• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 22: Advice From Another

Advice From Another

As it turned out, the foals were just as energetic as the youngling Spyro and Cynder would see from a distance. When they weren't spending their time with either of the dragons, they were happily playing with each other and or using the various playground equipment. While it was clear that they were designed to entertain the foals, the two dragons noted that a few of the items could be used to help keep them healthy by improving their strength and reflexes which were important traits for any pony or dragon to have.

Currently Cynder was hanging around a few of them, recounting tails of their past though due to the younger audience she made sure to leave out any of the more darker tones...as well as make her and Spyro seem more larger than life. Speaking of Spyro, he was currently watching his partner from a distance away and despite his best efforts to keep his attention focused on the story; his mind started to wonder a bit about what has happened and what he needed to do for the near future.

For starters while Spike's training had started, he still wasn't sure where or even how to teach the young drake. He did show an eagerness to learn though given the rather peaceful nature of this land; it might be hard to convince him to learn how to fight. Even if that wasn't an issue, all of his learning came from experience and despite having been tutored under four teachers; he was unsure which if any of their teaching style was one that he would feel comfortable using.

"She seems to be quite comfortable with the foals." Cheerilee remarked causing Spyro to be snapped out of his thoughts. Looking at the mare, he notices that while she did have a soft smile on her face her expression was focused. He could only guess that even though she wanted to have a polite conversation with him; her attention would be focused on those under her care.
Looking back at Cynder, he says "That she does and that is something that I am glad for. We...we've had a rough life and any chance we have to achieve some sense of normalcy is welcoming."

Spyro couldn't help but ponder his life up to this point, it was one of the three things that always seem to be on his mind. The other two being how he was going to teach Spike and...well of course Cynder. In fact he would have continued his silent musing if Cheerilee hadn't said "So I hear that you are going to be teaching Spike."

The dragon looks at the mare and nods his head before saying "That I am. However..." he didn't feel comfortable finishing the sentence.
Cheerilee could only nod her head and say "You're first time teaching." It wasn't a question as much as it was a statement and one that Spyro could nod his head in agreement. She smiles before saying "I remember my first time teaching and I was just as nervous as you are."

"Then how were you able to get over it?"

She lets out a soft hum before saying "Well honestly the best thing I did was try to imagine myself how I wanted to be taught."
Spyro looks at her with a curious gaze before asking "What do you mean?"

She sits down on the grass and sweeps her hoof towards the young ones and says "All of these kids have their own strengths and weaknesses. It's the job of the teacher to be able to figure that out. Until you do so, just try to picture yourself when you were younger and being taught. Note how your teachers helped you get over your weaknesses and improve your strengths."

Spyro nodded his head in understanding and recalled the time he spent at the temple. He was fortunate to have four teachers who were able to help him learn what it meant to be a dragon. Sure he would consider Ignitus his favorite of the four only because he spent the most time with him. However the others did have their own styles. Volteer was more focused on the more technical aspects of Electricity, Cyril would spend almost half of their time praising his heritage but he did show the young drake new ways of using his Ice which turned that element into his bread and butter long range attacks. Then of course there was Terrador who was concern with results and pushed Spyro to his physical almost as much as Volteer pushed his mental and Cyril tested his patience.

It was then that Spyro realized something. No matter what, all of the guardians were constantly pushing his physical and mental self in order to make him the best dragon he could be. It was that kind of drive that Spyro would need to instill into Spike so he would never set limits on himself. However the main issue was figuring out a way to show Spike that even though he had reached a new potential; there was always another mountain that needed to be climbed. The purple drake pondered how best to do this before looking at Cheerilee and asking "What do you consider to be the biggest threat to Equestria?"

Sometime Later

Spike was resting up at the park. He and his pony friends were having another one of their pet play dates and Spike, who had not too long ago had to return Peewee back to his own family so that he could grow up and learn how to be a phoenix. It was a thought that reminded him a lot about his own situation as a dragon who grew up living with ponies. Sometimes he did have to wonder what it would be like if he grew up with dragons.

His thoughts however became distracted as he noticed the sky was getting darker by the minute. Looking up, his eyes widen as he saw the moon, normally absent in the sky, now moving to eclipse the sun. It would have been a beautiful sight if it wasn't for the fact that normally this wouldn't have happen without the princess making an announcement. He only have a few moments to ponder this strange turn of events before six cries reached his ears. Turning around, he let out a surprised gasp as Twilight and her friends were now trapped in some strange purple like cage made up of crystals. Despite Rainbow Dash and Applejack's efforts, the crystals refused to show any kind of damage. Spike was about to make his way to try and help them but hesitated as a voice said in a silky but familiar tone "Why why if it isn't the little dragon whelp. You've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

Spike turned around and his eyes widen almost as much as the girls behind him. Standing in the flesh was an alicorn whose dark blue coat glowed as the midnight sky and her mane shined like several constellations of stars. Her cat like eyes were radiating smug assurance as her armor appeared fresh and polish. The combine tall unicorn horn and the spread wings completed the look as Spike could only whisper "Nightmare Moon."

Author's Note:

Hope this was worth the wait but I doubt it.

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