• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 837 Views, 34 Comments

Family isn't just Blood - Sailor Aether

Icarus is a one winged pegasus, who lost his parents and a wing in an accident. Yet he finds family in the oddest place.

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Falling isn't always a bad thing

Icarus felt like the house was too hot for the moment. Maybe it was the fact he’d been preparing dinner. Maybe it was the fact that one of Equestria’s most popular supermodels was in his home. Yeah the latter might have been it, and Icarus definitely felt the pressure. Not only had she shown up to his house unannounced, he invited her to stay for dinner. It was a pleasantry he was exchanging, not knowing she would accept. A blunder on his behalf sure, but he wasn’t going to be impolite to her. The sun was setting over the horizon and cast a beautiful shade of orange and pink across the clouds. Icarus took a moment to go around and turn on the dim lights around the house. After a minute he resumed his cooking and stirred his

“Did you want help in there, mon ami?” Fleur asked from the living room. She had taken an interest in a soap opera that came on after the Wonder Bolts show.

“N-Nah, I got it. I’ll be done soon” Icarus called back. He didn’t want her near him at the moment. He needed to calm down since his soup was almost done, along with his homemade bread.

“Just let me know and I will, Oh sweet Celestia! Il n'a pas!” Fleur exclaimed. Icarus couldn’t be bothered to figure out what she was saying in Prench. Nor could he be bothered to figure out what was going on in the soap opera. He continued cleaning up the kitchen until a timer went off. He went and grabbed some of the bowls from the cabinets under the island. Carefully he used his wing to grab the ladle and fill the bowls on the counter. He went and set the table and put bowls on either side of the table.

“I’m done now. Come eat miss De Lis.” Said Icarus, trying not to butcher her name. She giggled and got out of the chair in the living room and walked over to the table. It was set by the window off to the left of the living space. Icarus pulled the chair out for Fleur at the table and bowed dramatically.

“Milady, your seat,” Icarus said. He looked up to see an amused look on her face as she sat. He straightened her seat and pushed it in. Going to the other side of the table he took his own seat.

“Merci Monsieur~” Fleur cooed. The hairs on Icarus' neck stood on end and a shiver went down his spine.

“Uh yeah of course… don’t let it get cold, let’s eat” Icarus said. He gently blew on his food and took a bite. It’s nothing like Full Pints soup but it wasn’t half bad he thought. He looked up to see Fleur taking small spoonful's of the dinner with her magic. She looked to be enjoying the bread and soup that he’d made. After a few minutes Icarus finished his bowl and looked to Fleur.
“Hey, uh you said you had something you wanted to talk about?” Icarus asked. Fleur shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

“Mon Ami, I um” Fleur tried to talk but paused. She was trying to find the words she wanted too. She wanted to express how much she enjoyed working with him. She wanted to thank him for his hard work with Sombra, Modeling, and the Magazine designs. There was so much she wanted to say but she was unsure how.

“Ah, I mean take your time. Did you want more soup and bread? I have plenty,” Icarus said, smiling and getting up. Fleur got up from her seat as well and ignited her horn. She levitated both bowls from the table and walked over to the kitchen.

“You have a seat. You cooked so I will refill our bowls” Fleur giggled. As she got up Icarus watched her walk towards the kitchen. The sway in her walk captivating him, drawing him in to watch her. He now fully understood why ponies paid to see her in fashion shows. Icarus felt his cheeks grow hot, as he turned away from her.

“Oh no…” Icarus mumbled. He felt his heart skip as Fleur came back to the table. She set his bowl down in front of him. The smell of her shampoo filling his nose as she walked by him. She took her seat across from him and smiled warmly at him.

“We can talk in a little bit. I do not want our food to get cold.” She said, winking at him. Icarus felt his heart fall to his stomach. He felt it coming for the first time since he met Dawn. He was conflicted on how to feel about it. Then he looked across the table and saw Fleur eating, her refined aura was oppressive yet inviting. She caught his gaze and held it, making Icarus gulp. Icarus got swept into her amethyst eyes that were full of wonder, and then it happened. Icarus fell hard, really hard. Not to his death but but head over hooves for her. He had gotten too close and he was now paying the price for it.

Icarus had learned a few things about Fleur since she had shown up. One was that she was actually the designer of the Wonder Bolts costumes. He was like a kid meeting his idol after she said that. The second thing about Fleur that he had learned was her love for red wine. When he asked if she was ok after her third or fourth glass. She laughed at him and said,

“Wine is the staple of the Prench. It would be an insult to not enjoy it!” Giggling and giving a small hiccup as she spoke.

This did nothing to help Icarus' furiously beating heart. He had thought he wasn’t into her. He kept telling himself he was just a nobody who didn’t have a chance with a supermodel and famous designer. Yet, his resolve to keep their relationship all business was crumbling before his very eyes.

“Um Ms. De Lis what-” Fleur cut Icarus off before he could continue.

“Call me Fleur please, we are hardly strangers Icarus. It's been what? 6 months now.” Fleur said, levitating her glass and taking another drink.

“Fleur, what did you want to talk about earlier?” Icarus asked. Fleur put her glass down and looked at him.

“You got invited to the Gala by the Princess, correct?” She asked him. Icarus nodded and got up. He went over to the drawer under the island counter. Pulling out the envelope he revealed the 2 tickets to her.

“Yeah Dad and I got invited. Why do you ask?” he inquired. He figured someone of her stature would have gotten invited long before him.

“W-well…” Fleur stammered, before quickly composing herself. “Would you be my D-d…” she struggled to say. She had not been so embarrassed to ask out a stallion in years. Mostly because they would fawn after her and chase her. Yet Icarus was indifferent to her when they worked. He was always focused and driven to keep working hard. That was probably when she began to want to know him better.

“Would I be what?” Icarus asked. Completely oblivious of the fact that she was trying to ask him out. After a long silence Fleur decided to stop stalling and do her best.

“m-My Date… To the Gala?” She said, sighing. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest. Icarus however felt like the weight that was lifted from Fleur was flung at him like a brick. He was confused why she would even ask somepony like him. It was without saying a big wha the bu-

“Son, That smells delicious do you ha-” Sombra said as he opened the door. He paused when he saw Fleur sitting in his seat, at his table, with his son.

“Uh, Hey dad…”Icarus said surprised. He thought Sombra wasn’t supposed to be home for another…Oh! Looking at the time he saw it was 10pm. He and Fleur had been chatting and drinking for 4 hours.

“Ah, Bonjour Monsieur Umbrum. I was just on my way out. Icarus, Please think on my question.” She said as she got up to leave. Getting to the door, Sombra stepped aside for her.

“Let me walk you out at least” Icarus said following after her. Sombra watched as his son ran after her. He smiled seeing his son do so.

“You did not have to walk me out Ica-” Fleur said before jumping in surprise. Icarus kissed her on the cheek. She looked at him wide eyed and saw the sheepish look on his face.

“Nah I didn’t have to but…” Icarus paused for a moment. “I didn’t want to leave your question unanswered.” He said, trying to contain himself. Fleur, taken aback by his words, blushed and looked away from him.

“I-I’ll See you later t-then. Bonne nuit!~” Fleur said in her lovely Prench accent. It was something Icarus had come to look forward to hearing.

“You’ll have to teach me Prench. As much as I love hearing you speak, I need to know what you’re saying.” Said Icarus, trying not to stare at her as she walked away. She didn’t say anything as she walked away. She glanced back to see Icarus waving her off with his wing.

“Oh for Celestia’s sake, he's adorable” Fleur thought. Smiling at him, she turned and continued on her way home. She had plenty to look forward to now besides the Gala.

Author's Note:

Next up on the Adventure? THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA with: Father, Son, and company.
Shorter chapter since I have a Finals and such. But the Gala chapter(s) should contain more content. Same goes for my other stories! I appreciate all likes/comments/feedback. Have a blessed day all!