• Published 2nd Feb 2023
  • 562 Views, 38 Comments

The Corvette... - Escalator

A band of rebels are hunted down by Admiral Thrawn after taking part of the destruction of the remaining imperial ship yards in Fondor

  • ...

Chapter 3: Negotiation


Celestia was writing messages for Shining Armor when Luna came inside the throne room in a shocked face.

"Is something wro-"

Quickly she was grabbed by Luna and was dragged to the balcony where she sees a UFO landing at the meteor crash site, which is actually the U-wing, when a message came from Twilight shows up on her side.

"Do you think it has something to do with that meteor?!" Luna questioned.

Celestia looked down from the message and written another letter for Twilight and then sending it as she immediately prepared her items as if she was going somewhere, she was interrupted by Luna when she noticed something.

"Tia? What's wrong? And.. Why are you taking items you'd use for diplomacy?" Luna asked, which her sister turned towards her.

"That was not a meteor we saw, Twilight Sparkle had just sent me a message, it's a ship wreck and the crew calls themselves the 'Rebel Alliance' and she said that they are currently hiding on our planet.." Celestia explained.

"Hiding? Hiding from what?" Luna wondered.

"I don't know.. But she also said we almost went to war with the alliance, thank Faust we didn't..." Celestia sighed.

"So what do we intend on doing Tia?" Luna asked.

"The best we can do, hope for the best and negotiate a immunity for the ship crew that crashed on our planet." Celestia replied.

"Then I should come with you! I'm your sister after all!" Luna added, but Celestia shook her head.

"As much as I want you to come with me Lulu.. I can't let you.." Celestia denied, which Luna had a face of protest.

"But Tia! I feel like I should be doing something around our nation too you know! I can't just trot around and do nothing! I want to help out with diplomacy! I want to do something for once!" Luna begged, but Celestia shook her head again.

"Lulu... I can't risk getting you hurt, and if the crew of the ship wreck happened to turned on us..." Celestia paused, unable to finish the sentence and instead drooped her head down.

"I can't let you get hurt... You have to understand..." Celestia expressed, she placed her hoof on her sisters head which to Luna she nodded slowly.

"Just... Be safe... Tia."

The Chimaera

Thrawn looked at the recently recovered art gallery that his troops secretly recaptured in the wreckage of the Star destroyer he was in.

Of course in a unfortunate turn of events.. When Thrawn was recovered and rescued by Storm troopers in the unknown regions the stormtroopers failed to find Ezra Bridger, while he wasn't off the planet surface it would take up the entire civilwar just to find one Jedi, so Thrawn decided to just let him die off. Especially at the fact that he deserved to live for outsmarting Thrawn in a game a tactic and surprise...

While also adding desperate to the list of Rebel tactics, Thrawn learned since then that the Rebellion will do anything... Especially Jedi.... Seeing this could pose a threat he overseen the final days of the Eclipse construction before finally when it was unleashed.. He wanted to test it against a enemy which he learned about in reports they called "Alpha Unit" hearing that the Unit was commanded by General Luke Skywalker, with the Colonel being second in command, he wanted to test the weapon against the Alpha Unit.. And by the looks of how the Eclipse Star destroyer performed in both Fondor and Salecuami... It's clear nothing can stop it..

But as Thrawn looked at reports of how Rebels used their non-predictable tactics, it was clear to end it all he needs to let them know that the imperial era was not over.. And where to start would be whatever Alpha Unit is...

A Imperial officer came inside his room with a transmitter on his hand, as he placed the transmitter on Thrawn's desk, the Grand Admiral takes a good look at it.

"Sir, I like to report from Lieutenant Hux has discovered yet another piece to find Alpha Unit. We managed to intercept their transmissions from the planet, however most are SOS calls but the location is deeply rebel coded sir, and it could take years to decode." The Officer reported.

Thrawn looked at the Imperial officer with a intrigued face.

"Dismissed, I'll be looked at this a lot of times.. For now, begin decoding the transmissions at once. And.. Do it with haste." Thrawn ordered.

"Yes sir, on the double." The Officer replied, saluting to the Grand Admiral and leaving his office.

Thrawn stared at the art of the Phoenix squadron symbol with disgust and respect.

Base Trout, 1 hour before Celestia received Twilights message

The base was as busy as it could be, droids rolling around the base, wielding things, and men looking at their star charts with some having to become temporary soldiers until they can get a operating base functional.

As the crew was busy the T-2B comes into the base area checkpoint with the soldiers coming towards the T-2B that stopped before them.

"Identification?" Asked a soldier, as the Colonel transmit his Id to the soldiers star pad.

The Soldier then happened to see pastel colored ponies, with only one that's not armor, that're looking around in amazement, including Shining armor for a minute atleast.

"Sir.. Is that?"

"Yes it is private, now can we get on with things already?" The Colonel asked.

"Sorry sir, OPEN THE FIELD GATE!" The Soldier shouted, as the gate master opened the forcefield to let in the T-2B tank inside.

Immediately Twilight Sparkles eyes dilated in joy and excitement. While Spike on the other hand..

"I've read comics, but I feel like I'm in one..."

"So... This is what we took as a meteor crash... Well atleast nopony was injured near here atleast but.. Why here when you mentioned thousands of planets?" Shining Armor asked, which the Colonel rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Because for some retarded reason, some imbecile placed the wrong coordinates on the Navi-computer and got us stuck! Of course your planet looked nice enough to set up a base until we can figure out what to do with the dammed Eclipse.."

Hearing that word, Shining Armor was about to interrogate before his sister did it for him.

"The Eclipse?"

"Yea... The ship that got us stranded here in the first place, it obliterated the fleet and left us only a handful of fighters and a CR90.." The Colonel explained.

"Which one are the fighters? Are these species the fighters?" Shining Armor asked, but of course Daniels shook his head.

"Not that type of fighter, those fighters." He pointed which shows a perfectly rolled fighters of X-wings and Y-wings in a organized row, Shining and Twilight came to what is going to be the Hangar bay for the fighters, amazed at what they are Shining Armor realized... He almost started a war with them...

"I apologized if I nearly started a conflict with you, If I known you were taking refuge here I would have told my guards to stand down!" Armor Apologized.

"There is no need for that, for one thing if it wasn't for my idiot Sergeant we wouldn't end up like this in circumstances.. Speaking of the devil.. Here he comes now." Daniel pointed, which the Sergeant was at the checkpoint when the Colonel came towards him.

"Demoted, for being a idiot and nearly starting a damn war with everyone in the planet!" The Colonel informed, as Jacob got inside the forcefield in anger... He wanted to strangle the Colonel every chance he gets... But that'll have to come later as he has his own reputation to defend...

Lieutenant Leda hopped off the T-2B tank and took her tank helmet off of her head and wiped the sweat off of herself.

"Note to self... Install air conditioning for the tank.." She noted, which Twilight Sparkle trotted towards her in curiosity both her life and the technology.

"Excuse me, sorry if I bothered you on something but can I ask?" Twilight asked.

"Well sure, I mean I can spare some time, besides this tank isn't getting any rustier..." Leda accepted.

"What do you mean by that? This is a new piece of technology Equestria never seen or had before!" Twilight complemented, but Leda rolled her eyes in a chuckle.

"Well... Actually, most of the weapons are outdated to a extent, but if you and the leaders like, we can provide the weapons once we get in contact with Republic-"

"If we could, as of current communications had to be turned off." The Colonel informed.

"Why is that?" Shining Armor asked.

"Because the empire had just intercepted a SOS call, and we got word that..." The Colonel paused, making a decision to actually report the word in a meeting in secret.

"That the uhh... Cake prices are up?" The Colonel rephrased, which everyone in the vicinity range of his voice, except for the Rebel officers and the Equestrians, quickly ran to the Corvette bakery shouting.


As for everyone else who doesn't cared for cake or anything, they continued their work as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on, speaking of which, it's now night by now and the Colonel decided it was best to have their guest be inside for now.

"Lieutenant Leda, take the guest inside the ship for the night." The Colonel ordered, but Shining refutes.

"Hold on! We may have apologized to each other, but we just met you know! How do we know if we can trust you at all when your former name was 'rebellion." Shining Armor pointed out, which the guards nodded in agreement before Twilight rebuked her brothers refute.

"Maybe we should try befriending them?! After all we're much as welcoming than everypony else!" Twilight reminded her brother, which made him sigh for a minute before a crew man ran towards the Colonel.


"What's going on pilot?" Daniels asked, as his name was exposed to Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle. As they tilted their heads in curiosity.

"SIR! A SHIP JUST ENTERED INTO THE PLANET SURFACE!" The Pilot informed which made the Colonel concerned, and so did the guards.

"Did you say entered? Do you know what design it is?" The Colonel asked.

"I don't know sir! But when we asked it to identify themselves they have sent us this code sir." The Pilot showed, the Colonel's eyes widened.

"What's their desig-"

"LOOK OVER THERE!" Shouted a royal guard, as all crew personal looked up to see a rebel alliance U-wing, as it's wings flipped into the front of the ship forming the shape of a U, Shining armor gives him the, "Who the hell was that" eyes.

The U-wing landed in a clear patch spot, it powers down it's engines before the doors opened up revealing.



"NO WAY! YURI WHAT BROUGHT YOU HERE!" Daniels greeted, while Yuri stepped off the U-wing with a appearance of a bear hug, which they hugged it out.

"Good to see you old friend, unfortunately... Thrawn attacked Saleucami..." Yuri answered.

".... But... How!? It stationed the biggest fleet in the New Republic navy! Are you saying the Eclipse..."

"Obliterated it.. Including the planets surface... It's basically a death star destroyer, but it destroys planet surfaces and not the planet itself.." Yuri informed.. As Shining Armor and Twilight looked at each other concerningly, when a bright flash of light showed up in the middle of the conversation, revealing.. A white Alicorn with a rainbow mane named Celestia.

"Holy... So that is princess Celestia you mentioned on the ride back home?" The Colonel acknowledged.

"Isn't she great! She has the ability to lift and control the sun! But what's better! Is she's kindest pony I ever known!" Twilight pointed facts as Celestia looked around what she was spawn in.

Celestia saw the droids that were wielding the metal with help of the new creatures, the fighters that are in the middle of a construction area, and the big mama of it all, the CR90 corvette, she noticed how damaged it is with it's crash landing when it entered this world to find that the crew is actually productive than Equestria's current working class which surprised Celestia when she sees Twilight Sparkle coming towards her with a smile.

"I've see you've been busy Twilight Sparkle, I heard about the near incident with my guard and your men, I apologize if anything offended you on your meeting.." Celestia politely apologized, which prompted the Colonel to reply.

"It's not you or your guards fault, while it is my usual imbecile of a Sergeant that happened to be demoted to just Sergeant."

Celestia looked at where the Colonel was staring at, as Sergeant Jacob started to scheming about how he's going to undermined his commanding officer, while that though Shining armor tapped her, she leaned her head towards Shining's muzzle in a whisper.

"Do you believe that we can trust them? We just met and they seemed to be... On edge."

"They may be recovering from what looked like a crash site, Faust knows how badly injured they must've suffered." Celestia sorrowed.

"Actually princess Celestia, They were being chased by the empire.." Twilight revealed, breaking the whisper conversation.

"The empire?" Celestia wondered, before she continued. "Whats.. The name of this empire?" She asked, which Twilight replied.

"They call it the.. Remnant? It's more like a pocket of resistance that they've been trying to suppress for years! They said that the remnant believes in death and chaos and even absolute destruction! On planets!" Twilight explained, which made Celestia look at the Colonel, in which he nodded acknowledging that she was right on the money.. It reminded Celestia a certain chaos god who happened to believe that type of things... But have a entire army that believes it and you have the perfect recipe for absolute destruction, but unless...

"If I may, I like to discuss our potential alliance with your.. Well, what do yourselves exactly?" Celestia asked.

"Well, for one I'm only a Colonel, but we call ourselves the New Republic of restored hope. Or atleast some hope restored atleast, but we're trying to get there." Daniels answered, which Celestia sighed in relief.

"But while we would appreciate your planet to side with us, it can be beneficial with everyone here." The Colonel insisted, but Celestia tilted her head uneasily.

"It's nice to offer the type of gratitude, there is other species other than my kind." Celestia revealed.

"Wait? Are you saying this planet is a multi race type?" The Colonel asked.

"It is, and it has been for thousands of years there had been wars, arguments, and even civil wars that you could not comprehend... Even secrets yet to be revealed to this world." Celestia revealed, which made the Colonel impressed with that.

"Damn... One thousands years... And that's like the Jedi civilwar times?" Colonel slipped.

"Jedi? Are they a race to?" Twilight asked, the Colonel was a bit... Uneasy to answer that one considering that the chaos on Coruscant and everything..

"No... But I won't go further into that detail, now I think we had enough to talk about, do you like to proceed with a negotiation princess?" Daniels asked.

"Indeed, lead the way." She insisted.

The three made their way towards whats to be the negotiation room as Captain Yuri got ahead and whispered to the Colonel.

"I've noticed you've been uneasy with the word Jedi? Something caught your tongue?" Yuri asked.

"Nah, unless you consider the fact that back before I joined the rebellion the empire would do routine search in houses in Coruscant, it was a mess that they made that I' had to clean up, hell it was basically the reason why I joined!" The Colonel complained.

"By the way.. Did admiral Wilgar.."

"No.. He didn't make it..." Yuri answered, which made the Colonel despair.

"Damn... We were friends to! We fought and bled together at Fresia! And now that he's... Gone.. We're truly on our own are we.." Daniels continued to despair.

"Hey bud, don't worry, we still have Luke Skywalker to watch over us..." Yuri said positively, which made Daniels smirk a bit.

"Wanna bet that Luke ends up socking up and slicing Thrawn?" Daniels asked.

"Well, if he's done training the next Yoda... Maybe."

"You really think that the Grogu one might be Yoda's descendent?" Daniels asked.


As the group continued through the ship they get to experience the inside of the massive ship that landed before them, now is the time for diplomacy.

The search and destroy fleet

Lieutenant Hux has been busy with the search operations while Captain Pellaeon was busy with mending the fleet, Hux was looking very attentive on where the rebels might be.. Sure Ruhk had suggested that maybe they've escaped to Lothal but that was not the case since the empire had sent probe droids to it to find atleast a corvette but not the one they're looking for. If anything it stationed the New Republics 10th largest fleet comprising of 10 Nebulon-B frigates, 12 CR90s, 2 Hammerhead corvettes, and 3 Mc75 dauntless class ships.

Of course being the one to partake in the destruction of the New Republics 1st largest fleet that comprised with 10 MC90s, 7 CR90s, 3 Nebulon-B frigates, 10 winged MC80s, 4 Wingless MC80s, and as the flagship that happened to been the first the go down, the mandator.

Ironically the fleet was usually used on peacekeeping missions since the Viscount fleet was in patrol in the unknown regions that happened to be in search of the Alpha unit. Thrawn even noticed this as well as he would occasionally send Ship carriers to slow down the Republic Search and rescue forces which were basic hit and runs.

In other words time was of the essence but that is up for time to decide as the intercom goes off.

"Lieutenant Hux! Please report to the meeting room at the bridge at once!" Shouted the intercom, as he contemplated his findings.

"This is getting more and more stressful... Where am I suppose to find them..."

As Hux entered the meeting room, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Pellaeon was sitting together chatting with each other as Pellaeon looked at Hux in a smile.

"Ah! Lieutenant Hux! I've just been informed that we may have a lead in where the Alpha unit might be!"

"Really? Please tell, I've been living in hell for the couple days and it's starting to tire me out.." Hux complained.

"Well then you'll be glad to know this, Lieutenant." Said Admiral Thrawn, as he plays a recording of a SOS called from one of the pilot crews of the CR90.

"This is a transmission ordered by Colonel Daniels! We are in need of assistance as we may have just new sentient life on the planet we have crashed landed in, they've even seem to be supporting us as we speak."

As the intercepted transmission cuts off, Hux was a bit disturbed when the transmission mentioned two words...

'Sentient life'

"Is it possible that they may have ran in with the Yuuzhan Vong?" Pellaeon asked Thrawn, as the admiral shook his head.

"If they met them, that would be the last they'll do, but as for this... New sentient life on the other hand... This may prove even harder then expected, for all we know the planet they landed on may have supplied the Alpha unit a lifetime supply of resources until the New Republic fleet arrives..." Thrawn worried, as the two looked at each other.

"But why don't we disengage and not search for Alpha unit then?" Lieutenant Hux asked, which Thrawn turned towards him.

"They have a certain officer I want terminated, but now that they've found this.. New sentient life, I realize that now the objective is to destroy this race, and I intend to destroy it..."

"Swift and destructive."

Trout base

As the door shut behind the Colonel, who was last to enter the room, as he looked at the room where they'll be doing their negotiations with princess Celestia, the plan was clear.

Gain peace and a potential alliance with the government of the planet, rebuild the corvette while building the base of operations, plan on how to destroy Thrawn's Eclipse Super Star destroyer while killing Thrawn in the process, and then maybe go for a bar run at Coruscant. Oh and maybe get in contact with the nearest Republic fleet.

Sounds simple, but won't be sample if negotiations break down drastically.. But in case it does.. A little costly yet good pizzazz will do the trick.

But in the room was present:

Celestia, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Colonel Daniels, Lieutenant Leda, and finally royal guard and Republic soldiers who'd jointly guard the room entrance.

Celestia uses her horn to bring some traditional diplomatic items from her satchel, that she'd would use when negotiating with other nations in the world, as she placed down what seemed to be glasses and a handbook of some type, now obviously the Colonel didn't question it, but he thinks to himself that maybe it might be some type of book of languages.. Or a instruction book...

Either way the Colonel sat down across the tall white Alicorn and waited patiently before she closed her book.

"I've seen that some complications occurred when you first came into contact with my guards, I have to say again I apologize for the near incident." Celestia apologized.

"Ehh... Not really your fault I say again, really it was my crew men's first time to actually conduct a ground operation, guess that's what happens when your mainly in charge of space operations." The Colonel counter apologized.

"Touché Colonel, but I would like to ask.. Why was there another ship that landed?" Celestia asked, which the Purple armored Stallion and Twilight Sparkle looked at the Colonel with curiosity.

Of course the Colonel wasn't going into pressure and responded clearly and calmly on the situation.

"If I recall, they too are seeking refuge here, I received word from the surviving captain that the fleet that they operated was what was once the 1st largest space fleet in the New Republic armada!"

Shining armor raised his eyebrow at the statement.

"If that's the case then, what happened to it?" Shining Armor asked, hinting a interrogation like tone.

"Destroyed, obliterated, gone.. The imperial remnants had caught the fleet by surprise, it destroyed the command ship, the Mandator, and destroyed the rest. Now the only survivors are in the U-wing." The Colonel answered, which Celestia and Shining armor looked at each other with concern on that news.. While Twilight Sparkle however then asked out of term.

"My condolences... But I have to ask, why do you name your... Ships letters?"

"What do you mean?" The Colonel wondered.

"I've heard letters that were used to name some of your ships? Like X-wing? Y-wing? U-wing? Is that some type of category?" She questioned.

"Well for one, they're named that because they do actually resemble the letters by the wing shape, for example if you look infront of the X-wing while the S-foils are locked on and compare it with the letter X, you can see why it's named, 'the X-wing'" The Colonel answered which made Twilight rub her hoof on her head in realization.

"Wow.. That's actually creative!"

"Thanks, now if we have enough with questions I like to proceed with the talks, assuming if it's find that I make some request?" The Colonel asked, as Celestia nodded in affirmation.

"Alright, first I like to obtain the area where we are building our base in at the current radius of atleast 100 square miles, or atleast in the extent of the crash site, also that we be provided with some metals that could benefit us in our repairs for our ship... And maybe that 'magic' you've been using? Maybe could help us with alternative uses of fueling. Or something else?" The Colonel spoken, Celestia looked at Twilight and Shining Armor as Shining came towards Celestia with a worried face.

"May I speak with my ponies Colonel?" Celestia requested.

"Anytime, I can wait." The Colonel answered as Celestia, Twilight, and Shining Armor goes to another room which was immediately blocked by the pony royal guards, as Leda turned towards the Colonel.

"Permission to speak sir?" She asked.

"Granted, proceed."

"What exactly would we use magic for?" She asked.

"That... I don't know, but I ain't willing to collect essence it'd be cruelty, plus I just added that there to really see what they'd think, see if they and us are able to trust each other. Plus not really interested with their magic if anything considering that we already have the 'force' or that nonsense." The Colonel explained.

"Makes sense sir.. But what if they agreed to all terms but the magic part?" Leda asked.

"Then I'll freely remove it without no argument, that'd also means we've built some trust with each other to. Of course if they agree that means we can build our base with some local support and access to raw material we need to repair our ship. Of course... God knows who finds us first.." The Colonel uncertainly said.

"Well... I mean it's best to hope for the Republic to find us first.. But there's one thing I want to ask." Leda wondered.

"And what's that?" The Colonel asked.

"What do you have against the force?" Leda asked, which made the Colonel scoff.

"Don't get me started I-"

Before the Colonel would start, the door opened with Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle wedged like formation at her side.

"We agreed to your terms, but I have to ask.. What do you need our magic for?" Celestia asked.

The Colonel was dumbfounded with her response... He was just going to remove the magic request but....

"Under some terms however, the repairs has to be monitored under the authority of Princess Cadenza and Shining Armor, I will dispatch a Royal guard team to keep a watchful eye on your crew and trespassers." Celestia conditioned, which surprised Leda and the Republic soldiers, but not the Colonel.

"Guess we don't have much choice then?" He phrased, which Celestia shook her head.

"In terms of it, if any pony is hurt I will personally visit here to figure out why, and know this Colonel.. If any of your men intentionally hurts my ponies, I will have you kicked off this planet! Are we clear?" Celestia threatened.

The Colonel wasn't moved on this condition, really he had the usual talks like these, like the Fresian's and the Bothawians. Even then they tend to actually get more comfortable under the Rebellion's type of democracy so it wasn't a difference. So why should this be different now then?

"Alright, but I assure I do not intend on harming new species or any innocence, we stick with our word here! We are not a threat, and we don't start conflicts unless needed to, but know that any type of abused made on my crew and your regiment that your dispatching will be booted out of our grounds! And if you don't like it tough, but know that if my crew is injured or even killed by one of your guards WITHOUT provocation! You will see war like nothing else and trust me when I say, I've seen war and I'm willing to fight it!" The Colonel Counter termed, which made Shining Armor impressed with the Colonel's come back.

Celestia nodded at this to.

"You have a way with words Colonel, then we both agree that your crew don't hurt my guards and my guards won't hurt your crew." Celestia smirked.

"So it's agreed then?" The Colonel asked.

"Agreed, Colonel." Celestia answered, which Leda swiped her sweat off her forehead in relief as Celestia, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle started to leave the room. Before Celestia stopped for a minute.

"By the way Colonel, I knew you'd pull the magic one in your terms without no intention on actually using it besides gaining trust, I only used occupation diplomacy as a way to see how much I can trust you. And I have to say Colonel, you've gain my trust. But try to use the resources wisely" Celestia smiley chuckled, as she walked away from the room door, which made the Colonel smirk.

"Hehe.. Clever girl..."


The area was nothing but a dessert area with baren like wastelands which what stands out is a huge pillar of a hive castle which is 24/7 patrolled by Changelings who feeds on the ponies love and all that.

However one changeling was zooming past all the changelings before being stopped by one of the changeling guards.

"HALT! What's your purpose here! Your suppose to be scouting Canterlot!" The Guard interrogated.

"I have news for the queen! I have to inform her abou-"

"I'll make some sense with you! COME HE-"

"STAND DOWN GUARD!" Shouted a feminine Changeling voice, as a Alicorn sized changeling stepped into the conversation as the changeling guards ceremonially stood at the sides of...

"Queen Chrysalis! This scout here was not doing his mission properly! He's suppose to be scouting Canterlot!" The guard informed, but Chrysalis glared at the guard in a angered face.

"I'm not one to make mad guard! Stand down before I have you sent into a hive cell!" Chrysalis threatened, which the guard released the scout from bondage.

"Now my precious subject... What's the news..."

"My Queen! There's a new species that's not from this world, they call themselves... Republic.. They've exchange threats to each other recently in a negotiation, of course I left the room before I heard anything else." The Scout reported.. Which intrigued the Queen...

"I think I might have found a way to... Pin somepony else the blame of a threat letter I'll be sending soon, and with that! The ponies and this 'Republic' will be focused too much on each other that we will be already grabbing away at their love! Of course... To seal the deal... I'll need to get that Cadence pony out of the way before we can start this invasion.."

"My Queen! Your idea is brilliant! To pin two sides against each other and to start a all out war! While they go and kill each other we would be taking the love!" The Scout praised, as the Changelings laughed at the devious plan their Queen has made. In which she starts to laugh.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! BUT IN ORDER TO DO THAT MY SUBJECTS!" The Queen paused, and turned towards the scout.

"We'll need the threat letter."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, had been doing other fun projects. Here it is chapter 3, have fun.