• Published 2nd Feb 2023
  • 563 Views, 38 Comments

The Corvette... - Escalator

A band of rebels are hunted down by Admiral Thrawn after taking part of the destruction of the remaining imperial ship yards in Fondor

  • ...

Chapter 2: Recon and Love

Author's Note:

Just noticed how well the story had progressed so, imma give yall a little something.

Use this for back ground when your reading on the rebel side.

Anyways, enjoy.

The Interdictor SD

The Corporal was getting pissed. So pissed that he can piss on the map and still be a Corporal because of how pissed he is. It's now been 10 hours since the search operation and so far he can't find a single trace of where Alpha unit is.

He asked Pellaeon to send a group to Yavin, to Hoth, to Bespin, and hell he even had ask to send them to Bakura before Pellaeon told him to either find a absolute spot, or piss off.

The Corporal sat down on his chair and thought.. Of course that was before a strange individual came inside the room in which the Corporal rolled his eyes.

"And what do you want..." He said to the individual as he looked back at the map, confused and pissed.

"I think I might know where your rebels are..."

The CR90 crash site

As the rebel alliance personal got to work on establishing a forward base of operations, the Colonel was overseeing a construction that was taking place when he noticed that Jacob was coming back with the other two recon men.

"Anything?" The Colonel asked.

"Nothing.. At least so far, we only covered about 2 miles from here..." Jacob reported, looking over his shoulders.

"Well, then do 4 miles, hell do 100 miles if you like, just make sure you can find something useful here!" Daniels ordered.

"Yes sir. Sir." Jacob saluted and left the Colonel.

While this, he hears the sound of T-2B tanks finally working as 5 out of 7 was now being rowed, however Leda scratched her head so she yelled.

"Colonel! We might need help here!"

The Colonel came towards Leda in a quick and fast pace, dodging the pass byers and the crew, that are establishing the base outside the Corvette. He came to Leda, which beside her was Dewy. The two had confused faces.

"You called?" The Colonel asked.

"Yes sir, do you know what row type we should put these.. These expired tanks?" She asked.

"Have the T-2Bs be in rows of 2 with the 7th one being in the front. And if you like, you can try to modify them." Daniels insisted.

"But sir! We can't just use all our resources into one project!" Leda protested.

"That's your decision, plus use that head of yours, you've came this far as a officer, maybe use your brain for assistance and come back to me hm?" Daniels finished, walking off from the two before stepping backwards towards Dewy.

"One more thing." Daniels remembered.

"Yes sir?" Dewy asked.

"Have your droids be deployed to assist the other droids who are having to wield both our ship and this base. And after that get your fighters in a decent organized manner." Daniels ordered.

"Yes sir!" Dewy replied, marching towards his squad mates about the order.

So far it has been 11 hours in space and 7 hours at the new planet, the sun is still up but it is starting to set, and the Corvette is still at the place it crashed landed at and reports had also come in so far of no injuries. As for Jacob and his recon unit, they scouted only 1 out of 100% of the Everfree forest and are happen to start their scouting again. As for Leda, she managed to figure out how to pilot the T-2Bs and is continuing to pilot one until she can know all to teach it to her men, as for Dewy. The fighter squadrons are currently off-duty due to the potential risk of Imperial presence, so for safety measures they have to keep the fighters shut off. But until they could even confirm Imperial presence the remains of Tan and Maroon Squadron stays on the ground.

The droids meanwhile, had been hard at work on wielding and cargo managing along with translator cyborgs being activated in case they have to translate a new language. Until then, they are assigned to hold nails for the droids to hammer down.

The Colonel went inside what's going to be the hangar bay as he looked down at the approved blueprint that someone introduced to him, in which he accepted after reviewing.

The blueprint is full proof for now until they could get a proper communication with locals, IF they can get communication with the locals, for now he'll have to rely on the imbecile name Jacob. Whatever the hell he's doing.

But Daniels knows this, if Jacob starts a war... Then he gets to kill Jacob or.. Jacob gets killed. Meh sounds like a win-win.

The hell is he doing anyways?

The hell is Jacob doing now?

Jacob contemplated throughout the entire recon mission, first he had to wear the galaxies most stupidest uniform, second he is stuck with a strict commander, and thirdly he hates the entirety of this whole unit itself.

Jacob dreamed to take over the dammed unit and mold it into his own will.. Of course in order to do that he has to get the Colonel killed without being pinned... Now of course while he plots to take over power doesn't mean he's going to wrongfully stage a international incident, considering the fact that while he would find ways to get the commander killed wouldn't mean he's going to violate his personal obligations.

In other words, unless this race is deadly he considers this a truce. Of course if it turned out the race is peaceful.. Oh well I guess it would be back in the drawing board.

"Soo.. Have you heard Delano?" Asked the scout.

"Heard about what William?" Delano asked.

"Well, apparently the Colonel plans on a good solemn negotiation with the race on this planet to maybe join and be apart of the New Republic." William explained.

Delano scoffed at that fact.

"If anything whoever this race is, peaceful or not, they're better off neutral then being apart of the New Republic, after all I think it'll just fall like the last one did."

"You really think the New Republic might become the second empire?" William wondered.

"Probably, who knows? Anyways what do you think should be in charge?" Delano quizzed which got Jacobs attention while walking through a field of forest bushes.

"Well... If it was up to me I think Jacob should be in charge.." Willian replied, in which to Delano's amazement had a little questionable face. With Jacob, looking inside a dead Everfree tree, peeking in their conversation..

"Sergeant Jacob? Ok buddy.. Your drunk if you assume Jacob should be in charge..." Delano replied, which made Jacob frown in aggravation.

"But it's the truth! I mean after all he did inspire our men in the battle of Endor, or the liberation of Fresia! And Bathowai!" William remarked which made Jacobs frown turned upside down in a prideful smile.... Not only did he found a way to ounce the idiot Colonel... But he just made a idea to do just that....

"EYES ON SEARCH DISTANCE! AND KEEP A EYE OUT FOR COKATRICE OR ANY OTHER CREATURE THAT POSES A THREAT!!" Shouted someone in the distance. In which the three turned towards the voice.

"Is that ours?" Delano asked the Sergeant which Jacob tried to listen in.

"No clue, mayb-"

Suddenly they hear marching very close to them, grabbing his binoculars, William climbed up a tree and tried to find the source when he gets a surprise at the creatures that talked.




The X-wings pilot last words as he was torn to shreds by a entire squadron of tie defenders.

Grand Admiral Thrawn launched a assualt on the Republic facility that had held the majority of the MC90s, as they were at the planet on a peacekeeping mission. When the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer came into the system along with Thrawn's flagship, Chimaera, arriving to the system to... renovate the planet...


Admiral Wilgar watched in horror as the SSD tears his fleet pieces as the commander of another MC90 was obliterated right before his eyes and ears..

Radio chatters goes off over either ones ship is blown to pieces or their turbolaser cannons are destroyed but the admiral can't do anything about it even when they have the biggest fleet in the republic it's no match against a beast...

And he fears the worst when the Eclipse stopped firing. And instead..

"ADMIRAL! TRANSMISSION FROM THE CHIMAERA!" Shouted one of the pilots of the MC90.

"Patch.. Him through." The Mon Calamarian stuttered ordered as Thrawn is transmitted in a hologram form. The smirk on Thrawn's face just made him wish he can sucker punch him in the jaw right about now if he didn't have the oversized star destroyer with a death star laser pointing at the remains of his fleet.

"I have to admit admiral. You surprised me at the fact that your whole fleet focused into one target at a time..." Thrawn Gloated in caution. Wilgar rebuttal's.

"That's because you have a ship we can't defeat! That's to say Admiral.. You've called yourself a master of "Strategy" while really you've used that thing for impossible victories for us!"

Thrawn rolled his eyes. Not moved on the subject knowing that the Republic is just the rebellion still and knowing their strategy of this type, they'll be staging a trap. Especially of his stupid officer corp who falls for these types of insults.

"I'll get to the point and say this, surrender now when you can. Other wise you will see the capability of the weapon that the.. Eclipse has." Thrawn demanded, which Wilgar's eyes widen in fear.


"A immediate surrender will be in order then... You have 10 minutes to accept." He warned, the transmission cuts off and Wilgar shouted.

"EVACUATE THE PLANET SURFACE! DEPLOY THE U-WINGS! AND MAKE COURSE FOR HOSNIAN PRIME! NOW!!" Wilgar ordered, as everyone prepared their things and got ready to leave... Unfortunately though...

"Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Eclipse weapon is ready sir." A imperial officer informs.

"You may fire when ready." Thrawn ordered, in Tarkins words as the officer pointed at the computer and aiming systems for the weapon.

The operators gets notified to fire the weapon as they press buttons, pull switches and then the final person to fire the death laser pulls the handle down to finally fire the weapon on Saleucami.

The green laser is discharged from the Eclipse Super Star destroyer as it pierced everything in it's path, burning up debris, ship parts/remains.

The admiral of the MC90 noticed the ship firing and sat on his chair for the last time as admiral of the fleet. Seeing the light he disintegrates to ashes.

As the laser penetrated and destroyed the last capitol ship and the two Gr-75 medium transports, that was evacuating the planets surface after receiving the red alert notice.

The U-wing that evacuate the MC90 survived but turned off all it's power and droids, so the imperials will think that they didn't make it as well. During this however the remaining officers, who're below the rank of Colonel, are now trying to decide what to do next.

They looked up at the beast that destroyed their stationary fleet as it had jumped into hyperspace, along with the Chimaera as Captain Yuri spoke aloud.

"That bastard.. Didn't even bother invading the planet."

"That's because of that.." Pointed a soldier which they all looked at the planets surface in horror...

"My god... Are we in Mustafar?" Asked a Lieutenant..

"No... It's Salecuami.." Replied Yuri, as everyone in the U-wing looked out in horror at the decimated planet..

"The swamps.. The Humidity... The people! They're... Dead!?" Exclaimed Private Faroes, reacting to the death of the planets surface.

The Captain looked at the ships passenger bay and started a body count.

So far they only have 10 well trained troops. (Wearing the same uniform in Chapter 1) 2 officers and a handful of droids they can use.

"YU-30, come here." He ordered, as a Astro droid came towards him.

"Show me all ship fleets, tracking, and positions." He ordered.

The Astro droid shows a holo-map of the entire galaxy, it showed red dots, which represented the current positions of the New Republic forces, when he noticed that there was a red dot outside of the known galaxy...

"Why is there a red dot in the Unknown region?" Yuri asked, which the men shrugged.

"Do you think that they may have found a habitable planet sir?" Asked one of the U-wing pilots.

Yuri was known to be skeptical with things, especially since the battle of Endor and how the empire ambushed them into thinking the shields were down only to find a fleet of Star destroyers and Victory cruisers. Either way, his gut is telling him to jump the gun. Of course while he never trusted his gut, he had a feeling that maybe the gut has a point...

"We'll have to find out. Pilot, take us to the Unknown galaxies at these coordinates." He ordered.

The pilots looked dead center at each other in confusion and worry.

"Our funeral I guess." The Pilot said to himself, as he entered the coordinates and made the jump into hyperspace into the unknown galaxy...

Only the thing was.. There was a Interdictor Star destroyer that was present when they jumped.

".... Where did that U-wing come from... And where did it go?" The Corporal asked himself, which Captain Pellaeon came on deck with the new individual.

"It's great that you've survived Lothal sir, as I have since the damn space whales destroyed our entire blockade, but of course your face could use some restructure..." Pellaeon conversed.

"I'll keep it as a scar..." Said Ruhk... As the Corporal gazed on Ruhk's half face.

Since the battle of Lothal decades ago, Captain Pellaeon managed to survive the Purgils attack on the Imperial blockade by exiting the Star destroyer through escape pods. He was inside the command deck when he reported about the Purgils but lost contact with Thrawn as the Purgils destroyed the communication lines, to survive he ran down the star destroyers stairs and head towards the escape pods with his storm troopers and other officers, and ejected from the star destroyer.

Of course as for Ruhk, after his fun... Shocking experience.. He had to use his teeth to pry himself out of the medal rod that tied him on the electrical batteries of the imperial dome before it launched.

Luckily, the same time Thrawn's star destroyer was taken by the Purgils, he freed himself after losing 1 or 5 teeth and made his way towards the exit face and gums bleeding, smashing a window and jumped by the time the Imperial dome took off from the surface. Surviving this, he was concealed in a cloak and planned on getting his revenge.

But after decades since then his revenge never came. Until now...

"He survived? Interesting how much of a face he even has left." The Corporal reacted, Ruhk rolled his left eye, since his right face is not a thing anymore, Pellaeon on the other hand.

"He went through as much as me and Thrawn had went through, for now, have we solved where the Alpha Unit went?" Pellaeon asked, in which the Corporal smirked.

"I have actually, as of current. Can we get Thrawn on transmiss-"

"You requested my presence?" Thrawn interrupted, with black armored Storm/death troopers on his side, speaking usual gibberish.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn! Uhh.. Where did you came from?" The Corporal asked.

"I just boarded the cruiser Corporal.. Now, you got my attention, what's the trajectory of that U-wing?" Thrawn asked.

The Corporal goes to a holo-map and asked one of his men to track the U-wings trajectory in which it shows a white line going from Saleucami to the unknown regions in which... Thrawn is impressed and intrigued by the trajectory...

"Interesting.. It's as if the rebels knew something that we don't, now obviously it will take more than a single tiny ship to prove your theory Corporal, but nonetheless let me tell you my theory." Thrawn then looked at Ruhk in a smirk.

"I see you've met Lieutenant Hux, Lieutenant Armitage Hux." Thrawn introduced, in which Ruhk holds out his bloodied hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you too?" Hux replied, before he realized something.

"Lieutenant? Sir did I just get."

"Promoted, yes. After seeing your recent strategies on investigating and leadership against the rebel's in Bathowai despite the fact on that day they managed to outsmart your fleet but obeying your orders, you've deserved it. Plus it'd be a matter of time before your in the higher ranks, take proud of your work Hux, I will be watching your every step that you do." Thrawn congratulated, before turning back to the Holo-map. With Pellaeon, Ruhk, and Lt. Hux looking at Thrawn.

"Now... About my theory, it's clear that the Alpha unit has escaped with a Corvette and a handful of Squadrons... But if I'm correct, they may have found a new habitable planet with life and maybe even a new race..." Thrawn theorized.

"But if that's the case? Then why would the survivors of Saleucami head there?" Pellaeon asked.

"Simple Captain.. Staging ground, they plan on using this "new planet" to undermine our movements and when they gather enough to form a force of their own, including if the local population of the planet joined their cause, then... They'll be striking at the true target, the Eclipse... But that. Is were they fall, Captain Pellaeon, authorize the deployment of probe droids and have them search the unknown region and the border regions as well along the trajected line." Thrawn ordered in which the Captain gets to buisness. Thrawn looked at Ruhk, in which Ruhk kneeled.

"Your priority is to find the rebel leaders in the unknown regions and capture them at all cost. And if you have too... Capture the new planets local leaders as well." Thrawn ordered.

"It shall be done, Grand Admiral." Ruhk acknowledged, as he left the room in which Thrawn turned towards Hux.

"Come with me Lieutenant, lemme teach you about the basis of studying art..."

Everfree Forest, Equestrian royal guard

"EYES ON SEARCH DISTANCE! AND KEEP A EYE OUT FOR COKATRICE OR ANY OTHER CREATURE THAT POSES A THREAT!!" Shouted Shining Armor, while his men was looking around the area's of potential threat he looked at Twilight and Spike in a smile.

"I see you've been busy in Ponyville lately, I barely seen any letters from you, of course except with Celestia updating me on how it went. Like seriously! You faced off a demigod? I have to admit that it was cool to do it with ancient weapons." Shining Armor appreciated, but Twilight gave him a bit of a stern face.

"The Elements of Harmony weren't meant to be weapons of any kind, but Discord left nopony any choice but to use them, besides it was for the best that he had some thinking time before he gets out of that statue." Twilight explained.

The two had a little... Awkward moment before Spike breathed out a message from Celestia which showed a white scroll.. Which even got Twilights attention.

"A white scroll? But that usually means-"

"I'LL TAKE THAT HEHE!" Shining chuckled nervously, after snatching the white scroll.

"But she sent the letter to me! That usually means that."

"Maybe but you know she may have sent it through spike for a reason, maybe to send the letter through-"

Suddenly Twilight used her horn to grab the white scroll from Shining armors hoof in which he gave up as Twilight unrolled the white scroll to find her brother paired with...

"Mi amore Cadenza? Wait... YOUR GETTING MARRIED!?!" Twilight yelled, which Shining armor scratched the back of his mane.

"Yea... It was actually meant to be a surprise? I guess Celestia is up to her usual tomfoolery." He chuckled.

"BUT STILL! I'M YOUR SISTER! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME YOU PROPOSED TO THIS... This! 'Cadenza' or whatever her name is!" Twilight protested.

"But Twily, Cadenza is just another name for Cadence." Shining revealed, which Twilight's eyes dilated in happiness.

"Oh boy..." Spike said to himself, as he quickly grabbed on his half sisters mane.


Suddenly her joy was interrupted when the bushes besides them shuffled and they heard a twig snapping which Shining quickly stared at the moving bushes.

Twilight's moment ended as she went behind her brother.

"Sorry!" Twilight whispered while her brother moved his hoof to signal a threat, as the guard regiment moved in to circle around him and his sister.

During Twilight's prancing around her brother like a infidel, the rebel recon unit gazed on the group in amazement while Delano was writing down notes.

"Interesting new race type I have to say." William remarked.

"I know, and did the purple said 'nopony?' is that what they call themselves? Ponies?" Delano asked.

"Whatever they are, we should be cautious without starting something we don't want to start." Jacob reminded.

"But sir! They're heading towards base Trout! Shouldn't we do something about it!?" Delano asked before Jacob could respond a huge snap was heard in which they stared at William.

"DAMMIT SOLDIER!" Jacob shouted, which Delano looked through the Binoculars in the bush to find that the pony guards heard that and cursed on branches and trees, he then looked back at the binoculars and saw that the pony guards didn't have no type of blaster... Just spears...

"Sir.. I don't think we have to worry about the locals.." Delano informed.

"Why do you say that?" Jacob asked.

"Because they don't have blasters, or anything that counts as a threat! They're practically using pre-Jedi era weaponry!" Delano reported.

Jacob snatched Delano's binoculars and saw that he was correct... No a single blaster on sight, suddenly he hears a shout from the pony guard group.


"Dammit, thanks a lot William." Jacob annoyed.


"Either way sir, it was inevitable that they're going to find our base, so we might as well." Delano replied, which to the annoyance of Jacob, Delano was right, they were on their exact path towards the ship sight. And if they killed them then the Colonel will know and will start a conquest on the planet. Actually not bad for vengeance, but it's best to get it over with.

The royal guard stood still and on their ground, awaiting either a creature or a enemy that was spying on them. Either was Shining Armor was going to make sure to defend his sister if he had to.

However as the guards were about to zero in, the bushes started shaking which the guards reacted and pointed spears when three bi-pedal creatures came out of the bush with their hands up.

"WE SURRENDER! DON'T DO ANYTHING!" Shouted the centered creature.

Twilight looked from Shining's flank to see the new creatures that she never seen before which her jaw dropped to the ground. But Shining Armor on the other hand....

"Why were you spying on us!" He interrogated, as the royal guards approached the three steadily.

"We're on a recon mission ya dumbass." Jacob replied, which a guard pointed a spear right at his face.

"YOU WILL TREAT THE CAPTAIN WITH RESPECT OR BE IMPRISONED!" Shouted the guard which William and Delano reacted as they grabbed their A280 blaster rifles, and pointed at the guards that pointed their spears.

Jacob followed suit and grabbed his pistol and pointed at the guard who was pointing a spear and shouted.


"STAND DOWN JACOB!" Shouted a voice in the distance. Which everyone looked at their right to see a T-2B rolled up on the conversation, with Colonel Daniels and 4 soldiers riding the top.


"I SAID STAND DOWN!" Colonel Daniels ordered, which the tank stopped and he hopped off the T-2B tank with 4 additional soldiers, wearing the uniforms from Scarif, the Colonel looked Shining Armor who is both confused, worried, and stiff.

"We're not a threat, I apologize if these three happened to stumble upon you and nearly started a unneeded conflict for a misunderstanding." The Colonel apologized, which the guards who kept their spears up lowered them down a little. But Shining Armor was fumed angerly, seeing this Twilight Sparkle got infront of her brother in a determined face.

"Maybe you should let me do the talking!" Twilight interjected.

"Stay behind me, this is not your place." Shining Armor ordered.

"I'm the element of Friendship and magic! I should be the one to talk to them rather than standing behind you and watch you start a accidental war! Celestia had kept the peace in our world why isn't this any different!" Twilight defied which the guards looked at their commander in concern. Finally Shining gave into his sisters defiance.

"Fine..." He answered, looking at the Colonel. As he got face to face with him.

"If you lay your hooves on my sister and I will personally have you imprisoned! Understood!" Shining threatened, with the true intention of actually kicking the Colonel in the nuts.

"I assure you, we won't." Daniels replied, while Jacob and the Recon were getting on board when Daniels stared at them.

"OH NO YOU DON'T! You're walking back to base!" Daniels ordered, which Jacob gets pissed off.


"NO BUTS! You deserve this, if it wasn't for Williams reporting this I would have to tell the New Republic council that we discovered a race that went to war with us! Now.. MARCH!" The Colonel ordered, Jacob saluted and marched with his Recon back to base.

Daniels turned towards the guards.

"As for yall, I can offer you a ride to base if you want?" Daniels offered.

"We aren't going to your base, a meteor crashed in this area and-"

"Then you must've saw our ship." Daniels answered.

"SHIP!?" Twilight yelled excitedly.

"Yea? I can take you to the area, I have to warn you it's kinda busy." Daniels warned.

Shining armor scoffed at the fact and replied.

"I think we can handle your "base" and it's business, Mr..?"

"Daniels, Colonel Daniels Derick, we are apart of the New Republic, or atleast what was once the Rebel Alliance to restore the Republic." He introduced which made Shining Armor curious.

"Rebel alliance? Who did you overthrow?" Shining asked.

"I'll... Explain to you on the way." Daniels insisted as the Royal guard unit, and Twilight Sparkle boarded.

Shining Armor shrugged and scoffed, but fighting the strange fact that they literally came to their world without their knowledge, he climbed on board the T-2B tank as Lt. Leda begins driving the tank back to their base. With visitors this time..

Equus space

The U-wing comes out of hyperspace with the crew looking at the beautiful planet that lay infront of them as the scanners started to scan the planet surface for life.

Only to find loads of sentient life.

"Sir, we have confirmation, the Corvette is populated with our guys!" The Pilot notified which Captain Yuri looked at the results to be exciting.

"Alright.. make preparations to land near the Corvette, time to reinforce."

The Pilots prepare to make landing at the Corvette sight as the U-wings, wings, folded back and head towards the planet surface where they can make plans against the Eclipse..