• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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A Griffons Tail

8:45, Sunday morning, the sun’s shining through my windows, as my alarm clock goes off, playing Do Ya Thang by the Gorillaz. Today Rainbow and I head to town to buy her some clothes, but more importantly, get her used to human social interaction.

Uhg, even for a good cause I don’t want to wake up.

But I have to.

But I REALLY don’t want to.

No, no, I should. I have to get us outta here, and into town…

But it’s only 8 o’clock in the morning!

NO, I have to wake up!

Okay, I just gotta… get… up… fuck… I can’t do it… NO! I have to! Ffffff-uck I really don’t want to.

No, okay, here we go, one foot out, second follows, almost done. Sit up… I know I can do it.

No, I can’t do it… I can accept that…

I just lay there, lying down on my bed, in the most awkward position. I lift my head up and see my doors open, and Rainbows standing the doorway, dressed in baggy jeans and a grey tee shirt, chuckling lightly to herself. Her mane, tail, and coat shining beautifully in the sunlight, her crystal clear lavender eyes blessing me with their stare.

“You are so bad at this! Even I could do it! C’mon, Mums already made us some bagels, let’s get goin’!” She says, still chuckling to herself, her wings slightly popping open from the laughter.

“UUuuuhhhhhhgggg, I really don’t wanna get up… I just wanna-” She throws a water balloon, and it lands clean on my head, popping, covering me in ice cold water. It felt like I was dumped into the arctic ocean, after tanning in a salon. I shoot up from my bed, and grab my pillow, forcing it onto my face in a futile attempt to dry myself.

“Mum said that would work, and I certainly wasn’t going to argue!” She says, laughing even harder. The memories came right back. When I was younger, I often wouldn’t wake up for school, so Dad and Mum would toss a water balloon on my head after I would refuse to get up. I always loved it then, now however. It’s only funny for the nostalgia, this honestly sucked so much. However, I am now wide awake.

“Well played, Rainbow. Well played. Okay, let’s get going, just let me get dressed.” I say, Rainbow nods, turns around and walks out, her tail waving as she walks away. I get dressed, putting on a white tee-shirt with a pale green flannel over it, and some worn slim jeans. Put my socks and shoes on and ready to roll.

I haven’t showered… Goddammit…

I take my shower, and barely remember doing so as I put the clothes right back on. I head downstairs, and enter the kitchen, Rainbows sitting at the table, watching King of the Hill on the flat screen pinned up on the wall. I see the bagel, take a seat at the table, and start to nosh on the bagel. It’s an everything bagel. I love the everything bagel.

Rainbows watching the TV still, no longer fascinated by its purpose, rather, she’s focusing on the show. King of the Hill isn’t really a laugh out loud show, you usually laugh about it later, not during the show. Unless you’re really into it, I dunno. I’m just focusing now on finishing this darn bagel, although in background I can hear Hank saying, “Dammit Bobby, you can’t just go around diggin’ holes in the back yard!”

Rainbow is focusing hard on the show. Until she finally says,

“I don’t get it, aren’t these thing supposed to be funny?”

“Don’t worry, in 2 hours it’ll be hysterical.” I say, finishing my bagel, “Okay, you ready to head out?”

“’Bout time! Let’s go!” Rainbow says, wings flaring as she stands up, “So I was thinkin’, let’s head down to town and you can show me around, and then we can get clothes an’ whatever.”

“Sounds doable, let’s go.” I say, getting up from my seat. We make our way out the door, Rainbow leading ahead, with a ginger step in her trot, some echo of her old walking style.

We start to make our way down the gravel paths, to the large gate fencing off our property lot.

Oh my god, it’s so cold. The suns out, but it’s just cold. The air is so chill and brisk.

I’m very envious of Rainbows coat, I still have to wear a jacket, while she has one on her already, boy can’t I wait until summer. That’ll be fun.

Rainbows still got a trot in her step, but then stops, and turns to me, with a very inquisitorial expression.

“So wait, how much money would it take to but like… A good pair of jeans?” She asks.

“Oh uh, well I don’t know how much it would cost at your home, but here maybe like, 20 dollars or something.” I say, she looks at me a little longer, then down at her jeans. I want to have conversation, but I’m just too bloody cold, honestly she is so lucky, why don’t humans have coats and wings.

We get to the gate, I open it, and we walk through, closing it on our way out. On the other side of the gate is a park, my Dad bought this land, and changed it from parking lot to a well-kept park.

“Well from here it’s easy, the park is property of my fathers, so we’re still on our land. If we keep straight on this path, we can quickly hit the streets and start our little adventure.” I say, gesturing down the path. The park isn’t too dense, so we can see just through to the streets ahead. It’s a bit of a walk but nothing to intense.

We walk down, Rainbows trot getting more and more hoppy with step.

We approach the exit, and can see the street and shops clearly. The street is lined with various stores, and people are bustling around on every side. We take more steps, Rainbows trot lost, her stance strong and confident, but she’s definitely less eager to make herself known now. No one seems to notice that Rainbows not human. Until one old lady stops by us, examines Rainbow, and almost has a heart attack. She looks like a classic old lady, big handbag, slight hunch in her stance, big coat, and pinned up grey hair.

“MY GOODNESS!” Her voice is one of an old lady’s to! Raspy and aged, rather high pitched, “I saw one of you people on my tele! How marvelous! So you’re real! Welcome to New York darling! Pardon me but, I know you may be nervous, and you’re right to be! I’ve lived too long to see someone as lost as you, not have some advice from one that has seen so much. This may come as odd, or rude, but not all of us will be as forgiving or polite, some are cruel and judgmental! So please darling just remember to-” I grab Rainbows arm, and walk us down the street.

“Thank you m’am, greatly appreciated, but we really must be going, have a great day!” I say, taking us down the street.

“What was that all about?” Rainbow says.

“She’s not wrong, just… I don’t want to think about that. My philosophy is that, if we don’t treat anyone differently, then we can truly achieve equality. Be that ignoring racial stereotypes, as well as no racial handicaps. I think it may still apply here.” I say, sounding rather irritated. I don’t like hearing Rainbow being tossed into a separate category, as true as it may be, I just don’t like it. I’ll need time to come to terms with it, to make sense of it.

“Wha- never mind, look, like… I am different, and that’s fine, but whatever.” She replies.

“Sorry, sorry, I dunno, I just don’t want- no, this isn’t what we’re here to do, we’re here to have a blast. So let’s have a blast!” I say, gathering my spirits and optimism. There’s no way I’m going to lose this drive. Just have to stay strong, and keep my spirits up. “Okay, so I have a plan, it’s 9:20 now so let’s take a little tour and see what follows.”

“Awesome, so where do we start?” Rainbow says, sounding a little concerned, probably convinced that I’m bat-shit insane.

“We’ll start right here,” I gesture to the building right next us, it’s rather small, coffee house size, built of brick, “Ironically enough, this is the Red Brick! Awesome breakfast house and stellar lunches.” I walk us down the street a little more, more people noticing, none yet making an effort to acknowledge Rainbow, however, this side of the street only 15 people down its whole length, so maybe we’ve just gotten lucky. I point at a the new building, white concrete, and Spanish shingles on its roof. “This is Casa de la Gasee, heh, I love that name, makes me laugh every time.” Rainbow looks at me with a little smile, and an expression implying that I’ve totally lost it. “Nah you get it? Like, Casa de la GASEE, like delegacy!”

“That is the worst play on words I’ve ever heard. I mean, that’s worse than Twilights word plays.”

“Well I thought it was funny.” I say, a smile spreading across my face. God I love that name.

We continue to walk down the street, more people stopping to look, or avoid Rainbows wings, she doesn’t notice, or care perhaps. She’s just looking around, noticing all the kids and adults with their children, walking about, entering and exiting stores. Probably reminds her a bit of home, who knows, maybe I’ll really be able to make that comparison some time, when the war blows over. Nah, that’s a silly thought, anyways, that’s not what I should be thinking about right now. I do wonder what her home is like, if she has the same trot she does now back there, if she’s just as funny, or hot- what, didn’t say that. Never happened. Nope, nadda, nugatory, never.

Back on topic now, redirect attention to most relevant thing. Rainbow + Town = Social Performance Bonus, not really, just familiarity with the town. So why don’t we go buy those clothes, then we’ll meet some other people we can talk to, in a more direct manner. Then we could walk around the park a bit, and talk, or something… I should mention the clothes thing.

“Hey Rainbow,” I say, she turns a smile on her face, “I was thinking, why don’t we buy those clothes now, and then find out what to do next, at the store we can probably meet people easier.”

“Sure, sounds good! So where’s a good store?” She says, wings flapping slightly.

“Well actually, the one right there is real good for girls! Awesome customer service I hear.” I say, pointing to a store a few yards ahead, some teenage girls gossiping as they enter. The store looks like a Hot Topic, except with a little less black, and more vibrancy, not to mention the names Hit or Miss, I love that name.

“Okay, Hit or Miss, well that’s a 50% chance I’ll look good so let’s do it!” She says.

We speed up our walk, and get to the store. The insides bigger than expected, and I notice, there is quite a selection. Over by the counter, I see a woman cutting and sewing up some shirts, Rainbow gets sorta lost in the input from all these clothes and just sorta looks around, I go the counter.

The lady there is pretty, young, early 20s I’d say, she’s got spiky brown hair, pale skin, cargo pants, and a Black Sabbath t-shirt on. She looks up at me, and stops her work, leaning on the counter, arms folded.

“Hey, I was just coming in here with my uh, friend Rainbow, she’s lookin’ through clothes right now I think. And uh, well, she’s… just take a look, easier that way.” I say to her, she looks up, acknowledges Rainbows presence, eyebrows raise, and she turns back to me, and speaks, her voice clear and alto.

“Yea, I’ve seen her folk round all over the news. Supposed to be a part of our life now or something. Pretty damn cook if you ask me, but yea, I think I catch your drift. Clothes for her wings and tail, we’re all set.” She says to me casually.

“Wait, really?” I say, surprised at this, naturally.

“Well yea, I mean, the whole line up isn’t set up, but I’ve been workin’ my butt off getting some clothes ready for these new guys. Hopefully what she’s interested in is ready for purchase. Yea, it’s been interesting, but it’s opened up so many opportunities for designers, yea it’s a new pain, but it’ll be totally cool for them. I mean, the incorporation of tails and wings and horns is totally rad.”

“Wow, awesome, yea. I’m sure she’ll know what to buy, speaking of which, how are prices on average for her clothes?” I ask.

“For you guys, cheap. For one, stores are being kind to these new guys, and on top of that, the clothes we have prepared aren’t made like this from factory to store, the store individually has to make these changes, or just sell them. So to make it fair, we slash prices, but don’t worry, once they’ve been ere a while, everything will be back in swing. Besides, you’re the son of that rich guy, Mr. Parmen Price, aren’t you? Yea, you’ll be totally set, probably a whole wardrobe for her will be close to 120 bucks. Not bad for a full wardrobe.”

“Yea, that’s actually pretty good. Sweet. Uh, she’s only been here 2 days, so she may have no idea what she’s buying really, and I’m not the best when it comes to fashion advice. Do you think you could-”

“Of course, I get it dude, you’re not the first to have no idea how to help with this stuff, just lead me to your girl and we’ll get her an awesome wardrobe in no time.” She says.

“Oh she’s not my-”

“Sure she isn’t, besides, not my place, c’mon, let’s get goin’”

I walk us over to Rainbow, who’s currently looking at a bra like it’s the most peculiar article of clothing she’s ever seen. The lady from the counter goes over to her and explains.

“Hey there, I’m Casey, I’ll be guiding you around here helpin’ ya pick out some clothes. That’s a bra, it’s used to keep your boobs in place. Those things,” she says, points at Rainbows chest, who looks down, then at the bra. Here eyes widen a little and she makes an “oh of course” face. “so you’ll need a few of those, as well as panties and socks. Those are essentials I’d say, everything else is pretty flexible, so let’s select those, and then we can pick out outfits.” She concludes.

“Okay, cool but like, my wings, and tail-” Rainbow says.

“No need to worry, we’re pretty covered, I’ve been working my butt off getting these ready for your folk, believe me it wasn’t fun. But we’re pretty set.” Casey says.

“You’re pretty chill about me being, not like you.” Rainbow says, now looking through the bras for one that she liked, Casey doing the same.

“Well, I’m a pretty open person, my parents and I moved a lot when I was in school, so naturally I was pretty used to change. But man, when you guys started popping up, that took a little getting used to. My policy for this kind of change is easy, just roll with it, they’re different, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong, and just treat them the way you see most morally just and ethical.” She says, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting a store worker to be that insightful, wonders never cease.

I figure it isn’t really my place to be watching girls look through undergarments, so I walk over to the footwear isle, and sit on one of the benches. The girls that entered before enter the same isle, and sit down on the bench on either side of me. Both pretty, but ones dressed in a black, Goth, turbo punk manner; piercings, shoulder length spiked black hair, pale skin, black lipstick, black skirt, netted leggings, and a white Rise Against t-shirt. Her friend next to me has long Blond hair, a grey New York sweat shirt, black Yoga pants, and Ugs on. How the hell are they not tearing each other apart, they’re legitimately polar opposites, punk and popular, this doesn’t add up.

“Hey, so is that your friend over there, the one with the tail and wings.” The girl to my right asks, she’s the punky one.

“Uh- yeah, what about her?” I ask defensively, I think I can rightfully be defensive, they’ve taken an aggressive position, surrounding me n’ all.

“Just curious. But like, how’d you find her? I mean, more like, why do you guys still hang?” She asks.

“I’ve taken her into my home, fed her, housed her, and now clothing her. She’s very important to me.” I say, I’ve never told anyone that before, why would I say it now!? I’ve never even told myself that before!

“Huh, cool. It’s just, ya know, kinda valiant to do all that. I mean, look at our society, it’s pretty fucked up, so what makes you different from the rest, make you want to take her in without any incentive?”

“Good nature, my father raised me with high moral standards, and I enjoy knowing I try to always do the right thing. I think every living thing deserves a fair chance, and as she was, she had little chance.” I say, the other girl leans in.

“So like, you found her, brought her in, and you’re taking care of her!? That’s so sweet! I heard that all the one like her will have to attend school! Ruth’s right, it’s a mean place, planet Earth, High Schools going to be rough for her!” The other girl says.

“Speaking realistically yeah it will, but why do you care, what do you want?” I say, trying to understand just what they’re getting at here. Ruth, the punk one, leans in to speak again.

“I just want to wish best of luck, and tell you, she’s not the only one in this town. There’s tons of em here. And not just ones like her. Different kinds, not many, but they’re here.” Ruth says.

“What are you talking about?” I ask. The blond leans back in.

“Well, that’s actually why we’re here, we met one, a Griffon. She says her names Gilda, we talked for a while, and she always spoke about this one girl named Rainbow Dash. Kept on saying about how she’s been so upset about some event that happened between them. They were classmates in flying school, then went their separate ways. But then they met back up, but they both had changed so much, and they just split up even further. Then a few days ago, we saw some blue wings in the sky, and some multi colored tail, and we ran to Gilda. She said that it had to be her, and asked if we could look around for her. It was the least we could do.” She says.

“What do you mean the least you could do? You owe her?” I ask, curious as to just why it wouldn’t be the other way around. Ruth gives a look at the blonde, who nods, and Ruth begins explaining.

“Well, Clara and I were out on a date,” Ruth says. My eyes widen, and I look back and forth between the two, Ruth continues to talk. “Yea, I know, we dress nothing alike. But anyways, as we’re walking back from our movie, we decide to take a short cut through Parmen Price Park, and some punks from the football team run up to us. Maybe 4 of them, and the Quarter Backs leading them all, Clara dated him. Didn’t like him much, in fact, she found out, she just didn’t like dick that much anyway. So then we happened. But anyways, these punks start yelling at us, and threaten to beat us up. I was getting kinda nervous, no way could I take on 4 dudes from the football team, and Clara’s no fighter. But then, bam, Gilda showed up. Just outta nowhere, and beat the living shit outta them until they ran off cryin’ like a load of pansies. So then we started to talk, and met up in the park regularly.”

“And now here you are.” I say.

“Uh-huh!” Clara says.

“Okay, well, I can’t say anything on this, not until I ask Rainbow. How about this, I just so happen to be the son of the owner of Parmen Price Park, and can get there with ease, so how about at 5 tonight you meet me at the snack bar there. I can’t make any promises as to whether or not Rainbow will be there, but I will.” I tell them.

“Well, please make sure she gets there, I get it if it doesn’t all fall through. I take it you’re gonna want to get back to her and the clothing biz. Catch ya at 5 then!” Clara says, as the two of them get up, and walk out of the store, hands in each other’s as they both open the door on their way out.

I look over at Rainbow who’s now looking at socks with the clerk, there’s three bags of clothes on the floor beside them, nearly filled. Oh boy, this better cost as much as the lady said it would. Rainbow takes a pair off the wall, they’re Rainbow stripped, she tosses them into the third bag, grabs them and gingerly walks over to me.

“Hey Kit, dude, this stuff is sick! Back at home we didn’t ever really wear clothes unless it was for some important event of something! This is totally awesome!” She says.

“Uh- Rainbow?” I say, gearing up for asking the question.

“And these socks are totally- yea, what’s up?” Her smile fading at my tone.

I open my mouth, and air just wheezes out of it. I try again, succeeding this time.

“Gilda’s here. We’ll be meeting her at 5.”

Her bags drop to the floor.