• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 2,982 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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12: Departure

We cut to the kitchen and Po was currently making everyone soup.

"But your a lousy tipper" Po said telling an obviously fake story.
"Really? So how'd you get out of there alive?" Crane asked with the others playing along with it.
"I mean, i didn't really say that, but i thought it in my mind.. if he could read my mind he'd be like what?" Po said trying not to make himself look silly.

"Order up! Hope you like it!" Po said as he threw each bowl to the 5, Mantis took a sip of his
"This is really good!" Mantis said amazed.
"No come on guys you should try my dads secret ingredient soup, he actually... knows the secret ingredient" Po told them.
"What are you talking about this is amazing!" Viper said taking hers
"Wow your a really good cook!" Crane said still amazed.
"I wish my mouth was bigger!" Mantis said still eating it.

"Now we have 3 great cooks in the palace!" Monkey said pointing to Viper, Po and referring to Spike as he pointed at a chair he usually sat at, as he's made great meals in the past.
"Thank you Monkey" Viper said gratefully.
"Where is Spike anyway? He's really missing out!" Mantis asked as he took another sip.
"Spike needed to think to himself, said he needed to clear his mind about learning about... him" Viper said trying not to say Tai Lung's name, and they all looked a little sad at that.

"It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing, but the dew of a single Gingko leaf, and the energy of the universe" Tigress told them taking a bite of Tofu.
"I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet, gonna need lot more then dew, and universe juice" Po said sitting down as he had some soup.

Once Po was done, it was revealed that he had a noodle on the top of his mouth, the 5 except Tigress chuckled at that.
"What?" Po Asked
"Oh nothing... master Shifu" Mantis said bowing, and the others laughed and Po noticed and got a idea
"You will never be the Dragon Warrior, unless you lose 500 pounds, and brush your teeth" Po mocked in Shifu's voice, the others were laughing more from that.
"What is that noise your making? Laughter i've never heard of it! work hard panda, and maybe someday." He then picked up two bowls and put them behind him.
"You will have ears like mine." Po finished and they continued laughing, but they instantly shut up when they saw Shifu and Spike appeared right behind him.

"Ears, not working for ya? i thought it was really good?" Po asked, Spike was shaking his head while the others tried to stop him.
"It's Shifu and Spike" Monkey whispered.
"Of course it's Shifu what do you think I'm doing? Don't know how i could imitate Spike though..." Po said curious on the last part.
Monkey motioned his eyes to behind him.

"Ahem" Spike's voice is heard, Po looked behind and he saw spike and Shifu.
"Oh! Master Shifu and Spike! Uh.." Po then ate the noodle of his face, the others chuckling the while, he missed one piece and ate it up.
"You think this is funny?!" Shifu asked angry.
"Tai lung has escaped from prison! And your acting like children!" Shifu said which surprised them all.
"What?" Po asked surprised.
"He is coming for the Dragon Scroll! And you are the only one who can stop him!" Shifu said pointing at him. The two bowls fell of Po's chest and he laughed.

"And here i am saying you have no sense of humor!" Po joked hoping he was joking
"He's not joking unfortunately" Spike said worried and Po looked surprised.
"What your serious?! And i have to.." Po said trying to back out.
"Master Oogway will stop him! If he did it before he'll do it again!" Po suggested.
"Oogway... is no longer with us. So he can't, not any more..." Spike said sadly with Shifu looking depressed as well, The others were really shocked at the news.

"Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior." Shifu told them.
"The panda?" Tigress asked.
"Yes the panda!" Shifu told her.
"His name is Po!" Spike countered.

"Master please, let us stop Tai Lung this is what you've trained us for!" Tigress said trying to convince him.
"Are you crazy?! You could get yourselves killed!" Spike tried to tell her.
"No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung, it is theirs!" Shifu said pointing at Spike and Po but he was gone and they noticed.
"Where'd he go?" Shifu asked, Spike pointed in the right direction and he ran out trying to catch up.

Spike then turned to Tigress as she was walking out of the room.
"You can't seriously be thinking of going to stop him!" Spike said trying to stop her.
"I've trained for over 20 years for this, I won't let him destroy everything!" Tigress said pushing him out of the way and she ran off.
"Tigress!" Spike shouted trying to not let her go, he turned to the rest of them.
"are you seriously gonna let her go by herself?! She could get killed!" Spike said with worry.

The five simply got up and started to walk out to..
"Where are you going?" Spike asked worried.
"We can't let her go alone, it'd be suicide if she did." Crane said as they went down the halls.
"Are you all seriously thinking of going after him?!" Spike asked scarred for they're lives.
"Spike.. we've trained our whole lives for this, we won't let anyone destroy what is close to us" Mantis said getting on his shoulder.
"We know this is dangerous, but someone has to try to stop him" Monkey said sadly as they continued to walk.
"You all could die from this!!" Spike said starting to cry." I can't lose you all too! Oogway's gone, and i can't lose you all to!" Spike said trying to not let them go.

Viper then came up to him.
"We all know how dangerous this is, but someone has to try while Po is given time to try to train." Viper said putting a tail on his shoulder.
"I.. I just don't know what to do, i don't know how to help him.." Spike said crying still.
'It's never easy Spike, but we never gave up on you, you should never give up on him." Viper said as they all came to hug him.
"We know you'll be able to find a way, you never lost faith in yourself, try to not have Po lose his" Viper told him.
"What if you all don't come back?" Spike asked worried for them.
"We may not, but there's a small chance we could, and while we're gone, we can hope you help him find what makes him special." Crane told him looking sad.
"If there's anyone who can help Po find what it takes, it's you" Mantis told him.

"You all really believe i can do it?" Spike asked, and they all nodded.
"We know you can, even though you've only been here for a while, we know you can do it" Monkey told him with a smile.
"Don't give up on yourself and don't give up on Shifu and Po" Viper told him, Spike thought it all over, he decided that he had no choice.
"Promise me you all will come back?" Spike asked hopefully. They all hugged him once again.
"We won't die, we promise, just take care of them while we're gone" Viper said with a smile.

They all separated and Spike looked at them.
"I promise i won't let you down, please be careful.." Spike asked them.
"We'll be back before you know it Spike!" Mantis told him confidently.
"It may be tough, but we'll push through it!" Monkey said with a smile. Spike looked at them all and smiled

"Be careful my friends" Spike said still a little worried.
"Don't worry Spike, we will." Viper assured him, they all then left leaving him alone.

Spike walked all the way back to the tree again, the leaves were now completely gone, Spike looked at the night sky with worry. He heard Shifu walking up to him.
'Is everything okay master?" Spike asked worried. Shifu shook his head
" I just don't know what to do Spike, i don't know how to make him the Dragon Warrior..." Shifu said as he walked next to him.
"I'm scarred Spike.." Shifu said sadly as he didn't know what to do.
"Me too. but someone has to try to help him" Spike said with worry, he then thought about what Shifu said and asked him

"Did you really mean it when you said I have to face Tai Lung with Po?" Spike asked with worry
"Unfortunately, yes. Oogway said you are meant to fight alongside him... but i don't know if it will be enough without his help.." Shifu said sadly and Spike sighed as he was right in that.
"Things may be rough right now, but i'll find a way, we both will." Spike said looking at the stars.
"You really think we can?" Shifu asked worried.
"There always will be a way..." Spike told him.
Spike looked back at the sky and prayed they'll find what it takes.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Thank you all for the positive support and i'm so glad you all like this. I wanted to make sure Spike has a goodbye with the 5 before they leave with them hoping Spike can find a way, hope you don't mind it. Thank you all for coming this far and i hope you look forward to more!

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