• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 853 Views, 34 Comments

Family isn't just Blood - Sailor Aether

Icarus is a one winged pegasus, who lost his parents and a wing in an accident. Yet he finds family in the oddest place.

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Real vs. The fake

“I-I don’t want to.” Icarus stammered, closing his eyes. His adoptive family looked at him confused. The Icarus they knew, the Icarus they made would never. Yet here he was talking back to them with half a spine.

“I’m sorry. Brother, what did you say to us?” Eris asked him. The two parents behind her scowling at him.

“We were nice enough to come and get you. We came all this way to-” Eloise said. She was cut when a shadow appeared behind Icarus.

“Nice enough to come get me? You couldn’t have cared less if I died. I would have to get away from YOU!” Icarus shouted. Icarus slowly opened his eyes to meet their gazes. He was also confused when their gazes weren’t on him. They were behind him…OH.

“I was wondering what took you so long. “My Son, WE” have work to resume” Sombra said. He put as much emphasis on the possession of Icarus. Sombra only came down the stairs when he looked through the diary in the box. Sombra was shocked at the day to day entries. They tore at a heart he forgot he had. He regretted prying into the colts' private life but he was beyond worried. Even if he wouldn’t outright say it, he was.

“Your son?” Eloise asked. “You’re the one who foal napped our son? We shou-” She began to rant at Sombra. Who looked at her with indifference as a crowd was beginning to form.

“Dear, you’re cau-” The stallion was cut off.

“Golden Moonglow, SHUT YOUR MOUTH” Eloise hissed at him. It was a familiar sight for Icarus who was almost reminiscent. Had it not been for his raging heartbeat and crowd around him.

“I do not know why you are here. He left you and is set on becoming his own Stallion. He is old enough to do so now” Sombra said calmly. Icarus wanted to be like Sombra right then. He wanted to be calm, collected, wise, and more importantly confident in himself.

“He is only a foal who knows nothing of the world. He is better suited to be at home, helping Eris get to college” Eloise hissed at Sombra.

“My adorable little brother needs us to babysit him. He can’t do any-” Eris said. Sombra ignited his horn and closed her mouth. She pawed at her mouth with one of hooves, panic on her face.

“How dare you!” Golden said. Sombra was still looking at Eris, paying no mind to either parent.
“How dare you defend that wingless reje-”Eloise started to say. Sombra shifted his gaze to the foster mother. It was a look Icarus had never seen before. It was cold, indifferent yet disgusted, and concerningly rage filled.

“You… Would call some pony I deem worthy to be my son? A Reject?” Sombra growled at them. Icarus was conflicted before, but seeing Sombra no…His father stand up for him.

“Dad, that's enough. I got it” Icarus said. Sombra looked down at him, his eyes softening.

“I do not plan to let them slander you any longer.” Sombra said. He had undone his magic on Eris and looked back at the family of 3.

“Yea don’t worry about that.” Icarus waved at the Foal services agent by the door. The mare saw him and pushed her way through the crowd.

“You are Icarus correct?” The mare asked. He nodded in agreement to her question.

“Yup, I do have a question though. What do I need to do to change custody? Permanently.” he asked the mare. She looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“There's a whole process to that. Could take months, why don’t you just go back with these folks here?” The service agent asked. Making the family of 3 smile in triumph at him and Sombra.

“Why don’t I go back with them, you ask?” Icarus scoffed. He was trying so hard not to laugh at them.

“That is why they are here. It has been 6 months you have been apart. Surely you would want to-” The service mare was cut off.

“It's been 6 months of freedom. And frankly I dropped the last name they gave me. My name isn’t Icarus Dream.” he said to them.

“Of course that’s your name. And we have been worried sick. Who else can help us run errands?” Eloise asked. Trying to keep up her façade in front of the crowd or ponies.

“Ah it isn’t. My name is Icarus but my last name. That's Umbrum. My name is Icarus Umbrum.” Stated Icarus. His family gawked at him and Sombra smiled at his son. Sombra knew Icarus was using his last name but he did not expect a full name change.

“You would throw us away after everything we have done for you?!” Golden asked.

“So- ''Icarus paused, deciding whether or not to reveal his fathers name. Sombra noticed his struggle and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Icarus looked up at him and saw Sombra smiling at him.

“Well? Done embarrassing yourself?” Eloise asked. Trying to keep her voice down, but failing with the crowd pressure.

“Sombra has been the family I missed. He did not tell me I was an experiment. He did not dismiss my feelings. He never made me feel less, only more.” Icarus stated.

The crowd gasped at his statement. They cared not about his name, but the conviction of his statement at his foster family. The pain in his words was not something faked and it was felt by all; even the 3 he was speaking to.

“He is the family I have missed, I almost had to die to get it. But it was worth every freezing second. Every second I spent away from you” Icarus said. The emphasis on the last 5 words was like venom to all that heard it. The emotion behind the colt's words had the crowd whispering amongst themselves.

“Surely you are mistaken. We have loved you even if it was in our own way” Eloise said. Trying to convince the crowd and herself that she “loved” Icarus.

“Yes. Locking me in my room while you go on vacation is “love”. Making me pay for my own elementary school, highschool, and first year of college is “Love” MotHeR” Icarus mocked. It was a childish provocation by all standards but it worked all the same.

“Mom can we just go. This isn’t working and I’m tired of trying to convince our pack mule to come home” Eris said. She quickly covered her mouth but the damage was done. It wasn’t even her voice that came out of her mouth.

“ERIS! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?” both parents exclaimed. They were confused why the words they said on the way over were coming out of her mouth.

“I didn’t say that! It wasn’t me, I don't know what's going on!” Eris cried out.

Sombra was holding back his laughter. His horn was alight and he was using magic to bring forth true feelings. A favorite spell of his for interrogation in the old days. Sombra sighed, reminiscing before concentrating on the spell again. This time it was directed by both parents who tried their best to keep their mouths shut.

“Why fight the magic? You said you “loved” him as I have. So let it be known your true feelings” Sombra goaded.

Both foster parents scowled at him as Sombra smiled back. Not the loving smile Icarus was used to seeing, this one more sinister. Icarus must have been a sadist because he almost preferred seeing this side of his father. Keyword almost because if looks could kill, his former household members would be gone.

“We got him as an experiment,” Golden said. Trying to struggle against Sombra’s magic.

“We didn’t e-even want h-him. The foal w-we wanted was t-taken” Eloise said through gritted teeth. The crowd of ponies gasped again at the declaration of the parents. Sombra walked past the family. They were all red in the face for a number of reasons and Sombra enjoyed it.

“You hear what they have to say, and yet they come to claim my son. The one who has worked oh so hard. For me, and for himself.” Sombra said. Pride filling his words as he spoke to the crowd.

“How do we know what they say is true?” An earth pony next to Sombra asked. Sombra smiled, expecting that question eventually.

“It isn’t true! Do not believe him! He has no proof!” Eloise said. The desperation in her voice as she tried to save face was… Delightful.

“Would you like to volunteer to be a test subject then? It's not like we’ve met before have we?” Sombra asked. His tone and voice alluring to those around him.

“N-no we haven’t and sure. If it will prove who is right here” The earth pony said. Letting Sombra cast his magic on him, the earth ponies' voices came flowing out.

“I was skeptical because this all seems staged for publicity. I love drama and have a huge crush on my next door neighbor who happens to work here and-” The earth pony stopped short. His face beet red in embarrassment from his sudden declaration to the every pony.

“So did I force you to say anything untrue?” Sombra asked. The earth pony shrunk back a little and shook his head.

“N-No you did not. All of that was um…true” the earth pony admitted. With this the family of 3 looked around at the crowd. Their initial plan to peer pressure Icarus home, and take his earnings was a bust. Plus the foal services agent was already talking with her office manager. The angry and disgusted looks on the ponies' faces said it all.

“I suggest you leave, my father and I have work to resume. Bye” Icarus said. Waving his wing at the 3 of them as they scurried out of the building. The crowd erupted in cheers, for Icarus. They were happy to have gotten the truth. As well as send off such a rotten bunch of ponies.

“I am so sorry. I was told that y-” The agent was cut off by Icarus.

“Save it. If your office actually cared you would have listened when I ran away the other times before I turned 18.” Icarus said bluntly. The agent looked at the ground when he said this.

“You…You make a really good point” The agent responded.

“Yes I know I do. The only reason I was stuck in this system so long was my family's will too so it’s not like I don’t get it. Whatever just go away” Huffed Icarus. The agent nodded in agreement and left. As the crowd dispersed Icarus saw Fleur standing at the bottom of the staircase. Before he could acknowledge her Sombra hugged Icarus.

“A-Are you alright?” Sombra asked. Icarus tried not to laugh and cry at the same time. Ultimately he failed miserably and ended up doing both.

“I-I’m Ok. Glad that heart of stone cares” Icarus quipped. Sombra used his magic to wipe away Icarus' tears. Sombra looked over Icarus and then flicked him on the nose with his magic.

“You are fine if you have enough gall to be this cheeky” Sombra laughed. Icarus joined him and the two walked towards the staircase together. Where Fleur was standing moments prior, the mare was nowhere to be seen.

After the “Parent” incident, Icarus felt much better about himself. He was subconsciously holding himself back. Due to a number of inferiority complexes stemming from being treated as less. However after journeying with Sombra, he found out he wasn’t a second class pony. Sombra also realized no pony, at least yet, cared about his past. They cared about who they had met and worked with. Both ponies came away from the incident better than they had been prior.

“Icarus, I will be out late. Do not forget to eat” Sombra said. Icarus rolled his eyes and smirked at his father figure.

“Dad I get it, We finally have a house. I will use the kitchen and make the soup you like. Now go before you're late, it's 4:30 you have 15 minutes.” Icarus said in mock irritation.

The two with the money they’d earned over their time working with Starry and her crew. Had helped the two of them finally afford a stable place to stay at. Even if Sombra refused to let Icarus pay even half a bit on the mortgage.

“As you should, I am off take care” Sombra said, smiling to himself. He turned and left the house to the studio once again for work.

“I have all evening. Plus I already cleaned, sooooo” Icarus said mischievously. He immediately ran over to the couch. He grabbed the remote for the t.v with his wing and turned it on. The Wonder Bolts were doing a show today and he wasn’t gonna miss another one. Starting on his cooking he hummed to himself as he began the soup. Enjoying the fact he could cook and watch t.v, he felt truly lucky.

“I’ve been dyin to watch them for a while. Months of waiting and I finally get to-” Icarus exclaimed. Stopping once he heard the doorbell ring. Sombra probably forgot his keys, he thought as he got up to answer the door.

“Jeez dad I know you aren't used to keys bu-”Icarus sarcastically started. He closed his mouth immediately after seeing who was at the door.

“Um, Bonjour mon ami. May I come in?” Fleur asked. Why was Fleur here, and how did she know where they lived? They had only moved in about 2 weeks ago and certainly hadn’t told any pony where they lived. Shaking his head to snap himself out of his thoughts he nodded to her.

“Oh, Ah yeah come on in. Make yourself at home.” Icarus said. She smiled warmly at him as he stepped out of the way to let her in. Fleur inhaled and her eyes widened as she looked towards the kitchen area.

“My what is that?!” She asked. It smelled like a soup her grandmother used to make for her as a filly. Icarus closed the door and walked over to the pot on the stove, removing the lid.

“Oh this? It's a potato soup I learned to make when I was in Aura Point.” Icarus said. He shrugged and grabbed a spoon with his wing. Stirring the pot, the scent wafted into his nose and he smiled content.

“It smells Si Bon!” Fleur exclaimed. She walked over to the counter and took a seat on the stool on the island. Icarus thought for a moment and then had an idea.

“Wou- Would you like to join me for dinner? Dad’s working with Starry tonight so-” Icarus trailed off. Fleur was already nodding vigorously in agreement.

“YES” She paused composing herself, “Oui, It would be an honor and I had something to talk with you about…”Fleur said. The last part of the sentence she mumbled but Icarus just smiled.

“I doubt this will be anything but relaxing” Icarus thought to himself. He looked at Fleur who had taken an interest in the Wonder Bolts show. Hoping that she wasn’t bringing him bad news he prayed.

Author's Note:

Dinner with THE FLEUR DE LIS?! Icarus has quite the full plate. Between this, the Gala, and a couple outings I cant tell you about yet?! Worry not Icarus will be ok. Probably. Maybe.

I hope you guys enjoy the resolution to the elephant in the room for Icarus and Sombra. There shall be more of our budding family so worry not! If you liked this please leave a like or comment. I love seeing what you like/might not have cared for in my stories.
Keep well friends until the next chapter :scootangel: