• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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28: Shadows Of The Village, Finale: Honor For The Fallen

After Spike, Viper and Death had saved the world from the demons, and sealed the crack away for good, Spike and Viper made they're way back to the village after Death left to do what he's known to do. While it was cool to team up with him for a while, it was understandable he had to leave, It was a good time for them to face off against the demons as a team, it was certainly a story that they'll remember forever.

Once Spike and Viper made it back to the village, everyone was relieved to know they're okay, Spike and Viper made it back to Viper's home within the hour after defeating the demons, and they were so happy to see they're okay, especially after they just left after the sun set last night.

While Viper and Spike were glad they were all okay, they all sill mourned the loss and death of so many lives, from the villagers who were killed in the attack, and especially the passing of The Great Master Viper, Ethan. Knowing that they all are gone, the family all decided to throw a special funeral to honor the fallen, it was to give a final goodbye to Ethan and the people who's lives were lost to the darkness.

Viper's village took no time to prepare this funeral service, with how much they respected and honored Ethan with how long he's fought for the village, they all wanted to pay respects to him and they're fallen loved ones, and by the time the sunset, the funeral was ready to begin..

The sun was setting once again on the horizon of Viper's village, everything within the damaged village was quiet and somber, to help reflect what's happening right now, small orange and yellow lights filled the street as the villagers, Spike and Viper, and her family are all gathered around in the center of the town, and they are sadly looking over the grave of Ethan, and the graves of their fallen friends and family..

Spike uses his fire to light some special candles around Ethan's grave, a picture of him and Viper's family were shown to be near the tombstone, and everyone was silent, and taking in this moment that they were all going through, Viper and her family all were crying as they remembered the times they had with Ethan, he was such an important figure in their lives, and now that he's gone.. they needed a moment to process all of this.

Wanting to show his respect to Ethan, Spike was the first one to step up, to announce his thoughts to the village, he hasn't done something like this before, but he wants to pay as much respect as he can. Spike stood in front of the entire town and made sure they all were looking at him, Spike coughed a few times before he finally began to speak.

"We are gathered here today, to say goodbye to someone truly special, someone who's shaped the lives of the village in many ways, and has protected it for his entire life. He was a strong warrior with a heart of gold, he always cared about his family, and never backed down from a fight, even if he wasn't a match for his opponent. This is the Great Master Viper, otherwise, he's known as Ethan, a great warrior, and a great father..." Spike said sadly as all the village watched him give his speech.

"I may have only met Ethan a few weeks back, but even from a first meeting, I could tell he was something special, he was someone I knew would always care for his family, and be there for them when they need it, no matter what happens, he was always there for them. Ethan is the father of my closest friend, Master Viper, his first daughter, and an amazing fighter herself." Spike said with tears as he took off his new hat he got from his new Chi powers, and looked at all of them with sadness.

"It's said that the Viper clan descended from Dragons, my own kind, they're fire had went into his clans powerful venom, a venom he used to protect this village for his entire life, and one that his ancestors before him used to protect everyone. As a dragon myself, I am more then honored to know my kind in this world, helped make the amazing clan that is the Viper clan, people who serve with honor, and protect the innocent, it's something I only wish I was there to witness, Ethan was a strong soul, one that was kind, honorable, and always stood up against the toughest foes. No matter what, and even with the short time I knew him.. I knew that he was one of the best warriors in China, and I hope he's resting peacefully in the Spirit Realm.. and he's looking over us all.." Spike finished while the village clapped for him at this really special speech he gave.

Spike cried a bit as he went up to Viper's family again, they all gave him a hug after hearing that from him, it meant a lot to them hearing it.
"Spike, thank you for this, it means so much to hear it from you.." Emily thanked as they all held him close.
"I only wish you could've seen him when he was raising us, he was such a sweetheart whenever he looked after us.." Shiji said as they all cried from reflecting on their time with him.
"He was the best father I could ever have, and I'm glad you got to meet him Spike.." Viper said as they all looked at eachother with sadness while the villagers stayed silent to pray to him.
"I'm glad I met all of you, especially with meeting him, this is a day I'll really never forget.." Spike said looking down with sadness while clutching his new arm.
"It's something we won't ever forget Spike.." Viper assured before she started to go up to her father's grave, to give a speech herself.

Spike stood alongside Viper's family and stayed quiet, this was a sad day for all of them, and they wanted to be as respectful as possible, Viper had tears in her eyes and began to speak too.
"My father, was the best person I could wish to have.. even when I was born without fangs like the rest of my family, he still did what he could to protect and raise me and my sisters. My passion for ribbon dancing is what let me save this village so long ago, and it was the first time I really felt like I accomplished something that made him proud, it was because of him I'm the fighter I am today.. and I wouldn't be the same if he wasn't there to protect us all.." Viper said sadly while the villagers looked down quietly too as rain was lightly falling on them all.

"My dad was truly one of the best warriors in China, he was strong, kind, honorable, a loving father and husband.. he was truly a pure soul that always did what he could to protect us and his home. And with all this said, I just wanna thank all of you, what you've done for him during his last weeks of life is something my family couldn't be more grateful for, you all are people that I couldn't be happier to have spent time with during these last few weeks, you all did so much for him, and for that, I thank all of you for doing so much for my family.." Viper said gratefully looking over the whole village, they all respectfully bowed to her in respect while she looked over them all, to know they had such a kind village to look after her father before he passed, it was something she'd never forget..

Viper went back up to her family while the other villagers went to pay respects to the ones they lost.
"Viper, that was really beautiful, I'm really sorry he.. died like that.." Spike said with regret while she hugged him once more.
"It's okay Spike.. we saved my home, and my family, and we did it with great help too, it's because of you we're all still here, you should be proud of yourself for this Spike." Viper said softly as they looked at his new arm.
"We went through a lot together, didn't we? From the letter arriving, to you and me traveling here.. and all of.. this.." Spike said with regret while looking over the villages state, he felt really bad for what's happened here, but if the people are alive, and everything's good, then he is too.
"Yeah, we both did, you were the only one there for me.. I just wanna say thank you, you were always there for me.. and I couldn't be more grateful for it Spike." Viper said gratefully as they both watched the funeral continue on.
"Your welcome Vipes, I'm glad I have someone like you here.." Spike said gratefully while they stayed silent with the rest of her family as they listened on to this sad day.

After they had that funeral for Ethan and the fallen villagers, Spike and Viper's family went back to the house, they all needed time to process what's happened during these last few days, Spike was still trying to get used to his new arm, even with Chi now being unlocked, he can only use it very briefly, and a lot of it faded after he used the Chi dragon to destroy the demon hydra.

Spike was sitting in the living room of the house, he was looking over the village through the window, even from here, he could see the village repairing itself after what happened, it's just the cycle of life and Death, and recovery. Spike gripped his new arm as he watched over the place, even with the funeral over, they still had a lot to process from it.
"Hey Spike, you doing okay?" A familiar voice asked which made him turn around, he looked behind and saw Emily slithering up to him, she had some dumplings for him in case he was hungry.
"I'm fine Emily, there's just a lot to go through right now, how about you?" Spike asked worried for her too.
"I'm okay, I'm trying to handle my husband being gone, and I only have my daughters left from this.." Emily said with sadness as she sat next to him and handed him the food.
"It's hard to process the loss of a loved one.. I only wish I could've been there to save him.." Spike said with regret while he looked up at the sky.

"There was so much happening at that time Spike, no one blames you for his death, and you shouldn't blame yourself, Death comes for us all, no matter how long we live, at one point, we will have to accept it, and move on to the afterlife, I'm just glad my husband could see his daughter one last time, before he passed.." Emily said with tears as she reflected on that dark moment.
"Nothing is more important then family, found family or blood, even if I never knew my real family, the ones had the egg I hatched from, Twilight and her friends were more then enough, but when I came here, joined the 5, and became a master, it was like I found a new family all over again, and now, with Viper, it feels like it's like a flower, growing from it's soil.." Spike said as he looked at a sunflower nearby the window, even after the damage this village went through, there are still things like this that can survive such carnage.
"Viper and my daughter's mean the world to me Spike, there's always the time where you have to let them go, and move on to better things, for Viper, her moving onto learn kung fu, and become a beloved master, it's something I couldn't be more proud for, and my other daughter's, they are all so innocent and pure, I never could imagine not loving them, they mean the world to me, and Ethan did too. And when you came into her life, it made things so much better, I liked you from the beginning Spike, but you really showed how much my daughter means to you, and to her." Emily said softly while they looked over the village together.

"She was the closest one I connected with, and she means so much, there's never a moment where I'm not happy when with her, she's always so kind, and thoughtful, she's truly the best of the 5 in my opinion, with all she's been through, especially now, she deserves the love she gets.." Spike said with a smile while he looked at Viper's ribbon he's had for a while now.
"She's a special one, just like you. I know you two care for eachother, but I also know how much you have feelings for her, if it weren't for these demons, we could've had you two bond even more while here, I'm sure Ethan would've loved to see it." Emily said in a sweet tone while Spike chuckled hearing it.
"I know he would've.. I do love Viper.. and I think she feels the same, and after what we've been through, it only solidifies it. I just.. don't know how to confess to her.." Spike said a bit nervous on what to do.
"Spike, if you love her, and she loves you, then take my advice. Take her to a nice place within the village, maybe the park, or the cherry blossom trees we have on the hills, or anywhere you feel is the best place, and tell her how you feel. I'm sure she's wanting to do it right now, I know you two love eachother, and all I want is for you two to show it." Emily said rubbing his shoulder.
"Do you.. really think that will work?" Spike asked a bit unsure still.
"Of course, it's how Ethan proposed to me, under the cherry blossom trees, it was the happiest day of my life, and I hope that my daughter feels it too, if you love her, then go out there and tell her how you feel." Emily encouraged which made him feel confident.
"If your positive on this, I'll try, thank you Emily, for everything.." Spike said gratefully while he began to stand up finally.
"Your welcome Spike, and thank you as well.." Emily said gratefully too as they both took in this moment.

Meanwhile with Viper, she and her siblings were in her room again, Viper was being comforted by her siblings, and they all needed a moment to themselves.
"So it's really over then, those demons are gone, and the village is safe?" Shiji asked with a hopeful mood.
"They are sister's, Spike sealed the demons with his Chi for good, when all seemed lost, he unlocked his power, and saved us all.." Viper said with a smile while she looked at the bracelet she was given.
"You both have done something incredible, taking on hordes of demons, that's a story to be remembered for sure, I just wish we could've been apart of it.." Linjin said a bit jealous with how they got to go fight them all like that.
"Yeah Viper, you both really went through a lot together, and with Spike having Chi now, something tells me he's gonna grow even stronger as time goes on.." Beihe said smiling at her sisters.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot in just one night, and with dad's funeral just happening, it's a lot to handle, I only wish we could've done more for our home.." Viper said feeling a bit of regret for how badly it was damaged.
"The place will recover Viper, time heals everything, and that includes how we process loss. You and Spike did so much together, and you should be proud of it too Viper." Linjin said rubbing her head which made her smile a little.
"Thanks girls.. but.. now that it's over, Spike and I will have to return to the palace soon, and we may not see you for a while again." Viper said feeling a bit sad of how long they've been away from the palace.
"It's okay Vipes, we'll come and visit when we can, and I promise we won't embarrass you when we meet the rest of your friends." Beihe assured which made her feel a bit better.
"I look forward to it sister's, but now that dad's gone, you think the village will be okay.. without him?" Viper asked concerned for what's to happen now.
"Don't worry, your sister's and I will stay here, to carry on our father's legacy, this village has grown so much, and we must help it continue, no matter where you go Viper, we're always with you." Shiji assured with a gleeful tone which made her giggle a little.
"Thanks, I'm glad to know that.. really.." Viper said as her worry's were going away finally.

"So Viper, now that everything's settled down, you finally gonna confess to Spike yet? We've been trying to help you two, and now I think it's time you both confess." Linjin asked which did shock her a bit, but then again, she's been having this on her back this whole time.
"I honestly don't know how to confess girls, I do love him, he was so cute when he first came to the palace, and he's still cute even after all his growth, with all we've done for eachother, I think it's something we have to confess to eachother.." Viper said with a smile while she looked back on the memories they've had together.
"Just go up to him and take him somewhere where you can confess, there are plenty of places in the village, just make sure you two have the right moment together, and let it out." Beihe advised while her sister's nodded in response.
"You don't have to hide it anymore Viper, just ask him for a moment, and when the time's right, just confess." Shiji encouraged as they all just wanted this to happen already, Viper sighed being told that, and smiled again, she knew she had to confess, and now was a good time.
"Your right, like always girls, please be sure to leave us alone, I wanna make sure we both can tell eachother this.." Viper said in a soft tone while she started to move to the door to find him.
"Don't worry Viper, we'll leave you alone, just have fun out there okay?" Linjin asked as she opened the door.
"I will, thank you so much girls.. I love you all.." Viper said gratefully before she slithered out of the room to find him, and they all smiled being told that.

After those talks, Spike and Viper both walked through the house to find eachother, and soon enough, they bumped into eachother in the hall, and looked a bit nervous.
"Oh uh hey Viper, you doing alright?" Spike asked hoping nothings wrong right now.
"I'm fine Spike, in fact I was just coming to find you, I was hoping to ask if you'd like to come to the village with me for a little bit?" Viper asked looking up at him which he smiled at.
"O of course, I was just coming to ask you that myself, you ready to go?" Spike asked while they moved to the door.
"Of course, come with me, I know a really nice spot where we can talk." Viper asked while they opened the door together, they took deep breaths and sighed with joy seeing the sun shine down on them, and they both went out of the house together.

Spike followed Viper through the village, looking around them, they could see the people rebuilding it, helping eachother fix they're houses, stores, and all the dragon shrines around, it showed him just how much this village is able to recover after hard times, and after all of this, he hopes nothing bad happens to it again. But Spike knew why they were alone right now, they both knew, and Spike just waited until Viper began to tell him what's on her mind.

Soon enough, Viper led Spike to another part of the village, it was a beautiful sight where they could see dozens of cherry blossom trees, there were pink leaves all over the place, and they saw the river pass by the village, and go far off into the mountain they fought on, Spike and Viper both stayed silent for this, they wanted to make sure they knew what to say, and when the time was right, Viper finally began to speak.

"We've been through a lot here Spike, haven't we? After getting that letter, we traveled a long way together to my home, and spending time with my family.." Viper asked as they looked at the water together, and saw they're reflections.
"Yeah, it was a hard time for you, and I wanted to make sure you didn't feel alone when coming back here, after how close we've gotten, letting you go through something like this alone is something I wouldn't think about, I always wanted to make sure your happy Viper, even with what tragedy's happen, doing what I can to help you, it's all I could ever ask for.." Spike said with a smile while they took a moment together.
"Spike.. since the day you came to the palace, I saw something in you, something special, I've been great friends with the others, but.. whenever I'm with you, there's something I just can't stop feeling, I always enjoy the fun times we have together, the fights we team up in, and just.. seeing you makes me happy, no matter what happens, you always turn my day around. And.. I couldn't be more grateful for it.." Viper said in a sweet tone while they both turned to face eachother.
"Thank you Viper.. when I came to the palace, I didn't think I'd be a great master at all, but with all the encouragement you and the other's gave me.. it helped make me who I am today, all the support you gave me.. it's something I won't ever forget, you have done so much for me since I came to this world, and I only wanted to return it.." Spike said with a smile while they both looked at eachother in the eyes, they had the moment, and they had to take the chance.

"Spike.. there's something I've been wanting to tell you.. I've been wanting to say this for a long time now.." Viper asked while they both looked nervous.
"There's something I've wanted to tell you too.. and now that we're alone.. I think it's time we tell it.. you wanna go first, or should I?" Spike asked pointing at himself.
"Let's both say it.. in 3..2.. 1.. I.." Viper said before they both finished it at once.
"I love you Spike/ Viper.." They both said at once, they both looked at eachother with pure honesty, they've felt this way for eachother for a long time.. and now they've finally admitted it..
"Viper.. you really feel this way? I've felt this way for a while, and after all this.. you really love me?" Spike asked hoping this was true.
"I do Spike, you've always been there for me, like how I've been for you, I do love you Spike.. like how you love me.." Viper said in a sweet voice while they both smiled at eachother.

"Viper.. after all that's happened, there's no better person, I'd want to be with.. then you.." Spike said with tears before he pulled her into a tight hug.
"I've felt this way for you for a long time too Spike.. do you.. really want to be together with me?" Viper asked while they held eachother close.
"Of course Vipes, no matter what happens, I'll love you, no matter what." Spike said as they looked directly at eachother.
"Thank you.. thank you so much Spike.." Viper said with joy before she suddenly came in and kissed him, Spike leaned into it and they stayed like this for a while, all while the cherry blossoms fell over the background, to help sell the atmosphere.
Soon enough, they pulled away from eachother, and looked at eachother with smiles of joy.
"You ready to go back to the other's Viper? I'm sure they know about this by now.." Spike asked chuckling a bit.
"Of course sweetie, we'll head back to home tomorrow, and we'll be close to eachother every step of the way." Viper said lovingly as she held onto him tightly.
"I'll look forward to it, I love you Viper." Spike said with joy as they started to head back to the house together.
"I love you too Spikey.." Viper said sweetly while they went back to the house together, even after all the hell they went through here, a moment like this.. was what they really needed..

After they finally confessed to eachother, Spike and Viper went back to Viper's house, and told they're family about they're confession, and now that they're dating. They were thrilled to know it, and congratulated them both for it, and after that, they spent the rest of the day getting ready to go back home, while they would like to have spent more time here, they've been gone for a few weeks by now, and with they're recent journey, they should be heading home.

We open to the next day, the sun was rising once again over Dragon Valley, the people were going about they're day, and preparing the village, like it was all but normal now. Spike and Viper had packed up all they had, and were now outside Viper's house, where her family was saying they're goodbye's.

"You can stay a bit longer if you want you know? I'm sure Shifu and your other friends wouldn't mind you two having more time together." Emily asked while they both stood by eachother's sides, and held eachother's hands.. or a claw to a tail to be exact.
"We've been gone for a while now, and I'm sure there's a lot of training we need to catch up on, especially with my new arm here.. but don't worry, we'll be sure to visit as soon as we can, since I can fly, we shouldn't be less then a day away if I fly us here." Spike said confidently while spreading out his wings.
"Spike's right mom, Po and the other's are probably wondering what's happened with us, and I think it's best we finally head back, after all that's happened, it's gonna be good to see the other's again." Viper said looking at her mother and sister's who all understood this.

"We understand Viper, you two don't do anything we wouldn't do okay?" Linjin teased which made the other's chuckle a bit.
"It was great seeing you again Viper, seeing our big sister being so cool and finally have a boyfriend, it just gives me so much joy.." Shiji said in a sweet tone.
"And don't forget, we always can come over to visit too, hope the palace doesn't mind a few guests every now and then." Beihe said smiling over them both.
"Don't worry girls, I'm sure the other's won't mind, it's been really great getting to know you all, and I hope we see eachother again soon.." Spike said hopefully as he had the bags next to him too.
"We're glad to have gotten to know you two Spike, thank you for everything. Know that you are always welcome here, and if you ever need our support, we'll be there for you." Emily assured which made them smile even more.
"Thanks mom, we'll visit when we can, we got a ways ahead of us, but I'm just glad to have spent time with all of you.." Viper said while all of them came to give eachother a hug.
"I'll look forward to it my daughter, no matter what happens, I'm always there for you, and Ethan will be too.." Emily assured while she rubbed her back.
"Thank you mom.. thank you.. all of you.." Viper said gratefully as they all stayed like that for a moment, and finally pulled away after some time.

"It's been really fun girls, this was one of the best adventures I've been on in my life, and I'll never forget it." Spike said finally picking up the bags.
"We're glad we got to meet you Spike, just take care of our sister okay?" Linjin asked while they stood by eachother's side.
"Make sure to kick butt together whenever you can, and just have fun with it!" Shiji encouraged while smiling gleefully.
"And always be by eachother's side when you need it, but I'm sure you always will by now." Beihe advised as well.
"Don't worry sister's, we won't let anything happen to eachother." Viper assured as they were finally ready to leave.
"Be safe my daughter, take care, and I'll see you soon." Emily said feeling a bit sad from this, but also was happy at the same time.

"We will, you ready to go Spike?" Viper asked looking at him.
"Ready when you are." Spike said with a smile as he spread out his wings, Viper coiled around him to keep a grip, and Spike began to fly once again.
"We'll be back soon, thank you for everything!" Spike said gratefully one last time before he finally took off into the sky's, with Viper's family waving goodbye.
"I love you Viper! We all do!" Emily shouted as they watched her fly off with Spike, and to their home.
"I love you too mom! I love all of you!" Viper shouted while Spike kept a firm grip on their stuff. They both kept flying through the air and they saw the house get smaller and smaller, but they knew they could come back whenever they'd like.
"Viper, I just wanna say, thank you for letting me come with you, I couldn't have had a better time in my life, and I hope we do something like this again soon." Spike said with a smile while they looked at eachother.
"I'm glad you came with me Spike, thank you so much for everything.. I love you.." Viper said as she cuddled into his neck for a bit which he chuckled at.
"I love you too Viper.. " Spike said with joy as well as he kept flying back to the Valley of Peace, even after all they've been through, this only made them stronger, and they hoped whatever comes next.. will only be another fun adventure for them both..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! So concludes this arc finally! I have to admit, I am really glad I made something like this, while I haven't had much time for character interactions in my previous chapters when i covered the 1st movie, something like this would help a ton, I'm really happy I got to make this, and am thankful you guys have enjoyed this so much.

Now we are finally heading into the 2nd movie! So we're gonna be going through some more emotional stuff in future chapters, but Spike and Viper are dating now, and I'll do what I can to make sure to have Spike feels included in the movie too, while I know some prefer Spike and Viper as friends, I think this is a better option, and I hope you don't mind. Thank you all so much for reading this arc and hope you look forward to the 2nd movie!

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