• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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Rainbows bags hit the floor, thankfully nothing spilling out of them.


“Yeah, we’ll be meeting her in the park at 5, that all right?”

Rainbow continued to stare at me in disbelief, her wings hanging low, her eyes wide open.

“I-I haven’t seen her in, forever… How does she know I’m here?”

“Some girls from before came in and told me. Apparently they know Gilda, and said that she wants to see you again.”

“How- How long until we go to see her?”

“Uh,” I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time, “It’s already 2:30 now, so we’ve got 2 more hours to spare. Here, I have a plan, let’s go get you something to eat, and you can tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Sure, wait, how do you know there’s something on my mind?” She says, an eyebrow slightly raised.

“Just a hunch, c’mon, let’s pay for your stuff and head on out of here.”

I stand up, and two of the three bags, and walk over to the counter, the lady from before jogs over to the counter, and takes the bags. Quickly scanning them, she looks up at the two of us, Rainbow trying to sport a nothing-is-wrong-in-the-slightest face, which isn’t really working. I pull out my debit card, and give it to the lady, who swipes it and hands it right back. The silence is pretty damn weird, Rainbow is usually this silent. There’s got to be some history behind Gilda and Rainbow.

We grab the bags and walk out of the store, I gesture down to the park, I figure we can go to the snack bar ahead of time. We make our way down the street, feeling oddly similar to time we first met, when I carried her back to the mansion. The streets however are lively, and the sun is bright, rather than shadowed, but the feeling of misplacement is still lingering, looming over us like a cloud. The little imperfections of thee architecture of the stores, the little cracks, slitting out like tree branches on the pavement, and the undone collars of pedestrians all stick out amongst all the bizarre aspects of my life now, and hers I’d imagine.

I wonder what’s going through her head. I know there’s something reverberating in there, something looking for an answer.
We enter the park, and make our way down the path to the snack bar. The trees cover us with shadow here and there, speckling our bodies with rays of light. Rainbow looks up at the sky, and her wings clutched close to her, her steps narrow, and her tail flicking here and there. It’s like the sky speaks to her, and her to it. God, her face there, I can’t begin to explain it… It’s glowing, and everything around it’s dull, and just won’t compare in the slightest to it, her appearance demands total attention. And my eyes are more than willing to gaze upon her face, her eyes.

Woah. Too far, got a job here, let’s do that first.

“Rainbow, what uh, what happened between you and Gilda?” I say to her, breaking the silence. Rainbow doesn’t notice the question at first, then she turns her head down to me, looks me in the eye, and in a low tone, struggling to speak over a knot in her throat.

“Wha- well, we uh… we were friends back in Flight School, and we were real close. She was like, my sister almost, we did everything together.” She looked down at the floor, chuckled, and back up to me, eyes still fixed on the ground in front of her. “But uh, later, I left Flight School, and went to Ponyville. Then one day, Gilda came to visit, and well, that’s when it became sorta clear to me that something was up.” She looks me dead in the eye. “She’s totally gay for me. Like legit, totally gay for me. Like, hitting on me all the time, and I didn’t really get it at first, I never made the connection, not until after the little fallout.” She pauses, stares at the ground, and sighs before talking again. “When she visited, she was kinda, to put it lightly, an ass to everyone. So naturally, she ended up leaving, and I haven’t seen her since. But after that visit, I realized that she was totally into me, and I felt pretty bummed about it. I mean, I just totally shut off my oldest friend! And I only knew half her story. I’m not sure what she wants to talk about, but I just hope it doesn’t get awkward.” She says, clenching her teeth.

“Well, now it’s going to be super awkward, there’s no avoiding it now!” I say, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

“I guess, but hey, there’s no fun in no drama right?” We keep walking down the path, and make it to the snack bar. I order us two sodas and a hot dog. I tell her about Ruth and Clara, and about how Gilda saved them.

It’s currently 4:55, nearly time for Gilda to arrive, we’ll give her 15 minu- there she is.

She’s tall, around my height, maybe a little shorter by an inch, she’s wearing worn baggy jeans, a white tee-shirt with a undone grey zip-up hoody over it. She’s not wearing any shoes, her feet are just like Rainbows, just feet with fur. But her hands, they’re real interesting. They look like they were talons or something originally, they look like they’re tough as bone, yet as flexible as flesh. Just like my hands, except her fingers come to a point. Her tail looks like a lions, except darker, her whole scheme is dark brown fur, yellow hands, and white head. Her wings are marvelous to put it lightly, huge and powerful, yet looking cumbersome. But her face, different than Rainbows almost entirely. No snout, a beak, that moves naturally like a mouth of flesh would. Rainbows mouth is like that in regards to not following what it should be able to do, but this is a hard beak, that’s stretching as it blows hair- er, feathers out of her eyes. It’s gonna take some getting used to that, but her hai- yeah, hair works, her hair is a whole new ball of wax. It swoops down over one eye, and frays purple at the end, and her eyes are surrounded by the same shade of purple, like purple flame emitting from her gaze. As her neck goes down, it seamlessly transitions to her fur. She walks towards us, looking nervous. A little farther behind, the two girls, Ruth and Clara, follow her.

“Well, now the fun begins.” I say to Rainbow, who looks at me wide eyed, and the slightest frown on her face.

“Yea… fun…”

Gilda walks over to the table and sits on the other side of us, the two girls throw their bags down on the table diagonal to us, and go the snack bar.

There’s some silence for a while, Gilda stares at the table, Rainbows silently observing Gilda’s new appearance, and I’m just sitting here waiting for the first word to be said. Rainbow should be the first one to talk to her, it’s her long lost friend, not mine.

Gilda blows her hair from her eye again, Rainbow follows. Gilda lefts up her hand and scruffs up her hair, causing it to fray up here and there, Rainbow mimics it. Gilda sorta notices and looks up, and sniffs, Rainbow follows. Gilda turns to us finally.

“You’re such an ass, Rainbow.” She says sarcastically.

“I try.” Rainbow says with a large smile.

“God, I’ve missed you, I’m so sorry about the last time we saw each other, really. I just wa-”

“I get it Gilda, really I do. And besides, you think I’d hold a grudge against the FIRST pony- person I’ve met from Equestria here? Of COURSE not! Besides, I should’ve guessed it anyways.”

“So you know… Well, that sorta… puts us on the same page then.” Gilda replies, Rainbow smiles again, brighter this time, putting the sun to shame.

“Wait… So that’s it?” I say, finally speaking up, “No huge drama or even post drama just, all mature and all?”

“Uh, you wanted drama? I think it went well, besides, drama sucks, and there’s gonna be more, so hold your horses cowboy.” Rainbow says to me.

“All right, but one question, why’d you help those girls?” I asked Gilda, pointing to Ruth and Clara.

“Oh, well, they looked like they needed help.” She says quickly, a valid attempt at a dodge, however I notice it and shoot her a “that’s not all it is” look. She looks guilty, sighs and opens her beak to talk.

“Yeah, whatever… So I’m into chicks, I think you got that part down, and that’s not really a thing back home… Doesn’t really happen… And when I saw those two, just totally open about it, it just made me know that this change isn’t all bad, that this worlds pretty cool. Then I saw those punks following them, they didn’t look like they were out to get them, but they didn’t look like they wanted to buy them coffee either. Then once the girls got deeper into the park, the guys bolted ahead towards them, and I just… acted… I just ran up and hit the guy in front, I guess it hurt a lot, because he didn’t make any attempt to fight back after that… His cheek was bleeding from where I hit him.”

“You think it was because you have talons versus hands like mine or Rainbows?” I ask.

“I think so, I may have scratched him I’m not sure. Everything just went at twice the speed it should’ve and I just did it. There’s no way I would’ve let that happen to them, let alone anyone really, but especially them. I mean… I never really had a chance, and I didn’t want those two to be stripped of their chance.” Gilda looks back down at the table, then at Rainbow, who’s sitting there with an awestruck look on her face.

“You’ve changed so much, Gilda.” Rainbow says, some tears gathering in her eyes, which she quickly wipes away. “But ya still got your temper, but puttin’ it to good use! Puttin’ those jocks to rest.”

“Thanks,” Gilda says, smiling. “But uh, can Rainbow and I have a moment for a sec, that alright?” she says to me.”

“Yeah of course, besides, I don’t wanna know what’ll happen if I say no!” I say jokingly as I sit up, Gilda gives a smile. God I really suck at comedy. I walk over to the snack bar, the girls are still there, leaning up against the wall of it.

“Hey, ya know, seeing how this is my park, I should tell you guys you’re loitering.” I say jokingly, they chuckle. Not bad, some appreciation of my humor.

“How about you tell that your bar tender, hasn’t been here for ages! Well like, he was here earlier today but he’s not here now so that counts as ages.” Clara says.

“Really now.” I reply.

“Well to a lazy teenage girl, yeah, this is like, forever.” She says in humor.

Clara looks over to Rainbow and Gilda, we’re out of earshot.

“Hey, so like, we know about their past n’ stuff, but like, what’s going to happen after this. I mean like… Rainbows going to school tomorrow right? Or at least like interviews n’ all. Gilda’s already done hers.”

“Yeah, Rainbow should be getting an interview tomorrow. We’re all set up, just confirmation, introductions and tons of paperwork.”

“Cool.” Ruth says, as her expression changes to one of concern, “Well, uh… I think we gotta get going, nice catching up, Kit, right?” she says, nudging Clara’s arm, and speed walking off.

“Y-yea, uh, bye.” I say, as I turn around to look at Gilda and Rainbow. Gilda’s standing next to Rainbow, rests a hand on her shoulder, and walks off, tears streaming from her eyes, and trying to compose herself. Rainbows has her head resting on one of her hands, tears staining her coat as well. I run over to her, and kneel down next to her.

Her expression is dark and torn, like color was stolen from her eyes. I get up, and take a seat right next to her, putting an arm around her. Holding her close, I can feel her sobs. She grabs me back, holding close, as she tries to restrain the tears, trying to articulate words.

“K-Kit, Oh god. She was it, the only p-person from Equestria, and we’ll never talk a-again.” She says, burying her head in my chest, tears and sobs filling the gaps between her speech.

“Woah, what? What happened? What went wrong?”

“S-She said, that after all this she just can’t bear to s-see me. S-She says it hurts now, that after t-that stupid stuff in Ponyville, she was alone without anyone for ages, and now seeing me again, like this, in this world. It just can’t happen she said, she said this is a chance to start a new, a clean slate. O god, I want to understand, why does she have to be like this!” She sobs, pulling herself closer to me, “I just want to understand.”

I hold her tight, and turn my head looking for Gilda and the girls. There they are, Gilda’s starring back, tears down her face, but she nods her head, as she and the girls walk off into the trees.

She thinks this is the right thing for her, that she just can’t go on stabbing her heart every day, why do I totally get this.

“Kit.” Rainbow says.


“Promise you won’t ever do that. I know it’s for her best, but it hurts.”

I would never leave her if I had the decision, but I can’t make that promise, what about when the war ends. She’ll go back, and I’ll be stuck here… O god… No… That can’t, no there’s gotta be a way… No, that’s not what I should be worrying about now, no.

I hold her, and tears from her start to formulate in my eyes, and they fall form mine too.

“I’ll never leave you, Rainbow.” I say, sobs echoing in my speech, “I promise.”

She holds me tighter, and her sobs become more relaxed, and loose.

She’s lost her first friend, because she can’t hold onto her. It’s a silent rejection of acknowledgement, and she knows that it’s for the best, even if it hurts.

It’s no death, but it sure feels like one.

We continue to hold one another in the snack bar for a while longer, until Rainbows sobs end. She looks at me, her eyes red from tears, but her face has color again, the light that left returned. Our eyes lock, and the world dulled itself once more. Her hair, scruffy and slightly dampened from tear, blows lightly in the wind, I raise my hand, and run it through her hair, for the first time. She grabs my hand, with utmost delegacy, and pulls me to her, and our lips meet.

There, in that moment of ultimate bliss, we link and connect like nothing before. A single tear falls from her eye, and she kisses me harder. I kiss back, and then her entire form feels so loose and free. Her entirety, from lips to palms feel like velvet. It seems to last forever, then simultaneously we pull out, hands now linked.

Speech isn’t necessary now, we both see each other, I know, I can feel it in her hands, and I felt it in her lips. And her to me the same.

She stares back at me, a smile on her face, and she puts her other hand on mine. Her face is blushing crimson, she closes her eyes, and rests her head on my shoulder.

The world really can’t wait long enough for this.