• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,506 Views, 199 Comments

Spike's Journal - WorkingClassWriter

Twilight gives Spike a journal. He is not amused. Nevertheless, he shall write whatever happens to him and his friends in it, no matter how strange. Covers S1, with bonus chapters from the CMC.

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The Cutie Mark Chronicles

Spike's Journal

Written by The39Ponies

Edited by cwiis

Spike's Journal

Dear Diary,

I have a strange urge to write here. Just because. Those fillies must have been hypnotizing me or something. Probably also because Twilight is talking about something again. You see, it turns out she and her friends got their cutie marks at the same time or something.

Normally, this would have been a wonderful but creepy coincidence. However, since it's Twilight, she's babbling about backstories now and how she would love to have them. So, she wrote a letter to the author of the Daring Do books explaining the need for prequels. Well, I think she's taking it a bit too far. On the other hand, at least we might have new Daring Do books. That's always good, right?



Meanwhile, in a nearby bakery...


The Official Cutie Mark Crusaders Meeting Record Book

Transcribed by Apple Bloom Hope Apple
Comments by Sweetie Lillian Belle
Arguments and all other stuff by Scootaloo K. Hill

Record 3: How We Figured Out How Our Siblings, Distant Relatives By Marriage, Babysitter, Town Baker, and Town Librarian Got Their Cutie Marks, And Thus, How We Learned That Fluttershy Can Actually Sing
Tuesday, July 1st, 4PM, Sugarcube Corner

...So it turns out that we left the club notebook at Scootaloo's all along.
I thought you had actually given in to me!
Uh, we never said that.
...I thought you trusted me.
Yeah, we do, but... oh, fine. You did a good job taking care of the club notebook. Unlike last time. Still, it's quite a shame I couldn't go to Appleloosa.
Rarity said there was some sort of pie war or something.
Ya mean 3.14 ponies were injured? Gosh, that's dang terrible!
How do you injure a fourteenth of a pony?
...Can we just write what happened today?
Oh, yeah. That. So, today, we tried tightrope walking or something for a cutie mark. As usual, nothing happened. Except that we got covered in mud and tree sap. Again.
You weren't doing it properly.
If that's true, you probably weren't doing it properly, either. So, we were out of ideas. That is, until Scootaloo decided that we should ask her... idol, Rainbow Dash, who is related to her step cousin by marriage.
Nope, I recently found out I was wrong. She's my mother's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.
That's... very improbable.
Sure is. Does she have a dark helmet or something?
...Forget I said that.
Done. Anyway, while we were searching for RD, we bumped into my sister and she told us her cutie mark tale. I couldn't remember it completely, but it had something to do with homesickness.
I think she accidentally boarded a ship, and really missed her family. When she came home, she felt so glad that her family was there, and realized that it was her true home and that she could never leave it.
After that, we went back to searching for Dash. We encountered Fluttershy instead. Her story, whatever it was, was so sweet!
More like sappy. After all, what kind of pegasus gets a cutie mark for crying when the animals who took care of her ran off?
She didn't--
Then, we saw Rarity in distress. Apparently she was sewing a large blanket or something. Out of the goodness of our hearts, we decided to help. Of course, she told us her cutie mark story too. It had something to do with a school play--
She bugged the crap out of everyone for diamonds and diamond accessories. Everyone finally gave theirs.
Hey! That's--
After we helped Rarity, the chain continued when Twilight suddenly jumped out of nowhere and decided to tell us her story.
Uh... she was the child captain of the Enterprise 3, until she decided to stop when her family adopted Spike. Then, she realized how good she was.
After she told us that, we decided to take our wagon full speed to avoid bumping into Pinkie Pie. Still, she managed to catch us.
She was a balloon-blower at her balloon farm, which became her hobby. Finally, she made a replica of The Millennium Phoenix out of balloons.
I keep on telling you--
And then, we finally saw Rainbow Dash at Sugarcube Corner. Scoots, you do all the honors.
She did a Sonic Rainboom in a race with bullies to defend Fluttershy when she was nine!
...Uh, I was just about to say that, y'know?
B-but you-I-she-they-it-somepony-I give up.
So, they figured out that the Sonic Rainboom was the reason why they all got their cutie marks. ...Still, I'm not sure how it tied in their stories. Anyhoo, after that, they did a big, sweet group hug.
I still think it was sappy.
So, what did they learn today?
Group hugs are sappy, rainbows are life-changing, and you can't stop an event chain.
...We still have an hour left of free time. Where to now?
We try to tell the truth. I'm sure we'll get our cutie marks for that.
...Nah, let's just write to Hooflastic.
...Who are you? What have you done to my friend? Are you a Dark Lord or something?
No, we'll get our cutie marks for convincing ponies! Hooflastic said they'll take an idea into consideration if more than four ponies request it. Let's suggest Daring Do prequels and give it a chance to happen.
...Fine. Sweetie, since you're feeling a bit down, why don't you have the honor of ending the entry?
...But you never ended one before.
There's always next time. Come on, be the first one to end three entries in a club notebook and get away with it.
Really? Thanks! Ahem... Cutie Mark Crusaders! I've seen in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when our patience fails, when we forsake each other and break all bonds of loyalty. But it isn't this day. An hour of quarrels and disappointed hearts, when the age of crusading comes crashing down, it isn't this day! This day, we end the entry. By all dear you hold on in Mid-i mean, Equestria, I bid you stead. I charge you! Crusaders of the West!
Sure, let's go with that.
I now end the entry!

Transcript ends here, although there seem to be four small holes in the page, probably because of stare burns.