• Published 2nd Feb 2023
  • 563 Views, 38 Comments

The Corvette... - Escalator

A band of rebels are hunted down by Admiral Thrawn after taking part of the destruction of the remaining imperial ship yards in Fondor

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Chapter 4: Reconstruction, Complete

The Palace of Ryloth

A man runs across the desert tundra of Ryloth who has bearing news from Tatooine.

However he was was then ambushed by soldiers carrying what looked like some type of Disrupter Tech type rifles.

But it was pointed at him.

"State your purpose.. Or we'll add your corpse to this wasteland of a planet." Interrogated one of the soldiers.

"Don't shoot! I come bearing news from Tatooine! It's about Jabba the hu-"

"WE DON'T SAY THAT NAME HERE! KILL HIM!" Ordered the soldier captain, as they charged up their blasters the messenger braced himself before a voice spoke out.

"Hold your fire!" Ordered the unknown voice, as the group turned to see a Duel blade wielding Talatori step into appearance from the crowd of soldiers with a... Interest look.

"What is the message for." Asked the Talatori, as the messenger gulped and replied.

"Tyber Zann.. S-sir!" The Messenger replied, which made Urai Fenn intrigued...

"Follow us, I'll take you to Tyber Zann, but know that if you have a single intention on killing him, you will meet my blades."
Urai warned, as he pressed his arm blade on the messenger's neck.

"Understood...." The Messenger acknowledged.

"Good, now follow us, this way."

A useless journey montage later

"Wait here, on this seat, Tyber will be here shortly." Urai notified, as he and the rest of the scout team left the room, which left the messenger both confused and worried, however, just as Urai said the blast doors opened up to see Tyber Zann himself and two twi-lek body guards at his sides as he walked up stairs and sat in his criminal throne, while the twi-lek body guards stood beside his throne with Uzi shaped blasters with them.

"Alright, I got your news messenger, what does Jabba want? Has he finally sent you to admit that I'm better than he is?" Zann guessed.


"Or perhaps he decided to start some other alliance that I'm sure won't last long?"

"Uhhh... No..." The messenger replied.

"Then what is it, and if you wasted my time on guessing I will shoot you immediately." Zann threatened as he grabbed his raven tooth rifle from his throne.

"Its not about a alliance... Or admittance.. Jabba is..." The messenger paused which made Zann impatient.


"Jabba is dead sir!" The messenger said, which surprised Zann and his body guards, but something else bothered Zann...

"How long ago..."

The Messenger was sweating intensively...

"2.. Years ago?"

Immediately Zann shot the messenger, the messenger then collapsed on the ground, dead, Tyber Zann placed his gun down in aggravation.

"2 YEARS! 2 YEARS?! Well atleast that can explain why the hell every damn pirates continued to undermine and strike at my bases, BUT 2 DAMN YEARS IS TOO FAR TO RECIEVING A MESSAGE?!" Zann was now enraged, but quickly calmed down and started to think.

"Interesting how the New Republic nor the imperial remnant took notice to my galactic wide corruption! But... Of course there is the complication of them noticing and attempting to uproot my corruption.. It's annoying as hell... But... Of course they'd fail to remove my corruption stream... But that's only because I'm having to pay valuable credits... Now if.. Let's say find something new, exotic, rare, and maybe short supplied valuable... That could help replenish the lost wealth, sure I can just ask my appointed economic council since I own the emperors large sums of credits but still... By the rate of both Republic and Remnant my operations on the galaxy could be disrupted at any moment... But then again... I should maybe not only look for some exotic values... I should start looking for exotic weapon upgrades... The best thing to start would be the unknown regions..."

Zann looked at one of his twi-lek body guards.

"Get Urai to gather a squad of defilers and send them to the unknown galaxy, I think it's time WE have a colony of our own. Hahahaha-"

"Sir! Report from the Saleucami division!" alerted one of the division captain.

"What is it this time, and if this report has been two years I will-"

"Sir this came in 2 hours ago in one of our transmissions the New Republic attempted to invade the planet with their said "peacekeepers" when the empire came in with a fleet sir!" The captain reported.

"How intriguing... Tell me Captain, how did the three on three battle go?" Zann asked.

"Sir... It ended in a bang for us, the empire managed to construct the battleship eclipse and used it on our territories!" The Captain continued. "As we speak it's still stationed in Fondor but chances of it striking again is potentially unknown, sir... Didn't you once controlled this monster of a ship?"

Zann was both furious and surprised, of course he once took over the damn ship, but he had no idea the empire would finish it's construction at this time... Unless...

"Do you have the admirals names?" Zann asked.

"Only one, but I did get a glimpsed of the imperial one sir."

"Then atleast spell it out! And be quick about it!" Zann requested.

"It's uh... Admiral trawn? No no, Admiral tawn?"

"Admiral Thrawn... That Chiss bastard! I'll kill him for this! But first, we'll need to strategize on how to get back at him..."

Zann took a moment to think, he continued to think on the subject hard before he looked at a simple painting which made his mind lit like a lightbulb..


Changeling Hives

The Changelings were their usual, swarming around and patrolling the hive.

The Queen was doing her usual Queen duties, tending, hatching, and other stuff, when the hive appointed smarty of the Changelings came to the Queen, after a ceremonial bow, he raise his head towards the Queen.

"My Lineage, I've just came for a conclusive discovery!" The smarty reported.

"What is it my subject? Is it something important?" The Queen asked.

"My Queen, I'd suggest not sending that threat letter and pinning it on those new creatures." The Smarty advised.

"Why... I already sent it." The Queen informed.


"SILENCE SMARTY! Grr... I'm sure those retched ponies might disregard that message, and if somehow took it too personally then I'm sure they'll somehow make up with these new creatures anyways, which then again... Might be a sign that their love is so powerful it might feed us for eternity!" The Queen cackled like a witch, before the smarty interrupted.

"But what if they go to war anyways?"

"Then I'll have the contingency prepare and kidnap the ponies. But even in wartime they should still have atleast a good amount of love, even in wartime, now if you excuse me. I have a certain pink Alicorn to... Relieve.."

Chrysalis then smirked evilly. On what she truly meant by that...

Base trout

The base was active and mobile today, resources are finally being provided thanks to the locals, the Colonel was also provided by the Equestrian Royal guards a map of the entirety of Equestria, just Equestria for now.

Meanwhile, the CR90 corvette was near complete reconstruction thanks to the unicorn workers and wielding droids, in fact the Colonel plans on leaving some droids and maybe a weapon for the Equestrian forces to use and produce themselves since they pretty much have the laser part down thanks to their magic it seemed.

Lieutenant Leda came towards him with a star pad with a smile on her face.

"I see your in a happy expressive mood, what's the status on that tank training?" The Colonel asked.

"The tan training is going great! We now have 7 active duty T-2b tanks active and ready to defend the place to the very end, along with a now trained personal to drive them." She reported, which made the Colonel all the more happy on the report as the two walked beside each other heading towards the 79% constructed Hanger bay.

"Status on the Salecuami survivors? What exactly were they doing at that planet?" The Colonel asked, which Leda frowned.

"Apparently Captain Yuri reported that they were there to not only for peacekeeping but also to... Free the planet." Leda reported.

"Free it? From who?" The Colonel asked.

But before he could get a answer from Leda, sirens blared which alerted the personal as the radar crew man called on the intercom.

"All personal, do not be alarmed, this is only a test, we're only testing the sirens, however a message for the Colonel, you are required to go to the shield gate, please and thank you." The radar crewman announced as he hanged up the intercom along with the sirens as they turned off.

"That was anti-climatic.. I wonder why I'm needed at the shield gate?" The Colonel wondered, while Leda shrugged.

The Colonel started to walk towards the gate shield which was as usual, guarded by two trained Republic soldiers, with a addition of being guarded by two of Equestria's royal guards, but... Something strange was there is two guards with one in the middle who seemed to be holding a scroll.

"Are you the one named Colonel Daniels?" The guard asked in a stern strict voice...

"That'd be me?" Daniels replied from the other side.

"You've been placed under arrest by the order of Cadenza, Mi Amore. She request that you come quietly or we'll come in with force..?" The guard shuttered, the Colonel rolled his eyes, as the Republic soldiers turned and raised their weapons at the three royal guard as the two reacted with raising their spears and pointing at the Republic soldiers.

"She does realize that your outmatched, plus I don't even know the charges for this so called 'arrest' but if you arrest me I hope you have a good damn explanation for the New Republic army!" The Colonel replied.

"You've been charged of threatening to attack Canterlot on a day of marriage! And even said you were gonna rain down fire on the castle itself."

"Castle? What castle? I don't even know what castle this said message is talking about, if anything it sounds like you've been duped. I didn't overseen any messages, and if it's on paper, don't count on that." The Colonel attempted to clear the trouble but the guard messenger continued.

"Still you've been placed under arrest, come quietly for our sakes?"

The Colonel rolled his eyes and replied.


He then walked away from the guards that were trying to arrest him for something he didn't written let alone send it. But the Colonel didn't intend to leave it as just that though...

"What happened Colonel?" Leda asked, as Jacob and Dewy was with her.

"I think I've been duped, something or someone sent out a threat message and pinned me for it."

"But who would've done that!?" Leda asked, which the Colonel turned around and placed his finger on his chin.

"No clue, but if I'm gonna find this suspect... Then I think we'll need to go out, Sergeant Jacob! Get my pistol and your weapon and a squad of 3! We're going investigating on our own." The Colonel ordered, which Jacob saluted and walked away in his usual grumble.

"But who'd be left in charge here!" Leda asked.



"Leda, you've trained a whole tank regiment, think of running the whole base as a.. Sort of training routine, but without the shouting." Daniels smiled, as Jacob gave the Colonel his DH-17 blaster pistol.

"Alright men, lets find the culprit." Daniels ordered, as he, Jacob, and other 3 soldiers begin going to the ghetto parts of the Gate shield, while Leda turned to see a huge crowd of crewmen busy as she gulped in fear.

Meanwhile, Daniels and his men arrived to the back of the gate shield with a radio on him.

"Alright, do it." He ordered as the gate shield was turned off and the group quickly ran towards the bushes and jumped in, as the same three guards that seemed to be patrolling the shield gate in case Daniels tried to get out another way as they flashed their horns everywhere.

"Do you think he already made it off Sarge?" Asked one of the guards.

"No clue,"

As the three was literally trotting infront of the group of 5, Daniels, and two others grabs their tasers and pounces on the three.

One tried to fight one of the soldiers before he and the other two were tased by Daniels and the other soldiers as the three goes into a state of unconsciousness and limp.

"Good thinking sir, but what now?" Asked one of the soldiers.

"Place them in the bush, they'll wake up and decide whether that they're drunk or not." The Colonel orders as he dragged one of the royal guards body inside the bush along with another soldier.

"Yes, sir." The Soldier replied, following suite and stacked the body on top of the other two.

"Lets go." The Colonel ordered, as the 5 ran through the Everfree forest straight towards on their destination, the Ponyville train station. And then unto Canterlot.


"ALL IMPERIAL FORCES! THIS IS CAPTAIN LEIN OF THE FONDOR SHIPYARDS! WE'RE UNDER SIEGE BY REBEL FORCES! EMERGENCY CODE 0!" Shouted Captain Lein as a torpedo hits the window of the command center.

The Fondor shipyards had now gotten the attention of the best Rebel alliance fighter squadron, Rogue squadron.

They were deployed by Luke Skywalker after hearing news on the disappearance of the survivors of a massecre on their unit, it'd had been 3 days and Luke got concerned so he sends Wedge to lead his squadron on a mission find and rescue them.

"Rogue six! Do you have something that we can track! We can't just keep bombing them forever you know!" Wedge called out.

"I'm trying Rogue one! But these damn tie fighters are in my way!" Rogue six aggravated, as he is having to both scan for hyperdrive usages and shoot down Tie fighters at the same time, since he volunteer to be the one to use the Hyperdrive scanner.

"Dammit, I see you and I'm coming in! Rogue three, Rogue four! Carry out the distraction, Rogue two your on me we have to cover Rogue six!" Wedge ordered.

"Copy that, sticking tight." Rogue two replied, as the two fighters begin clearing out the tie fighters that attempted to shoot down Rogue six when one of their shots landed on Rogue six's engines.

"SHIT! MY ENGINES BEEN COMPROMISED! R4! CAN YOU REPAIR THAT!" Rogue six shouted, as his droid got to work on repairing the fighter while the tie fighters behind him was just about to blow him out of the water when Rogue one and Rogue two shot the intercepting ties to pieces.

"Thanks Rogue one! I owe this."

"Then you can do me a favor and scan that area!" Wedge ordered.

"Yes sir, beginning scan, standby" Rogue six acknowledged, as the Hyperdrive scanner begun scanning for their missing ship when Rogue four detected something.

"WEDGE! WE HAVE INCOMING SHIPS OFF OUR RIGHT!" Alerted Rogue four, as a Deflector class Interdictor Star destroyer followed by a Imperial Cruiser and two Lancer Frigates arrived at the area.


"I GOT IT! TRANSMITTING COORDINATES NOW!" Six informs, as the coordinates transmits.


The room was lightened with imperial officers and cadets and crewmen as Hux and Pellaeon was looking at Rogue squadron running from them, while Thrawn wasn't there as he was at the Eclipse doing test run there, he was present in a form of a holographic transmission.

"Engage Gravity wells! I don't want them to esca-"

"Now hold on Captain Pellaeon... Anyone who attempts to find the Alpha unit is a potential puzzle piece." Thrawn advised.

"Wait, but they just destroyed our ship yards! You want them to get away!?" Hux spoke out, which made Thrawn chuckled.

"A Shipyard can be rebuilt, but not our manpower. Of course while they may have killed, some, of the personal, that doesn't mean we can't replace them with more competent ones now can we?" Thrawn pointed out, which made Pellaeon sighed.

"Do not engage the gravity wells then, Hux begin tracing the enemy hyperspace jumps at once." Pellaeon ordered.

As the X-wing squadron jumped into hyperspace Pellaeon looked at Thrawn in curiosity.

"Are we suppose to destroy the Rebels? Or hunt them down?" Pellaeon asked.

"I assigned you to this position for a reason Pellaeon, knowing your skills I know you could succeed with the ships I've assigned you to complete this search. But knowing the Rebels they may find a way to keep a alliance permanent with this new potential new species, that's why in order to truly gain the new species respect, we should do them a favor and show them a truth towards this... Unstable Republic... But that to say, time will tell when you can unleash your destruction on the Rebel survivors." Thrawn explained, while Pellaeon nodded.

"I see... But if the new species somehow made a alliance with these rebels?" Pellaeon asked.

"Then we'll give them a offer to reconsider their thoughts, and if they don't reconsider then you have permission to contact me and.... Then will they see a reason to reconsider." Thrawn smirked.

"Now, if you may excuse me Pellaeon, I have studying I must conduct on this so call Republic. I expect a report in 3 hours."

"Understood.... Grand Admiral Thrawn."

Comments ( 9 )

heh, nice use of empire' at war's code 0 scene and nice touch with tyber. i actually always wondered how much time passes in between story missions of his.

:rainbowderp: Awesome...
Basically all my concerns addressed and my expectations waaay overshoot.
This was magnificent ♡:twilightblush:

So how does the First Order fit into all of this?

It'll all be revealed sooner enough....


Plus, it's way out-of-charaacter and even hypocritical for the Rebellion/New Republic that just wants to attack Equestria for a poor reason!?

It makes them NO BETTER than the Imperial Empire themselves, for invading innocent worlds in the galaxy back then. :facehoof:


Definitely not working on the Changeling attack on the wookies Canterlot

Looking forward to the future chapters.

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