• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 28: Escape

“Where could she be?” Spyro wondered as he sat in the large audience chamber. All around him, ponies who he assumed to be the residence of the city were gathering for the wedding ceremony. The overall atmosphere is one of joy and excitement as his ears caught a few bits and pieces of conversation. While he did stand, being one of three dragons invited and attending the event; he didn’t share in the crowd’s energy.

Ever since last night, he hadn’t seen any sign of Cynder. He first thought that she was following up on some lead she found out but he dismissed that thought. She would have told him of any news. He asks around but no one else knew where she was as well. It was during the questioning that he also realized that Twilight was also missing. Most thought of this as a coincidence as there were rumors now of how Twilight was trying to sabotage her brother’s wedding but he wasn’t convinced. Somehow the timing of it all was...too perfect. He moves to rub his head, his mind trying to figure out this puzzle and he was getting closer. Still there was something...something out of place that was staring him in the face but he couldn’t figure it out. He sighs, wishing that Cynder was here so he could talk to her. She would know what that missing piece was.

He hears the sound of wings fluttering and lowers his paw down to look up. Smiling, he saw his brother Sparx floating towards him. His heart rising a bit in the hopes of good news. That hope was quick to disappear as the dragonfly shook his head “Sorry dude I looked all over but I couldn’t find scale nor horn of the she devil.”

“Sparx what have I told you about calling her that.” He retorts a little cross with the dragonfly for making such a remark.

“Hey man I only said I wouldn’t call her that in front of her.” He replies as he sits down on his brother’s head. Leaning against one of his horns, he lets out a soft yawn “But man I gotta tell you things are strange. I took a glimpse in the groom’s room and he wasn’t looking all that stellar and I swore I heard singing coming from the bride’s room though the wall were too thick to make out the words.”

Spyro let out a soft sigh as music started to play. The conversation died down as all looked to watch the wedding party walk down the pathway. Spyro looks towards the sky and the shield as he whispers to himself “Cynder...wherever you are...I hope you are safe.”

Meanwhile in the Crystal Mines, Cynder smashed the last of the grublins, the creatures not even worth her breath energy. A small smirk on her face as she feels the soothing healing gems working their magic on a cut she got from a lucky creature. She hears a soft groan behind her. Turning around, she see Cadance, the real one, leaning against the wall as Twilight was trying to help her stand. Letting out a sigh, she walks up to them.

“We have to keep moving. The exit shouldn’t be too far now.” The dragoness remarks pointing to a light that they were following.
Cadance shook her head as Twilight looked at her “She is malnourished and dehydrated. We should stop to give her some time to rest.”
The dragoness shook her head and looks at the alicorn. Her eyes were staring back at her and she could see an ember behind it. It was an ember that she was familiar with as she saw it in her own eyes when her mind went to her savior so many years back. She needed to stroke that ember and turn it into a fire and she knew just how to do that.

She shakes her head “So I guess you don’t really love him as much as I thought.”

That got a reaction as Cadance’s gaze became hard. While it might have look intimidating Cynder was a warrior and had face things much more dangerous than a worn out winged unicorn. Twilight let out a gasp but the dragoness ignored her, keeping her attention on the pink pony.

She points to the light they were going “Right now he is up there, about to be married of to some imposter...some b*yay*ch and you are going to let that happen because you are too hungry and too thirsty. Huh and here I thought love conquered all.”

She hears the sound of twigs and rocks moving. Looking back, she sees more grublins and a few hero grublins spawning. While keeping her attention focused on the enemies she continues “If it was Spyro up there, I would rip this entire mine and everything that was in my way to reach him. He is mine and I wouldn’t let anything take away the one light in my darkness.”

Cynder lets out a roar and charges at the enemies. As she was, she felt a sensation of magic behind her. She saw crystals in the walls around her emerge and shoot like arrows at the creatures. They all let out a creaking groan as the crystals cleaved through their heads, killing them in one shot. The dragoness stopped her charging and looked back just in time to see Cadance walking past her. No longer needing Twilight to help support her, she was standing tall and proud, a ring of crystals rotating around her neck. Cynder could see that ember in her eyes now a blaze of fire. Cadance looks back at her “Don’t get in my way.” She then runs towards the light.

Cynder smiles and looks back to see Twilight walking next to her. The unicorn looks up at her “How did you know what to say?”

Cynder smiles and looks at Cadence who was using crystals to destroy any creatures who got in her way “The best motivational speeches are the ones from the heart.” The dragoness charges after the alicorn and force Twilight to sprint to keep up with them.

Back at the ceremony, Spyro was shifting in his seat. He was listening to Celestia give a speech but his attention was on Shining Armor and Cadence. The former was looking like he was in his own little world while the latter smelled...off. He wasn’t sure why but he saw that Spike was thinking the same thing. His eyes were glancing between him and Cadence and the dragon gave a small nod. He was still trying to figure out the missing piece when Celestia said “Now does anypony who thinks these two should not be wed; speak now or forever hold your peace.”

“I OBJECT. Get away from my husband you tramp.” A voice shouted. Spyro quickly looked towards the source and saw the doors get ripped off of their hinges. Holding them were two massive stone-crystal arms surrounded by a pink magic aura. That pink aura coming from...Cadence?

Spyro was confused as to why there were two Cadences but when he saw Cynder and Twilight appear next to the Cadence by the door the last piece of the puzzle click. He looked back at the altar just to see the fake Cadence getting knocked off of their and onto the floor; a trip courtesy of Spike whose right fist was where her body was once standing.

Spike looked mad as his eyes glowed with a green fire “I should have known. Your scent reakes of disharmony.” The fake Cadence growls as everyone saw where there was once pink fur there was now a black sheen. The imposter then engulfs herself in fire as everyone minus the dragons covered their eyes. Once the fire was gone, where there was once a pink princess there was now a pony bug creature about the size of Celestia. The creature lets out a soft chuckle, her voice laced with honey, as she eyed all the scared ponies “Well so much for plan A. Time for plan B then.”

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