• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,505 Views, 199 Comments

Spike's Journal - WorkingClassWriter

Twilight gives Spike a journal. He is not amused. Nevertheless, he shall write whatever happens to him and his friends in it, no matter how strange. Covers S1, with bonus chapters from the CMC.

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Feeling Pinkie Keen

Spike's Journal
Written by The39Ponies
Edited by cwiis

Feeling Pinkie Keen

Dear Diary,

I now have enough evidence to prove that Twilight needs to go to Doctor Stable's for a brain checkup. The proof? Around three weeks after the last entry, our monthly book deliveries arrived while Twilight was still asleep (she had done a lot of paperwork the night before). Therefore, I had to fetch the books for her. You would not believe how darn expensive they were.

Naturally, I assumed that Twilight had just ordered an encyclopedia set or something. Still, the wrap looked pretty thin for that. Curious, I took a peek. The first book I saw was Hoofy Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. At first, I was happy because we had something interesting for once. However, I couldn't help but notice that this kind of literature was a bit... well, unusual for Twilight. I decided to open the second box, and... it was a Daring Do book. Not even the regular Daring Do. The one that takes place in space. Twilight had ordered sci-fi.

I immediately got a basket, labeled it Delivery Service, dumped all books inside it, threw the wrapper away, and went to bed (to freak out about the orders, though, not to sleep). Later, my private eye saw Twilight secretly carrying the basket and muttering something about not believing in curses or secret serums. Yup, she's definitely gone off the deep end.

After breakfast, she decided to practice magic (guess she wanted to take her mind off the books). Naturally, Pinkie Pie interrupted Twi's training. But for some reason, she wasn't greeting us, but rather looking at the sky. While her tail was twitching. After a few seconds, she rushed to us and said something about something falling. Well, Twilight didn't believe it, but then a frog fell from the sky and landed on her face. You can't make this kind of stuff up.

At first, I thought that frogs were really falling from the sky, and we'd have to call the police again. Turns out, Fluttershy had just dropped a frog (she was taking them to Froggy Bottom Bogg). Still wondering what the hay Pinkie meant, I asked her about it. Turns out she has this really cool psychic power that lets her predict the future!

...and Twilight didn't believe it. But she sure wasn't able to avoid it. Pinkie Pie decided to follow us around town, her Pinkie Sense going off every couple minutes. Twilight ended up needing a bath after a while.


Unique Equine Facts #15
You never know what's going to happen with ponies. For all you know, you could find out that you're really royalty. Or you could just get stuck in a mud pit for five days. Sometimes life sucks like that.


So after the bath, and Twilight getting knocked around a few more times (along with some sort of speech she gave), she hooked Pinkie Pie up to her Pony Observation Machine (POM for short, obviously). She won it a long time ago at Canterlot Lottery, and she's been hooked on using it on ponies any excuse she could get ever since. So, it was completely natural that she use it at some point on Pinkie. It was also completely natural that nothing worked.

After lunch, I was taking a stroll around town when I spied Twi hiding in the bushes with a pair of binoculars. Well, I was kinda bored, so I decided to tag along. ...Okay, she forced me to follow her. I'm not complaining, though. It was still pretty funny to watch her get more injuries and not have to go to the hospital. I swear, sometimes it's like we live in a cartoon or something!

Turns out that Pinkie Pie knew that Twilight was spying on her all along. Man, sometimes Pinkie can be pretty cool. That is, when she isn't making stuff fall on us.

All of a sudden, she started shaking around. I thought that she was just dancing to the gnashing of Twilight's teeth, but it was another Pinkie Sense thingy. She called it a "doozy" and said that it was going to happen at Froggy Bottom Bogg. Naturally, we all thought it would involve Fluttershy. Fortunately, I was able to tag along because Twilight wanted to go and prove Pinkie wrong. We also brought Applejack along for the ride.

As I was talking to Pinkie about explosions, we found Fluttershy. Well, she looked fine, so Twilight's belief that Pinkie Sense was fake was kinda justified. That is, until a hydra rose out from the swamp. Hoo boy.

Well, it was near impossible to set the hydra's head on fire, so we did the next most logical thing: run like hay.

We somehow managed to escape the hydra. Twilight was about to finally acknowledge that Pinkie Sense might be real. However, she was interrupted when Pinkie found out that the hydra wasn't the doozy.

I could have sworn Twilight turned into a Ponymon for a second. It's too bad I didn't have an Ultra Ball. Still, I think I'm gonna occasionally call her "Ponyta" from now on.

After that, the burnt Twilight finally gave up. Phew. Well, the bad news is that she'll have a higher chance of hogging all the books now.

Oh, and an extra little tidbit: as I was getting ready to deliver Twilight's report to the Princess, Celestia herself dropped out of the sky and took it. Guess Rainbow Dash is the best flier in all of Equestria after all. Well, I haven't compared her to Twi's foalsitter yet. I heard she can fly even after she's tossed by a soldier in the Royal Guard. Not sure what use that could come in, but it still sounds impressive.

Today, I learned that every crazy thing has an explanation, no matter how impossible it may be. Now I just have to find out what Pinkie was talking about when she said that Twilight has a relation to blue blobs and a strange doctor.
