• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,671 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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Dull and Dim

Autumn, a chill in the air, and certain dryness.

Autumns my favorite of the seasons I’d say, it’s the end of the year, it’s a sort of welcoming coolness. I’ve always loved watching as the leaves would change, and how they’d fall, creating an elaborate collage of color and diversity.

Not to mention I was born in Autumn, first season I’d ever experienced. It gives me a feeling of confidence, makes me want to take on a warm, cozy persona. It makes me think of things like love. The brisk air makes an embrace seem more appropriate, and the falling of the leaves makes me think that everything bad is blowing over. That once you’ve hit rock bottom. You can only climb up.

“Hey! Kit! Man, ya gotta get those headphones outta your ears man! You’re gonna hit a fuckin’ car or something!” it’s Collin, real good friend of mine. Kids got a great voice, sorta raspy, he stands at around 5 9” I’d say, sorta chubby.

“Man, my best ideas come with music! How’s it been brother, what’s up.” I say to him, it’s been a while since we’ve caught up, ever since he got a girlfriend, he’s been managing time around her, hell, he even dropped World of Warcraft for her!

“It’s been chill man, but ya gotta come check this shit out, so this like, little explosion of, I guess it’s lightning, just kinda blew up down by the Glen! Ya gotta come check it out! Tons of people there! I’m not about to let you go home and do whatever you do at home, not without a little excitement!”

“’Cuz what I do at home is absolutely horrid? Yes, all I do is vigorously masturbate to my little hearts content.”

“Smart-Ass, come on bro, you’ll regret it if you don’t go!”

“Fine, you’re probably right, lead the way Indie. So how’s things been with you and Amber?”

“Great man, like my life feels so full, if I’m ever bored, I can just call her right up, and ask if she’s down to go to the park and whatnot! It’s like, so stable, I don’t have to worry about anything!”

“Good for you man.” Well that’s depressing for me. Love has never been my forte, well, being sixteen, it’s not necessarily expected I’d say. Regardless, it sucks when you’ve only been cheated on and used as a toy of pleasure. However, being the son of multi-millionaire doesn’t help people treat you normally. However, it does make for awesome Pea coats!

The Glen approaches. Collin wasn’t lying, the place looked nothing short of scorched! You could easily pick out the origin of the explosion by the black charred earth beneath it, and the trees surrounding where burnt and smelled of smoke. The little stream did little to offset the scene of destruction.

“Shit dude, you weren’t kidding!” I say in surprise.

“Ya man, oh-boy! Take a look at the REAL surprise!” Collin says as he grabs my shoulder pointing to a group of girls on the other side of the Glen, who are also admiring the recent destruction.

There she is, Sara, absolutely beautiful, and not like the other girls who dress like tramps, she’s her own individual.

“C’mon, go say something! You’ve been eyeing’ here for over a year dude! Get your groove on, and go talk to her!” he presses.

“There’s no way dude,” I say this, and then instantly began to think about his words, no, I have to take some initiative. “Fuck it, you’re right, goin’ in!”

“There we go man! God speed to you!” he says as he gave me a push and a salute.

I’m going to do this, I’ve GOT to do this, I’m going to tell her that I’ve had my eye’s set, and that… My god… who the hell is that? Just in view, by the bush and trees, I spot a dirty, blue coat. My god, some animal must’ve gotten hurt in the explosion!

“Hey man, you head back to… whatever you’re doin’ these days, I’ve gotta handle something!” I’ve always been good with animals and tending to them, besides, times a nice thing to have, I can put off Sara for a few more days.

“You’re joking, fine whatever man, catch you at school Monday.” He says this, not sounding terribly pleased. Worth it for the little critter, speakin’ of which, doesn’t look too little, fuck, is it like a person? I get to the bush, reaching my had out to move the brush away.

My god… I move the brush and see this, thing, lying on its side shivering.

It’s… It’s a… She’s a… fuck, she’s like some cross between a person and a… pony? But she looks too… cartoony! I mean, like, she’s got fingers, okay, feet… and no… shirt or pants… WELL at least I can confirm she’s got most of what MAKES a human, in the case of reproductive organs! Anyhoo, teeth, hair, a tail? Damn, multi-colored hair and tail, rainbow themed. A blue coat, shit, she’s like outta some anime! Big eyes, a snout, pony ears, there’s a few differences. Is she some like government experiment, an alien, or something? She looks like she’s my age. Her coats all covered in soot and ash, same as her… mane, I suppose it would be called.

Okay, maybe she can speak? I gotta help her, regardless of species. I lay a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, you wake? It’s alright, just, stay… Uhh… calm?” well, if she heard me, I sound like a dumbass.

She makes a little grunt, sorta reminiscent of that of a pony, who could’ve guessed… She rolls over onto her back and her big eyes begin to flutter open, ever so slowly. I slowly pull my hand back to me.

“Ohhh, what… where… AHH! My WINGS!” she cries as her back arks in the new pain. My god, I hadn’t noticed! She has WINGS!

“AHH! They hurt so much!” She says through gritted teeth, her back arching even more in attempt to release the pressure she put on her wings. I pull her to my chest, releasing her wings from the weight of her body, and she stops screaming, and starts to lightly cry.

“It’s alright! I’ll help you! Let’s just stay off those, I’ll uh, I’ll uh, get us back to my place! And I can tend to it!” I help her to her feet, only then do I realize, there’s bloody way she can make it back to my place without drawing a bunch of attention, my Dad isn’t the problem, he’s almost always been away since I turned 16. It was getting her to home. She was well… naked… I brought my head back and looked into her tender magenta eyes.

“Uhh, here, we’ll go over details later, but we’ve gotta get you out of here. I don’t know about where you come from, but we wear clothes, and you have none, so here.” I take off my pea coat and rest it around her, she pulls it tight around her, leaving the sleeves vacant. She stops crying, but she’s still tearing. I pull up the collar, and she nuzzles her snout into it. I stand and help her to her feet, I don’t think she’s ever walked before, she stumbled a few times before finding her footing. I’m around six feet, and had a heads worth on her, so the coat, fortunately, went down past her waist line, and an inch or so down her leg. I’m sure she’d pass for a person, just with some weird pants and hair.

“C’mon, we’ve gotta make our way to my place.” I say to her, she fondles the coat a bit, and fits her arms through the sleeves, and wraps her arms around me, her eyes fastened shut. I start walking, she moves with me.

There’s a little path back up to the street, not to many people driving, maybe a car or two every hour or so. And after we hit the private road to the property lot, we’re home free, literally. I guide us up the path, and onto the sidewalk, just a thirty minute walk to home.

“Uhh, you alright? Do you know what happened? Did you come from that explosion, or where you hit by it?” I ask. I really should lay off the questions for a bit.

“I… I don’t know… Somepony came around and started striking everypony with its magic, and… and… Oh god… I’m never going to get home!” She cries out.

“shh, it’s okay, tell me about that later, just calm down for me. What’s your name?” I try to sound as calming and soothing as I can.

“R-Rainbow Dash… My names Rainbow Dash…” She says, regaining some control in her quivering voice.

“Rainbow Dash, cool name, mind if I call you Rainbow?” I say, figure if I come off casual it’ll help her adjust, and calm down.

“Sure thing, my friends call… called me that…” She answers, gathering herself a little. “What’s your name?”

“My names Kit.”

“Thanks for helping me, Kit.”

These words seemed to ring in my ears. She nuzzles herself between my arm and chest, and rests her head on me.

Now everything’s silent. But her silence speaks, it echoes in my ears like a piano in an empty concert hall. Every little wince she makes from the pain in her wings, made me connect to her a little more. It feels like there’s a rope tying us together, slowly getting tighter and tighter as we walk. I’m feeling her pain through her, and it feels… right. The world slowly revolves around us, as if everything else is just some external factor in the grand scheme of things.

The house is in view now, and whatever bustle we heard before is now nullified by distance. Like an alarm clock under a pile of clothes, relevant, present, and annoying, but easily ignored.

“Rainbow, we’re nearly there. Once we arrive, I’ll try and treat your wings, and then maybe you can tell me a little more about. What, uh, happened?” Wow, if I don’t sound like an ass.

Huh, she’s not making any noise. She’s just still nuzzling herself onto me. Like she’s trying to sleep. How strangely serene. What’s it about her that’s making me so, full. She’s not even human, maybe that’s it.

The airs chilling, it’s starting to nip my sides, my cheeks feel solid and chipped, and my lips are beginning to dry up. Rainbow is clutching me more than before, squeezing her nose farther between my arm and chest. My hair begins to flatten against my head, it’s damp. It’s raining, not hard, a light drizzle, but chillness is nothing short of reviled. Thunder begins to clap in my ears like a kettle drum in an empty hallway.

The mansion is mere feet in front of us. Its stairway leading up to the large dark green wooden doors is coated with slickness from the water. The stonework has darkened from the rain and lighting, and it glimmers in the sunlight that’s powerful enough to penetrate the thick cloud layer above us. The windows are shielded on the inside with blinds, and the roof looks like a gelatinous substance from the rain flowing off its prism surface. The gravel of the earth beneath us cracks and shifts like a bucket of pebbles, and disperses like mud around our feet.

We climb the stairs, and I open the doors. They swing open, and the interior reveals itself to my new guest.

“Well, Rainbow, welcome, to casa de la Kit.”