• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 26: Observation

Spike was making his way to the kitchen. His goal was a simple one. He was to check on the food and make sure that the food was taken care of. At the same time, he was also to make sure the none of the food was going to be tampered with. Given his dragon nature, his sensitive smell would be able to detect a range that was much larger than that of a pony.

As he was walking down towards the castle and more specifically the kitchen, he notice the castle kitchen, he was both surprised and relieved by how the normal Canterlot ponies were acting to them. Despite how much he had changed; he was worried that ponies would react with fear as well as be nervous at the sight of him. However, it would seem that being associate with the Elements of Harmony plus having that first training session here in the city seem to help calm the populace down. Still given the larger supply of troops couple with the shield was also putting the populace on edge as well. He wonder what was really going on that would warrant such a military response. Hopefully Spyro, Cynder, or Twilight will figure out the reason why.

After a minute or two, he manages to reach the building that was home to the Canterlot Castle Kitchen. Already without opening the door, he could smell the various flavors that was being cooked. Already he took a moment to smell if there was anything that was out of place. When nothing came up in his nose, he shrugs before making his way inside. He watched as ponies were busy with preparing for the wedding. Cooks and aides were moving around; managing to keep order despite the chaotic nature. He smiles as he sees Applejack already hard at work with making the wedding cake and decided it would be best to find a counter that was empty so he would disrupt the other cooks.

Finding said counter, he props himself up and watches as AJ and the cooks continue to work. He kept his eyes, ears, and nose open for any sorts of unusual activity. Given that the last time he was here was when he was a youngling trying to sneak some snacks for himself and Twilight when they were living in the castle. Given that it was quite a long time ago and the fact that he saw a few ponies he didn't recognize spoke true about the passage of time.

He takes a deep breath and begins to start looking around although his eyes were one of the few senses that he wasn't focusing on. Instead his ears and nose were heighten to the point that most of the colors started to dull to various shades of gray. At the same time, lines of various colors and saturations started flowing around; so much so that it took the young drake a moment to steady himself so as to now be overwhelmed.

This was his Dragon sense, a state in which sounds, smells, and tastes are much stronger. Spyro, when teaching him this mental state, mentioned how the most adept could be able to tell what ingredients were different between two of the same food. While Spike wasn't as skilled to do something like that; he should be able to pick up on anything that seemed off.

Looking around, he begins to think that if there was a threat to Canterlot it wasn't going to be from the kitchen. None of the various smells that he was observing felt off to him. In fact all things consider it was actually typical to what any kitchen would smell like. Realizing that there wasn't any danger to be had here; Spike return his senses back to normal just as Twilight entered the building with Applejack. While the farm pony seem eager to get cooking which the drake assumed to be the reason she was here in the first place; Twilight seemed more miffed as if there was something that was eating her up. Even doing one of her favorite past time of managing a checklist didn't seem to give her as much joy as it use to. Seeing that nothing else of significance was happening; Spike let out a relax sigh and opens up one of his books which details dragon culture.


Spyro was walking around the castle, taking his time to enjoy the splendor of the building while at the same time on the lookout for any sort of strange activity that was happening. However the castle itself was mostly deserted since most of the guard was currently out in the town or helping to prepare for the wedding. It gave the place an almost deserted feeling to it but it was a sensation that the dragon was use to. After all one does not go through the poison swamp or face the Dark Master without developing steel in your blood. The lack of action caused Spyro's mind to start thinking about other things; namely his feelings for his best friend Cynder.

Spyro wasn't unaware about the concept of love. He had seen his step brother date a few dragonflies while they were living in the mushroom swamp and their parents had gone through the usual conversation about the birds and the bees.

What made things difficult was that Spyro wasn't sure if what he was feeling was in fact love and not just something else. He never really felt like this before. Sure emotions like anger, sadness, hope, and yes even fear were known to him but this was uncharted territory and the dragon was always unsure about the unknown. He knew that he would fight and give his life for the dragoness if need be just as he knew she would do the same for him. They spent so much time together that they can read what the other is thinking and fight in such perfect sync.
Shaking his head, he mused that he would wait for Cynder to make the first move. Yet there was some part of his mind that thought that she already did. Something that she said while he was unleashing his full might in order to restore the world. However as much as he tried to recall the memories; they always come back as a haze.

Letting out a sigh, he looks out the window before saying "Perhaps I should be more forceful in asking her what happened or if she said anything."


Cynder was not having a good day. She had spent the last half an hour shifting through the shadows of both citizens and guards and so far she hasn't found anything that would imply a threat to Canterlot. All she got was a numbing headache as ponies; especially the mares; were talking about stuff that for the dragoness seemed rather trivial. Like why was it so important to know what shade of color went with this weather. The more she observed the populace, the more she felt glad that she didn't grow up in such a way. Granted she didn't have the most normal of upbringings but at least she was confident in herself.

Except when it came to her feelings towards the dragon she owned everything to.

Spyro...just saying that name brought untold feelings that she didn't experience before. All of the books that she had read didn't help in discovering the source of these feelings which caused her no amount of frustration. Some sources say it was love but was it right to love a dragon who at one point you tried to kill? Was it just a stronger form of friendship?

She shook her head, knowing that it wasn't that. The feelings were too strong to be called friendship. No it had to be love. Heck she even recall telling Spyro that as she watched him unleash his full dragon fury to try and restore the world. The more she thought about it, the more confused she was. It was at times that she wished she had another dragoness that she could be able to talk to about this.

Cynder lets out a sigh as she starts to make her way back to the castle. In her mind, she had only one thought which was "After the wedding, I'll let Spyro know how I feel."

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. I honestly have no excuse except for my own lazy butt.

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