• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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48 Miles

Shortly after Rainbow met me at the mansion, we decided to go up to the rooftop balcony to get some real fresh air.

After a lot of sorta halfway making our way past the kitchen without grabbing any MORE food we eventually made it to the staircase, and the rest was simple from there.

We finish the final flight of stairs, and turn down a large hallway to reach a window. Silently we open it and step through.

Rainbow goes first, her dress almost getting torn in the process. As soon as she exits, she stretches out her wings and yawns.

“Oh I’m boring you already?” I say playfully to her.

She finishes yawning before giving me a little punch in the arm, “Not yet, Kit Kat!”

“Kit Kat!?”

“That’s what I heard Pinkie call you, sorta has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?”

“Not really, it’s sorta lame.” I say to myself, remembering how Discord actually said that too me not too long ago.

“Ah man, you’re boring after all!” She said laughing.

“But hey,” She continued, “Don’t worry so much about me.”

She said it like she knew what I was thinking down there on the gravel…

“I-I uh.” I can’t quite articulate myself, I feel my skin go pale.

“It’s fine just, let’s not worry about that, I mean… Yeah, it’s not something we should ignore, really… but that’s not the deal right now. I mean, I would think that we might actually STAY here in… whatever this is called.”


“Yea, America. Like, by the time we win, if we win, everyone will be so apart of this world that leaving would be a punishment, maybe we’d be happier back home, but I know some people would want to stay… Maybe… Maybe a lot of us stay… And we all coexist… or something.” She finishes her sentence with hopeful eyes, shamefully looking up at me.

“Yea, maybe.” I say, a smile spreading across my face. I move in to her, and her to me, and we hold one another for a while.

All the repressed worries and stresses we have never get dealt with, and this was our way of dealing with it. It’s bliss.

I open my eyes a tad as I feel some wind brush across my face, I see her wings, shot upwards towards the sky, sorta like a… sorta like a… a wing-boner… haha, that’s fuckin’ brilliant.

Rainbow opens her eyes a little too, and sees my eyes fixed on her “wing boner” and she leaps back closing her wings tightly to her back in one quick SWOOSH.

She starts to blush lightly, trying to keep a tough guy front. Doesn’t work too well.

“Shut up! You don’t have wings you don’t know!” She says defiantly.

“I haven’t said anything yet.” I said smiling.

She smiles back.


“uhhh….” Twilight moaned.

She’s covered in dirt, face down in the ground naked, her coat is greasy and filthy, and her main is tangled.

“wha… where… where am I.” she says, more as a statement than a question.

She tries to stand up, but her arms and legs just don’t do the same things.

“Why can’t I stand up?” she says looking down at her body. She sees the arms and legs in the place of her old, equine legs. Too exhausted to react as suprised as she is, her eyes widen and she starts to breathe more deliberately … oh Celestia, what’s happened… everything's different

Twilight raises her head and looks around. She’s in a snowy forest with a bright but cold sun, the trees are tall and look like they tower over the sky, metaphorically speaking that is. She tries slowly bringing her legs to her chest, once she did it she leans back on them, kneeling to the world around her. She throws her head back and breaths heavily. She raises her hands to view them, perplexed more than shocked at her new form.

She closes her eyes, and lets her hands fall back down. She continues to breathe deeply trying to take in as much air as she can. Her stomach growls and she instinctively brings a hand to clasp over it. How long was I here? I remember being back at the library, talking to Spike, then some crack… that was it… Maybe I can analyze myself and see how old this magic is, after all it must be very powerful to do all this…

Twilight opens her eyes, and rocks her head back to an upright position. She looks around again, only with her eyes, to observe the location. She closes them again, straining to muster up energy to perform the spell.

“mmm… come on… gah!” a burst of magic exits her horn and begins to spiral around her. She opens her eyes and observes it. It’s much more… gritty than back in Equestria… everything is… I thought my magic would still be the same though… But now it’s like a mist, a distortion of air… interesting...

Once the spell dissipates, the forest returns to view.

“I was… teleported… out of my dimension… I didn’t even know we had separate dimensions… The magic started a while ago, but only completed now… Oh no… it was supposed to tell the user to come to me… But the spell only just was able to take me here, and this is even off target…” her eyes widen, and her breathing gets heavier as the fear of the event takes hold.

She tries to stand, pushing herself upright with her hands, and straightening her legs. She stumbles a bit halfway up, but regains balance. She straightens her stance, and wobbles in place.

“This is new… really new… I just gotta do it like Spike does… One step at a time…” Twilight says to herself.

She lifts up one leg, wobbling, and places it a little ahead of her. Her feet crunching the snowy ground beneath her. She feels every surface where her foot had landed, every little rock, separations between the dirt and snow. Everything. She moves another foot. And another. And another.

Slowly increasing her walk, she smiles lightly to herself. “Wow, this is pretty cool actually… I’m so far up from the ground, and I have these hands, just like Spike. I can hold things, and interact with things differently… that’s so cool! But Twilight remember, this isn’t a gift, this is something weird… Something’s not right… I just gotta figure out what…”

She keeps walking through the forest. It’s cold, and the sun piercing the trees doesn't do much to defeat the cold. Twilight clasps her hands to her chest, pushing her breasts in. Jeez, I almost forgot about those… this is really weird… I wish I just knew what they were! I mean… I sorta like them… adds some nice figure to this new body. Curvy and such. I wonder if these thoughts are… natural… I think so, I don’t know what else it could mean…

She continues to walk, arms tight around her, pushing onwards through the brush. The stone and cold dirt of the earth in themselves are enough to take Twilights attention, but the beautiful rays of light through the hardened white trees take her away. Her purple figure clashes with the surrounding world so violently that anyone could see her. Why hasn't anyone seen me? I’m not quite camouflaged, is this place even inhabited? Jeez I hope so…

She squints her eyes as she sees something ahead in the forest, the trees start to thin out. And the ground there turns more grey, not rock, it’s too smooth and uniform, but very similar.

She looks down at her legs. Maybe I can run… worth a shot, right? Twilight lifts one leg more aggressively, and slams it down pushing her forwards. She loses balance and gets launched forwards into the snow.

”gah, at least I hit snow… and not a tree or a rock…” Twilight says to herself. She stand up and bends her legs, trying to assume a position that spike would take when running. Then she springs forward, this time launching her other leg in unison with her other pushing the earth. Her second leg pounds the ground, and the other following it. She was in a sprint, a disorganized, wobbly sprint.

She could see the clearing getting closer, and she focused on her footing. Closer and closer, faster and faster, she could feel the pressure in her legs, like a spring being set and released in her legs.

This feels fantastic!

The clearing came sooner than she had expected, she turned her stance 90 degrees and planted her feet, trying to beat her momentum, she glided a little very gracefully, until she lost balance and fell forwards again, this time putting her hands out first, breaking her fall. Her hands hit the grey at the clearing with no absorption causing great pain in Twilights hands.

“Jeez, that hurt… wuh?” Twilight looked down at the ground beneath her hand. It was rough, organized, confined into one long road with a dual yellow line separating the “road” into two. She stood up and looked down the road. It was long, and seemed to have no immediate end.

But there was a sign, not too far up ahead, that read:

Portland MA
78 Km/48 Miles

“Well I guess that’s where I’m going… better get moving… I don’t want to starve after all…”

Twilight began to walk down the road, arms closed around her again, her tail swaying lightly as her hips swung.

This is going to be a long walk…