• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 27: Betrayal

"So after all that searching we haven't found anything out of the ordinary?" Spyro clarified. He, Sparx and Cynder were currently standing outside of the castle. Today was the dress rehearsal for the wedding and since they were just guests they were not allowed inside. With nothing immediate that required their attention, they instead focused on the possible threat to Canterlot.

"I still think that there isn't a threat to begin with and these ponies are just being paranoid." Sparx remarked as he rested on top of his brother's head "I mean I know Twilight was going on about Cadence not acting right but that could all just be related to stress from the wedding."

Spyro and Cynder looked at each other, neither of them having a really good argument against that. Perhaps it was just ponies being paranoid. Still they both couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. It was around that point that the door open and they saw Shining Armor followed by Twilight's friends leaving. Celestia followed after them and Spike brought up the rear. Given the look he had, something must have happened inside. He sees the look his teachers were giving him and says before they could ask "Twilight came in during the rehearsal and made Cadence cry because she kept calling her evil and such."

This came as a shock to them as they didn't expect such a response from Twilight. Sure she did seem the most agitated by the whole thing but to take it this far was rather odd. Cynder, reacting quickly, replied "I'll go and check on her." Spyro nodded his head and watched as Cynder made her way back into the castle. Once the door was closed, he started to make his way back to his room walking with Spike to see if he could get some more information.

It didn't take long for Cynder to find the audience room as it was the only door that was still open just a crack. Peaking inside, she saw Twilight slumped against the floor and even from this distance she could see the unicorn's eyes were puffy which would indicate that she was or had just recently cried. Taking a deep breath, she gently pushes the door open a bit more and makes her way inside. She keeps her movements slow but loud enough so that Twilight would be able to hear her. She didn't want to surprise or startle the mare after all.

Once Cynder got close enough that the sound of her claws against the floor was loud enough to get through Twilight, the mare lifted her head up and turned around. Seeing Cynder there, she quickly wiped her tears with her leg before saying "Oh Cynder I...I didn't see you there."

Cynder gives her a smile before lowering herself down next to the mare and asking "You want to talk about what happen. We saw your brother, friends, teacher, and even Spike walk out with rather disappointed expressions." She didn't wanted to mention that they were more angry then disappointed since that would only make Twilight feel worse.

However that seemed to have the opposite effect on Twilight as she appear to slump more into the ground while saying "I can't blame them. I got so worked up thinking Cadence was going to steal my brother from me that...that I ended up losing everything that was important to me."

"Oh not yet you annoying pest but you will soon." A voice, laced with venom and malice, replied causing Cynder and Twilight to jerk their heads up. They saw Cadence with a victorious look on her face as her spell activated. Green flames suddenly burst around the dragoness and pony which caused Twilight to let out a gasp of shock. Cynder took a deep breath before letting out a blast of her siren scream to try and punch a hole through the wall of fire. However the fire was too strong and before she could have a chance to get another one off they started sinking into the ground. Cynder looked at Cadence and saw her eyes were no longer purple but now a dark green coloration. Her only thought was how much of a fool she was for not realizing her mistake sooner.

When Cynder finally came to, she found that she was in some dark cavern. There were crystals glowing nearby but not enough to provide enough light to make out more details. Twilight was still there though she was still passed out at the moment.

Making her way to one of the walls, she gives it a hard hit only to not feel the wall give. She wished that Spyro was here so that he could use his earth element to create a passage. It was then that Twilight started coming to. Cynder made her way over to the mare and started to help her up while saying "Easy there. That seemed to have been rough on you."

Twilight shook her head a bit before saying "What happen?"

Cynder let out a small growl before saying "That infiltrator ambushed us. I can't believe that it didn't occur to me that the bride since it was too high profile which means the risk of making a mistake was too big. Of course I should have known that the whole wedding was the perfect excuse to explain away any changes in behavior and mannerisms."

"So are we stuck here?" Twilight asks before the infiltrator suddenly appeared on one of the crystals. Cynder, reacting quickly, blasted the crystal with her siren scream causing it to shatter. Letting out a small growl, she looks back at Twilight to which the mare asks "Why did you do that?"

"Cause more than likely she was going to gloat at us and I have already had enough of villains gloating to last two lifetimes. Now why don't we find a way out of here." Cynder replied as she began to search the area. Her tail lifts up with a shadow fire. Twilight nods her head and starts to look around.

As they were searching around, something popped up in Twilight's mind. She looks back at the dragoness and asks "Hay Cynder I was just wondering." Cynder looks at the mare with a curious gaze. Taking a deep breath, Twilight continued "Well how come you and Spyro are able to use multiple elements. I thought that dragons were only able to breathe fire."

Cynder let out a soft hum before replying "Well it's because Spyro is a purple dragon and that makes him special."

"Spike is also a purple dragon and he is only able to breathe fire."

"Well in our world a purple dragon is very rare and possess great strength and power. They are able to wield all the elements that exist though Spyro chooses to stick with the core four."

Twilight was silent for a moment as she thought this over before asking "And what about you?"

Cynder didn't answer right away. Instead she felt a wall that was weaken and easy to break. Stepping back, she releases a wave of sound causing the wall to collapse. As it was coming down, Twilight just barely heard Cynder saying "Let's just say it's complicated."

Once the dust settled, the pony and dragon saw to the former's surprise the imposter that put them down here. She was close to attacking them only for the later to place a paw on her chest and say "That isn't the one we saw before."

Twilight was of course confused by this but once she took another look she could see that the pony in front of her wasn't the same one as before. Given the fact that she looked like she hadn't eaten for a few days and hadn't been getting a good night sleep in the same amount of time. Twilight moved a bit closer and asks "Cadence...is that you?"

The alicorn looks up through her dishevel mane. Cynder could see her eyes widen in surprise before she whispers out "Twilight?"

Twilight let out a gasp before she rushed closer and gave Cadence a warm hug to which she returns. Cynder could only smile as she watches the two though there was still the matter of getting out of here.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long delay. Real life stuff and all that.

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