• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 852 Views, 34 Comments

Family isn't just Blood - Sailor Aether

Icarus is a one winged pegasus, who lost his parents and a wing in an accident. Yet he finds family in the oddest place.

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Lucky/Unlucky encounters

“Colt, get up, it is time to go.” Sombra said. Icarus and Sombra’s train ride away from Aura Point was interesting to say the least. While they had made it to Icarus' initial destination Manehattan. It wasn’t without its hiccups.

“I’m coming, jeez. I can’t even grab my book can I?” Icarus said. The two were currently in one of the nicest hotels in the city. As to how it happened; Icarus and Sombra got off their train and they were stopped. Not by the authorities or the elements of harmony, but by a photographer. One that had taken a liking to Sombra’s appearance. Apparently he had the perfect jaw to eye proportions or whatever she said. Along with the fact that Sombra’s horn seemed to be repaired. He was in her words “Perfect” for the job.

“You made me do this. So do not complain to me.” Sombra grumbled. Sombra had planned to turn down the photographer before Icarus told him to accept. More like begged him to accept because the train ride had exhausted most of their bits. Plus staying in Manehattan for 2 weeks was anything but cheap.

“Well if you have any other marketable skills I am all ears Your Highness” Icarus mocked. The two stifled laughs before composing themselves and leaving their room. Icarus recalled how enthusiastic the photographer was when Sombra begrudgingly accepted. The winter season for formal wear was apparently a big thing in Manehattan.

“You are lucky, If you had not worked at that tavern. I would have declined and made you work” Sombra growled at him.

“Yea yea, whatever you say DAD. Photo Shoots down the street on the right” Icarus said. Anytime Sombra heard dad or father he would go silent. Not because he hated it, but because he didn’t know how to express himself positively.

“Hmph. Fine” Sombra pouted. He actually didn’t mind getting a job, if that's what this was. He felt bad for having to rely on Icarus to find them places to stay and food to eat. As his father Sombra felt he should be the one providing for his son. Even if it was a job that he wasn’t too enthused about.

“Yes, just like zat! More! More attitude!” Starry Lens, the photographer said. Sombra grunted and posed again in the studio. He hated this less than he thought and actually kind of enjoyed the clothing. Between the sweaters, suits, and jackets he felt like he was being tailored again. If it weren’t for the Prench Unicorns enthusiasm. He could bear with this mainly because Icarus was watching him with awe. He didn’t know the colt had a thing for fashion, or if he was staring at the photographer.

“Yes, Mr… What was your name again?” Starry asked. Sombra stopped posing and looked at Icarus.

“Umbrum, is our last name ma’am” Icarus said. Starry Lens smiled and used her magic to write that down. Sombra smiled when he heard Icarus say our in terms of his assumed last name. Starry didn’t miss this opportunity and snapped a picture of Sombra.

“Are we done here now? Ms. Lens?” Sombra asked. The flash from the studio caught him off guard and he wasn’t happy about it.

“Ah yes for now. We shall have our last shoot when our mare model iz here” Starry said.

“Très bien alors. Merci mademoiselle lentille étoilée.” Sombra said. He took off the jacket he was wearing and walked over to sit next to Icarus. The use of perfect Prench was not lost on the photographer who blushed.

“A-ah. je vous en prie” Said Starry. The photographer left to go and grab the last model needed for the shoot.

Icarus looked at Sombra eyebrows raised, “You can speak Prench? Why didn’t you say anything about that?” he asked. Sombra smirked at him and laughed.

“My son, you never asked me if I could,” Sombra said sarcastically. Prompting a groan from the colt, much to Sombra’s satisfaction. Icarus started to ask Sombra other questions when Starry Lens entered the room again. Followed by a tall white mare with a pink mane.

“Mr. Umbrum, this is our other model for today. Fleur De Lis.” Starry said. Sombra stood up from the bench, and bowed to the Unicorn.

“A pleasure,” Sombra said. Fleur nodded at him and looked to Icarus sitting on the bench. He waved his wing as a hello. Fleur quickly looked away and brought her attention back to Starry.

“When shall we start the shoot?” Fleur asked. Icarus wondered if every pony in this industry was Prench. He thought to himself he should probably ask Sombra to teach him some of it.

“In about 15 minutes, Ms. de Lis,” Starry said. Fleur nodded and left the room without another word.

“Strong and Silent type I see,” Sombra said. He sat back down and sighed, closing his eyes.

“Just your type huh?” Icarus said. Sombra nudged Icarus, making him laugh. Sombra suppressed a smile. Icarus opened his book again and began to read enjoying the company.

Icarus sat and watched the finale of the fashion shoot. Sombra and Fleur were killing it with all of the different outfits. Though he wished he was asked to do some of the shoot with Sombra. He doubted any pony who saw the magazine would want to see a 1 winged awkward Pegasus. As the shoot concluded Starry Lens had her hoof on her chin.

“Zis one is missing something. BUT WHAT?” The photographer exclaimed. Sombra rolled his eyes and Fleur sighed. Icarus looked at Sombra and waved his wing at him. Sombra looked over inquisitively at him.

Icarus mouthed the word, “Smile for her.” Sombra raised an eyebrow not understanding the “smile” part. Icarus threw his hooves up in the air.

“For the love of- SMILE DAD! For Celestia's sake you're dense” Icarus exclaimed. Making the photographer, and staff gasp. Sombra on the other hoof, laughed. Starry seeing this, had a lightbulb go off above her head.

“YES!” She exclaimed. “Zat is it! Keep that up!” The photographer yelled. Using her magic and snapping pictures from all angles until satisfied. Icarus, figuring his work was done, resumed his book. As Starry Lens finished taking the photo shoot, she jogged over to Icarus. Clearing her throat to get his attention, Icarus looked up.

“Did he forget to smile again? Where is he-” Icarus began. Starry held up a hoof to stop him from continuing.

“Nay. We are cleaning up the studio now. But I must know… How did you know it was a smile I needed?” Starry inquired. It was such a small detail too, she thought it was the lighting or setting. Even her camera seemed to be missing something in her eyes and yet, it was a simple smile.

“Oh. Well considering tall, dark, and mysterious already looks good in the clothes. I thought maybe his resting “Leave me alone” face wasn’t gonna cut it for all of the shoot” Said Icarus. He folded the corner of the page he was on. He then leaned to the side and looked at Sombra using his magic to take off the clothing.

“Genius Idea nonetheless. Also I know this is insensitive to ask, but is he really your father?” Starry asked. Looking at Sombra and back to Icarus who smiled up at her.

“Yeah, he is.” Icarus said smiling. “Best dad out there. Too bad I look like my mom, "he joked. This made Starry snort and wave her hoof dismissively.

“Nay Nay, you look fine. We just do not have anything in your size for this collection. Which brings me to my next point…” The photographer trailed off as Fleur walked over to them.

“Starry, mon cheri, a moment if you will. My manager would like to discuss the agenda for this upcoming week” Fleur said. She glanced at Icarus who had returned to his book and back to Starry.

“But of course! I am glad you want to continue with us. Icarus was it, We shall stay in touch” Starry said. Icarus waved a hoof at them without looking up. Starry levitated a business card onto the bench next to him. Then Fleur and the eccentric photographer walked out of the studio discussing their plans.

“My son, are you not interested in the city mares? Do you have a type?” Sombra sarcastically said. He had taken a seat next to Icarus who paid him no mind.

“My dearest father, have you gone senile already? I am no super model and have no business flirting in high society.” Icarus shot back. The pair snickered together at their banter. Sombra levitated a water next to Icarus and undid the cap for him.

“You should have more confidence in yourself. Trust me on this one” Sombra said. He placed a hoof on Icarus' shoulder. Looking up from his book Icarus raised an eyebrow and Sombra.

“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Easy for you to say. Your deep voice, piercing red eyes, good looking features, and your height. Kind of put you in the top percentage of “Attractive” for mares” Icarus said.

“Hmm you make a good point but y-” Sombra was cut off.

“Plus you seemingly know more than one language, an-”Icarus stopped. Sombra covered his mouth with his magic and sighed.

“Let me finish colt.” Sombra said, rubbing his temples. Icarus rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement.

“As I was saying, you sell yourself short. You look better than you think.” Sombra finished saying. The emphasis behind his father figures words hit him harder than what he actually said. Icarus could feel that Sombra meant what he was saying.

“I-I’ll think about it” Icarus said looking back at his book. Making Sombra laugh at him as he did so.

“Besides my Son, You do have My eyes anyway.” Sombra said. It wasn’t entirely untrue because they both did have the same Amber red eyes. Icarus didn’t respond this time and chose to continue reading. Sombra closed his eyes and the two sat in silence again. Listening to the sounds of the studio staff cleaning, and Fleur and Starry discussing terms.

The following months for Sombra and Icarus went really well. Sombra had decided to take a contract with Starry Lens for the next shoot. It was a sizable amount of bits plus a percentage of the sales they made. Icarus had also been included due to his ability to make Sombra smile. Something Starry specifically asked him to do. Even though none of the pictures of him smiling were used in the magazine's release. Icarus got a few of them, but the rest were with the photographer. He was sure it’d be fine.

“So what are they having you wear this time?” Icarus asked. Sombra and Icarus were in the same studio they had been shooting at for the past few months.

“I do not know. Probably something formal since Celestia’s Gala is soon.” Sombra replied. The two sighed in unison as they mentally prepared for-

“HELLO EVERYPONY!” Starry Lens yelled. As the two mentally prepared for her they both thought. Entering the room Starry began to direct her staff around. Fleur had come in not too far behind her. She yawned and used her magic to levitate her coffee to her lips. She opened her eyes and caught Icarus looking at her. He smiled and waved at her but she ignored him.

“Starry Mon ami, you are too loud” Fleur said. Every pony in the room grunted in agreement with her statement. Starry looked appalled for a moment.

“My friends it is only 8am! You must be passionate about this line of work, no?” Starry said. Sombra and Icarus covered their mouths trying not to laugh. Sombra got up and went to get ready when a small beige Pegasus colt came up to Icarus.

“Excuse me Icarus…” The colt said. Icarus looked at him confused.

“Uh yea that’s me what's up?” Icarus replied. The colt handed him an envelope and a box.

“These were sent to you, and you have a couple visitors outside the building.” The Pegasus said. After saying what he had to, the Pegasus left the studio without another word.

“What was that about?” Sombra asked him. Icarus shrugged his shoulders and opened the letter. His eyes went wide and he pulled the letter within out.

To Icarus Dream and Sombra,
I, Princess Celestia, extend an invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala to you both. It has come to My sister and I’s attention that you two are traveling together. We do not know the reason, or cause but we would like to offer you a chance at explaining. So again in good faith we humbly invite the both of you as our guest to this event. Enclosed are 2 tickets, we look forward to your attendance.
Princess of The Sun,
P.s-Please do not taunt my student Twilight any further Sombra…

Icarus read the letter again and examined the tickets. They were the real deal and he was invited along with Sombra? Sombra, growing impatient, grabbed the envelope from Icarus with his magic. Reading the letter Sombra grinned and laughed as he finished reading it.

“I guess “purple” wasn’t too happy about being left behind” Sombra roared in laughter. The entire studio looked over at him as he cackled at the letter. Icarus rolled his eyes and began to open the box he was given as well.

“Got a box too, is this from Celestia too. Isn’t this too mu-” Icarus paused, opening the box. It was his belongings from his foster family that he left behind. His old sketchbooks, diary, and blanket he got from his mother. He only left these things behind because he didn’t want to be suspicious. How did they know where he was unless…

“I’ll be back!” Icarus exclaimed. He bolted off the bench and out of the studio. Sombra watched Icarus leave confused. Looking at the contents of the box he started to piece together what was going on. Icarus ran through the hallway and down the staircase. This wasn’t happening, his foster family wasn’t coming for him. The visitors couldn’t be them, unless.

“The magazine. The flippin magazine sold me out. How would I know they’re into fashion” Icarus mumbled. Exiting the staircase he saw them, standing in the middle of the lobby. They saw him the second the door opened and ran over to him. He slowly backed up as they tried to hug him.

“We were so worried about you! You just disappeared on us” His foster mother said.

“Eloise don’t crowd him, he’s scared enough” The stallion said.

“Dad, don't tell mom what to do. He’s here now” Eris, his foster sister, said. Icarus' heart was pounding so hard he heard it in his ears. He didn’t even know what to say to them, he had just gotten away from them. 6 months of freedom and they found him.

“W-Why a-are you g-guys here?” Icarus croaked. Watching his foster family look towards a mare at the revolving door. Icarus didn’t need them to say anything else. Foal Services was pestering my parents for me running away so they had to find him.

“Stupi- I mean silly brother. Of course we would come find you. Congrats the fashion magazine” Eris said. She tried to hide her sarcasm but it was a poor attempt. Icarus winced hearing her talk about the magazine. He was right, they saw his name on the magazine and looked him up.

“You caused us so much trouble and now you’re coming home. NOW!” Eloise said quietly through gritted teeth. Icarus' eyes shrank to pin pricks as the sound of his heartbeat filled his ears.

Author's Note:

Oh boy, here we go. Also French is like my third language so I had to use a translator for it. Sorry if it's bad :3

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!