• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,244 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 15: Spike's Potential

Man this has been long overdue but I hope you all enjoy it.

Chapter 15: Spike’s Potential

To everyone around the young dragon, the sight they saw was something that was both strange and stunning. Spike’s body, which was shaking a little in mind fear, became as still as a statue. From the distance, they could barely hear what sounded like a window breaking, but the noise was so faint that the only reason they could hear it was because of the quite atmosphere.

It was then that Spike let out a roar of resistance as everyone watched as blue crystal shards were flying from the horizon towards them. The crystals, bluer then the sky behind them; circled around the clearing for a brief time before launching themselves at Spike.

When the crystals connected, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were shocked to see Spike appearing unfazed by the sudden assault. In fact, upon closer look, it appeared that Spike was absorbing the crystals into his body.

They didn't get a chance to examine much else as the ground under them suddenly started to shift and move; dragging the frighten fillies away from Spike and the creatures. They didn't travel very far and when they finally stopped; they were surprised to be once again face to face with Spyro. The larger purple dragon gave them a reassuring smile before returning his attention back to where Spike was at. Without looking behind him, the purple dragon asked “Could you tell me what happened here.”

At once, each of the three fillies went off on their own explanation, the fear that they had acting as the source of fuel in their fast pace ranting. Even though it sounded like gibbers, Spyro was able to get the gist of what had happened prior to his arrival. He gave the Cutie Mark Crusaders a simple nod that meant he understood before refocusing on the action taking place in front of him.

It was at that point that the blue crystals had finally stopped spinning around and were now on a direct course with Spike. However, upon getting to a certain point, the crystals disintegrated into a kind of blue mist before seeping into the young dragon’s body. As more and more crystals were being absorbed, the spectators watched as Spike’s body started moving until he was in a fighting position. The fighting stance consisted of his left arm almost fully extended with his two fingers pointed at the Grublins with his right arm drawn back with the same two fingers extended. Spyro noticed that his chest had slowed down a bit which meant that the young drake was now in control of his breathing.

It was at that moment that the first Grublin decided to makes its move. Charging towards the dragon, what happened seemed to appear as if it was happening in slow motion. The Grublin leaped into the air with the full intention of using gravity to assist with his downward swing of his club. When the creature reached a certain point in the air, Spike quickly moved forward and drove his left two fingers at a point that connected its arm from the rest of its body. The attack didn't look like it penetrated the thick wood of the Grublin but yet it was enough to stop it mid-fall before bursting into a shower of gems.

Before any of the fillies had a chance to process what they witness, more Grublins started charging at Spike. Yet, despite the odds, Spike remained relatively calm and held his position. What happened next seemed to be moving in slow-motion as Spike used his hands, feet, and even his tail as a form of attack against the charging Grublins. Strangely enough, at least from what Spyro could see was that the young drake was rather determined to strike at a very specific spot every time he counterattacked. Those spots ranged from certain points on their chests, to striking what would have been the location of their joints.

It was when Spyro had thought of joints that he realized why this combat form was so familiar to him. He remembered reading one of the books that Ignitus had packed for him concerned different dragon disciplines and the way that Spike was moving and striking were strikingly similar to the Gentle Claw style; a hard discipline in which a dragon focuses less on overall strength and more on precision, using the tips of their claws to strike at weak points on their opponents. It was a style that required a sharp mind, complete control of one’s body, and being fast enough to make those quick strikes. There was no way that Spike would have been able to learn something like that in such a short amount of time, which could only mean that one of his Ancestors was adept in that art.

Spyro removed himself from that train of thought, focusing back on the battle in case Spike needed some help. Thankfully, during his musing, Spike had made quick work of the Grublins with only the leader left. Spyro took a quick glance at said leader and saw to his mild surprise that it was now wearing a helmet that gave the appearance of being on fire. It was a helmet that Spyro was familiar with, having to deal with them on multiple occasions during the war against Malefor. The helmet was magically infused with a spell that made the wearer immune to all forms of physical and magical attacks unless it specifically matches the helmet or Convexity. Spyro was just about to break cover and go deal with it but he felt a surge of magic and turned to observe the source.

Spike had his right fist closed and surrounding the fist was an aura of fire. Spyro only had just a moment to look before Spike started running towards the Grublin with his fist pulled back ready to deliver a solid punch. The Grublin was surprised by the speed that Spike was showing and had no time to react or defend himself when Spike hit him with a solid jab.

When the punch connected, all the stored up fire energy burst into an explosion that for a brief moment appeared to be in the shape of a dragon head. Spike was able to time that punch perfectly and judging how much energy he needed as the helmet disintegrated when it was unable to handle the energy output and it sent the Grublin sailing into the air only of it to crash into a tree and exploded into a shower of gems.

When things had started to settle down, Spike took a breath of relief before collapsing on the ground. The fillies plus Spyro all raced towards him with mix degrees of worry. Spyro reached his side first and gently placed two fingers on Spike’s neck, being careful about his claws.

“Is…is Spike okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, still mildly in awe as to what she saw and even wonder if the whole thing was just a dream.

Spyro looked up at their faces and said “He fine now, just tired from what happen.” The dragon paused for a moment while his mind tried to figure out what to do next before settling on a course of action and saying “Could you three go and let Twilight and the others know what happen and have them meet us at the library?”

The three fillies nodded in understanding before racing off in the direction of the farm, no doubt to tell Applejack first. Spyro watched them go for a moment before returning his attention back on Spike. Using his earth element, Spyro lifted the young drake onto his back before securing him to his body so he didn't fall off. Once secure, Spyro began to head towards the library, knowing that Cynder would be there at around this time.

College really has an annoying habit of making one not want to write anything. I hope that the chapter is still enjoyable.

Author's Note:

Once again I apologize for the shortness and lack of updates.

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