• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,099 Views, 198 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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30: Lord Shen

After that fight at the Musicians village, Spike followed Po back to the valley, he had an idea on who he was going to see, but wanted to make sure Po had support of a friend.

Spike flew besides Po as he was making his way to the entrance of Ping's noodle shop, and stopped him for a moment before he went inside.
"Po, is everything alright?" Spike asked worried as they kept themselves outside for a moment, Po had a worried and confused look himself, and had questions he needed answered.
"I don't know Spike, I saw something before that wolf attacked me, and it gave me the idea of where to find an answer maybe, I don't know if my dad will be comfortable with me asking this, but it's something.. I need to know.." Po said with a look of concern as he has a ton of questions with what he saw, and Spike saw he needed help, and decided to come in the place with him.
"Then I'll help out with this, I'm meant to fight alongside you as the Dragon Master, and as a friend, I'll help you out with what I can, I promise you that." Spike assured which made Po smile a bit.
"Thanks Spike, your the best." Po said as they high fived eachother for a moment and began heading into Ping's shop.

The place had a bit of a rearrangement since the last time they were here, it now had more merch and cool items that displayed him and Po, there were stuff Po used when working here as item display, and they saw Ping was serving the customers with a happy look.
"Look.. the Dragon Warrior's mop.. he mopped these very floors.." A kid said amazed looking at a basic mop which Ping noticed.
"Uh.. don't touch it! You'll get the mop dirty!" Ping advised as he was making sure nothing was broken while he went to serve another customer.
"He once waited on me!" A customer said to another while Ping went over to the two.
"Awesome!" The other said amazed with the story being told.
"Yeah I have this stain to prove it! Excuse me, where's the Dragon Warrior?" The customer asked looking at Ping.

"Oh, he doesn't work here anymore, he's busy out there, protecting the valley with his dragon friend and the Furious 5." Ping answered until one of the kids noticed Spike and Po finally.
"The Dragon Warrior and Masters!"" A kid said amazed which got Ping to turn to the entrance and he looked surprised seeing both Po and Spike here.
"How's it going guys?" Spike asked playfully while the crowd came all around them and some were admiring Spike's new arm.
"Is it true you and Master Viper are together now Master Spike?" A kid asked which made him chuckle a bit.
"Yep, got all the time we needed to develop it, we had a lot of fun together." Spike said high fiving the little kid.
"Oh.. that arm feels so powerful.." A pig said amazed as Spike's arm glowed brightly while Ping went up to the two.

"Po! Spike, welcome! You should've told me you were coming!" Ping greeted while he shook Spike's hand and gave Po a hug.
"Hi dad." Po said gladly while hugging him back.
"It's always great to see you Mr. Ping." Spike said with a smile while the crowd was amazed with their presence.
"I would've saved you and Spike some tofu if you were hungry!" Po said lightly which made them chuckle a bit.
"Um, sir we'd like to talk in the kitchen if your alright with it?" Spike asked while the crowd looked at all of them.
"Yeah Spike's right can we talk to you for a minute?" Po asked hopefully.
"Oh of course." Ping said as Spike helped with the plates as they made to the kitchen before Ping announced something.
"Oh.. In honor of my son and the Dragon Master, free tofu deserts for everybody!" Ping announced which made all of them cheer happily.." With purchases." Ping finished which made all of them awww in response as the two went inside.

Spike opened up the door for the two and they went in to talk about what Po saw.
"It is so good to see you both, have you lost weight Po? I can almost put my wings around you!" Ping said as Po has lost a bit of weight since Spike last saw him too.
"Yeah, your looking really awesome there dude." Spike complimented seeing this too.
"Um thanks I think I did lose a little." Po said nervously while Ping went to the counter.
"You both must feel weak, let me make you two some soup." Ping said about to cut some veggies.
"Oh, that's okay dad we're not hungry." Po answered while he brushed it off.
"Yeah, Po ate 40 bean buns earlier today, I think that's enough for right now." Spike added while he put the dishes away too.

"Not hungry? Po are you alright?" Ping asked as that was something he's never heard from him before.
"Yeah don't worry we're fine it's just.. earlier today we were fighting these bandits.." Po said while Ping went to cutting.
"Yeah?" Ping asked making sure he could hear all of this.
"They were nothing too dangerous, they were just.. you know." Po said looking at Spike who nodded in response.
"Uh huh?" Ping asked before Po began to reveal what he saw.
"But during the fight, I um.. had this crazy vision, I.. I think I saw my mom.. with me.. as a baby?" Po asked which surprised both of them.
"Whoa what?" Spike asked shocked to hear that while Ping began to flinch.
"Mom.. a baby?" Ping asked as his expression was turning to worry.
"Um.. dad.." Po said nervously as Spike looked over to a photo of the two when he was very young, and saw where this was going..
"How do I say this.. where did I come from?" Po finally asked while Spike stood by his side.
"I know it's a lot to take in Ping.. I myself have questioned this before.." Spike said sadly while Ping tried to find an answer.

"Well.. you see uh.. you two.. a little duck comes from a little egg.. and don't ask me where that egg comes from you two!" Ping answered which made Spike slap his face.
"It's nothing like that." Spike replied not wanting to have that to cross his mind.
"Dad, it's not what we meant.." Po said a bit upset at this too while Ping was looking nervous again.
"Oh.. I know.. I.. think it's time I told you something.. I should've told you a long time ago.." Ping said as he was about to drop a bombshell on them both.
"Okay?" Po asked a bit worried while Spike looked sad for what he's about to reveal.
"You.. might've been.. a.. a.. adopted.." Ping answered which finally confirmed Po's suspicions.
"I knew it!" Po whispered to himself which Ping heard.

"You knew? Well who told you?" Ping asked assuming someone told him.
"No one! Come on dad!" Po replied while Spike turned away for a moment.
"Well if you knew, why didn't you say anything?" Ping asked confused at this.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Po asked back which made him flinch again.
"Po.. please calm down.." Spike advised while patting his back again which made Po take a deep breath before going back to ask him something.
"How did I get here dad, where did I come from?" Po asked really wanting to know what caused him to come here, Ping sighed and began to walk over to a small box that was under a counter.
"Actually.. you came from this.." Ping said sadly while he showed the two it while Spike looked confused.
"A Radish box?" Spike asked while all of them looked at how small it is.
"Yeah.. it was.. just another day at the restaurant.. time to make the noodles.." Ping said as he began to tell them about how he met Po.

We open to a scene years ago when Ping was still young, and he was going outside to get supply's.
"I was going out to the back, where my vegetables had just been delivered.." Ping explained as his young sell looks confused seeing a moving box in front of him.
"There were Cabbages, Turnips, Radishes.." Ping explained before the box falls over to reveal a very cute yet very young baby version of Po.
"Only.. there were no Radishes. Just a very hungry baby panda." Ping said chuckling a bit while the baby Po ate a small radish and made a little coo while Ping looked confused.
"There was no note, although you.. could've eaten it. I waited for someone to come.. looking for you.. but no one did.." Ping said sadly as his young self looks for anyone like him, but no one ever showed up. Ping was about to go and take some Radishes to the kitchen, but little Po began to cry loudly which made Ping stop and look back at him, and he decided to toss him one of the Radishes which made the little Po very happy, and with one loud chomp, Little Po ate the whole thing which made Ping smile a bit.

"I brought you inside.." Ping explained as his young self lures Po in with dumplings and into a large pot.
"I fed you.." Ping said as we now cut to him giving little Po a bath.
"Gave you a bath.." Ping continued while Po tried to eat a bubble which made him look a bit confused since he didn't taste anything.
"And fed you again... and again.." Ping said as his young self cooks baby Po a lot of food which he ate easily.
"And tried to put some pants on you.." Ping said as Ping tried to put pants on him, but little Po was a bit too excited and went over to one of the counters which made a pot fall on his head and it made him cry a little, Ping looked worried for him and came up to him, and the little Po stopped crying and looked happy seeing him which made Ping look happy as well.
"And then I made a decision that would change my life forever..." Ping said as we now cut to another shot that night where Ping was finishing some more soup.
"To make my soup without Radishes, and.. to raise you as my own son. Ciao Po, my little panda." Ping explained as they both had fun during that night which started a bond like no other as we cut back to real time.

"And from that moment on, both my soup and my life.. have been that much sweeter. An so you two, that's the end of the story.. look at me.. uh actually don't look at me.." Ping finished while a bit ashamed of how he looks now.
"Po.. I had no idea.." Spike said with shock while Po was surprised with this news, but that still didn't answer what he had questioned fully.
"That's it? That can't be it! There's gotta be more dad!" Po begged hoping he knew how he ended up there.
"Well, there was the time you ate all of my bamboo furniture, they were imported too.." Ping said before a customer put some money on a counter.
"One dumpling please, Dragon Warrior sized!" He requested which made Ping bring out a huge dumping.
"Here you are." Ping said happily while handing him it before the bunny went off with it.
"That little guys pretty strong to carry that thing." Spike said impressed before they went back to topic.

"Po, your life may not have had such a happy beginning, but look how it turned out1 You have me and Spike, you've got Kung fu, and you've got noodles!" Ping said trying to make him feel better.
"Yeah, it doesn't matter what happens then, what only matters, is what's happening now, and who we choose to be." Spike advised as well patting his back.
"I know.. but I just have so many questions, like how did I ever fit in this tiny box? Why didn't I like pants?" Po asked while they both were worried for him on what he's going through.
"And who am I?" Po asked while he held up the box, Spike sighed and tried helping him too.
"Po, I've questioned how I ended up with Twilight too, I never knew my real parents.. but what I have now is what I really need.. even if I still want to know what happened.. we all just need to appreciate what we have.. before it's lost.." Spike said sadly as he still regrets Ethan's death. Po had a sad look hearing that, but also understood it a bit.. but still questioned just what happened to him before he met Ping..

However, far far away in another city away from the Valley of Peace, we open to a shot of Gongmen city during a normal day, the sun was just setting and we see masters Ox, Croc, Rhino and the Soothsayer from the prologue, and Ox and Croc were training with skill and precision, they both were some of the most skilled master's know, but Rhino was far stronger then either of them, they had been going about they're day like nothing was wrong.

But just outside the gates, a familiar sinister figure was walking up to the gates with metal talons being seen below, the guards instantly pulled out they're weapons and tried attacking him, but Shen easily took them out with one fell swoop which made them groan in pain as Shen went over to the door.

He cuts open the lock through the bars and that begins to open it which gets the master's attention. They turn to the door and they finally see Lord Shen arrive as he has his men behind him, as well as something in a large box as the sky turned from a gold sunset, to a dark and sinister, red and gray cloudy sky..
"Shen?" The master's asked at once while Shen had an evil smirk on him.
"Good afternoon gentlemen, now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, please leave my house." Shen ordered motioning to the door, but the master's stood ready to fight.
"Your house?" Master Ox asked gripping his weapon.
"Yes, didn't you see the Peacock on the front door? Ah, there you are Soothsayer, it seems your fortune telling skills, are not as good as you thought." Shen mocked glaring at her who was upset to see him.
"We shall see Shen." She said showing no fear which made him scoff.
"Oh you shall see old goat, now where were we?" Shen asked turning back to the master's.

"What do you want Shen?" Rhino asked holding his hammer tightly.
"What is rightfully mine, Gongmen City!" Shen declared which angered them all.
"Gongmen is under the stewardship of the Master's council, and we will protect it, even from you." Rhino said slamming his hammer down which only made Shen chuckle sinisterly as the sky was now a red color.
"Oh I'm so glad you feel that way, otherwise I brought.. that here for nothing." Shen said looking back at the box which got them suspicious.
"What's in the box Shen?" Ox asked again not liking this at all.
"You want to see? It's a gift, oh it's your parting gift, in that it will part you.." Shen mocked which gave them all the same impression of what he meant.
"Part of you here, part of you there. And part of you WAY over there.. staining the wall!" Shen mocked which triggered Master Ox.
"You insolent fool!" Ox shouted before he raised his weapon and jumped in the air while making a battle cry.

Shen scoffed and used a whip and threw it at Ox's horn and slammed him down while Croc tried attacking Shen too, but Shen jumped and the air and threw him to the ground with his tail while he shot multiple knives at them and used his tail feathers as a distraction, but Croc quickly deflected the swords away while Ox tried to attack him again. Shen landed on the ground and drew a long deadly blade and he began clashing with both master's at once, Shen deflected one of Ox's attacks and kicked Croc back before he slammed Ox back down while using his large feathers to catch them off guard, he then turned to Master Rhino and threw his blades at him while he twirled his hammer around but took one hit which didn't hurt him, but all of the fighting stopped when Rhino threw his hammer forward and a thunder sound was heard which pushed Shen back a bit.
"Show off.." Shen said upset with his strength.
"That is a warning, you are no match for our Kung Fu." Rhino warned while everyone stood ready to fight.
"Maybe... but this is.." Shen said before he hopped over to the box and finally split it open and revealed a huge dangerous looking cannon with a dragon like design to it. Master Rhino readied his hammer and Shen grinned evilly before he used his talons to light the cannon and the machine roared before it shot a cannon of fire and metal directly at him.. and let's just say.. he wasn't able to stop it..

We open to a sunrise on the next day, Spike and the other's had been told by Master Shifu to come to the front entrance as he had gotten a letter that made him extremely worried.
"Are you all familiar with the Master of Gongmen City?" Shifu asked while he was looking devastated.
"Master Thundering Rhino?" Po asked getting a bit excited.
"Yes." Shifu answered while he kept asking stuff.
"Son of legendary Flying Rhino?" Po asked again while he handed Spike the letter.
"Yes." Shifu answered again.
"And slayer of the 10,000 serpents in the Valley of Woe?" Po asked getting more excited before he just decided to reveal it.

"He's dead." Shifu revealed which shocked all of them.
"What?" Spike asked shocked looking at the letter, he read every bit of detail there was to it, and looked devastated to hear he was killed.
"Whoa.." Po said horrified to hear this too while everyone looked at it.
"How can that be possible?" Viper asked really worried with what's happened.
"He shouldn't be dead, that's impossible." Crane asked worried for this too.
"Rhino's horn defense isn't pervious to any technique." Tigress added while they all went to the main doors.
"This was no technique! Lord Shen has created a weapon, one that breathes fire, and spits metal. Unless he is stopped, this could be the end of Kung Fu." Shifu explained while everyone was worried to hear that news.
"Lord Shen?" Spike asked as that name already gave him a chill down his spine.

"But I just got Kung Fu!" Po said really worried to hear this.
"And now, you must save it, Go! Destroy this Weapon! And bring Lord Shen to justice!" Shifu ordered pointing out towards the mountains.
"Then it's time for another adventure!" Spike declared while he spread out his wings as the five began to leave too.
"Okay! Here we go! Here we go.. whoa hold on a minute? How can we do this? I mean how can Kung fu stop something that stops Kung fu?" Po asked confused on what can stop him.
"Remember you two, anything is possible, as long as you have Inner Peace. Whatever is holding you back from unlocking it, you must find out for yourselves." Shifu explained with a calm tone while Spike held his hat he's had since he unlocked Chi.
"Whatever it takes to find it master, we'll find it! Come on Po, let's go!" Spike shouted before he flew down to the valley with Po following behind.

The villagers of the valley were cheering for them all as Spike and the others began to leave the valley to stop Shen.
"Inner peace, Inner peace, inner peace.. okay.. peace on.." Po told himself before someone came in front of them.
"Oh Po!" Ping announced which made all of them stop for a moment.
"Is everything alright Ping?" Spike asked while he came up with a bag full of supplies.
"Don't worry, I just packed you a travel pack! I packed you food for weeks! Cookies, buns, vegetables, and I even packed all your action figures, see?" Ping asked holding out a few of them.
"When did I become an action figure?" Spike asked taking one that was nicely made to look like him before he lost his right arm while Monkey chuckled a bit seeing them.
"Oh, come on guys, I don't know what those are, heh I've never seen them before in my life.." Po said nervously before turning back to the figures.
"Dad, you scratched up my Tigress.." Po whispered looking at it a bit.

"I also packed up paintings of our best times, together, just in case you get lonely.." Ping said as he showed him some pictures.
"Look, here's me and you making noodles, and here's me and you eating noodles. And here's me giving you a piggyback ride." Ping said chuckling at one of them which made Spike laugh a bit seeing Ping's face.
"On.. second thought I think I'll hold onto this one.." Ping said quickly holding it to himself while Po sighed again.
"Dad, they're waiting for me." Po said sadly while Spike packed the stuff up.
"We appreciate this Ping, but we need to go.." Spike said as he made sure it was all packed up while Ping was worried.
"Oh of course.. you have a job to do.. far from home.. in a strange city, full of strange people, with strange noodles, facing horrible danger, from which you might never return! Don't go Po!" Ping begged really not wanting him to get hurt.

"Dad, I gotta go, I'm the Dragon Warrior, it's kind of my job to save Kung Fu, and if I don't.. who am I?" Po asked again still not knowing how to answer it.
"Your my son..." Ping answered while he looked unsure saying that himself.
"Right?" Ping asked nervously while Spike sighed again hearing this.
"Po, Spike, it's time to go." Tigress said getting they're attention finally.
"Come on sweetie, let's go." Viper said taking Spike's hand and he began to go with her.
"We're sorry Ping, we need to go, come on Po." Spike said as he began catching up with the others.
"Goodbye.." Po said sadly before he took the bag and began heading out too while Tigress looked back at Ping.
"Don't worry Mr Ping, he'll be back before you can say noodles." Tigress assured one last time before she began running after the others too while Ping looked really sad seeing Po leave.
"Noodles.." Ping said sadly as he watched Spike and his friends leave the valley and they began heading out to stop Shen..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I think this is one of the best scenes in the franchise with how emotional it feels, and I feel like Spike relates to Po a lot since he never knew his parents either, Shen's introduction is still the darkest scene in the series to me considering he literally kills Master Rhino, even if we didn't know him or Rhino, this introduction shows how much of a menace he really is, I'll make sure Spike does a lot to feel like a part of the story too that makes things really emotional too, thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more, and happy Mother's Day guys!

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