• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,105 Views, 198 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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4: Time Flies and First Fight

It had been almost a month since Spike started living at the Jade Palace, Spike had improved on his fighting skills quite a bit, not as skilled as the 5 but he can hold his own now, The training he went through was really brutal for him. Spike woke up at dawn everyday with them, he trained with them till sunset and they would all eat , rinse and repeat, Spike's body felt exhausted, he felt his muscles burning and his arms like they were gonna explode. Spike had never felt so much exhaustion before in his life, even back at home he wouldn't work this hard. Spike had become an expert in acrobatics, he was able to do flips and moves no other dragon probably could in a fight back home.

Spike began to hit a growth spurt as well, he had grown a few inches as he was now a little shorter then crane. it must have been all the heavy training he's gone through, he showed a lot of arm muscle, and his senses became more and more sharp.

Spike was currently sparring with Viper on the pit of fire, they were dodging each fire blast and throwing as many hits as possible. Viper swiped at him but Spike was dodging and blocking them, whenever Spike got an opening he was able to land a good hit and she went back a few feet and was surprised.

"Wow! You've only been here a month and your really starting to improve, especially with your new height!" Viper said as they swung at eachother again.
"It takes time for things to improve, i may not be the best fighter yet, but i'm definitely better then i was before" Spike said as he delivered a kick and it sent her out of the ring. Spike walked through the pit and walked up to her.
"You alright?" Spike asked offering her a hand.
"Yeah, thanks" Viper said gratefully.

They all then met up together near the door.
"Wow i'm really impressed on how well you've been improving." Crane said surprised that he beat viper.
"I've only been here a month, but i shouldn't get to ahead of myself, i'm not perfect" Spike said rubbing his head a little
"Spike's right, even though he's improved, he's not as close as skilled as we are, but he'll get there if he keeps this up" Tigress told them.

"When do you think we'll get to see you in battle for real?" Mantis asked and Spike shrugged
"It could be tomorrow, could be in a week, we'll find out when something happens" Spike said as they walked out the training hall for now.
"I just hope we see it soon, i'm eager to see what else you can do" Monkey said exited.
"Let's not rush things guys, he's still a student here." Crane told them and Spike nodded.
"He's right, lets not rush things." Spike said as they walked across the courtyard

Just then a palace servant and Master Shifu came up to them with the palace servant a little freaked out.
" Bandits are approaching the village right now!" The servant told them
"We'll speak of the devils" spike shook his head a little surprised
"All of you get going now, that includes you now Spike, show the village our new protector" Shifu ordered
"Yes master Shifu!" They all bowed and ran off
" Guess we're about to find out right now!" Spike said as they continued to run.
"Hey why don't we give you a dramatic introduction" Mantis asked, they all looked at each other and nodded, Spike then got an idea and told them what his cue should be and they nodded and Spike backflipped away and they continued towards the village

The village was being raided by thieves, wolfs were robbing each store and threatening the villagers.
"That's all the money hear, lets go!" The leader shouted before they heard someone shout
"The furious 5!" A villager shouted and they all cheered much to they're annoyance, a certain panda was watching from a nearby wall.
The five then all land in the middle of the village dramatically creating a crater, and they got in they're fighting posed
"Awesome!" The panda said excitedly

"you really think the 5 of you guys can beat all of us?" The leader laughed as around 3 dozen wolves went in front of him snarling.
"We've dealt with these kinds before, we can handle you easily" Monkey shouted, and all the bandits laughed at that.
"Oh right, you 5 are the warriors of this village, what do you have that we don't" a wolf asked as they all brought out they're weapons.

"We got a new warrior to fight alongside us" Mantis shouted, all the villagers looked confused
"A new warrior? when did they get a new student? Who is he?" Multiple villagers asked, Spike was keeping himself hidden waiting for his moment.
"They got a new student?!" The panda asked excitedly
"Oh really? what do have? a bunny? a mole?" They mocked and laughed at that, Tigress then stepped up and Spike got ready.
"You may have these weapons, and multiple members, but we... We have a Dragon" Tigress said with a smug smile
"What?" the thieves asked confused as well as the villagers, Spike then made his cue

A loud roar was heard and they all looked upwards and saw a figure, the figure strikes a few poses and soon lands on the ground in front of the 5 and creates a crater of his own in front of the five with a smug smile
"Dramatic entrance" Spike said as he blew a ball of green fire in the air and they all looked completely shocked.
"That.. can't be.." A wolf said backing away a little scarred
"Is that a dragon?! Like a REAL dragon?!" The panda asked completely amazed.
"They have a dragon fighting alongside them now?!" A villager asked amazed.

"Who cares?! He's still a student anyway! Get them" The leader shouted, they all regained focus and charged at them.
"Here we go" Spike said as they charged to with villagers rooting for them.

Spike and the others split up to take care of villagers, Spike was surrounded by wolves and they charged at him, Spike backflipped into the air and they all hit eachother, Spike grabbed a wolf by the tail and threw him towards more that were charging at him, Spike then went onto the roof and helped out monkey with some of them.

Spike and monkey used their acrobatics and hit them with unbelievable skill, spike grabbed a villager and threw it
"Viper catch!" Spike shouted as he threw him towards her, she then coiled around him and used his body against some other wolves and they all were knocked away before she slammed the one she controlled on the ground knocking him out.

Spike then jumped back on the ground and came face to face with the leader.
"So your the monster that's causing all this pain?" spike asked angry
" it's just giving the lower ones a chance to live while we steal what they have and get away" the large wolf grinned evilly
"I'm gonna give you one chance, i won't hold back against someone like you" Spike threatened as he clenched his claws
"He he, that's cute" The villager mocked and Spikes eyes narrowed
" DON'T CALL ME CUTE! " Spike shouted in anger and charged at him quickly with his eyes focused on him

Spike engaged battle with him, the leader tried to deliver as many slashes as he could but Spike dodged them, even when he did get hit it barely hurt him since he was a lot tougher, Spike jumped over him and delivered a kick to his back, he then grabbed him by the face and threw him into a wall, the wolf leader then snarled in raged and charged at him.
"You really think your a warrior?!" Your nothing but just a child from an extinct species!" He shouted as he tried to hit spike with an axe, but Spike stopped the axe by the blade shocking him.
"Maybe in this world, but i'm still here, and as long as i am, i won't let anyone like you hurt innocent people!, by the way dragons should NEVER be called cute!" Spike shouted and used his strength and shattered the axe completely shocking him.

"What?!" He asked shocked
"Tigress!" Spike shouted and tigress grabbed him and they tried out a new move, Tigress threw spike hard at him and Spike delivered a hard kick to his jaw, breaking it and slamming him into a wall knocking him out and the villagers cheered as he beat him.
"Like i said, don't call me cute." Spike said down at his body and he left and the villagers cheered for they're newest hero, but as he did he bumped into someone.

" Oh sorry!" Spike said as he turned around, but was greeted by a panda who was completely amazed.
"It's completely okay!" The panda said quickly getting up.
"That was completely awesome on what you just did!!" The panda said excitedly and Spike chuckled
" Take it your a fanboy of this kind of stuff" Spike asked with a smile and the panda nodded.
"I can't believe im talking to an actual dragon who knows kung fu." He said amazed.
"Heh, don't hurt yourself dude, My name's Spike by the way" Spike said offering his hand and the panda took it
"My name's Po! Thank you so much for saving the village!" Po said excitedly.
"Don't expect it to be the last!" spike laughed and they separated
"I probably better get going, hope to chat with you sometime!" Spike said as he went to the others jumping roof to roof to travel.
"Awesome..." Po said before he fainted in excitement.

Spike had arrived to where the rest of them were, the rest of the 5 had taken care of the thieves and they were all on the ground groaning in pain or knocked out.

"How'd everything go?" Spike asked as he landed in front of them
"All the bandits are dealt with" Tigress said with a smile.
"Took care of the leader, and a few more of them" Spike said as he walked to them
"You took out the leader?!" Mantis asked shocked
"A little help from tigress but yeah, i took him out" Spike said and Tigress nodded
"He just needed an extra push" Tigress told them.

Multiple villagers were cheering and came up to Spike
"Who are you Mr dragon?" A duck villager asked amazed
"My name's Spike, and i'm glad to have helped you all" Spike told them and they all cheered for them.
"Come on guys we should head back" Crane told them, they all nodded and headed back for the palace, Spike looked back and waved with a smile one more time before catching up with them.

"Do you think he's the dragon warrior?" A villager asked,
"I don't know, but i can say one thing, we have an actual dragon with the 5 protecting us now!" A villager cheered and the rest of them did the same as they were amazed that Spike is now with the 5.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this! If this feels a little to fast paste, like Spike not being able to have much of a struggle let me know, i plan for him to have a stronger struggle when we get to the first movie. Thank you all for the positive support and i hope you look forward to more!

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