is not a number." She added.

"Wow, get with the program AJ. Obviously, V is a roman numeral. It's specifically the Roman Numeral for '5'. Even I know that." Rainbow Dash said.

"You know your roman numerals. Your Rainbow Dash, if I'm not mistaken." Lola said. "Well, here's looking forward to a good race." She added.

Later though, Rainbow Dash and Applejack would tie for Last. With Twilight getting fifth.

"I can't believe it, Twilight beat us." Rainbow Dash said.

"But wait, if she placed fifth, then who placed first?" Applejack asked.

"Hi there." Lola said, wearing the first place medal.

"PRINCESS LOLA?!" Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash exclaimed at the same time.

"I told you, you can just call me Lola. And it seems, you two got so caught up trying to sabotage each other, that you tied for last." Lola said.

"Okay, being beat by Twilight is one thing..." Rainbow Dash said.

"But loosing to a visiting Princess is a whole different thing." Applejack said.

"Heh. What'd you expect? Lola's a Leafeon." Throsten said. "Not a single pony stood a chance against her in a race involving a wooded area." He added.

"So that's why there were lots of vines on the course this year around." Mare Mayor said.

"Oops. Sorry about that." Lola said. "I guess I got so focused on the race, I forgot to keep my plant growing powers under wraps." She added.

"Eh don't worry about it." Throsten said.

"Indeed." Princess Celestia said.

She showed up, a friendship lesson was learned, and it was reported.

"Still a little sore about loosing to you, but Rainbow Dash and Ah don't plan on tieing for last again when the event comes around next fall." Applejack said.

"Actually, it's that very event that brings me back to Equestria. More for preparation purposes." Lola said. "Something I'm hoping you, your friends, or even Princess Celestia can help with." Lola said.

"Is it some kind of magical trouble?" Applejack asked.

"Something to that nature. Just need to help one of my fellow Princesses get used to their powers." Lola said.

"Why does she need the help?" Applejack asked. Suddenly she sniffed the air. "FIRE!" She yelled.

When Applejack rushed over, she saw the CMC, Spoiled Rich, and a Flareon near a tree that was on fire.

"Gah, not again. That's like the third tree I've accidently caught on fire today." The Flareon said.

"I've got you covered, Blitz." Lola said, before suddenly putting a paw to the tree and restoring it to normal. "There we go, all fixed." Lola said.

"So, this Flareon is the Princess you wanted to have help for?" Applejack asked.

"M-my name's Blitz miss." The Flareon said, a little nervously.

"She was a bit nervous when we approuched her too." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah. And after Apple Bloom gave her a high five, not knowing her own strength, it sent Blitz there to get knocked into the tree." Diamond Tiara said.

"Ah told you it was an accident." Apple Bloom said.

"It's fine Apple Bloom. At least Blitz is much better mannered then that Fortus Vile." Spoiled Rich said.

"She is a lot more nervous around others then Uncle Blue though." Sweetie Belle said.

"There you go mentioning Uncle Blue again. You act like he's part of the same social group as Princess Celestia." Scootaloo said.

"I promised my sister I wouldn't say anything more about Uncle Blue, so I won't." Sweetie Belle said.

"So why is Spoiled Rich here?" Applejack asked.

"Just thought I'd see about the visiting Princesses." Spoiled Rich said. "It's nice to know that some royals know how to behave." She added.

"Why thank you, Mrs. Rich." Lola said.

"I'll take that as a compliment?" Blitz asked.

"Why so glum? Your a royal just like Lola." Diamond Tiara said.

"Well...there's a reason for that..." Blitz said. "See, the thing is...I wasn't born a royal." She said.

There was a bit of silence for a time.


Was the voice of Spoiled Rich yelling.

A bit later, when Princess Celestia came down to see about Blitz's powers needing controlling, she too was a bit shocked by this, and that's when King Throsten had appeared.

"So, it's like this see: You know how before Throsten was crowned the great king because he's the decsendent to the legendary hero who once saved the Eeveelution Kingdoms from total darkness back when they were still seperate kingdoms?" Lola asked.

"Yes, that much I remember." Princess Celestia said. "You, Throsten, Gloria...all of you were born when they were still seperate kingdoms. The kingdoms only became one more a few years ago." She added.

"Yeah well, the royal bloodline of the Flareon's lands of the Scorching Desert had been taken over by evil Shadow Pokemon. Including the bloodline's firstborn daughter." Throsten said.

"So, after much debate, Throsten personally had the royal bloodline daughter of the Flareon Line banished from the kingdoms, and if she were to ever set foot on the kingdom's soil again, she would be sent to the guillotine." Lola said.

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"Yeah. I get that she was evil, but is that really nesscarry?" Fluttershy asked.

"Her brother sacrificed his life to summon the spirits of dragons that would've turned not just the Eeveelution Kingdom to ash, but all of Equestria too." Throsten said. "Better to be safe then sorry." He added.

"Oh. They must've been very bad dragon spirits." Fluttershy said.

"They were. My ancestor sealed the spirits of those dragons in the world's largest volcano for their evil deeds." Throsten said. "It was that act, and the act of defeating the Dark Being who created the dragons in the first place, that made the Eeveelution Hero so well respected in the first place." Throsten said.

"Of course afterwards, the Eeveelution Hero helped our ancestors establish the Eeveelution Kingdoms. And he said that the day would come when one of his decedents would emerge and unite the lands as one under a more benevolent rule then the one the Dark Being had enforced." Lola said. "Every Eeveelution Royal Family passed this tale down from generation to generation." She added.

"But most of them didn't pay it any mind. Except for the Glaceons." Blitz said. "They believed that only the courageous souls carried the bloodline of the hero. And they worshiped that prophecy like no other kingdom. It's why their line is more arranged in their marriages then the others." She added.

"It just so happened that Gloria would end up being the one to catch the eye of the descendent in the form of Throsten here." Lola said.

"Didn't think I'd be the one to end up fulfilling that prophecy. It just sort of turned out that way." Throsten said.

"You do seem chill for a king." Scootaloo said.

"Heh heh, that's because I'm going to give it everything I've got. And then some. I've learnt from the best to not back down from a challenge, after all." Throsten said. "My spirit brother pretty much told me that himself." He added.

"Spirit brother huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Who is that?" She asked.

"Rob Snowden." Throsten simply answered.

Rainbow Dash suddenly went wide eyed. "Y-you mean the most legendary justice hero; the guy they said could beat those who fought god powers with ease? That Rob Snowden?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Heh. Yeah. Of course, I got to see him do that a couple of times myself. Don't mean to brag, but it's different when your there seeing it happen live and in person." Throsten said.

Spoiled Rich said nothing, but stared at Throsten. "Dang. Talk about lucky." Rainbow Dash said.

"Is he some kind of insperation for you, Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sort of. I got so caught up in his loyalty towards his friends, and his exploints, that I decided to take that sort of loyalty into my own way of life." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wow. I hope we get to meet him." Scootaloo said.

"Not likely. Rob's kind of a busy dude." Throsten said. "Especially since, last I heard, something with Gorzon happened again. He wouldn't tell me the details, but I don't need them when Gorzon's involved." He added.

"Why not? How bad can this Gorzon be?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"That blob of darkness once tried to make every living thing into a zombie. Try letting that sink in your heads." Throsten said.

Fluttershy just fainted right on the spot. "...And Fluttershy just fainted." Rainbow Dash said.

"Who can blame her, honestly?" Throsten asked.

Rarity suddenly fainted too...right onto a couch she pulled in with her magic. "...Okay, now that, I didn't expect." Pinkie Pie said.

"Where'd she get that couch from?" Spike asked. "Sweetie Belle, your mother is so weird." He said. Everypony just looked at him. "...Oops? I said that out loud, didn't I? Sorry." Spike said.

"Wow bro. Just wow." Ray said.

"It's fine. Rarity was planning on making our true relationship public in a couple of days anyways..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Wait, then who in the world is Uncle Blue?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Now I'm curious myself." Spoiled Rich said.

"Not saying anything. Rarity made me promise not to give out any details. And recently even made me Pinke Promise." Sweetie Belle said.

"Okay wow. You defiantly do not break a Pinkie Promise around here." Applejack said.

"Huh? Why not?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"Because if you break a Pinkie Promise to a friend, you'll loose that friend forever!" Pinkie Pie said.

"...And Pinkie Pie will personally make you pay for it. So I've heard." Applejack said.

"...Good to know..." Spoiled Rich said, suddenly very scared of Pinkie Pie.

"Cupcake?" Pinkie Pie asked, suddenly getting one out of her mane.

"Wait what the..." Twilight said.

Sunset took one look at Twlight, then at Pinkie Pie. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Sunset thought to herself.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

So, while I am going to skip "Suited for Success", the reason for skipping that, is because even if Sunset isn't basically a total jerk, and is even doing her best to be a good surrogate sister to Twilight, that doesn't make her immune to hogging Rarity. So the only change would be Sunset getting her own design alongside the rest of the girls. But I do want to keep the details of that dress secret for when I cover this universe's version of "Best Night Ever". So that's another reason to skip "Suited for Success".

And while I won't be covering "Feeling Pinkie Keen" all that much just like how I only briefly touched on "Fall Weather Friends" which, in this universe, takes place just before "Winter Wrap Up", that's not to say I don't have something planned for that episode all the same.

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