• Published 2nd Feb 2023
  • 563 Views, 38 Comments

The Corvette... - Escalator

A band of rebels are hunted down by Admiral Thrawn after taking part of the destruction of the remaining imperial ship yards in Fondor

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Chapter 1: Landing (Remastered)

The Corvette and the remaining Alpha Unit were now in hyperspace as the Corvette meanwhile was transformed into a medical ship, treating the injured men on board and pilots, and the pilots were given checkups one at a time before de-docking from the Corvette, although the pilots were all in perfect shape, they would've had to jettison the fighters in case one of them were injured from the explosion.

As for the Colonel, he was walking down the hallways with his right-hand woman and Sergeant Major Jacob on his left, inspecting and assessing the damage caused on the corvette.

So far the surviving CR90 had sustained damage in the thrusters, engines got a kick in the balls but still running, and the Bottom forward cannon was completely blown off as for the top cannon, it stayed attached and so did both the bottom and top Anti-fighter weaponry. As for everything else the hyperdrive was hit but it still could jump.

However, the Colonel was concerned about how long the ship could stay in the air when one of the pilots came to him.

"Sir, we are coming out of Hyperspace."

"Already? Fondor is the farthest planet from there to Yavin. Right?" The Colonel asked which the pilot cringed.

"Sir... We are not in Yavin." The Pilot informed as Colonel Daniels looked at him with a deepened expression.

"Sir... I think we are in the new part of the galaxy..." The pilot informed again, as a map of the galaxy shows that they are at the half-unexplored part of the Galaxy.

"Wait... Are you telling me that we went left instead of right? Because that's what I am getting here!" The Colonel yelled as the ship Pilot nodded aggressively as the Colonel rolled his eyes.

"Colonel, if I may suggest maybe. We could find a sustainable planet here in this explored part of the galaxy just to be safe?" Lieutenant Leda suggested.

The Colonel thought on her suggestion... Thinking about it now he turned towards the navigator who was behind Jacob the whole time when they were going down the ship hallway.

"Make a scan for a pla-"

"Consider it done sir, I've already conducted the scan and there is one planet on our left, but..." The Navigator paused.

"But...?" The Colonel said.

"There is sentient life on the planet and for some reason, there is some type of disturbance that's not been calculated.. It's as if this planet resonates with what General Skywalker calls "The force" or something. Either way. Maybe we can negotiate with. Whoever lives on the planet Colonel, of course, it's your call sir." The Navigator explained as the Colonel placed his fingers on his chin in a thought process of decisions.

"Lieutenant? What are my choices here, and potential scenarios?" He asked.

"Well sir, if I have to say, we could land and see if the locals are peaceful or not, if they aren't peaceful then we could be seeing an endless horde approaching us, if they are peaceful however, then this could benefit us greatly."

"And if we didn't land?" The Colonel asked.

"We would most likely die due to the limited food supply, and the fuel we have."

The choices and scenario laid out before the Colonel gave him the perspective he kinda needed since the entire crew was watching and laying their eyes on the Colonel, including the patients and doctors/medics who happened to hear the entire conversation. Being on a new planet with the potential of being a new type of species, with potential new allies but also potential enemies.

But in a situation like this through a long session of thinking, the Colonel turned to the ship pilot.

"Contact the Remaining fighter Squadrons, and tell them we are making a landing on the new planet. Code name trout." The Colonel ordered, as the pilot ran down the hall before the maintenance crew came out of the engine room, all dust and blackened faced with concern.

"Is something wrong Gerais?" Daniels asked as the head engineer turned towards him with worry.

"Sir... The landing gears have been damaged... If you're doing a landing you may have to inform everyone for crash landing..." Gerais informed as the medical officials quickly took a shock and began preparing to strap the injured down as the entire ship went into total red alert. As for the Colonel's realization of this...



Suddenly the ship sirens go off as alert sounds start blaring red.

The Colonel ran down the halls but before he could arrive the ship started shaking which meant that they just entered the planet's ozone layer. So he grabbed onto something and braced for impact.


Celestia was heading out of her room as Luna was lowering the moon for the morning. However, the morning changed when the two heard a huge boom as if something had entered the atmosphere. Celestia assumed it was probably a meteor shower when she entered the throne room she heard Luna shout.


The two sisters ran to the balcony where Luna pointed at a fireball that was heading towards the eastern side of the Everfree forest followed by what seemed to be metallic fireballs with a huge piece of fire.

Assuming it was a huge meteor Celestia wanted to make sure that her ponies were not injured so she turned to one of her guard's ponies that were with her and her sister and ordered, while writing a message.

"Find Shining armor and assemble an expedition and order them head to impact sight at once!" She ordered, while she handed the scroll to the royal guard messenger as he saluted and left with other royal guards.

Celestia looked at the distance of the smoke rising as she stared at her sister with worry but at the same time with reassurance, something telling him that the impact was more of a blessing rather than a dread...

TheCrash site

The CR90 had crashed and landed safely, the damage only was the nonexistent landing gear, the bottom anti-fighter guns were now damaged severely, the Corvette sits at a -13 degree angle in a now land crater, but the ship is still standing and somewhat one piece.

The X-wings and Y-wings landed beside the Corvette as the pilots hopped out despite the height and quickly climbed on the CR90.

"Is everyone alright!" Squadron leader Dewy yelled as he helped some of his pilots up on the damaged Corvette to help the others inside.

The Colonel got up from the ground, he noticed the lights were shut off so he turned towards his head engineer of the ship.

"Get these damn lights back on!" Daniels ordered as the Head engineer got up with his crew and head to restore power to the ship's interior. Daniels then looked at Leda.

"Get the base and settlement kit prepped and establish tents outside," Daniels ordered.

"Yes sir! Right away."

"Sergeant Major Jacob," Daniels called.

"Yes sir?" Jacob replied.

"Gather a recon unit. You'll be using these uniforms." Daniels ordered, which confused Jacob.

"Are you sure you want to use THESE uniforms? We've never used them since-"

"Scarif? I know that, but it's the only uniform we have until we can get a proper one, we're no longer in space so what's the point." Daniels explained as Jacob rolled his eyes in a defiant mood.

"Fine. YOU TWO!" Shouted Jacob, as the two of the ship security men came to Jacob.

"Yes sir?" One asked.

"Put on these uniforms and come with me, we're doing a recon and you two are coming with me," Jacob ordered, to which the two shrugged.

"Yes sir."

As the three went inside the changing room lemme show you what the uniform is.

As Jacob and the other two came out of the changing room the two crewmen liked what they were wearing, except for Jacob who hated this uniform.

"God kill me now...." He said to himself, as he and the other two grabbed their A280 blaster rifles from the armory and headed towards the exit as the medical officials got by them.

Daniels looked outside. It reminded him about how much Yavin looked like. Only it's brighter and more... Green. And peaceful too. Unfortunately, the ship he had used for almost his entire life happened to be the reason for the surrounding area to be a chaotic dirt and... But to describe it's like this.

They are exactly at the borderline, the other side of the Everfree forest and near Ponyville. The area is inhabited by peaceful forest creatures like rabbits and birds.

The surroundings for them are what you would call the most peaceful layer of the forest, except for the Timberwolves but they don't know about that and they probably won't when they establish the barrier protection.

Jacob and the two men, who I will now refer to as scouts, set off on their journey to figure out where the sentient life is and to negotiate peacefully. Unknowing that fate will make that quick.

Shining Armor was in the city with the guard unit patrolling the streets. He was doing his usual duty as the captain of the guard when a messenger was coming towards him with a message. He puffed and huffed, catching his breath after having to run through lord knows what amount of castle steps.

Anyways, the messenger gathered the strength and handed him the letter to Shining Armor.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Sir, It's from Princess Celestia, a meteor has hit the east side of the Everfree forest!" The messenger informed, which made Shining armors ears perk up.

"Is Ponyville safe!" He asked in a panic while grabbing the messenger by the armor, shaking the tar out of him.

"It's fine sir! It only hit the forest, the princess wants you to search for anyone who may have been caught in the impact zone. And perhaps recover the rock?" The messenger read from the scroll, which Shining was a little determined.

"I'm sure it'll be easy after it's just an oversized space rock. But hopefully, nopony was caught in the explosion though.."

He turned towards his guard and called out orders as they formed a unit-sized group and began their journey on their way to the crash site.

Unfortunately, that "rock" he says is nothing of a rock... Other than being a ship.

The Interdictor class Star destroyer

The Command bridge of the Star Destroyer is lit up with stormtroopers and imperial officers as some made paperwork, some made reports, while some up and looked at a map for some reason.

Captain Pellaeon and the Corporal were in the planning room to decide their next course of action.

"So if I was the rebel scoundrels who bombed a shipyard.. Where the hell would I be..." The Corporal said to himself, as Pellaeon rolled his eyes.

"Obviously not in your head Corporal.."

"Gee thanks Captain obvious.." The Corporal disrespected.

"I'll have you know that this 'Captain obvious' is the right hand man of Thrawn may I remind you." Pellaeon reaffirmed, as the Corporal looked away from the man and looked at the map.

"Maybe they escaped to one of these planets... Naboo maybe?" The Corporal asked, which Pellaeon replied.

"Naboo is not a target or we'd get a message about it, as we speak the secret weapon is about to be used there." Pellaeon informed, which the Corporal sat down on a chair in confusion.

"But what else would they be... After all they couldn't be that far right? Right?" The Corporal thought to himself.

"Well.. If you figure it out let me know, I've got a life too." Pellaeon said, as he left the room with Storm commandoes, which are his body guards.

The Corporal imagined himself once to be a successor for Thrawn but if he is having trouble with this then he fears he doesn't have the potential... Maybe he should think not harder... But maybe... Smarter..

Temporary base: Trout

The Colonel was sitting on the grass, regarding the grass stains it'll probably leave on his pants. He looked out at the peaceful wilderness as he went pondered how everything went from being barbaric to a absolute war freaks...

As he pondered the years of war since the clone wars he begged the question of the new fact that he and the others will have to figure out a way to coexist with the new alien race, if anything it makes his head fry at the fact of how many alien races had the galaxy discovered and his entire unit is just all human for some reason. Except for one who's name was Maz..

Used to be a smuggler and pirate before she up and joined the rebellion, while he past is.. Unknown at the moment at least her spirit is in the right place.. I guess.. But she always contemplated about settling somewhere and start a buisness, like a bar. But nowadays she collects artifacts and is in charge of the armory since she has grand experience in accountancy but of course she took the position of being the armory head as her project was being under construction in Tokadana, so until then she's stuck with them.

He would guess that it's what you get for allowing the majority of the rebellion to be entirely human dominant, but then again at least the other races like the Mon Calamarians fought valiantly especially in Endor.

His first Lieutenant came behind him and said.

"Sir, we have established forward head communications. Unfortunately we can't get a transmission through but we have established tents and forward defense turrets. Sir." Leda informed, in which Daniels nodded.

"Very good Lieutenant, but we're trying to befriend the sentient species here you know." The Colonel argued, but Leda came back.

"It's good to have some type of back up plan sir." She replied as the Colonel chuckled.

"Very good, since we can't get a transmission up the best we could do is repair the CR90, lord knows how banged up she is. Atleast we have fighters for now to work with but until then, have Dewy keep our crew men in shape and have someone appointed to be head of a Self-defense unit. At once." The Colonel ordered, as Leda was heading out before Dewy came right towards Daniels.

"Dewy? Well it's either coincidence or stupidity, what is it?" The Colonel asked, which Dewy smirked.

"Sir! There's T-2B tanks in the Corvette storage area!" Dewy reported.

"WHAT!?!" The two yelled in unison.

Shining Armor royal guard

Shining Armor and the Equestrian Royal guard were now heading to the other side of the Everfree forest, Shining Armor had to visit his sister to check up on her.

So looking at his second in command he ordered.

"I have to check on my sister, can you keep a eye on the group while I'm away?" Armor asked, which the S.I.C. Replied.

"Yes sir."

"Thanks, Wing blast."

As he left the guard he scanned his sisters tree home, surprised at the fact that his sister was not kidding when she said in one of her letters that she lives in a literal library.

"Heh, definently her home." He said too himself, as he knocked on the door.

As he waited a little the door opened but no one was there, he entered inside and then he was tackled by his beloved sister who was glad and excited to finally see him again. He smiled.

"Glad too see you too Twily :D"

"What brought you here! How's Celestia! How is Luna? Ooh ooh! Are you-"

"I'm doing fine Twilight," Shining Armor chuckled while Twilight got off of him, and started jumping around like a pogo stick on a windy day.

"But what brought me here is actually another story.. In fact I came to check on you and the town." He answered, which Twilight tilted her head a little.

"What do you mean? Did something happen?" She asked, which her big brother replied.

"A meteor had hit Equestria, while nothing of damage wasn't reported, Celestia had ordered me and my group to check it out.. And maybe collect some samples if we could. Now I'm not a comic book reader but I think space rocks usually has something attached to it." He explained.

Twilights brain blows up and shattered and her eyes dilated.

"TAKE ME!" She yelled, grabbing on Shining's.. Armor? (Look man that's how they named him cut me some slack here :( )

Anyways, Shining would take her but feeling concern of how dangerous this could be he could maybe ask Celestia? After all it might be a open experience and maybe a win-win type scenario.

"If Celestia agrees atleast?" He answered, in which Twilight jumped the gun and wrote a entire rushed letter and sent it off with Spikes fire breath.

Shining rolled his eyes in a comical way.

"You know she won't answer the message for a good whi-"
Suddenly the message came back which literally says.


And in excitement Twilight yells.

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!! I GET TO COME WITH YOU! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY!" She jumped around Shining, which he just grins but gets a little strict for a moment.

"Alright, but you have to stay close with me at all times. Faust knows what this rock could have." Shining warned.

Twilight nodded her head in understanding as the two left the house.

"OH! Almost forgot about you Spike!" Twilight realized.

"Gee thanks..." He fumed, before being lifted by Twilights magic and her satchel.

The three left the house while she locked the door. Unknowing what adventure they're going to have with this one.

The Storage area

The bottom deck doors opened as the Colonel, the First Lieutenant, and Dewy entered the hallway which contains the armory room and the storage area.

Maz took notice at the three while she was polishing a blaster.

"Well, I see someone other than the snob showed up here." She said, cleaning the inside of the blaster.

"Good to see you to Maz, hey Maz? Since when did we have T-2B tanks in the corvettes?" The Colonel asked.

"I don't have a clue, but that to say a person came to me and asked if I wanted the tanks loaded in the Corvette, I obviously answered yes and they brought 7 of them in here." Maz explained.


"DEWY! Have some sense! Your a squadron leader for crying out loud, and Maz, next time someone brings ships to the Corvette have them go through customs first!" Daniels lectured.

"Very well, besides my time in the rebellion is almost up." Maz said as she polished another blaster rifle.

"Sir, if we have seven T-2B tanks? What do you think we should do with them?" Leda asked.

"Well obviously don't dismantle them, we'll probably need them in case we have to defend ourselves from the enemy or even the locals for that matter." The Colonel answered, which Leda nodded in agreement.

"But don't we have fighter wings? We have 6 X-wings and 2 Y-wings at our disposal." Dewy protested.

"Do we even know how advance this race is? Or even better, how territorial they are!" Daniels replied.

Dewy stood back, while Daniels looked at the tanks and then turned towards Leda.

"I'm placing you in charge of the temporary armor brigade until we can safely assume that this planet is safe. Is that understood?" The Colonel ordered.

"Yes sir, thank you sir." She replied.

"Good, now if you'll excuse me, I have to oversee the recon operation that is going on as we speak." Daniels exited the room as Leda looked at the old tanks of the past.

"Soooo... How do we get them out?" Dewy asked.

"No clue...."