• Published 2nd Feb 2023
  • 562 Views, 38 Comments

The Corvette... - Escalator

A band of rebels are hunted down by Admiral Thrawn after taking part of the destruction of the remaining imperial ship yards in Fondor

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Prelude: The Fondor Raid (Remastered)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....



It has been 3 years since the destruction of the evil weapon the DEATH STAR and the remaining imperial forces dispersed into warring factions calling themselves the REMANENT. With the empire fractured the infamous Grand Admiral, THRAWN, has survived the attack on Lothal and took a standing as the head leader of the remnant.

But as it all went down the Rebel alliance was reformed into the New Republic and had formed a unit of ragtag team of fighters who had fought in the battle of Endor. THE ALPHA UNIT, and as instructed by General LUKE SKYWALKER they begin a raid on the Fondor shipyards.

Unknowing what awaits them in the shadow. A new type of Star destroyer awaits to destroy the unit...

ABY 7, Fondor ship yards

The vision came back as the Colonel of the unit had finally woke up, he looked at his officer cap that had the rebel alliance insignia on the front.

Putting it on he was ready to begin this operation he got dressed and walked out to the hallway, looking around at busy soldiers who were wandering around for. Whatever they were doing of course. However, one of the men came towards the awakened colonel and was notified.

"Sir, we are now coming out of hyperspace."

"Has maroon and brown squadron been deployed?" The Colonel asked as the soldier nodded.

"Yes sir, the fighters have been deployed."

"Very good, lead the way to the cockpit."

As the two headed down the hall, the walkway was now getting crowded with pilots who were reporting to their X-wings that were attached to the CR90.

To give the run down here's what Alpha unit is.

In ABY 5, the Alpha unit was formed to be a ragtag unit that served under the command of an appointed Colonel, as you had read. The Colonel's name is Colonel Daniels. He served in the battle of Yavin and Endor while being absent from Hoth as he was appointed to find a backup base which was Mon Cala. Only it wasn't official but was a good holdout.

He was given the rank of Colonel after outsmarting a fleet of Star destroyers that was chasing a convoy of rebel shuttles. He was in a Nebulon B frigate at the time on a patrol in the outer rim when he encountered the shuttles that were carrying imperial scientists and defectors to the rebel cause. Along with pro-rebel mercenaries who were wanted dead.

With the frigate, he couldn't face a whole fleet of one star destroyers, but three three star destroyers were way too damn many! So to get out of this, alive, he had made a plan that would sink all three of them in the cold harsh space.

First, he deployed the green squadron and had them drive the Tie fighters away from the Star destroyers, he had his frigate make a total 180-degree turn towards the nebula field which for some stupid reason the star destroyers followed the frigate into the nebula.

The Colonel, who rolled his eyes in stupidity, ordered the deployment of yellow squadron Y-wings and ordered them to fire Ion-torpedoes at the Nebula as the Colonel, after exiting the Nebula field, Ordered green squadron, which is A-wings, to jump to the rendezvous point. Before the imperial fleet master figured out what happened it was too late when the Y-wings fired the torpedoes at the nebula.

The Star destroyers are burned to a crisp as their engines fried and the command post was also destroyed as one of them was so loose that it started falling on the Star destroyer munitions bay obliterating the entire Star destroyer and making the Nebula expand.

With all three-star destroyers destroyed. The Rebel alliance handed the Colonel a promotion, as he was only a captain back then, which earned him the rank of Colonel while being given the Medal of Freedom. The Colonel was born in the imperial capital Coruscant, he was a child back then when emperor Palpatine declared the formation of the Galactic Empire and Order 66. He went to Yavin and enlisted in the rebel alliance. His first time on duty was when he was assigned to the Massassi division where he served as 2nd Lieutenant under General Dodonna which happened to be in the worse place at that time when Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked the group he served in at Atollon... He never forgot the amount of ships lost in that battle and even thought to himself that there was something they could've done to avoid the amount of losses.

What was said and done there was more than the Colonel.

There is the First Lieutenant. Leda, unlike her, was born in Alderaan the year after the Emperor announced the formation of the Empire. She made a rise in the ranks, but when she heard that her home planet was destroyed by the Death Star and that her parents were on the planet's surface when it happened... She felt rage and remorse... She felt responsible for leaving her parents on that planet when the Death Star destroyed it and now... It was just her... But while this horror and fear fell upon her she was assigned as the Colonel's First Lieutenant after the battle of Endor with the Alpha unit.

With that, next was Jacob. He was unfortunately a Sergeant Major of the Alpha unit all because his father was a general. Why unfortunate you asked? Well, that was because he was a snob and even plotted to take over the squad but of course that was a limit. But while that was the case, he was born on the shipyard planet Kuat. Before his family considered joining the rebellion, his father left him to fight for the rebel alliance, when the imperial troops questioned his mother she distanced herself from her husband by calling him a scumbag and a traitor. Convinced by this, and ironically, she joined the imperial army leaving Jacob at an imperial Junior cadet academy on the planet of Lothal before being relocated to imperial-occupied Bespin, (After a rebel cell attacked the academy) after becoming a Lieutenant despite being slowed down by what he would later figured out to be Ezra Bridger, aka Spectre 6 of the Lothal cell, he was deployed in the frontline planets in Edu before being captured by a rebel scout force that happened to be lead by his father.

Since then the whereabouts of his mother are unknown as some say that she currently serves as a meditating liaison for the Dathimirian witches for Admiral Thrawn. While some say she is currently acting incognito. Either way, it was unknown.

Except to the annoyance of Colonel Daniels, when the worst news of his life came when he had about to put up with the damn insubordination of the Major Sergeant...

While there are many more to introduce. It will be addressed later.

Back to the present, the group arrives at the command center to oversee the operation that Luke Skywalker had assigned him and his unit to conduct. Noted at the fact that his unit works directly with Luke Skywalker, he kinda considers him as a crusader and a commander.

He and Skywalker do have talks once in a while but not much often since Skywalker would be either training new Jedi or on some while ghost hunt for a dead man, either way when it comes to stuff like that the Colonel would stay away from the scene of things.

As the Colonel stands in the center of the room, with his first Lieutenant standing on his right, the pilot gives the Colonel the alert.

"Sir! We are now coming out of Hyperspace!"

"Alright, ALL HANDS! MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS! THIS IS IT!" The Colonel shouted in the speaker as the Anti-fighter weapons were activated along with forward cannons.

The ships come out of hyperspace with the Alpha unit fleet being comprised of ships.

The Ships such as.

1 Nebulon B frigate, 3 CR90 Corvettes, 2 GR-75 medium transports, and 10 X and Y-wing squadrons deployed to the battle as the Colonel looked at the Frigate.

"This is Colonel Daniels of the Rebel Alliance, all ships check-in." The Colonel speaks as the radio goes off with squadron leaders.

"Colonel, this is a free squadron, standing by."

"Tan squadron! Standing by!"

"Alpha squadron, standing by!"

"Rebellion captain Tearice of the flaming Hawk (Nebulon B frigate) at the ready."

"New Gold Squadron, standing by!"

As the call signs finished the Colonel gives the priority.

"Y-wing squadrons, begin targeting fuel cells as they will start an explosive chain reaction and destroy the construction stations, X-wing squadrons, defend the bombers at all cost! GR-75 transports prepare to land troops in Fondor we're going to liberate the planet."

"Roger that,"

"Roger that,"

"All fighters lock S-foils and attack positions."

"Won't be long."

As the fighter squadrons begin extending their fighter wings the Colonel gets a notification from his radar men.


"ALL SHIPS SPREAD OUT AND ATTACK THOSE TIE FIGHTERS! Y-WINGS BEGIN YOUR MISSION!" The Colonel ordered as the CR90s began firing at the tie fighters and X-wing squadrons escorted the transports and the Y-wings while Tan's squad was engaged in a dogfight with Tie interceptors with 3 to 6 as the rest of the X-wings were dealing with other Ties.

"EVASIVE MANUEVERS! TAN 6 WATCH OUT!" Shouted Tan 3 as the Ties are swarming Tan-6.


The Tie fighters blows Tan 6s X-wing to pieces as the debris smashes right inside a construction yard.


The Colonel hears this and looks at the radar personnel.

"Where is it coming from.." He asked.


"Star destroyers?" He asked and they looked up to find....

"Oh, carabast! TIE DEFENDERS!"


The room goes into sudden stress mode as a battle rages outside their windows as a CR90 on the right is having trouble shooting down Tie fighters.


The Colonel hears an explosion, looking out he looks in horror as a Tie bomber fires a torpedo at the command deck of the CR90 the entire front is shattered and blown, leaving the Corvette dead.



"THE WHAT SOLIDER! WHAT OBJECT ARE YOU...." Before the Colonel could react he looked at the view as the battle was raging to find a nightmare in a ship....

"Oh no.. Oh my... Oh god.." The Colonel said to himself as the ESCLISPE superstar destroyer came behind the planet of Fondor, realizing this he shouted.

"RETREAT! ALL SHIPS RETREAT!!!" He shouted but they were too late...

Behind the death weapon was the Chimera which had been long repaired and reconstructed by the doomium that the Imperials raided Corellia for, Thawn stood watching the fleet being torn apart by his orchestrated ambush.

After being freed from the planet of Peridea he had time to gain his bearings on the situation, however when he was informed that Palpatine and Vader were killed her was a bit puzzled, not because of their deaths, but rather the situation that occurred afterward when he was told that the empire he had commanded under collapsed, what further puzzled him was when he was also informed that when Project Stardust was completed the senate was disbanded.

With what remained of the empire was the armament council of Commandants, although when Grand Moff Gideon was killed in Mandalore this fractured the council. However, it wasn't long when Admiral Palleon and later Brendol joined his cause forming a new empire.

As he watched the destruction of Jedi Master Skywalker's plan, an officer approached him.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn sir, gravity wells have been generated and our weapon systems are prepped. On your order sir." The Corporal said as Thrawn stared at the Nebulon Frigate and smirked.

"You may begin the demonstration of this power, aim the frigate." He spoke as the Corporal saluted and stared at the targeting system with one of the officers as they conversed with each other.

The Eclispse was already constructed in Fondor, the problem was it was left dead in space, although he could take it apart and smelt it down for additional resources he did always feel fond of the ambition of Palpatine's private design of the weapon.

And perhaps it could fool the enemy into thinking that it is the flagship, and so, with its completed construction he now takes it out for a test drive.

Back to the Colonel, he saw a great bright light excessing from the Eclipse SSD as it prepared to fire its death star-like laser on one of the ships, and it was pointing at the Nebulon B frigate.

"CAPTAIN TEARACE! EVACUATE THE FRIGATE! IT'S IS AIMING FOR YOU!" The Colonel shouted, but it was too late as the laser fired on the Nebulon B frigate, exploding both the Frigate and third CR90 the Colonel looked on in horror that his entire unit was destroyed in a single oblivion... There was now one choice.


The Colonel was cut off as explosions ranged on the corvette, a Tie defender was shooting the CR90 to pieces as it aimed for the CR90 engines before firing a missile at it.

"MISSILE INCOMING!" Shouted a crewman as the Colonel yelled.


The missile lands on the engine, exploding the entire butt of the Corvette, however, the only system that was not affected was the hyperdrive as the remaining X-wings try their best to fight off the Imperial enemy.

The Colonel and the crew got on their feet as one of them hit their head on the coordinates in the navi-computer. The Colonel kept his balance and gave the order.


Without questioning the fact that the soldier hit his head on the Navi-computer he set the ship to hyperdrive, crossing his fingers that the enemy accidentally turned off the gravity wells he pulled the switch.

"Sir! Rebel Ships are attempting to jump! Should we-"

"Turn them off," Thrawn ordered which made the Imperial corporal confused.

"Turn what off sir?" The Corporal asked as Thrawn turned towards him.

"The gravity wells, Corporal. Turn them off." He ordered one last time as the Corporal gave Thrawn a neutral expression about it before pointing to the Gravity director to shut the wells down in a push of a button.

In the blink of an eye, a single CR90 corvette, 6 X-wings, and 2 pairs of remaining Y-wings jumped into hyperspace. Left the Fondor system.

The Corporal turned towards Thrawn in confusion.

"Why did you let them go?" He asked.

Thrawn smirked and smiled and turned to the outside of the command deck.

"It's obvious that we can't shed anymore blood. We've already crippled them enough, and I have a feeling that they won't be far from the tracker we've planted." Thrawn answered showing a tracking device to the Corporal. As Captain Pellaeon came to the deck.

"You'll be placed in charge of hunting the remains of the Alpha unit. Don't disappoint me. And as for you Corporal, you'll be with him as well." Thrawn informed which the Corporal looked a bit stressed.

"Why sir?" The Corporal asked.

"Why. To put it simply, you did a good job of being the imperial accountant and representative, it's only fair if you were mine in this style of warfare wouldn't you agree?" Thrawn answered which the Corporal nodded in understanding.

"Very good. Now because of this attack repairs will be needed. Dismiss."

As Captain Pellaeon left the room the Corporal looked at the destruction that Alpha unit had brought to the shipyards.

And so begins the story, of the Colonel and his crew, as they travel to a mysterious place fighting off the forces of evil internally and externally on the planet called Eques.

Being given the title of heroes on that planet with many ponies calling said heroes.

The Corevette...

Author's Note:

The Characters!

Colonel Daniels - Head leader of Alpha Unit

First Lieutenant Leda - Right hand women of the Colonel

Sergeant Major Jacob - The Jerk of the unit

Grand Admiral Thrawn - The Antagonist

Captain Pellaeon - The 2nd Antagonist

Corporal *You get to decide his name!* - Unsure of things