• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 854 Views, 34 Comments

Family isn't just Blood - Sailor Aether

Icarus is a one winged pegasus, who lost his parents and a wing in an accident. Yet he finds family in the oddest place.

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Pre Gala Jitters & Misunderstandings

“Dad, get ready we’re gonna be late” Icarus harped at his father figure. They were trying to leave for the Gala from their Hotel in Canterlot. Yet there was a certain somepony who was catching cold hooves as they were leaving.

“Hmm, I could just stay here. I would hate to interrupt a good time…” Sombra said, looking away from Icarus. Sombra, with all of his bravado, was suddenly not too interested in going to the Gala.

“Celestia, you’re being such a baby. We were personally invited, and besides you’re about as old as her. Haven’t you been to one of these?” Icarus asked while trying to fix his tie in the mirror. Sombra just grunted in annoyance, being reminded he was old was never fun. Along with Icarus being correct about him attending this stuffy dance was also annoying.

“Yes, it is as you assume. I have been to this stup-” Sombra collected himself trying to get rid of the irritation in his voice. Icarus picking up on this finally turned to look at Sombra. Seeing his father figure not look him in the eyes and grimace gave him enough information about his last Gala.

“I got it. Stay here, rest, and wait for me so we can leave together. I want to promote Starry Lens in her stead since she didn’t get an invite this year. More work for us ya know!” Icarus said happily. He was in truth a little sad Sombra wasn’t going with him but, at least he would have Fleur.

“Thank you Son. Are you sure you’ll be-” Sombra began to say back tracking on his insistence to not attend. Icarus just held up his hoof to stop him from continuing.

“There’s something bothering you now that we’re here. You don’t press me when I'm uncomfortable so I can do the same” Icarus said, smiling at Sombra. The Unicorn looked away from Icarus embarrassed and ignited his horn. He straightened the tie Icarus was trying to fix and walked to the bathroom.

“Give me a moment” Was all Sombra said. Sombra looked into the bathroom mirror and turned the faucet on. Splashing cold water on his face, he shivered and looked at himself.

“Why would I send him alone? Why am I scared? Why do I-” Sombra’s thoughts wandered as he cleaned himself up. The goatee he had been growing, he trimmed and his frizzy black mane, he tamed. Using his magic he summoned his red and grey ensemble and fitted himself into it. Looking himself over he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Dad you uh… Good in there?” Icarus called knocking on the door. Sombra looked at the clock above the door and saw the time; 7:13pm. He looked himself over again in the mirror and nodded curtly. It wasn’t the best he could have done, but given his time constraint from his cowardice it would do.

“Dad, what's wrong, oh…” Icarus trailed off. Sombra stepped out of the bathroom in his outfit gifted to him from Starry Lens when she heard he was attending. Icarus was impressed, not just that his father looked good. It was that he Changed his mind about attending. Sombra was nothing if not firm in his statements and actions. In the year and a half that Icarus had been with Sombra, this was the first maybe second time he changed his mind.

“Let’s head out my son. We have a Gala to attend and you have a mare to see” Sombra said smiling. Icarus shook his head and laughed as he walked to the door and opened it. The two remembered their room keys and headed off together.

“Don’t chicken out on me when we get there ok?” Icarus joked. Eliciting a punch in the shoulder from Sombra as the 2 got to their elevator. They made eye contact and laughed together as the doors opened and they stepped on.

“Holy Sh-”Icarus began to say. His train of thought was interrupted when he looked past the guards on the bridge.

“This castle has changed in the time I've been away. Son, has that balcony always been there?” Sombra asked, turning to Icarus. When he saw Icarus wasn’t paying attention to him, he bent down and followed his son's gaze. Sombra smirked at him as he bumped the Pegasus snapping him from his reverie.

“Oh! Um! w-What'd ya say?” Icarus stammered as he looked at Sombra.

“Miss De Lis, does look quite lovely tonight, no?” Sombra teased. Icarus blushed and looked away in response. Sombra laughed at him as the two approached the guards at the gate who stiffened as they saw Sombra. In a matter of seconds guards from all over began to surround Icarus and Sombra.

“State your purpose, villain.” A guard with a long red beard said from behind them. Icarus froze and went wide eyed, while Sombra just huffed in annoyance.

“I received an invitation, nothing more” Sombra said, rolling his eyes. Using his magic to grab the paper the guards around him flinched.

“Spare us your lies! You’re coming with us, NOW!” Another guard commanded. Icarus, after seeing the guards closing on Sombra, stood in front of him.

“Citizen, move out of the way. He is a thr-” The guard stepped back after looking Icarus in the eyes. His unflinching amber eyes bore into the guard, making him audibly gulp. Before the guard could open his mouth Icarus held up a hoof to stop him.

“He’s my dad, and we have an Invite from Princess Celestia herself. So if you have a problem, move, or go get her.” Icarus said coldly. The guard raised an eyebrow and smirked at him.

“And we are supposed to believe that?” The guard in front of Icarus mocked. Sombra shaking his head, levitated the invitation over in front of the guards face.

“Naturally, you should. ” Sombra said. The guard scoffed at him and looked over the invitation slowly. As he did so the color drained from his coat as he saw the official wax stamp on the invite.

“A P-Princess’ invitation? To you?” The guard in front of Icarus stammered, forcing Icarus to hold back a laugh.

“For some reason or another…yes” Icarus said as calmly as he could. The guard noticing this regained his composure and crumpled the invite.

“Fabricated, we could have believed if it was anypony else, but Princess Celestia and Luna? Lie after Lie and-”The guard going off on a lecture failed to notice the others around him bowing and saluting. Before the guard could continue he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

“Please, pray tell how others would see you treating Our guest Captain Shield?” the voice questioned. Icarus couldn’t help but be in awe with the pony in front of him. Her regal blue coat, flowing mane, and cyan eyes were captivating enough. That was just the icing on the cake so to speak, the dress the Princess of the Night was wearing was perfect for her. A stunning cream colored dress with blue gems around the hems of the dress complimented her well.

“P-Princess Luna! This fabricated invite from this Villain trying to crash the Gala, I was Tr-” Captain Shield stammered before Luna used her magic to uncrumple the invite.

“This is our signature, seal, and writing Captain. I fail to see why you are causing a scene.” Luna said, looking down at him. Icarus could have sworn he saw the captain shrink in his own now pale red coat.

“B-Bu- I-I mean Y-Yes Princess Luna. Guards at ease and return to post.” Captain shield said. As he bowed and went to leave Luna stopped him and leaned over and whispered in his ear. The captain's ears folded and he walked through the castle gates and disappeared. Luna sighed and closed her eyes.

“We apologize for not communicating to our guards. If the-” She said, opening them to find Icarus not in front of her anymore. Looking around she saw Icarus had gone over to Sombra and was happily talking to him.

“Hey, Hey! Did you see his face when Princess Luna came out?! I had to try so hard not to laugh” Icarus said laughing. Sombra let out a deep laugh with him and Luna just stared at the two. Was this really the former tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire and its’ ponies?

“Ahem, this way. My sister must have words for you seeing as though she made me sign that invite” Luna said, shaking herself from her thoughts. Sombra and Icarus looked over at Luna wide eyed.

“We totally didn’t forget she was here right?” Icarus whispered to Sombra. Sombra looked from Luna to Icarus and nodded.

“Let's go with, we did not care, that might keep us out of trouble” Sombra whispered back.

“And why would we be in trouble? What did you do?” Icarus asked, mock panic in his voice. Sombra huffed and walked towards Luna ignoring the “Disrespect” from his son.

“Lady of Night, we shall follow” Sombra said, bowing to Luna. She scowled at him and disregarded his greeting. She then turned towards the castle gate and made her way back to the castle.

“Sheesh, tough luck. She doesn’t look happy with you. What's the story there?” Icarus asked, raising an eyebrow. Sombra coughed into his hoof and began walking, trying to hide the embarrassment on his face.

“Nothing of importance really, just a … Misunderstanding of sorts.” Sombra said after a slight pause. The awkwardness around the conversation as they began to walk was something Icarus was familiar with.
“So mare problems? You of all ponies…Really?” Icarus asked, noticing the Princess of the Night’s ears perked up.

“It’s nothing really, just-”Sombra trailed off. Luna turned around red faced and made contact with Sombra.

“Nothing?!” She said her voice cracking, “You call leading me on NOTHING?!” Luna said louder than she anticipated.

“I did nothing of the-” Sombra was cut off when Luna turned away from them. Her tone of voice made Icarus wince, he could hear the hurt and frustration in her voice.

“I have done my part. Find our sister on your own or do not we not care.” Luna said angrily. Before anypony could say anything Luna disappeared with a loud *pop* from the displaced air. Icarus looked at an exasperated Sombra who met his gaze and shrugged.

“So… You wanna explain what THAT was about? I could go for a story time after all of your teasing DAD” Icarus said putting emphasis on the last word. Sombra winced, after the year and some months with this colt. He had figured out how to really irritate yet make him want to share his stories with him, regardless of how much he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, you see feelings are a real fickle thing…” Sombra began. He started telling his story to Icarus as the two made their way through the crowd of ponies. He had to make sure he wouldn’t spend all night explaining why Luna Princess of the Night avoided him like the plague.

Author's Note:

Domestic Sombra>Tyrant Sombra. I don't make the rules here. Wait... :3
I'm coming back from my break now that all of my finals are over and winter break is kicking off. I'll be writting when i'm off of work and such but I intend to slow down a bit so I don't crash and burn. So happy holidays, and looking forward to a new year with all of you <3