• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 2,982 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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26: Shadows Of The Village, Part 6: Death

Pain.. that's all Spike's body feels right now.. just.. Pain.. his right side hurt extremely badly, and he felt like he was too weak to walk, his body just couldn't stop hurting, it was a pain he'd never felt before.. even with whatever training he went through with the 5, whatever mission he went on, none of the pain he experienced there compared to this..

But physical pain wasn't the only thing he felt, he felt mental pain too.. He still could see the horrific moment where he had one of his arms sliced off.. and the innocent people dying in that fire.. despite his best efforts.. these demons were too strong for him to push past to save them..

He felt regret for not being able to save those people, he felt weak for not being strong enough to protect Viper's home from these monster's, and he felt pathetic for failing them all.. and he passed out from it all because of that..

But as Spike was floating around in a dark void.. seemingly after passing out.. Spike could hear a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Spike..." The voice said softly which made him groan a little, Spike's head started to move a bit and he weakly opened his eyes..
"Where.. where am I?" Spike asked looking around, he couldn't see anything except darkness.. was he dead? in his mind? Where was he?
"Spike.." The voice said again which was catching his attention now.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Viper? Linjin? Anyone?" Spike asked looking around for anyone.
"Step to the light Spike.." The voice instructed while a strange door made of light suddenly appeared in front of him, it blinded his sight a little, but it looked like it led somewhere.
"Who.. are you?" Spike asked the voice as he slowly made his way to it, he didn't know why he was listening to a voice he doesn't know, but there was something about it that felt.. familiar..

Spike slowly walked through the door while holding his right side since it still hurt badly, but Spike's vision went white as soon as he entered which made him cover his eyes.
"Where.. am I?" Spike asked again trying to figure this out, Spike's vision was finally coming into focus, and when Spike opened them, he had a huge look of shock when he saw what was in front of him. He was in a large golden void that went all around him, he was standing on water that perfectly reflected his body, and Spike had a sad look in seeing what happened.. he lost his right arm..

Spike held his right side with regret and tried looking around more, this place felt so familiar, he'd been here before.. but when..
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Spike asked again for anyone's help, Spike could see mountains far in the distance, as well as floating structures that looked ancient, and like they were old ruins, that's when Spike realized where he was.. he was in the Spirit Realm..
"No way.. am I.. dead?!" Spike asked in horror not wanting to believe this. But a familiar chuckle got his attention which made him look around more.
"No.. but you were very close to Death, it's a miracle your still alive Spike." The voice said softly which made him realize who it was, Spike turned behind him and saw a large field with a tree directly in the center, it was a cherry blossom tree, but the leaves were golden and it looked like a perfectly grown tree. But at the top of it, he saw a familiar figure balancing himself on a ancient staff.. an old turtle..
"Master Oogway?!" Spike asked shocked to see him here, Oogway was looking down at him with a soft smile, and soon flipped off the tree and landed down in front of him with no effort, even with how old he is, he's still got his skill.

"It's been a while Spike." Oogway greeted while Spike was in complete shock seeing him after so long, but it still didn't compare to what he was feeling right now.
"Master.. I'm.. so sorry.. I don't know how to explain this.." Spike said holding his right side again, Oogway had a look of regret seeing Spike's lost his right arm, and he knew exactly why.
"You don't have too Spike, i have been watching over you all since i parted, I saw your most recent journey, and the pain you and Viper went through, I am deeply sorry for what's happened to you.." Oogway said rubbing Spike's right side too while Spike just looked upset.
"So you know about what happened? With the Demons.. and me and Viper?" Spike asked hoping he understood his situation.
"I do, perfectly, i must say, you have been through quite the journey to get here young dragon." Oogway said while he walked around Spike with his new staff in his hands.

"I can't say the journey was pleasant.. I've.. had fears of these monster's coming.. I just didn't know when they would.. or how strong they would be.." Spike said regretfully while sitting down on the water, Oogway looked sad from hearing that, but tried to help convince him.
"No journey is ever easy Spike, there are difficult choices one has to make on it, and the choice he makes, shapes his destiny. Just like how you chose to become a Kung fu Master, and your life changed for the better." Oogway said while he floated around Spike which did amaze him a little.
"I don't feel like i'm a Master right now.. especially after what just happened.." Spike s aid recalling what happened just a bit ago.
"I know Spike, but you mustn't give up, there is always tough challenges during ones journey, and often that challenge will make one feel hopeless, like he can't do anything. But with his determination, he can push through what comes his way.. that includes you Spike.." Oogway said putting his staff on his shoulder while Spike was still unsure of this.

"I.. I just don't understand master.. Were those monster's really demons? If so.. what caused them to be unleashed.. and.. how can i stop them.. can I even stop them?" Spike asked really worried on what they are doing right now, Oogway had a worried look being asked that himself, but tried explaining the best he can.
" They are demons Spike, the wicked souls of the damned, beings made from the most wicked and evil people to live, they came from the Mountain of Death, they're presence always brings fear into the most brave souls.. and they are monsters that will tear down everything in they're path.. I tried sending you the message of they're presence Spike, and I'm sure you are well aware of what they are." Oogway explained while Spike realized what that meant.
"Those visions i've been having, that was because of you?" Spike asked pointing at him.
"Yes, it was me all along Spike. When you and Po combined your power with using the Wuxi finger hold, that power was strong enough to open a crack to the underworld, and from that crack, came the very monster's you fought against." Oogway said while using his staff to show Spike that same vision, this meant Spike's worry's were right.. and it meant.. he was responsible for this mess..

"So that means.. I caused this? combining that power against Tai Lung was what opened it?" Spike asked really scarred to know it.
"Yes, but do not blame yourself Spike, you did not know it would cause this, I taught you that move, and you only had to use it when absolutely necessary, and using it on Tai Lung was sadly one of those moments.." Oogway said again while Spike looked at his left hand.
"But.. this still means I was the one who unleashed them.. me and Po are, if i had just let Po do it himself.. this wouldn't have happened.." Spike said regretfully clutching it.
" You may think that Spike, but you must remember you were still learning, the thought wouldn't cross your mind for a long time. And now that it has, you clearly see the threat this world faces now." Oogway said sounding a bit afraid himself.
"Master.. please tell me, how do we stop this? What's they're weakness, how can i stop them from coming to this world?" Spike asked trying to think of an idea.

"Spike.. do you remember one of the lessons I taught you, the lessons on Chi?" Oogway asked which got his attention.
"Yeah, I think so, Chi's the energy that flows through all life.. right?" Spike asked recalling what Oogway taught him.
"Yes, Chi isn't just one that represents life energy, but it's also the demons greatest fear, while they are made of nothing but pure darkness, Chi is made of light, and with a pure heart and one's skill, they could banish them away for good." Oogway said moving his hand around while a golden energy flew around him, it was Chi.
"Does this mean.. that in order to defeat them.. I need to use it? How? You only taught me on what it is, but you never taught me how to use it?" Spike asked really hoping he knew.

"That is something you need to understand yourself Spike, knowing who you are is the key. You have to be in complete sync of who you are, and what your place in the world is. You always struggled to understand who you were back in Equestria, but even now you still struggle, you need to realize your place. Not as the Dragon Master, but as who you are deep down." Oogway said putting one of his claws on Spike's chest while he was a bit confused still.
"I just.. need to understand who I am?" Spike asked himself while trying to figure it out, he's had this question on his mind for so long now, even after he joined the 5 and became a Master, he still is a bit unsure.
"That's all it takes Spike, when Po eventually reaches this task, i hope you will be there to guide him, I know you will defeat these monster's Spike. You found the courage to fight against Tai Lung with Po, and I know you and Viper can do the same together.." Oogway said with a smile while Spike looked up at him.
"Master.. thank you.. I promise I won't.. let you down.." Spike said respectfully, but he was still unsure of it deep down..
"You never have Spike, Death will be there for you. And with Viper by your side, i know you will save everyone." Oogway said walking back to the tree which confused Spike.
"Death? Do you mean poetically or literally?" Spike asked wondering what that meant.
"Oh, it's literal Spike, when you see him, tell him I said hi, and by the way.. you and Viper are cute together." Oogway said as Spike's vision was fading to white again.
"Wait what?" Spike asked confused before his mind went blank again.

"Spike.. Spike!" A voice echoed through his head which made Spike groan a little, he felt terrible right now, his body was hurting in all places, and it hurt the more he tried moving.
"What..?" Spike asked weakly as he was finally opening his eyes again.
"Spike! Spike it's me! Can you hear me?!" The voice asked worried which got his attention, Spike's vision was coming into view and he could see a shadow just above him, but that voice.. he recognized it..
"V.. Viper?" Spike asked weakly while his vision was finally focusing again, and he saw Viper was looking down at him with huge worry.
"Spike! Are you okay?!" Viper asked quickly coming to give him a hug, Spike winced in pain a little from feeling that, but he let Viper do it to help her too.
"Viper? Where.. are we? What happened?" Spike asked trying to lean up a bit.

"Please don't move too much Spike, your body was really injured when we brought you back here." Viper encouraged which made him stop for a moment, Spike looked around to try and figure out where they are, and Spike quickly realized it, they were back in Viper's house.
"How.. how long was I out? What happened?" Spike asked turning back to her who was really worried.
"You were.. out for almost 2 days Spike, you had us worried sick, after what happened down at the village, we were worried if you were gonna make it or not.. but we held out hope that you would.." A familiar voice said as the door slid opened, Spike looked to his side and saw Emily and Viper's siblings were slithering in as well, they were extremely worried too, and looked regretful for him too.
"Emily? Linjin? Shiji and Beihe? Is.. everything okay?" Spike asked looking at them all.
"With you awake, it's the best news we've had since the village was attacked." Shiji said as they all slithered up to give him a hug too.

"I was out for 2 days? What's happened since then? Are the villager's okay?" Spike asked trying to move a little.
"The villagers are trying to handle things the best they can.. they're in a state of fear after those monster's attacked, we've been trying to support them the best they can, they've felt quite the loss after what happened.." Linjin said sadly while Spike tried to process this, but there was one person who was missing.. Ethan.
"Where's.. where's Ethan? Is he.. okay?" Spike asked worried for him, Viper's family all had a look of sadness being asked that, and Viper was tearing up a little hearing his name.
"He's.. no longer with us Spike.. he.. died saving our lives.." Viper said crying at the thought of it while Spike was shocked and depressed to hear that.
"Viper.. I'm so sorry.." Spike said with regret while she gave him another hug.

"I'd say the same thing for you sweetie.." Viper said regretfully looking at Spike's right side, Spike looked down his right side too and saw a sad sight, his right arm was completely gone, his side was wrapped up in bandages and straps to keep any blood from being lost, and Spike couldn't even feel anything from that side anymore..
"I'm gonna get back at Po for foreshadowing this.." Spike thought to himself as he recalled Po saying something similar to this some time back when he went through his Molt Down.
"I'm really sorry Spike.. but what's important is that your still alive.. we all are.." Emily said rubbing his side while Spike was really sad.
"What about those monsters? Were there any sights of them recently?" Spike asked really worried if they attacked again.
"Not now, but we're all afraid of when they're gonna strike again. And even if we hold them off, we don't know how to defeat them for good.." Linjin said while she looked at her metal fan she used to fight.

Spike tried to move a little more, he was trying to push through the pain so he can at least stand, but Viper tried to stop him.
"Spike please, your very weak, you shouldn't move right now." Viper advised trying to hold him back.
"Sorry Viper.. but I can't just sit around.. I know Tigress wouldn't.." Spike said weakly standing on his feat again, he felt weak, like he was gonna throw up, but he needed to push through this pain to get better.
"Spike please, we lost a lot with this attack, we don't wanna lose you too." Shiji begged grabbing Spike's claw, but he just wanted a little time to walk.
"You won't lose me.. a little walk isn't gonna kill me." Spike said lightly standing up, Emily saw he wasn't wanting to lay around right now, even with how much pain he's in, so she went to give him something to help walk.
"At least take it easy Spike, take it slow, and don't try to fight right now please." Emily said giving Spike a walking stick, Spike took it and held it with his left hand, he wished he didn't have to walk like this, but he needed time to recover.
"Come on Spike, let's get you something to eat." Viper said helping him move to the kitchen while the other's followed too with worried looks.

Spike was now sitting at the table with Viper and her sister's while Emily was making something for them, he was being told what happened after he passed out, and was just really worried on hearing all of it.
"So how many lives were lost?" Spike asked with regret hearing how badly the village was damaged.
"At least 100 from the reports, a lot of people right now are really upset and worried, they don't know if the monster's are gonna come back, and with Ethan gone.. they don't know if they're safe enough, even with our help.." Viper said sadly while Spike tried to process this.
"Those monster's.. I can't believe it.. actual demons.. and they took so much from us.." Spike said looking at his missing arm again.
"I can't believe that demons are actually real, but then again, I thought dragons only existed in legend, but here we are.." Beihe said looking at Spike who chuckled a bit.
"Yeah.. if that's true.. we should expect anything by now.." Spike said having a sad look again, he still couldn't believe this happened, and with Ethan gone, he felt more regret for basically being responsible for this.

"What's important is your still here Spike, having you here is the one thing that's helping us all feel more relief, especially after what happened." Emily said bringing them some bowls of dumplings for them to eat.
"She's right Spike, I'm just glad your alive.. after losing dad.. I don't know how much more i can lose.." Viper said holding his left hand for comfort, and Spike didn't let go.
"It's okay Vipes.. I'm here for you.. " Spike assured as the the family ate they're food again, Spike didn't feel like eating was doing anything to help, but he needed something to help fill this void of regret right now.
"Viper.. do you think we can defeat these monsters? Even with what we know now, do you think we still have a chance?" Spike asked hoping they did, but Viper looked really worried and didn't know.
"With how things are right now, and with the state your in.. I don't know Spike.. I don't think the others will be able to help either.. unless we know what it takes to stop them.. I'm afraid we won't.." Viper said with fear which made Spike worried.

Spike tried thinking of what Oogway meant when he said when he explained Chi, understanding who you are and what your place is, that's what will help you unlock and use Chi, which may be the only thing that can stop those monster's for good. After they all ate, Viper's family went to they're rooms to think, while Spike and Viper went out to the porch, Spike had a sad look as he looked down at the village, a lot of the structures were damaged badly, statues that were once perfectly made were broken over, and there were houses that were burned down after the attack, it made Spike more regretful knowing the sad state the village is in.
"I can't believe what's happened to the village.. even when we thought we were ready.. seeing this.. I just don't know how to feel right now.." Spike said sadly looking over the damaged place while Viper was sad too.
"I know, seeing my home in such a state.. it's never been this bad before.. and to see it like this.. it breaks my heart to see it.." Viper said with tears knowing how badly damaged her home is too.
"We're supposed to be master's.. to protect others.. and save places that are in danger.. but with how this turned out.. do we even deserve to be called master's Viper?" Spike asked turning to her who looked unsure.
"I.. don't know Spike, for so long.. I've always been able to save the lives of others alongside the 5, and you. When we're together, i thought we can face anything.. but now.. I don't know if we're strong enough.. even after all we've been through.." Viper said leaning to Spike's shoulder who let it happen.

"We've been saving so many people together, fighting alongside eachother, and keeping others safe. We always knew what to do together.. but now.. everything's just.. a cloud that i can't see through.." Spike said looking down sadly.
"Always fighting bad guys, training together.. spending our free time together.. as the closest friends we could be.." Viper said leaning closer while Spike remembered the times they've spent together, but while he thought of this, he still didn't know how to think of himself, with what's happened, and what Oogway told him, he doesn't know who he is clearly, and maybe Viper could help.
"Viper.. can I ask you something?" Spike asked turning to her who was curious.
"Anything Spike." Viper said softly, Spike looked back at the village and reflected on what he was told.

"Viper.. who do you see me as, what do you see me as?" Spike asked curious which confused her a little.
"Why.. why would you ask that? I'm sure you already know, right?" Viper asked concerned for him.
"I used to think so too, but with what's happened, I don't know if I fully understand. I don't know what to do, I thought that I finally understood who I was after me and Po saved the valley, being a Kung fu master, saving others, being able to keep the weak safe, and spending time with my new family.. I thought this for the longest time.. but now.. I just.. don't.. know.." Spike said clutching his remaining hand again, Viper looked worried being told that, and was starting to see what he meant.
"Spike.. to me.. being a kung fu master isn't who you really are, what I see in you. Is someone who is kind, caring, always looking out for others, someone who never gives up when the odds are against him. You always supported me when I needed it, and you always were so sweet. To me, the person I see you as.. is the best person I've ever met, someone who's always there for me.. and never gives up.. a kind, strong, and cute dragon, who's always there for others. To me, what makes you so amazing Spike, is the kind person you are, you aren't just the Dragon Master to me, you are Spike, someone who's never gonna give up.. no matter how bad the situation is.." Viper said leaning into him with a smile.

Spike smiled a bit hearing that from her, it did help him see things a bit clearly, he didn't have to see himself as the Dragon Master, but as who he is, if he can really understand himself.. maybe he can learn Chi to save them all.
"Viper.. thank you, No matter what happens.. I'm always there for you.. " Spike said hugging her again who smiled more feeling this.
"I know you are.. that's something I will always know.." Viper replied as the two stayed like that for a moment, after that little talk, Viper soon pulled away from him and was getting ready to head back inside.
"You wanna get some rest Spike? It's getting pretty late, tomorrow we'll try and figure out what to do." Viper asked hoping he was wanting to come, but Spike needed a little more time to think himself.
"Give me a little bit Vipes, I'll catch up in a little bit, I just need some time to think some more." Spike replied looking over the village still which concerned her a bit, but she could understand where he's coming from.
"Okay Spikey, I'll be waiting for you, just take it easy.. please." Viper said hopefully before she went back in the house, leaving Spike alone for a bit.

Spike continued to sit on the porch by himself for quite a while, he kept looking at the tall mountain in the distance, he could feel they're presence coming from there, a dark presence filled with nothing but anger, he knew that was where they were coming from, and at that center, lied the crack that was letting these monster's out. He didn't know how he could stop them, he doesn't know if Chi can stop them, but if Oogway told him this, it may be the case. But he just didn't know. Spike kept looking down at the village, and he could see some of the lights were on, they gave of a sad feeling as the sky was cloudy, and there wasn't any sunlight at all, the wind brushed past his scales and missing arm, and he could only feel a slight chill as it went past him.

But while Spike was sitting alone, he felt someone familiar coming up from behind him.. a certain.. wolf..
"You don't have to sneak up on me like this, I know your here.. Lobo." Spike said turning his eyes to the left a bit, the camera moves a bit to his left and we see that Lobo was there suddenly, appearing in the shadows of the tree, like he was watching him this entire time.
"I'm impressed you managed to sense me Spike, not one can sense me like that." Lobo greeted with a smug while Spike didn't look back.
"What are you doing here? I thought you left the village after it was attacked?" Spike asked continuing to look over the village.
"Hmph, I may look scary, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless Spike, you weren't the only one who sensed those monster's coming, I tried warning you a few nights back, but something tells me you already knew, didn't you?" Lobo asked walking up to him as his sickles were on his sides, but Spike didn't show any fear seeing him.
"So you tried facing them too didn't you? Even when the odds were against you, you still fought against them?" Spike asked as Lobo stood by his side, Lobo didn't come to fight him, he just wanted to talk.

"I tried fighting them off the best I could, but even I had struggles against them, but that doesn't compare to what happened to you, and I must say.. I'm really sorry for it Spike.." Lobo said looking at his missing arm again.
"What's with the sudden sympathy? I didn't think someone like you could show it." Spike asked finally turning to him, looking directly in his blood red eyes, like they were staring into his very soul.
"Your not the only one who's been feeling bad for what's happened, the lives that were lost here, they're untimely Deaths, the despair everyone's been feeling, it's something that I don't like seeing in innocents." Lobo said sitting near Spike while the two looked over the village at once.
"There's something different about you Lobo, I know it. Your no ordinary wolf, are you? Everytime I see you, there's a feeling that I always get, something I know will inevitably come for me.. the feeling of.." Spike asked before Lobo finished.
"Death." Lobo finished staring directly at him, he got chills as he said that, it confirmed his suspicions were correct.

"So my thoughts were right, your not a normal person... your.. Death. Like.. actual Death." Spike said looking at him with no fear, he's been through way worse now, and not even Death can scare him now.
"You got that right, I'm Death. Straight. Up." Death introduced showing Spike his sickles.
"I take it your here because of those demons, I know Death doesn't just show up for no reason." Spike said looking back at the mountain.
"Your a smart one, It was pretty obvious too, when those things started escaping the afterlife, I had to track them down and try and bring them back, but with that crack on the Mountain of Death, there's very little I can do aside from holding them back. Even with my skill, I'm not able to prevent them all from escaping.." Death said looking at it too.
"Why is that place called, the Mountain of Death?" Spike asked wondering about the name.
"Because it's an ancient place that's existed for as long as the world has, that very mountain, was one of the first places that was named after an ancient being like me. It's meant to represent me, Death. And how no matter how long one lives, I always will come for them, no matter how many times I'm cheated, from someone with 9 lives, or even to an immortal being. I always come for every soul, whether they know it or not." Death explained which did interest him a bit more.

"To me, that's paying a lot of respect to you. You remember what I said about me respecting Death?" Spike asked recalling they're last talk.
"That made me slightly respect you too, I'm glad to know that a dragon from Equestria appreciates his life, especially when dragons of your world only valued themselves. It's rather sad that no matter how long they've been around, they barely learn from they're mistakes." Death said looking at one of his sickles.
"I guess that makes me special then. But that doesn't answer my question, why are you here? Even with talk on these demons, I know your not here for just chatting." Spike asked again, Death sighed being asked that and took out a drink from his cloak.
"I need your help Spike." Death said taking a sip of it, Spike was really surprised being asked that, who knew that Death, of all people, would be asking HIM for help.

"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked really interested in this.
"I'm sure you know by now, those demons are too strong for us to take on alone, even with the skill we had, we still weren't' able to stop them. When those people in the village died, it made me feel so much remorse, people dying when it's not they're time always made me mad, and I always came after the ones who caused it, and now those demons are still lose, and unless that crack is sealed. These villager's will all die, and soon.. the rest of the world will too. " Death said sounding worried at the thought, Spike had a feeling that may happen too, if they don't do something about this soon, everyone will die.. even Death..
"I don't know if I can help, I just lost one of my arms, and I'm still a bit weak, me and Viper barely stood a chance against these monsters, what makes it different if you help?" Spike asked once again.
"Because I know where they're coming from, and I'm sure you do too. And don't come at me with the I'm missing an arm stuff. I've met plenty of people who've continued to fight to they're own deaths with just one arm, if they can make it through with just one arm, so can you. Not to mention you know how to stop them, I know Oogway told you." Death said turning to him again, Spike shouldn't be surprised Death knows about this, since he must've brought Oogway to the Spirit Realm too.

"I don't know how I can use Chi, with all I'm going through, I don't know if I can understand who I am." Spike said reflecting on Oogway's words.
"There's always times where we can't understand ourselves Spike, even I had struggle adapting to who i am for the first few thousand years of my existence. But I soon learned to accept myself, and I learned to do my job without trouble, even with the tragedies i've seen, they are always what help me continue moving forward. The same should go to you Spike, failing at something doesn't make you weak, it helps you learn and grow from it, and you'll eventually understand who you are. Not everyone gets everything right on the first try, nor the second, or third. They take time to learn and grow, and that applies to you as well. To me, I know your capable of this, even after what's happened, pushing through this tragedy only makes you stronger Spike." Death encouraged which was surprising to hear from someone like him.
"So your basically saying, failure is a teacher in of itself?" Spike asked a bit confused which made him chuckle.
"Yep, it's one of the best teacher's out there. And the more we learn from it, the closer we are to understanding who we are." Death said finishing his drink before he put the bottle away.

Spike thought about this for a moment, even with the tragedy he and Viper's family went through, it's still a lesson they all can learn from, and if Death learned something from it, then he can too.
"Your right, even with what we've been through, we always have another chance. And we have one right now.. one that can stop these monster's for good.." Spike said looking back at the mountain, now with a determined look.
"So you understand what we have to do then right? But I must warn you, you may die if we do this. These monster's will be the toughest foes we've faced yet, especially since you have one arm, but I must ask you, are you willing to do this?" Death asked holding out his claw, Spike didn't waste another second before coming to shake it, he knew what they had to do, and they shouldn't waste another second.
"I'm always willing to put my life out there to save others, no matter what hell I face, I will take those damn monster's down." Spike said with a serious face, Death smiled seeing that and chuckled a bit in response.
"I knew the Universe brought you here for a good reason Spike." Death said with a smile, Spike smirked in response as the two stared at eachother for just a bit.

But they're little talk was stopped when the door suddenly opened, and Spike looked to his right and saw Viper was coming out.
"Spike are you alright? You've been out here for a.. while.." Viper asked finally noticing Death next to him, Spike let go of his hand and went over to her.
"Viper, I can explain everything." Spike said in defense while she was e worried at this sight.
"Spike.. who is this? Is everything okay?" Viper asked really worried for him.
"I'm fine Viper, but we need to talk about something important." Spike said kneeling down to her.
"And what would that be Spike?" Viper asked curious on what he means.
"We'll explain on the way, come on Master Viper, we need to go. Now." Death said already moving ahead which shocked her.

"Wait what? What does he mean by that?" Viper asked confused on this.
"I'll explain on the way, come on, we need to stop those monster's before they cause more harm." Spike said taking her tail and he began to walk down the path too.
"But.. your still inured! We can't just go without a plan! Or telling the others!" Viper argued looking back at the house.
"I've recovered just enough to get moving again, we don't have a lot of time Vipes. I promise I'll explain everything, come with me, please.." Spike begged hoping she would agree. Viper took a moment to think about this, while she didn't want to just leave without telling her family, if they're on a clock, they had to go, even with Spike's injuries.
"Alright, lead the way. But you have a lot to explain Spike." Viper said having a serious look knowing this.
"Oh believe me Viper, I'll explain everything." Spike said seriously as the group proceeded to make they're way to the mountain, they had one hope to stop these demons, and they hurried to it the fastest they could.. before everything falls to darkness..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know the talk with Spike and Death may seem a bit short and a bit fast, but I feel like Death can understand Spike with what's happening, despite him and Po basically being the cause of it, he knows Spike has a way to stop it, and doesn't want that moment to go to waste. We have only 2 chapter's left of this arc, the next will have Spike, Death and Viper going to the mountain to stop the demons, it's just Death who's working with Spike and Viper, and he's not gonna stop until these monster's are gone. and the last will be the sad moment with the village, and it will have them honor the lives lost. After that we're finally going into the 2nd movie, so i hope you look forward to it and have a great day guys!

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